Democrat Leaders, Antifa and Other Fools

From Watch for their banner at the DNC convention Where you will witness… And as we are being distracted by do-nothing democrat governors, mayors and assorted other low-life we’re getting hot-slid out of our Constitutional Republic and into NWO control with the help of everybody’s favorite technocrat Elon Musk who knows the path to […]

You Might Need a White Board

There is a drama unfolding in Philadelphia; South Philadelphia, actually, so demographically, this story might once have qualified as an opera. The curtain has already fallen on the first act but here’s the plot: A mysterious force has awakened a populace. Many of these villagers were once so content with their status quo some have […]

Once Upon A Time

they were called Captains of Industry. …The corporate form of business enterprise allowed for potentially immense accumulations of capital to be under the control of a small number of managers; but in the 1870s and 1880s, the corporation was not yet established as the dominant legal form of operation. To overcome these disadvantages, clever lawyers […]

Setting the Stage

As the fire storm related news of the California democrat governor’s timely collusion with the power elite spreads across the nation with the viscosity index of a Labrea tar pit leak the time has come to take a closer look at the allegations being made against the teflonized incorporate enemies of the Republic. A Dr. […]


          If you think we’re suddenly going to hell in a hand basket, you’re half right. There’s just nothing sudden about it. Getting a different perspective on the subject is the reason for this message. American history is redundant with accounts of citizens whose origins were closer to the gutter than […]