Is It Me…

Or are the cheaters acting like they know they been caught? It’s been a while since the last post. I’ve been waiting to see how long it would take before a conclusion based on reported facts, in some cases, historical facts would emerge and overwhelm Democrat lies and obfuscations. Time appears to be running short […]

A Chain With Three Four Links and A Clasp From “Hey @SidneyPowell1 @LLinWood after seeing the dvs fileshare subdomain for Dominion, I scanned a wildcard “dominionvotingSYSTEMS(.)com” and it led me to a horribly insecure data center in Quanzho, China.” More background:

Updated: If Your Going to Read It, Read It Like You’re FBI

seeking right-wing white supremists. 2Peter 2:2 And many shall follow their pernicious ways; by reason of whom the way of truth shall be evil spoken of. 2Peter 2:3 And through covetousness shall they with feigned words make merchandise of you: whose judgment now of a long time lingereth not, and their damnation slumbereth not. The […]

Once In A Lifetime

Reading Brett Gary’s “The Nervous Liberals” from twenty-one years ago. Actually I was perusing my way through unexpected downtime when I started leafing through it and a phrase caught my eye at the top of page 183… ‘the handful of private communications intelligence projects sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation’. Curious fellow am I so into […]

A Short Review

of the past fifty years. If you weren’t a player you might be amazed with the ease we were played. From …By the creation of controlled chaos, the populace can be brought to the point where it willingly submits to greater control. Lewin maintained that society must be driven into a state equivalent to […]

Report Retort

A recent article originating from Business Insider was, I thought, such a wonderful example of domination by communication I am posting it here thinking it might make an interesting study in authoritarian abuse. The basic premise of the article, fear and frustration being felt by Americans, started off with a reference to William […]


This far ranging post will start with a sharing of an email I received regarding the death of Dr. Mike Adams. The sender was more familiar than I was of Adams but his death can not be separated from the events of the times that he so vociferously spoke out against for so many years […]

Before The Second Wave of Cheers

In case you didn’t get the White House email… USMCA, Replacing NAFTA Today, is the Model for All Future Trade Agreements At midnight today, the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) went into effect, replacing the outdated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). “President Donald Trump was elected in part on his promise to change the direction […]