Continuing the Saga

of the Enemies of the People network A Preview Last month I came across Samuel Clemens’ article, “To the Person sitting in Darkness”.  I’ve read it before but this time I focused on Clemens’ target, the Reverend Mr. Ament. At first, I thought Clemens had reached into his bag of synecdoche one more time for […]

What These Posts Need Is More Space

They have been getting more cluttered lately and it’s important to  appreciate the bigger picture they, the ruling elite, are approaching with this time; and it ain’t no movie. Lies, deceit, misdirection… a great comprehension awaits the UNwashed if they can handle it. Aye, there’s the rub.  

Trick or Treat

A few days ago I came across a work of David J Hill, LL.D., “Science of Rhetoric: An Introduction to the Laws of Effective Discourse” copyright 1877. Dr. Hill was also noted on the cover as President of the University of Rochester and author of Hill’s Rhetorical Series and the Elements of Psychology. Hill’s inaugural […]

When the Oligarchs Speak…

Picture Baghdad Bob. Bob’s their uncle. The United Nations has joined the World Economic Forum (WEF) to announce a global coronavirus news service, declaring the time has come for “new social norms” that seek out and correct “wrong” information. Observing that social media is a mechanism for driving opinion on a host of issues, […]

Family Album

From Evidence collected from a variety of public documents indicates that the Rockefeller fortune, although nominally distributed among many individual members of the Family, is actually coordinated under a central management. We have identified a number of persons, who, as employees of the Rockefellers, not only advise the Family on its personal investments but […]

Consider This

In these contrived chaotic times the number of articles written purportedly looking to identify responsible parties for the ongoing attacks on all fronts of Western Civilization has in effect turned the subject into a game of ‘who struck John?’ which brings to mind all the times I’ve heard or read a news story of interest […]

Wrong Question is every elite in China’s pocket?  Look further, go deeper      

Timely Arrivals

If there was one thing I’d change about the American character it is our inability to listen to politicians, technocratic front men and willing  media stooges without demanding proof of their integrity. Based on the 20th Century performance of the aforementioned social pilings the future they sell rarely benefits the citizenry as much as it […]

Poking At The Future

and all i’m using is two links Some impact.