
Is that how it’s spelled these days? Ruled by emotion, the insignificant number of females cruising on high octane testrogen and threats from out of touch democrat manipulators crying the river of fake tears that, for the cogitatively UNsophisticated females of the species is as contagious as a yawn, you have much to learn about […]

Deja Vu Predux

It was curiosity that led me to the  https://101israel.com/rockefeller-museum/ the other day and it reminded me immediately of something that took a few days to find. From four years ago… https://www.bucksafa11.org/2018/09/01/sometimes-a-cigar-is-just-a-cigar/ contains a link to http://www.arkdiscovery.com/sodom_&_gomorrah.htm and that has pictures of what is claimed to be the found former site of Sodom and Gemorrah. This is […]

Did Someone Say “Spray It”?

From two months ago https://www.arkansasonline.com/news/2022/mar/28/devices-that-make-guns-fully-automatic-are/ …In 2020, according to the Houston Field Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 33 handguns modified with Glock switches were seized. In 2021, that number rose to 145. Federal authorities in Arkansas say the influx of conversion devices and converted weapons hasn’t reached anywhere near the […]


It’s likely, even at this late stage of the covid scam, most everyone seriously resisting the covid inoculation is aware of the name of Dr. Frederico A. Nazar except me. I just heard of him this morning so in case his name is not familiar to you here is his take on the scam. https://thesiscommons.org/trz5s/ […]

Machine 04122 Continued

It looks like Machine 04122 was derailed last week; what was presented was only patches of the story. It appears some key content was lost. In an effort to square that away I’ll start with https://www.bucksafa11.org/2021/05/26/responsibility-as-deception If you don’t yet understand where all our changes are coming from scroll down through https://www.rbf.org/about/about-us/timeline and get it […]

Related to the Machine 04122

  From   https://georgewebb.substack.com/  The Russian Ministry of Defense rocked the world again in mid-May of 2022 by asserting no less than TWELVE NATO countries were contributing to the bioagents development in Ukraine… Very interesting information there. I postponed my trip to the  country for awhile after I got off my butt and looked further […]

Smell the Sulfur

The umbrage resulting from Trudeau’s recent declaration of martial law throughout Canada provided further evidence a broader understanding of how modern crimes against humanity are hatched is needed and why the results of such crimes, having a lasting deleterious effect on our civilization must be recognized and acknowledged. UNfortunately for the world there is no […]

Scientists… You Can’t Live With ’em

because you can’t trust them. Maybe you haven’t consciously recognized that truism yet but you know the crap they’re selling about the scamdemic isn’t sitting well within you even if you are cooperating, because as a Caucasian (and I’m addressing those I assume are most of the readers here) you understand the importance of going-along-to-get-along […]

Scientists… Ya Can’t Live With ’em

  because you can’t trust them. Maybe you haven’t consciously recognized that truism yet but  you know the crap they’re selling about the scamdemic isn’t sitting well within you even though as a Caucasian because you understand the importance of going-along-to-get-along having been trained by this guy https://www.famouspsychologists.org/kurt-lewin/  since 1947. Well, it appears the consistently […]