Why Do

magazines such as https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2023/06/19/bidens-dilemma-at-the-border indulge their occasional objurgation itch using ten thousand words or more to build hollow story lines using phrases like “…enabled by an underfunded and antiquated system that Congress — paralyzed by mutual animosity — has failed to address…” but never, never look past that congressional chitcho to get to the who, […]


It’s one thing to be neck deep in biopharmocological industries creating products to counter every laboratory escapee that results in complications including death for hundreds of thousands of people tracked by the CDC but it’s another thing to be invested in an industry that’s been in the spotlight for causing the societal burden it is […]

So There I Was Deep In My Least Favorite Issue

reading how https://www.theguardian.com/global-development/2016/jan/15/bill-gates-rockefeller-influence-agenda-poor-nations-big-pharma-gm-hunger which is part of my tilting at windmills campaign I been doing for a number of years but, I gotta tell you, the guy who wrote that article (7 years ago) nailed it so well I was tempted into early retirement (again). However, the latest example of the globalists hateful attempt to […]

Everything Remembered Develops a Version Eventually

because eventually the worm turns. From 2017-07-18 https://www.univision.com/univision-news/opinion/a-fraud-foretold-in-mexico It’s incredible that, almost 30 years after the presidential election of 1988, many “Priistas” (or members of the ruling Revolutionary Institutional Party, or PRI) in Mexico still won’t acknowledge the electoral fraud that occurred that year. Actually, the PRI refuses to recognize that fraud has occurred in every […]

The Something For Everyone Gambit

News from the White House https://www.nytimes.com/2023/03/12/climate/biden-willow-arctic-drilling-restrictions.html? The Biden administration gave formal approval Monday for a huge oil drilling project in Alaska known as Willow, despite widespread opposition because of its likely environmental and climate impacts. The president is also expected to announce sweeping restrictions on offshore oil leasing in the Arctic Ocean and across Alaska’s North Slope […]

More Science Questions

What I thought would be an easy answer to a covid related question was anything but and it trailed debris behind it. What does the m in mRNA mean? My mouth was getting engaged but a senior moment interrupted, words failed me and I did a search. Messenger; we knew that but then the question […]

The Way of the World

A recent question raised during a brief look into antiquity triggered a mind tripping, synapse snapping awareness of a possibility I never before considered. While freely acknowledging I sometimes spend as much time in the ‘to be resharpened’ drawer as most others and might have missed any such discussion in the past, it was new […]

The Best Deceptions

  show most of it openly   A few months back, passing through downtown Battle Creek, I caught sight of, to my eyes, the most uncomely piece of metallic sculpture I’ve ever seen. I’ll admit on my 0 to 10 scale of things to appreciate, even classical sculpture might not get all the way to […]

Seventy-six Years Ago…

…it was only business. Agreement between the United Nations and the Carnegie Foundation concerning the use of the premises of the Peace Palace at The Hague, and concerning the repayment of loans . Six years ago… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJLOa3-LA8s Trust the plan https://sdgs.un.org/partnerships/international-health-partnership-uhc-2030-uhc2030 Description UHC2030 provides a multi-stakeholder platform that promotes collaborative working at global and country […]

Worth the Headache

if something is really up. I’ve been slowed down on occasion over the last year or more especially if I’m writing about Rockefeller Foundation or any of their political midgets or their science and once or twice a post gets all tangled up in its message. Today though took the cake. I was on Free […]