Report Retort

A recent article originating from Business Insider was, I thought, such a wonderful example of domination by communication I am posting it here thinking it might make an interesting study in authoritarian abuse. The basic premise of the article, fear and frustration being felt by Americans, started off with a reference to William […]


This far ranging post will start with a sharing of an email I received regarding the death of Dr. Mike Adams. The sender was more familiar than I was of Adams but his death can not be separated from the events of the times that he so vociferously spoke out against for so many years […]

You Might Need a White Board

There is a drama unfolding in Philadelphia; South Philadelphia, actually, so demographically, this story might once have qualified as an opera. The curtain has already fallen on the first act but here’s the plot: A mysterious force has awakened a populace. Many of these villagers were once so content with their status quo some have […]


          If you think we’re suddenly going to hell in a hand basket, you’re half right. There’s just nothing sudden about it. Getting a different perspective on the subject is the reason for this message. American history is redundant with accounts of citizens whose origins were closer to the gutter than […]