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DCN Report From Canada

DCN (Dot Connecting News) alert… Canadian Federal Government announced plans for dental insurance.

While the law may have a long arm, DCN’s strength is it’s long memory… Is there an ICD-10 code for Molech sacrifice?

After June 17, 2016 when Bill C-14 became law, provinces began rolling out their plans to deal with requests for doctor-assisted death.

With all the documented in-care covid deaths involved 2020-2022, the first thing that popped into my mind after reading about their dental help offer was Marathon Man!

They Sure His Name Isn’t Manuel Rochafeller?

The reason I ask is, as a matter of course, I looked up Manuel at and just below where his name would be is David Rockefeller’s name and his connection to the State Department. Which was legitimate because he said it was, I guess. Made a nice puppet theater, I’ll bet.

Rockefeller, David, President and Chairman of the Executive Committee of Chase Manhattan Bank; Director of the Council on Foreign Relations; head of the Business Group for Latin America (from 1965 the Council for Latin America)

I did a quick scan of the list looking for other names of those who might not have had any government connections and it’s possible I missed them but I didn’t see any.

But the CFR membership roster link showed up in that search and by golly, lookeydere.
Roster – Council on Foreign Relations
State & Local Officials · Religion Leaders · Local … Manuel Rocha. David Rockefeller Jr. John D. Rockefeller IV. Nicholas Rockefeller. Sharon P. Rockefeller.

I just had to click. Manuel’s name was not on the current list but must have been at one time. You ought to see how many Rockefellers access the joint.

Are people still complaining about the deep state? They are going to have to start looking a bit more subterranean. Or even deeper. Way deeper.

Is the Council of Foreign relations part of the government? No.


Not to be confused with United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations or European Council on Foreign Relations.

In the late 1930s, the Ford Foundation and Rockefeller Foundation began contributing large amounts of money to the Council.[8] In 1938, they created various Committees on Foreign Relations, which later became governed by the American Committees on Foreign Relations in Washington, D.C., throughout the country, funded by a grant from the Carnegie Corporation. Influential men were to be chosen in a number of cities, and would then be brought together for discussions in their own communities as well as participating in an annual conference in New York. These local committees served to influence local leaders and shape public opinion to build support for the Council’s policies, while also acting as “useful listening posts” through which the Council and U.S. government could “sense the mood of the country”.[5]: 30–31

in 1939, and lasting for five years, the Council achieved much greater prominence within the government and the State Department, when it established the strictly confidential War and Peace Studies, funded entirely by the Rockefeller Foundation.[6]: 23  The secrecy surrounding this group was such that the Council members who were not involved in its deliberations were completely unaware of the study group’s existence.[6]: 26  It was divided into four functional topic groups: economic and financial; security and armaments; territorial; and political. The security and armaments group was headed by Allen Welsh Dulles, who later became a pivotal figure in the CIA’s predecessor, the Office of Strategic Services (OSS). CFR ultimately produced 682 memoranda for the State Department, which were marked classified and circulated among the appropriate government departments…[6]: 23–26 

This is aside from the Roche story but pertinent to the deception the American people have UNknowingly endured for most of the 20th Century…


Was David Rockefeller’s 1973 trip to China coincidental to the Chinese government commencing the abortion program directed at unborn females after he left?

Was it only the U.S. Supreme Court participation in “an exercise of raw judicial power…” that made 1973 the year that ‘ma’ was changed to ‘maw’? Women, too, had a role in the propaganda victory…

The UN Population Fund goes on to declare that the solution to sex-selective abortions is not to protect female babies from intentional violence, but to “tackl[e] the preference for sons through changes in social norms.”

Aborting the female half of population might be traced back to Asiatic logic but this developing eugenics story has me thinking the animal kingdom is being readied to follow a similar path although it makes little sense according to the intentions of the Rockefeller Foundation .

Perhaps the results of the cattle experiments are designed to please those of the political elite class not restricted by rules imposed on the rest of US. Those who would need the protein required to control a weakened and angry though diminishing rapidly crowd would enjoy a regular diet of prime beef, don’t you think?

It’s again time to examine the Rockefeller Foundation contributions to the development and strengthening of our National character and well-being based on the qualities we were once taught had been implanted, nay, infused in our National spirit in 1776 and we celebrate annually on July Fourth.


“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years…It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

You’re probably familiar with that one. Do you remember the time Castro visited the U.N.?

An excerpt from *** Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D., is editor-in-chief, Medical Sentinel of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and author of “Vandals at the Gates of Medicine”(1995) and “Medical Warrior: Fighting Corporate Socialized Medicine” (1997). To reach him: P.O. Box 13648 Macon, Ga. 31208 (912) 757-9873 Fax (912) 757-9725 E-mail: Websites: and offers further evidence of Rockefeller values.

In 1995, Castro visited the United States to address the United Nations during its 50th anniversary celebration. It was a visit that was quite telling, as divergent groups came out to embrace him and sing his praises.

He was the honored guest at the Rockefeller family estate in New York. Yet, because of peaceful but serious protests, the honorific invitation had to be moved to the prestigious Pratt House, the headquarters for the Council of Foreign Relations, on East 68th Street in Manhattan.

At that confab, he was met by retired Chase Manhattan Bank Chairman David Rockefeller and a fawning audience of internationalists.

Later, Castro visited and was feted and warmly received by real estate developer and publishing magnate Mortimer Zuckerman and other media moguls and opinion molders such as Barbara Walters, Peter Jennings, Mike Wallace and scores of other media personalities. Castro called them “the cream of the crop” and in return got a big hug and kiss from Diane Sawyer, the most beautiful of them all.

And finally, during that visit, he was also honored at Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church. There, he was proudly surrounded by U.S. Reps. Nydia M. Velazquez, Charles Rangel and Jose Serrano – all New York Democrats and all members of the extreme left-wing House Progressive Caucus.

They are among the 58 U.S. representatives who belong to this group closely aligned to the Democratic Socialists of America, the U.S. affiliate of the Socialist Internationale, the proud heirs of the first Internationale in which Karl Marx participated over a century ago.

All the members of the Progressive Caucus are Democrats, except for Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who makes no pretenses and is a self-avowed socialist.

Interestingly, some of these leaders, particularly some of those who are also members of the Black Caucus, have blamed the CIA for pouring drugs into the streets of L.A. and other cities and killing black youth.

Yet they embrace Castro and his brother, Cuban Defense Minister Raul Castro, who has been implicated for using drugs as an instrument of war against the United States, as documented by Dr. Joseph Douglass in his book, “Red Cocaine.”

In 1993, a federal court in Miami indicted Raul Castro for drug trafficking. Neither Attorney General Janet Reno nor the Black Caucus has asked for his extradition.

In Harlem, Castro was cheered and applauded by the roaring crowd yelling, “Fidel, Fidel, Viva Cuba, Viva Cuba!” He was warmly bear-hugged by Rep. Rangel and told by the presiding church minister that he was one of the greatest leaders of the world and that they joined him in opposing the U.S. blockade. Then the noted cleric consecrated Castro: “God bless you,” he said, although Castro is an atheist and Cuba officially is an atheist state where the faithful are persecuted.

To this topsy-turvy insanity, my understanding for this admiration for Castro and his regime can only come from Scripture in Romans 1:22-25: “Professing to be wise, they became fools who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.”

Politicians Can Ignore Our Concerns

but they can’t deny their complicity.

It was a slippery slope from this…

To this…

Through this…

9.1 United Nations Provisions on the Migrant Worker

The International Convention on the Protection of the Rights of All Migrant Workers and Members of Their Families, in force since July 2003, contains a comprehensive set of rules with regard to the particular situation of migrant workers. The main thrust of this Convention is that persons who qualify as migrant workers under its provisions are entitled to enjoy rights regardless of their legal status. The Convention does not directly refer to the disabled people, but some articles are worth mentioning…

and this …

The question of protection and of guaranteeing rights of migrant workers (regular as well as irregular) is not just a migration governance question. It encompasses labour legislation, labour inspection, health and general human rights. Traditional practices of managing migration exacerbate the vulnerability of migrants. Take the selective application of labour laws in certain sectors, such as agriculture, construction, or domestic service. Migrant workers run a gauntlet in crossing borders to work in labour intensive sectors for wages well below legal or industry minimum standards often to be denied even these by unscrupulous employers who, instead, conspire to arrange their deportation when they are no longer needed. This is a problem of exploitation, and yet the victims of these scenarios, the migrants, are generally more likely to be penalized for their minor role than are employers who profit from illegal cheap or even free labour.

Protecting migrants from such exploitation and abuse is not only a question of protecting the individual for the individual’s sake, or of taking the moral high ground. It is an international legal obligation. Having sectors of the labour market that deny employers’ labour rights or violate labour codes (at times even criminal codes) encourages criminal behavior by employers, undermines the rule of law and creates unfair competition for the national labour force. Developing effective laws that manage migration in such a way that upholds the rights of migrants benefits both the migrant and society as a whole. Respect for the international legal framework thus leads to enhanced respect for the individual as well as for national legislation and institutions…

(Pardon this interruption from the voice of experience but I gotta pass on this encounter I had in the Yuma AZ border sector with a BP agent. It was almost twenty years ago, I had just arrived and set up my tent close to the Colorado River when the agent pulled up, said howdy and the what are you doing down here conversation started. He was of a friendly attitude as were all of the few (except one) I had dealings with were, as I remember. I told him I was with some folks he might have already had this discussion with but I had only arrived in Yuma the night before.

In the course of the conversation he made it clear I was to understand I was not to interfere with any body I might see doing any agricultural work just north of where I pitched the tent and then went on with his saga. He said he used to work in Florida and one day he intercepted a bus load of illegals heading to an orange grove. They none of them had any documentation and he took them in custody where they remained for about an hour when his supervisor got a call from his supervisor who got a call from a Congressman or Senator, I do forget, who got a call from the orange grower.

So if anyone believes or even thinks, the UN with all the corruption it has participated in and been reported in the media has any intention to protect the migrants or US, you gotta meet the new boss, bigger than the old boss


Mr. Varadkar, the Irish prime minister, said that the country would “modernize” its laws regarding incitement to hatred to cover social media platforms and pass legislation in the coming weeks allowing the police to better use the CCTV footage they collected on Thursday. Ireland’s justice minister, Helen McEntee, told RTE that those charged with assault of a Garda officer could face up to 12 years in prison.

The police said that the motive for the knife assault was unclear and that they were keeping “an open mind” in the investigation. Commissioner Harris said that the force would review its tactics on policing public disorder but pushed back at assertions that officers had failed to contain the unrest, saying they could not have anticipated its intensity.

Researchers said the country needed to tackle far-right extremism more seriously and address the underlying issues of inequality and social exclusion…

If you ever wondered how it happened that the illegals got more rights at the border, in your city or at your voting place it’s because they aren’t illegal and the democrat and republican pahtays have quietly changed their role from defending our Constitutional brace to forcing US into the middle of the road to nowhere good.

I hope you had a pleasant ride; but I think it’s about to turn bumpy soon.

His Administration is Re-evaluating the Biden Covid Damages Pie

The position posted online advised applicants that they will have to handle heavy caseloads and work on cases that involve complex scientific issues that require expert witnesses. Since most cases are resolved without a trial, attorneys should be prepared to engage in settlement and damage negotiations, according to the posting…

…Unaccustomed to handling a large volume of cases, the program was flooded with more than 12,000 COVID-related claims. Only 32 had been deemed eligible for compensation and 1,129 had been denied as of October, according to Reuters.

Petitioners argued they didn’t have the opportunity to review evidence used against them or engage in other basic practices that would be afforded them in a trial. There are no hearings in CICP cases, and the decision is made by unidentified officials based on what a claimant submits.

Frustrations with vaccine injury compensation suits isn’t something unique to COVID claims. Attorneys and activists for years have been pushing for reform, pressing for the hiring of additional staff to handle the VICP cases. As of October, there was a backlog of nearly 4,000 claims, according to Bloomberg. Lawyers working on the cases hope Congress will pass legislation to reform how vaccine injuries are handled and for people to take action against pharmaceutical companies, not just the government.

“‘This is the first domino to fall,” David Carney, a Green & Schafle LLC attorney representing people injured by vaccines, told Bloomberg. “We’re going to start to see a windfall.”

A windfall of what and for who? Biden’s hiring lawyers to improve the 32 eligible/1129 ineligible ratio? Gimme a break. They don’t use government lawyers to engage in settlements and damage negotiations on behalf of the claimants.

Doesn’t the BCF always get a cut of Joe’s action? He’s probably looking for an even bigger piece of the pie to share.

If We Hear Lies We Must Scrutinize

I’m having a problem framing a response to your opening remarks. I spent much energy and time condemning the Muslim Brotherhood, especially during the Obama administration and I don’t want those bona fides threatened. However, I’ve learned over the years to stop with the knee jerk reactions. A lot of planning goes into causing knee jerks and they are usually planned by an UNfriendly. hasn’t convinced me the zionist attitude is superior to the Palestinians in any way.

I’ve been scrutinizing Jewish behavior since 1967 when Israel attacked the USS Liberty. Come to think of it, there was very little US knee jerk reaction to that combined air and sea attack reported even when …Of a crew of 294 officers and men (including three civilians), the ship suffered thirty four (34) killed in action and one hundred seventy three (173) wounded in action. I was in the Marine Corps at the time of the attack and home on leave. My interest level was rather keen.

Another disturbing action was the ‘Dancing Israelis’ caught on video celebrating the burning Twin towers on 9/11 yet not a trace of the video remains on the internet as far as I can tell.

My point is Israel has violently attacked our Navy in international waters and danced to the death and destruction that took place in NYC on 9/11 and the American public reaction is muted; but when the shoe is on the other foot, the entire geographical realm of the western world is put under the Guardians of the Weaponized Sacred Sorrow microscope as they search for anyone who questions the zionist reactionaries in order to chastise them, embarrass them and hurt them; in Kanye West’s case, financially, knowing that with each measure of chastisement the organized Guardians of the Weaponized Sacred Sorrows will forge another link of guilt that you claim the average person understands and accepts that ‘reality’ as ‘simply politics’? I don’t understand that. Does ‘simply politics’ make their attacks acceptable?

Neither can I figure out why the ‘average’ person thinks Dom Giordano is afraid to talk about that ‘complicated reality’.The chastisement he’d face is, at the least, losing his job. Another liberty/security compromise, I’d say.

But the use of the phrase ‘simply politics’ represents the lackadaisical thinking that contributes to the power that is debilitating our nation and the everyday acceptance of the use of that phrase is just plain mind boggling.

It might sound like I live in a cave but I know enough about politicians to understand they are not capable of reshaping our national mind set on their own. Their major function is to make sure we don’t recognize them as the curtain the wizards are hiding behind.

Recently, a few nights ago, I learned of a phrase I do not ever remember hearing before: the Great Replacement.

It does sound like the Great Reset but the awareness of the Great Replacement goes way back in Jewish history unlike the modern Great Reset announced before the Covid manipulation.

The Guardians of the Weaponized Sacred Sorrows are heavily invested in the Great Replacement; the few links further on will lend credence to that.

At it’s foundation the Great Replacement is anti-semitic. According to the Guardians of the Weaponized Sacred Sorrows, anyway.

Now, if anyone was to go back a few years on my website they could interpret most of my concerns regarding the invasion as marking me as an anti-semite, a misogynist, anti-muslim, xenophobic and a few more that I’ve forgotten. Actually, you don’t have to go far back at all because all I am is an American speaking out more peacefully than Israel, that’s for sure, in defense of my Country. Not as violent as the IDF or Mossad methods but certainly in line with their concerns for their border security.

But when I say I’m not anti-semitic, according to the Michael Broschowitz explanation of the Great Replacement, that I said I’m not anti-semitic, means I am anti-semitic, which if you carry that kind of logic further I cannot claim a concern about the ongoing invasion of the United States because the Great Replacement explanation says ‘white’ people will use that to cover their anti-semitism therefore defending the U.S. Constitution Article IV Section 4 is anti-semitic because it states:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in the Union a Republic Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

We’re in deep[er] trouble if we allow the Constitution to be made into a ‘woke’ document.

Since I’m airing out my dirty laundry let me be perfectly clear on the subject of right wing. Does having a deep and abiding belief in the founding documents of our Nation automatically qualify a person to be tagged with the phrase right wing? A phrase that started out sounding like an insinuated pejorative but more insidiously removes the Constitution from many a Constitutional based argument. Like the following excerpt below which demeans the First Amendment freedom of speech by including…

also vague enough to accommodate a spectrum of views from extreme to moderate, yet tucked within its three words are centuries’ worth of racist and white‑supremacist ideology…


So where did the great replacement theory come from – and how did it become so prevalent?
It is not a new concept or a fringe concern. Rather, it is a fringe concern and a mainstream one – espoused by “lone wolf” mass shooters and prominent politicians. According to a recent YouGov poll, 61% of Trump voters and 53% of Fox News viewers believe it is true.
The name could be one factor. Neither overtly offensive nor racist, it has the ring of a respected academic proposition and slips easily into mainstream discourse. It is also vague enough to accommodate a spectrum of views from extreme to moderate, yet tucked within its three words are centuries’ worth of racist and white‑supremacist ideology…

..Prof Matthew Feldman, a writer and specialist on rightwing extremism, explains that there are two versions of the theory. “One, we might call it ‘great replacement lite’, is saying: ‘There’s a huge demographic shift and these people tend to vote Democrat in the US or Labour in the UK.’” Then there is what Feldman calls the “full-fat” version, which says: “‘This is a conspiracy organised by elites – they’re deliberately undermining white majorities.’
“Both of them are, in a sense, conspiracy theories, saying this isn’t just patterns of immigration and demographic change, but this is being engineered. But who is engineering it, and for what, is something the further fringes of the far right are all too keen to speculate on.”


We’re entering into the early story of Eugenics next where we’ll read a little about the role Rockefeller jr played in funding it.

Rockefeller Jr donated big money to eugenics to both pre-WW2 Germany and the U.S. Is he to be considered anti-semitic? Or is the Rock role just part of the Great Replacement conspiracy yet to be played out with a surprise ending?


Margaret Sanger married a Jewish man but allegedly aborted a lot of Jewish babies. Would she be anti-semitic?

Any regular visitor to will know the Rockefeller name and Rockefeller Foundation is targeted mainly for their disregard for the U.S. Constitution based protections for citizens. Never once were they thought to be Jewish; they were solid Baptist until Jr. went buddhist as he fell under the allure of China.

It was their family values that drew rancor…





and leads their readers to the land of no rules just rights in Data World’s next stop…

And my last example of where the power lies is intended for all the empowered abortion activists who believed they made the murderous difference

To the President and Congress of the United States:

I have the honor to transmit for your consideration the Final Report, containing the findings and recommendations, of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, pursuant to Sec. 8, PL 91-213.

After two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the Nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the Nation’s ability to solve its problems.We have looked for, and have not found, any convincing economic argument for continued population growth. The health of our country does not depend on it, nor does the vitality of business nor the welfare of the average person.

The recommendations offered by this Commission are directed towards increasing public knowledge of the causes and consequences of population change, facilitating and guiding the processes of population movement, maximizing information about human reproduction and its consequences for the family, and enabling individuals to avoid unwanted fertility.

To these ends we offer this report in the hope that our findings and recommendations will stimulate serious consideration of an issue that is of great consequence to present and future generations.

Respectfully submitted for the Commission,

John D. Rockefeller 3rd

Abort our future then bring in needed workers from the Third World? Sounds like what they mock in their Great Replacement conspiracy theory application.

You should read the information Michael Broschowitz is selling.

Waal, It’s Not Quite an Indictment

Back in the Spring I was working on a collection of historical events little discussed these days but was the basis of the early wealth of certain New England families who involved themselves in the opium trade, slave trade and in the late colonial period of our Republic, the development of King Cotton and the Civil War. What follows was intended to be a starting point of that account but it looks like while explaining the ‘lust for control’ I lost the trail and this beginning sat waiting patiently for the story to be picked up again. It will be but not today. The best this will do is to serve as a reminder that the pleas from the ‘deplorables’ to ‘Lock Her Up, Lock Her Up’ was its own purpose. There was no real intent to lock her up. The lock up is reserved for the ‘deplorables’.

Besides, the power elite will never have to chant their wishes; all they have to do is send one of their people to the DNC with instructions.


It, as described by a top EU official, is the start of the process of accountability.


From (1)

Even if Mr. Putin is only ever the subject of an arrest warrant, Mr. Koh said, it still serves an important purpose. It further isolates Mr. Putin and further restricts his ability to travel abroad. It also potentially deters China from giving Russia weapons, sends a message to others in the Russian bureaucracy and might reduce resistance inside the Pentagon to sharing evidence with the court…

It appears to me that we are getting to the nut of the issue, of every issue in fact; control is what the wannabe rulers of the world lust after; complete control. How better to achieve awareness of the need for power enough to control everyone than to control  a rogue leader who declared his Nationalist beliefs at the beginning of this farce in order to gain the control of the willing captives of the World Health Law?

Earlier attempts to gain power through control and have failed are documented in a work titled “The Cotton and Commerce of India, considered in relation to THE INTERESTS OF GREAT BRITAIN; with REMARKS ON RAILWAY COMMUNICATION in the Bombay Presidency written by John Chapman

To these difficulties we have to add that of the Government becoming not an impartial judge amongst all rights. Once pledged and interested, how is it to look with equal favour on that which may seem, without touching the rights of its ndopted , to thirenten its profits ? And yet how often does it happen, that either others must not be permitted to jostle, in fair rivalry, with those whom the Government had promised to fuvour, and sometimes with the establishments of the Government itself, or there must be a denial of the plainest rights of enterpriso, and the sacrifice of public interests, as soon by the better light of new events ‘. In truth , as soon as a government censes to confine itself to rights, and begins to meddle with profits, it commonly loses the reputation, the coolness and the impartiality, of an umpire, and becomes involved as party, either by interest or feeling, in the complicated questions to which rivalry of enterprise always gives birth .

If those practical disadvantages attach themselves to Govern ment management and control, when even the same persons remain in office, what may they not become when changes take place – changes which originate, perhaps, as far as the limits of human pursuits permit, from the industrial objects and interests affected by them? A railway or a dock was, say yesterday, in the hands of a government, who had adopted, in respect of it, a certain set of views, and a corresponding course of policy ; to-day anything, from a backstair intrigue or a blunder of some far-off ambassador or consul, to a rejection of the budget, turus out the ministry; the railway or dock must wait until it can be attended to, and then it is set a – going again on a new set of notions. How, in the face of these risks, that unity and persistence of purpose, that consistenoy of detail, that harmony of operation, and that unohilled interest in the object, can be maintained, which are essential to industrial success, seems as much past our power to conjecture, as it is past that of experience and examples to show .

The answer commonly given to such remarks as the above, is, “constitute a government department for the purpose.” But here, again, we have only a choice of evils, and those of both sides inadmissible. If such a department be under the effective control of the heads of the government, it must partake of all the disadvantages which have already been described – the delays and the incertitude of government action; nor does it seem possible that the most gigantio and unwearied intellects, oocupied imperatively with the multifarious concerns of a diligent and effective government, should preserve continuity of recollection and permanence of purpose enough, to dictate with effect even the general measures to be taken in the various stages of industrial affairs …”

A remarkable instance of the effect of this tendency is given in the following oxtract, from tho Reports and Documents, of 1880, pngo 4. It will bo observed, that the recommendation of the Bombay Government of that day was orerruled by the Court of Directors, of whose letter, dated 1st of January, 1789, the following is part: “ As the standard you mention to have adopted (that of the compression of cotton for shipment), very considerably exceeds the measurement stated in our former letter, which we have reason to think is tolerably accurate, we must desire that this subject may be again taken under consideration, and that you ascertain, with the utmost degree of care and attention, the smallest possible dimensions to which a bale of cotton is capable of being compressed by the Company’s screws; and if, after so doing, it shall nppear that the new standard dimensions are not capable of being diminished, you must endeavour to ascertain whether the cause is to be attributed to any defect in the principle on which the Company’s screws are constructed, or whether they require the aid of any mechanical improvements, to give them the powers which they are not at present possessed of. “If individuals, either by superior industry, or the application of powers better adapted to the end proposed, have been enabled to accomplish so material an advantage as the difference thus gained in point of tonnage, provided there were no other objections to the measure, this alone would be sufficient to prevent our complying with the request contained in your public letter, for the suppressing of private scretos, and confining the merchants to the use of the Company’s screws only.”


Response to Frank

at while my response there is being moderated.

Just so we don’t confuse any readers, I was addressing the Palestinian Christian population. You moved the goal posts to Israel and provided unsourced numbers for the Christian population you claim live there.

Btw, your link to doesn’t work; have no fear, it can still be accessed if you copy and paste the link from my entries.

You asked,

“So a population that is, according to your source, shrinking in the Palestinian and Hamas controlled territory and is yet growing in the state of Israel is being destroyed by Israel???”

And I respond, “read that Merriam-Webster definition again.”

Having been provided the opportunity I’ll include a few more paragraphs from…

For example, 70 years ago, Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus Christ, was 86% Christian. The demographics of the city, however, have fundamentally shifted, especially after the Israeli occupation of the West Bank in June 1967 and the construction of the illegal Israeli apartheid wall starting in 2002. Parts of the wall were meant to cut off Bethlehem from Jerusalem and to isolate the former from the rest of the West Bank.

‘The Wall encircles Bethlehem by continuing south of East Jerusalem in both the east and west,’ the ‘Open Bethlehem’ organisation said, describing the devastating impact of the wall on the Palestinian city. ‘With the land isolated by the Wall, annexed for settlements, and closed under various pretexts, only 13% of the Bethlehem district is available for Palestinian use.’

Increasingly beleaguered, Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem have been driven out from their historic city in large numbers. According to the city’s mayor, Vera Baboun, as of 2016, the Christian population of Bethlehem has dropped to 12%, merely 11,000 people.

The most optimistic estimates place the overall number of Palestinian Christians in the whole of Occupied Palestine at less than 2%.

And now I’ll raise a question about Hamas origins

What I think you can use is a peek at the bigger picture; State Department sized bigger picture. Of course it’s democrat controlled (I did wonder why they didn’t include pictures for their base) so there is a believability deficit right there but you still should be able to recognize where control is trying to hide the genocidal intent.

…In Jerusalem, the Israeli government provides separate public schools for Jewish and Arab/Palestinian children with instruction conducted in Hebrew and Arabic, respectively. For Jewish children, there are separate public schools available for religious and secular families. Individual families may choose a public school system for their children regardless of ethnicity or religious observance. Minors have the right to choose a public secular school instead of a religious school regardless of parental preference. By law, Israel provides the equivalent of public-school funding to two systems of “recognized but not official” (a form of semiprivate) ultra-Orthodox religious schools affiliated with ultra-Orthodox political parties: the United Torah Judaism-affiliated Independent Education System and the Shas-affiliated Fountain of Torah Education System. Churches, however, receive only partial government funding to operate “recognized but not official” schools. Palestinian residents in Jerusalem may send their children to one of these church schools, a private school that follows an internationally sanctioned curriculum, or a private school operated by the Jerusalem Islamic Waqf (which also includes religious instruction). Some Israeli-funded public schools in Jerusalem use a version of the PA curriculum, modified by the Israeli Ministry of Education…

…On March 10, the Knesset reenacted the Law of Citizenship and Entry, after the Knesset failed in 2021 to pass a previous version of the law, which requires annual renewals. The law explicitly prohibits residence status for non-Jewish Iranians, Iraqis, Syrians, Lebanese, and Palestinians from the West Bank and Gaza, including those who are spouses of Israeli residents or citizens. The amended law allows a quota of 58 cases in which the minister of interior can make a special determination, usually on humanitarian grounds. The figure is based on the total number of approvals of requests in 2018…

In recent years, Israeli authorities issued permits for some Christians to exit Gaza to attend religious services in Jerusalem or the West Bank and for Muslims from the West Bank to enter Jerusalem for Ramadan. During the year, Israeli officials reported they issued 8,000 permits for Palestinians to enter Israel from the West Bank during Christmas season, and 500 family permits for West Bank residents to enter Gaza. Israeli officials reported they issued 500 permits for Christians in Gaza to enter Israel during Christmas.

The NGO Gisha reported that during the year, restrictions on freedom of movement of Palestinians in Gaza continued to infringe upon religious freedom. According to Gisha, Israel issued approximately 400 permits for Muslims in Gaza to travel to Jerusalem for prayer at the end of Ramadan – the first such permits for Muslim Gazans since 2018. Gisha reported that the 400 permits were part of more than 1,000 persons who were able to file an application during the two-hour application window. Many who wished to exit Gaza for Eid al-Adha were unable to due to what Gisha described as “Israel’s arbitrary quota.”

Gisha reported that Israel designated a quota of 500 permits for Christians in Gaza to visit Jerusalem for Easter celebrations. They reported that some applicants received permits while their family members were left waiting for a response or denied outright, forcing them to choose between forgoing family and religious visits or leaving their family members behind during the travel. During Christmas, Gisha reported that Israel issued 649 permits for Christians to exit Gaza for the holiday.

Supporters of the Law on Citizenship and Entry said it is necessary for security reasons, but according to the NGO the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI), security records released by Shin Bet document that only 35 Palestinians with legal status in Israel were involved in activities that posed a security risk during the previous 20 years. ACRI and other civil rights organizations, including Adalah, PHRI, HaMoked, and Society of St. Yves, petitioned to the Supreme Court on behalf of families affected by the law and called for its revocation, characterizing it as discriminatory, racist, contrary to international law, a violation of constitutional rights, and unfair because it labels all Palestinians as security risks. Human rights NGOs criticized restricting the rights of entire populations on the assumption that they are prone to terrorism as “collective punishment.” In December, the Supreme Court requested the state to explain its position within 90 days; the proceedings were ongoing at year’s end.

According to the NGO HaMoked, there were approximately 12,000 Palestinians living in the country, including in Jerusalem, on temporary stay permits because of the citizenship and entry law, with no legal guarantee they could continue living with their families. There were also cases of Palestinian spouses of Palestinian residents living in East Jerusalem without legal status. Some Palestinian residents moved to Jerusalem neighborhoods outside the security barrier to live with their nonresident spouse and children while maintaining Jerusalem residency.

According to Christian religious leaders, this situation remained an especially acute problem for Christians because of their small population and consequent tendency to marry Christians from the West Bank or elsewhere (i.e., Christians who held neither citizenship nor residency). Christian religious leaders expressed concern that this was a significant element in the continuing decline of the Christian population, including in Jerusalem, which negatively affected the long-term viability of Christian communities.

According to NGOs, community members, and media commentators, factors contributing to Christian emigration included political instability, the inability to obtain residency permits for spouses due to the Law of Citizenship and Entry, limited ability of Christian communities in the Jerusalem area to expand due to building restrictions, difficulties Christian clergy experienced in obtaining Israeli visas and residency permits, loss of confidence in the peace process, and economic hardships created by the establishment of the barrier and the imposition of travel restrictions. The Israeli government previously stated such difficulties stemmed from the “complex political and security reality” and not from any restrictions on the Christian community…
Reports on Religious Freedom: West Bank and Gaza 2022
May 15, 2023 … The Israeli government previously stated such difficulties stemmed from the “complex political and security reality” and not from any …
2022 Report on International Religious Freedom: Israel, West Bank …
The government stated such difficulties stemmed from the “complex political and security reality … not from any restrictions on the Christian community itself.
2021 Report on International Religious Freedom: Israel, West Bank …
Jun 2, 2022 … The government stated such difficulties stemmed from the “complex political and security reality … any restrictions on the Christian community …
2020 Report on International Religious Freedom: Israel, West Bank …
May 12, 2021 … The government stated such difficulties stemmed from the “complex political and security reality … any restrictions on the Christian community …

Did I just hear The FourTops off in the distance?

November 5, 2023 P.S.

Talc and Asbestos Oh, My!

Johnson & Johnson is facing more than 50,000 lawsuits in the United States brought by people who claim exposure to asbestos in talc-based Johnson’s Baby Powder products caused them to develop cancer.

Our new fact sheet describes cancer links to talc body products and key developments in this story. We are posting discovery documents from the lawsuits and related documents here: Johnson & Johnson talc asbestos papers.

Titanium Dioxide goes Nano in our food; Euro’s reject it.

For research published in 2022 study in the journal Food and Chemical Toxicology, scientists examined “the genotoxicity and the intracellular reactive oxygen species induction by physiologically relevant concentrations of three different TiO2 nanomaterials in Caco-2 and HT29-MTX-E12 intestinal cells, while considering the potential influence of the digestion process in the NMs’ physiochemical characteristics.” They found a “DNA-damaging effect dependent on the nanomaterial,” along with the micronucleus assay suggesting “effects on chromosomal integrity, an indicator of cancer risk, in the HT29-MTX-E12 cells, for all the tested TiO2 nanomaterials.” Researchers concluded that the results showcase “evidence of concern” regarding titanium dioxide used as a food additive.

In a study published in the journal Toxicology, researchers examined the effects of exposing human colon cancer cell line (HTC116) titanium dioxide food additives in vitro. “In the absence of cytotoxicity, E171 was accumulated in the cells after 24 hours of exposure, increasing granularity and reactive oxygen species, inducing alterations in the molecular pattern of nucleic acids and lipids, and causing nuclei enlargement, DNA damage and tubulin depolymerization,” the scientists wrote. Researchers removed the additive from the culture, then examined the results 48 hours later. They found, “The removal of E171 was unable to revert the alterations found after 24 h of exposure in colon cells. In conclusion, exposure to E171 causes alterations that cannot be reverted after 48 h if E171 is removed from colon cells.”

Yet, National Institute of Health An official website of the United States government, stated in 2021:

TiO2 is widely used in food, paints, plastics, printing inks, papers, and biomedical and cosmetic products. Due to its unique properties, TiO2 is also advantageously used in textiles. For example, when applied to textile fibers, it confers various functionalities such as UV protection, photocatalytic self-cleaning and antimicrobial activity, electrical conductivity, and antistatic properties, as well as increased thermal stability. Moreover, it can also be used for solar energy conversion in the production of electronic textiles or wearable electronics. However, when tailoring its desired functionality, TiO2 is usually deposited on the surface of textile fibers, but due to its fairly poor adhesion to the fibers, a certain amount of TiO2 washes away, peels off, or wears off during the product’s lifetime. Therefore, such continuous leaching of TiO2 into the environment results in a potential threat to human health and the ecosystem

Extensive use of TiO2 NPs reasonably raises significant concerns due to their potential nanotoxicity, induced by oxidative stress, which is influenced by ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) formation on the surface of TiO2 NPs in the presence of UV light [9,10,11,12]. After the penetration of TiO2 NPs into the human body, inflammation, cytotoxicity, genotoxicity, immunotoxicity, and neurotoxicity may occur. Such nanotoxicity can damage the liver, kidneys, lungs, and skin. Special attention must be paid to production workers, in particular, who are in daily contact with high concentrations of TiO2 NPs. For instance, it has been proven that TiO2 NPs smaller than 20 nm cause a higher inflammatory response in human cells [13]. Furthermore, TiO2 NPs also pose certain damage to end users and researchers and, at lower concentrations, TiO2 NPs act as immunomodulatory agents, inducing inflammatory responses through specific interactions with immune system cells [14,15]…

Due to the widespread use of TiO2, exposure to NPs by ingestion, inhalation, or sorption has become virtually inevitable

To complicate our future even more…

Scientists have invented a synthetic protein designed to control the inner workings of cells. In a pair of papers, published yesterday (July 24) in Nature, the researchers demonstrate how the tool can be used to tweak gene expression, orchestrate protein binding events, and cue functional changes in the cell in response to environmental conditions…

…In their demonstrative studies, the researchers used LOCKR to trigger cell death, degrade specific proteins, and direct the movement of materials through living cells. Individual LOCKR proteins can also be connected to form circuits, systems able make changes within the cell in response to internal and external stimuli. The researchers first tested their tool in yeast, then successfully designed a modified version that works in lab-grown human cells…

So now, regarding scientific abuses in general, I’m gonna repeat myself and say I told you so here

and here

and here

Here’s an old (2017) message from Louise Kuo Habakus worth a few minutes of your time.