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Leading Up To May 8 In Philadelphia (Recovered Version)

May 18,2024

This updated post is a corrected version of the original. I’ve been busy painting the centerpiece of the house orange to give the neighborhood democrats something to talk about. The orange looks good to me; three out of four adult female neighbors/passerby’s screwed up their faces as they were trying to say something nice about it, though.

At times I’m kind of like the Zionists in that I don’t mind going the extra mile to make a point no matter how silly it may appear to others.
You did hear about how Zionists are weaseling out of responsibility for allegedly creating Hamas, right? or maybe you never knew the reported origins of Hamas?

Then there is this…
On to the corrected ‘connected/addicts coalition that ranks above taxpayers and their children’ subject.

May 8, 2024 was the scheduled move on the Kensington Ave chitshow targeted by Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker. I’ve been looking into the supporting arguments of the proponents of the ‘safe injection sites’ and will share what I learned, albeit a little late.

Mayor Parker’s baseline on the Kensington issue is established during this CBS interview

At the 5:00 mark, the interviewer states the mayors predecessors have tried to take this [problem] on unsuccessfully and the Mayor’s reply was an uncompromising declaration of war “on the status quo of what was allowed to prevail”.

Regarding the statement of the interviewer about the mayor’s predecessor Kenny taking on the over-whelmers living their dream in the street…


…Shannon Farrell, president of the Harrowgate Civic Association, said that she worked with the past administration for at least six years and “they consistently said the most vulnerable people in our community were the drug users, and not the children.”

“It’s been years since anybody cared,” she said.

Supporting Ms Farrell’s statement was her placement on the city’s steering committee as noted on pages 5 and 7 on

I don’t know much about Philadelphia Mayor Cherelle Parker but from what I’ve read she could turn out to be as popular as Frank Rizzo was while Police Commissioner (1968-1971) and mayor (1972-1980).

One important similarity from fifty some years ago looks to be her loyalty factor; at her 100 days marker her loyalty appears to weigh more in favor of the people she is shepherding than all the previous mayors combined ever displayed, since the aforementioned Frank Rizzo was in office.

Mayor Parker’s ‘enough is enough’ announcement:

 “While I’m the mayor, I will fight tooth and nail to make sure that not one city dollar is invested in the distribution of clean needles,” Parker said during her budget address last month. “We can’t afford here in the city of Philadelphia to appropriate our very scarce resources to do it”.

It must have been shocking to the social scientists who likely foresaw a cascade of drug addict death by self-absorption filling the streets.

Mayor Parker also noted that the city funding of sterile needle distribution services for drug use, while prohibited by state law, has operated in Philadelphia since 1992.

How could that happen?

Let’s start with the ‘non-profit’ connection.


The report outlines the considerations involved in choosing to pursue each of these models and findings on how to implement them, drawn from real-world experience.

Download the report in its entirety, or quickly find detailed information about a specific implementation model below. We hope these insights are useful to funders as they design and implement ambitious investments.

New Entity

Create a new nonprofit intermediary that provides support and coordination across a field and/or grantee portfolio

Core Implementation Partner

Invest in one or a few existing nonprofit intermediaries that provide support and coordination across a field and/or grantee portfolio (excludes funding or direct service)


Invest in activities to guide and enable governments to change their practices in order to achieve a social impact goal; “advocacy” is defined as guiding changes in practice broadly, rather than a single policy

Private Sector Influence

Invest in activities to influence corporations to change their practices in order to achieve a social impact goal

The Rockefeller influence, publicly shapeless as always, permeates Philadelphia’s City Hall. Philadelphia’s Republican Party corruption during the early decades of the 20th Century gave way to the more pernicious cancerous offspring of the mitochondrial sourced extract of 19th century Salem Massachusetts’ Puritan based Progressivism that was hiding in the 1940’s and ‘50’s under the increasingly popular term ‘reform’. That previous sentence translates into the Rockefeller women were the social influencers of the Rockefeller family.


…His wife, Laura Spelman, who came from evangelical Puritan stock and was a founding member of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), likely intensified those instincts. Rockefeller’s involvement with the WCTU and other temperance groups dates back to 1880, shortly after Laura helped found the WCTU...  is The Pennsylvania Magazine of History and Biography Vol. CXXVII, No. 1 (January 2003)  account of the post-WW2 political history of Philadelphia’s reformers, Joseph Clark and Richardson Dilworth who fought the Republican party machine and won. They demolished the Philadelphia Republican Party so effectively no Republican has held the mayor’s office since. That’s seventy-two years and counting and as unlikely an event as the Biden come-from-behind victory happening without powerful back up.

Providing help to extended family is not unusual. Accounts of cousins reaching out to support a family branch member have been a human trait throughout history. In this instance, it was Joseph Clark’s good fortune to have a cousin, Mary Todhunter Clark marry Nelson Rockefeller in 1930.

When Richardson Dilworth was elected Philadelphia mayor and took office on January 2, 1956 who could claim at this point that his nephew, J. Richardson Dilworth’s appointment as the Rockefeller Family financial advisor the year before influenced his uncle’s success? On the other hand, who knew?

The concern here is not the help the wealthy share amongst their family, that’s a long accepted human trait and the Rockefellers are known for their generous benevolence unto the world, but when that power is used against US in their quest to right Mankind’s (especially USA’s mankind) cruelty to all manners of Life by applying the Rockefeller’s democrat version of the karmic balancing rod, that must be addressed; and understanding why I am accusing the Rockefeller organizations of working against US requires a trip back into Rockefeller history.

The cruelest modern act against humanity has, in fact, all its humanist connected roots in one family, John D Rockefeller junior’s.


…On October 9, 1901, he married Abby Greene Aldrich, whose father was Senator Nelson W. Aldrich of Rhode Island. JDR Jr. and Abby had six children: Abby, John D. 3rd, Nelson A., Laurance S., Winthrop, and David. They maintained homes in Manhattan; Pocantico Hills, New York; Williamsburg, Virginia; and Seal Harbor, Maine…

Which brings us back to non-profits and the inherent danger regarding safe injection sites,  the non-profits involved and the proven impact they have on the neighborhood.

You have to look closely to recognize how their power is weakening the established Constitutional protections that extend to your neighborhoods. Their bleeding hearts are hardened like steel against their neighbors well-being and their actions are falsely explained as based on Christian and Jewish beliefs regarding concerns for the addicted to sin which humanists do not recognize.

A recent example…


In 2017, Sarah Laurel was trying to find housing at the same time she was entering recovery. Kensington, Philadelphia, seemed to have a frustrating lack of access to both. When Laurel did secure housing, still in the early days of her recovery, she began conducting outreach from her stoop. Savage Sisters Recover Inc. was born.

The Kensington-based 501(c)3 nonprofit has two main areas of direct service, shaped by the experience of its founder: harm reduction outreach and recovery housing. Savage Sisters operates 11 recovery houses across South Philadelphia and Delaware County, and conducts weekly street-based outreach in Kensington. In addition to wound care and other harm reduction supplies like Narcan, they distribute safer-use supplies like sterile syringes.

Safer-use equipment like syringes and pipes are criminalized under Pennsylvania’s drug paraphernalia statute. The state doesn’t have an exemption for syringe service programs (SSP), but some jurisdictions including Philadelphia have sanctioned SSP at the local level.

A trauma survivor, Laurel was put on a two-year wait list for therapy when she enrolled in Medicaid, and works to approach Savage Sisters outreach holistically. A brick-and-mortar location would help them bridge more people to the wraparound services they expressed needing.

In October 2023, a grant funded with some of Philadelphia’s $180 million in opioid settlement payouts allowed Savage Sisters to rent a property where they began operating a drop-in center that allows them to offer wound care and showers.

Amazing. From trauma survivor on a two year wait list to and Bryn Mawr PA riding a non-profit business model and a sugar daddy foundation.

Before Safe House there was Prevention Point Philadelphia.

ProPublica posted Prevention Point Philadelphia’s Form 990 tax filings from 2011 to 2022 which proves, if anything, when it comes to social scientists, few people waste more money in less time with such little return. The charts shown at ProPublica are notable for the noticeable rise in income during 2016.

Safe House Philadelphia is Prevention Point Philadelphia’s offspring.

Jose Benitez ran the Prevention Point show and when a South Philadelphia safe injection site was rebuffed four years ago, Benitez was head of SafeHousePhilly board of directors who wouldn’t take no for an answer.

Their appeal of the court ruling, therefore, continued the direct, negative impact on life in Kensington that most everybody are familiar with from viewing the Kensington avenue videos shown on the internet these last few years.

That ‘to hell with everyone else’ attitude of the harm reduction leaders is shared by the Scattergood Foundation one of their supporting foundations.

Scattergood Foundation, as stated in the opening sentence of their positioning pronouncement:

At the Scattergood Foundation, we believe major disruption is needed to build a stronger, more effective, compassionate, and inclusive society where behavioral health is central.

That evidently struck a chord with Philadelphia’s own Mr. Big who provided Philadelphia addicts with a get out of a Philadelphia jail free card despite that what they were doing isn’t legal in the rest of Pennsylvania; that is clearly explained at

Despite what was told or implied to the Philadelphia citizens living in Kensington, a city mayor’s mandate does not preempt  a state law.

While the Scattergood Foundation’s connection to Prevention Point  isn’t as easy as it was last month  to show, this link to a 2020 architectural proposal states the Scattergood Foundation funded Prevention Point on page 2.

Hey, here’s a souvenir of Ed Rendell’s club house membership card.



Ed Rendell joined Safe House in 2018

Back in 1992, small time operators were working the dead end niche populated by addicts and AIDS but when Obama announced in 2015 a  new government powered cash cow, smart money noticed. Refer, once again to the charts shown at  ProPublica.

I guess the smart money just didn’t notice that Behavioral Science EO  bought the government more power. That draw to the cash cow must have been a strong indicator of the People’s empathetic state which was assuredly recognized and pointed out to Obama as another opportunity that only someone with his vision could perceive because the following year the express line opened at the money trough again  and the sharks came out to feast.

After a respectable amount of time passed, the narcissists requiring the necessity of fake social issues to express concern for their fellow man jumped on board to access and participate in low level mind control.

For the confused public, it is probably best at this point not to assume that someone is implying anything meaningful when they choose the term behavior health over mental health, or vice versa. If they are, hopefully, they’ll make that clear.

Don’t count on it.


mental health illnesses:

Depression is characterized as a mood disorder and leaves people feeling persistently empty and heavy. There are different forms of depression — including postpartum and seasonal affective — but they all disrupt a person’s day-to-day life.

Generalized anxiety disorder is a step above occasional anxiety. For some people, that sense of unease can persist and interfere with everyday life by causing repetitive worries as well as sleep and concentration issues. In some cases, it can escalate into a panic disorder.

Bipolar disorder is characterized by episodes of depression and mania — extreme hyperactivity. Like most mental health conditions, there are varying degrees of bipolar disorder, and not everyone experiences it in the same way.

Schizophrenia is an uncommon condition, but it is most notable for causing people to lose touch with reality and experience symptoms like hallucinations, delusions and unhealthy, repetitive thoughts.

Negative behaviors don’t always accompany these mental health conditions. Most everyone with depression, for example, experiences sleep issues. But not everyone develops a behavioral disorder. When a distinct, regular behavior that goes beyond the scope of a typical mental illness begins to negatively affect someone, it becomes a disorder that typically requires more specific treatment. Here’s a look at some common behavioral disorders.

Common behavioral disorders:

Substance abuse often starts when people misuse substances to self-medicate or cope with an existing issue. While it may seem to work for a time, this behavior eventually worsens the problem and becomes one itself. According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health (NSDUH), 19.7 million American adults experienced a substance abuse disorder in 2017.

Gambling addiction is similar to substance abuse. Researchers believe it can stimulate the brain’s reward systems to overproduce dopamine, creating a need to pursue risky behaviors. Gambling addiction can even result in withdrawal when the chemical high isn’t achieved.

Self-injury is most often associated with depression and disassociation, but some psychology experts think the tendency to harm oneself is more specifically tied to a negative self-image. Identifying this behavior as separate from depression can significantly impact the treatment path and potential for recovery.

Eating disorders include anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa and binge-eating. Not only can these behaviors lead to significant medical complications but they present a specific set of mental illness issues associated with self-image obsession and lack of perceived control.

Take a moment to reflect on the origins of those common behavioral disorders. I’m no social scientist but I can hazard a guess about the top two sources of major substance abuse. How about marijuana and alcohol? Both being government approved and licensed.

Why does changing the name of self control to ‘common behavioral disorders’ remind me of that old scheme ‘create the problem/solve the problem’.

Gambling addiction gets a ditto. Who was pushing for another source of income in the Seventies, Eighties and Nineties through casino gambling?


Much of casino regulation is concentrated on the day-to-day operations of casinos. Typically, each casino is required to adopt and adhere to a comprehensive set of state-designated procedures, commonly termed the “Minimum Internal Control Standards” (MICS). These MICS focus on the range of gambling-related activity, including the conduct of games, the movement and handling of cash and cash equivalents, and the accounting and record trail of all transactions. State regulators often rely upon the casinos to maintain logs that document irregularities and to “self-report” violations.

Negative self-image as explained at can be dealt with by following their suggested eight steps. Not one of them is turn off the TV.

FCC, of course.

Reading those examples offered in the most general and docile language by three accepted as mainstream sources of mental/behavioral health information could make a tired person fall asleep; a person in what is recognized as a normal state of consciousness could be lulled into accepting such advice as the norm. That could be identified as mind control. Here is some serious advice from Kensington on the four steps to being a man.

You may be thinking I’ve watched too many Bond movies but before you click off in the middle of this story consider this Aldinews report on the AGO’s attempted manipulation as even more additional insight:

Safehouse,  a nonprofit advocating for safe injection sites in Philly, has met with the U.S. Attorney’s Office over the last few months, in continuing talks over an incoming settlement that could finish years of legal wrangling with the federal government.

But meetings did not initially include community stakeholders until neighborhood leaders pressured federal officials into allowing residents and local officials to witness discussions, but elected leaders were shut out of those conversations on Wednesday, March 2.

The DOJ, on previous occasions, negotiated with Safehouse and the City Solicitor directly, prompting backlash from community groups who oppose installing Safe Injection Sites in their neighborhood.

“The City Solicitor has participated in ongoing mediation discussions with the DOJ on behalf of the Administration. Separate from the mediation discussions, she has previously been a part of community meetings with City officials and Kensington residents regarding quality of life issues, during which Safehouse has been discussed,” a spokesperson for the City Solicitor said in a statement.

Safehouse was not aware the meeting had taken place, a spokesperson told AL DÍA.

Shannon Farrell-Pakstis, President of the Harrowgate Civic Association and persistent opponent of the proposed injection sites, said that federal officials did not say much “other than it sounds like they’re negotiating to settle…they want to try and negotiate and mediate with them.”

“From what we understand, there was a commitment that through the mediation process, the community would be kept informed,” Councilmember Quetcy Lozada said.

“What that actually means, we’re not really sure,” Lozada added.

About two months ago, community leaders urged the DOJ to open discussions between residents in some of the neighborhoods with open-air drug markets as settlement discussions between the U.S. Attorney and Safehouse continue.

Harrowgate, Farrell-Pakstis continued, sent a letter with a list of constituents and local elected officials in Philly who would attend the meeting, but when the group reached the U.S. Attorney’s Office, elected officials weren’t allowed in the room due to clearance issues.

The DOJ, Farrel-Pakstis said, also appeared to be concerned over the implications and potential conflicts of interest of meeting with elected officials without pre-authorized clearance.

“We sent them a list of our officials, and they wouldn’t let them in,” Sonja Bingham, who is president of Friends of Harrowgate Park, a community group, told AL DÍA News.

Bingham and Farrel-Pakstis requested an additional meeting from the DOJ to be held with elected officials representing Kensington, but U.S. Attorney Jacqueline Romero — a Joe Biden appointee who received no opposition on the Senate vote — said she couldn’t guarantee it before the settlement is closed.

“We won the lawsuit,” Bingham said, frustrated, referring to a suit spanning years and leveled originally by Romero’s predecessor William McSwain, a Donald Trump appointee who personally argued against safe injection sites in court, and won.

Safehouse, however, returned to court on appeal and is now vying for a settlement under a new presidential administration and a DOJ that is open to safe drug consumption with “appropriate guardrails.”

Farrell-Pakstis said that while the DOJ declined to share a timeline with residents at the meeting, Romero allegedly said the department is undergoing a court-ordered procedure, “so there is a timeline. They’re just not telling us.”

“They’re going to be allowed to open up safe injection sites,” said Farrell-Pakstis, “and we’re supposed to trust that they’re going to put in the proper safeguards without having to ever really talk to us or walking the neighborhoods with us.”

The U.S. Attorney, according to Bingham and Farrell-Pakstis, heard the concerns raised by the community in the meeting and responded, “I hear ya.”

That fear expressed by Farrell-Pakstis is legitimate, even if it failed to materialize in her anticipated time frame. It’s legitimate because most everyday common folk, for a myriad of reasons, do not take the satanic based globalist threat seriously. They do allow their minds to be turned into putty by any distraction great or small and willingly turnover the control of their lives to proven manipulations born of individuals of inferior character with mercenary tongues.

It is legitimate because the global elite families have proven their devotion to the great negative force throughout the ages; during fitful periods of gain they learned to marshal the energy from fragmented lessons lost, rediscovered and maintained in secret brotherhoods and esoteric sororities where their minions gather to study and contribute their efforts to fitting the presumed scraps and shards of the collective imaginings from the past into the cracks of evolved science they dream will become the whip of control they seek.

Based on the political activity and attitude we’ve been subject to so far in the 21st Century it appears the kind of control they’re heading towards is out of the Soviet Gulag School of Compliance Circa 2007 or worse…

Why is it worse?

Using ‘translational’ implies using the rhetoric of science and social scientists have no boundaries on their ideas of what might work.

It was the Barack Obama administration that introduced social science as a political concept. They claimed it tamed the white man

Donald Trump closed it down when he took Office but Joe Biden “Resurrected” it again in 2022.

Aside from the weaponization of social science the word ‘translating’ appears in the first sentence of the last paragraph preceding the word ‘research’. Not a good combination for anyone strapped to a table. For practice.

…The Biden administration also announced partnerships with academic and nonprofit groups that “have demonstrated expertise in translating research evidence to practice and policy,” according to the White House…

Hence, the jump to Soviet Gulag School of Compliance Circa 2007.

Proof of the power of any form of the term ‘translation’ when it is sitting in front of a word like science or medicine follows.

Pfizer uses the term transform/transformational in a warm and fuzzy way; not at all like how the word and the term was introduced to medicine; or as it is/was recognized by research scientists.


A rift that has opened up between basic research (bench) and clinical research and patients (bed) who need their new treatments, diagnostics and prevention, and this rift is widening and getting deeper. The crisis involving the “translation” of basic scientific findings in a laboratory setting into human applications and potential treatments or biomarkers for a disease is widely recognized both in academia and industry. Despite the attempts that have been made both in academic and industry settings to mitigate this problem, the high attrition rates of drug development and the problem with reproducibility and translatability of preclinical findings to human applications remain a fact and the return on the investment has been limited in terms of clinical impact…

Not to mention the trail of dead still being laid out.


mRNA vaccines: a transformative technology with applications beyond COVID‐19

Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine technology, decades in development as a therapy for cancer and for prevention of infectious diseases but not yet realising a licensed product, 1 was rapidly implemented to accelerate the creation of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) vaccines. Yet their spectacular success against SARS‐CoV‐2 provides just a glimpse of their full potential. This article describes how mRNA vaccines are made and how they work, and their potential for further infectious disease prevention and cancer therapy…

Much of the initial effort behind was expended on researching the claims of politicians; the realization that neither bureaucrats nor politicians are capable of imagining societal changes did not happen quickly but eventually I recognized that fact.

At best, politicians and bureaucrats should be recognized as the elite’s curtain.

In 20th Century U.S. that would  have been the Rockefellers; still influential in the 21st Century, it appears the family is content (with exceptions) turning over the limelight to the Gates’ after the demise of David.


I almost forgot about the mirrored cities with their own Kensington Avenues.

Blue pill Copenhagen

Red pill Copenhagen

Purple pill Copenhagen

Twenty two years of Vancouver police logs documenting neighborhood crime. See if you can figure out where the safe injection site is located 

 Blue pill Vancouver video

They put a lot of faith in their

I think the world would be better off focusing on the Four Pillars of Manhood


On TaxPayer Safe Houses For Junkies and Other Oddities

Ruh Ro. Looks like the Rocky road is still being followed… to Fairmount.


Fairmount residents up in arms over Parker administration plan to house people in addiction

City officials stressed that the newly expanded shelter at 2100 W. Girard Ave. was not a rehab — but did not rule out a future expansion of services for drug users on site.

Probably not as stressed as the Fairmount folks in the picture as they got the word.

State Department and Democrats… Grifting Apart?

Came across this story accidentally

The inspector general’s report on Kaplan’s conduct in office is scathing. “A review of his conduct and performance by the Department is needed,” it urges. “The Ambassador did not hold himself to the highest standards of conduct, performance, and ethics to model integrity…”

State Department inspector general reports, like the one reviewing Kaplan’s performance, are sporadic. That’s because the office is only required to review foreign posts once every five years — a longer period than a presidential term and thus longer than many ambassadors’ tenures.

Bingo. A perfectly designed operation for tin horn money laundering presidents and their war mongering supporters.

..The inspector general’s efficacy is also hampered by the fact that the post of State Department inspector general has been vacant for 1,396 days as of this writing. A series of acting heads have been filling the role since former President Donald Trump fired the last permanent inspector general.

Appointing a Senate-confirmed inspector general is a first, basic step toward ensuring accountability at this crucial agency…


Biden Invited to Testify in Impeachment Investigation


…House Oversight and Accountability Chairman James Comer, R-Ky., announced the invitation to Biden just before Easter weekend. Comer’s committee is conducting the impeachment investigation jointly with both the Judiciary and the Ways and Means committees.

“The committee has accounted for over $24 million that has flowed from foreign sources to you, your family, and their business associates,” Comer said in his letter to Biden.

“The committee has identified no legitimate services to merit such lucrative payments,” the Kentucky Republican wrote. “You have repeatedly denied playing any role in your family’s business activities, but the committee has amassed evidence—including bank records and witness testimony—that wholly contradicts your position on these matters.”

The president’s son, Hunter Biden, and the president’s brother, Jim Biden, both gave depositions to investigators as well as members of the committees…

Ya Know…

I don’t really enjoy saying I told you so but dammit…

look what the democrats dragged into our house now

Just make sure you read before you start lining up for whatever they’re leading up to; at least it’s fact based UNadulterated opinion .


The morning after: I learn I was a day late and a dollar short once again.

already approved this a few years ago.

Dengue vaccine is a vaccine used to prevent dengue fever in humans.[8] Development of dengue vaccines began in the 1920s, but was hindered by the need to create immunity against all four dengue serotypes.[9] As of 2023, there are two commercially available vaccines, sold under the brand names Dengvaxia and Qdenga.[10][11]

Dengvaxia is only recommended in those who have previously had dengue fever or populations in which most people have been previously infected due to phenomenon known as antibody-dependent enhancement.[12] The value of Dengavaxia is limited by the fact that it may increase the risk of severe dengue in those who have not previously been infected.[13][12] In 2017, more than 733,000 children and more than 50,000 adult volunteers were vaccinated with Dengvaxia regardless of serostatus, which led to a controversy.[14] Qdenga is designated for people not previously infected.[15]

There are other vaccine candidates in development including live attenuated, inactivated, DNA and subunit vaccines.[9]


In December 2018, Dengvaxia was approved in the European Union.[6]

In May 2019, Dengvaxia was approved in the United States as the first vaccine approved for the prevention of dengue disease caused by all dengue virus serotypes (1, 2, 3 and 4) in people ages nine through 16 who have laboratory-confirmed previous dengue infection and who live in endemic areas.[16][5] Dengue is endemic in the US territories of American Samoa, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands.[16]

The safety and effectiveness of the vaccine was determined in three randomized, placebo-controlled studies involving approximately 35,000 individuals in dengue-endemic areas, including Puerto Rico, Latin America and the Asia Pacific region.[16] The vaccine was determined to be approximately 76 percent effective in preventing symptomatic, laboratory-confirmed dengue disease in individuals 9 through 16 years of age who previously had laboratory-confirmed dengue disease.[16]

In March 2021, the European Medicines Agency the filing package for TAK-003 (Qdenga) intended for markets outside of the EU.[15]

In August 2022, the Indonesian FDA approved Qdenga for use in individuals six years to 45 years of age and become the first authority in the world to approve Qdenga.[17][18] Qdenga was approved in the European Union in December 2022.[7]