Category Archives: Uncategorized

Wait A Minute…

The Michigan governor announces she plans to meet with one of the men who planned to kidnap her.

Has she decided to run for Pope after she learned during her recent short visit to the White House she probably wasn’t in any way national political league material? Has she forgotten‘s story?  Is she going to ask if that’s really, really true?

Or is the democrat’s revamped strategy for the upcoming presidential  election Hara-kiri ?

One can only hope.

Give It Some Thought

Independence Weekend news continues with this sparkler from the National Archives…


The Mattachine Society (initially called the Mattachine Foundation) began as a secret organization in Los Angeles in 1950, with their first Statement of Purpose drawn up in 1951. The group was founded by Communist organizer Harry Hay and other leftists including Bob Hull, Chuck Rowland, Dale Jennings, Konrad Stevens, James Gruber and Rudi Gernreich (Jewish Refugee). The Mattachine founders borrowed the initial structure of the organization from the Communist Party, and the leadership, the “fifth order” was anonymous, so members didn’t even know their names. The Mattachine Society went on to become one of several prominent groups organizing during the period of LGBTQ+ activism referred to as the Homophile Movement, with chapters opening up in a number of states. The Mattachine Society began publishing The Mattachine Review in 1955. Regional organizations also published their own periodicals and newsletters.

Around 1957, the National Mattachine Society moved their headquarters from Los Angeles to San Francisco. In a 1957 letter from the Mattachine Board of Directors, they informed the local chapters that the board had voted 5-2 in favor of revoking all area council charters and “getting out of the branch office business.” The letter went on to encourage the local Mattachine branches to continue working autonomously, which many did.  The San Francisco Mattachine went on until 1967.


From           … By Stacey Flores Chandler, Reference Archivist

In 1953, President Dwight D. Eisenhower signed an Executive Order that changed the course of American history – and not just in the way the government planned. E.O. 10450 made “dishonest, immoral, or notoriously disgraceful conduct” – including so-called “sexual perversion” – grounds for firing any federal government employee. The order opened the door for agencies and the military to find, fire, and even publicly out suspected “homosexuals” in what’s now called the Lavender Scare. is available for reading. Determine for yourself if such  grounds for firing a federal employee would lead to anything but a more reliable, normal and efficient workforce with a built-in awareness (morals) of what is necessary for contributing to and living in a safe and pleasant society.


…The mission of the Mattachine Society of Washington, D.C. is to conduct original archival research and educational outreach that focuses on gay and lesbian legal, political, and policy history—often hidden, locked away or destroyed.  Our sources range from the Library of Congress to the National Archives and Records Administration; Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests to federal agencies; litigation; Presidential archives and libraries; and university libraries.

The original Mattachine Society of Washington, D.C. was the first gay civil rights organization in Washington, D.C. Co-founded by Dr. Franklin E. Kameny and Jack Nichols in 1961, the organization conducted the first gay rights protests at the White House, the United States Civil Service Commission, and the Pentagon…

Charles Francis, President

..began his career in public affairs as a speechwriter and public relations officer at The Chase Manhattan Bank in New York where he worked as a speechwriter and media relations spokesman for the bank and Chase Chairman David Rockefeller. Over the course of his career, Francis served as a consultant to individuals such as Clark Clifford and New York labor mediator Theodore Kheel and for companies including Federal Express, Citicorp and, for twenty years, the Public Affairs Division of Exxon Corporation and ExxonMobil.  He founded the now-defunct Republican Unity Coalition with Senator Alan K. Simpson as Honorary Chairman, and with President Gerald Ford and David Rockefeller serving on the group’s Advisory Board…  


.. In 1965, he organized one of first gay rights protests – a picket line in front of the White House – four years before the Stonewall rebellion. He filed countless lawsuits on behalf of federal workers who were fired because they were gay, eventually winning two decisions that would force the government to change its hiring policies


Whereas earlier homophile activists emphasized respectability, middle-class values, civil rights, and the integration of gay people into existing social institutions, the philosophy and practice of gay liberation centered on broad social transformation, visibility, redistribution of resources, and dismantling norms of sexuality. As Ellen Broidy, a member of the Gay Liberation Front (GLF), explained: “We didn’t want a piece of the pie. We wanted to reconstruct the whole damn bakery.”

And then some.

Stealing Birthday Gifts

Maybe I’m sensitive about gifts that get stolen or go missing or get broken before I had the opportunity to break them or wear them out because that’s what used to happen sometimes in my family, my big family. Somebody would get a birthday present or a Christmas present and one or another of us would on occasion, when the gifted one was absent or otherwise engaged elsewhere, one of us might borrow it to incorporate it into a short term distraction. The object of desire didn’t necessarily end up broken or missing every time but sometimes things happen. And then at other times, things purposely happen.

Like one Christmas, our grandmother made it a musical Christmas. She gave most of us semi-real instruments of music. Somebody got a plastic trumpet. It had to be made with good plastic because if you followed the instructions in the book you clipped onto the horn you heard a tune. If you practiced you could recognize it. I think another brother got a clarinet of the same vintage plastic as the trumpet. I got a hard cardboard or thin plywood version of a violin. It had no instruction book but fortunately my mother knew something about violins and showed me how to play a tune on it. I was mesmerized by it. I played it whenever I had a chance and at eight or nine years old during Christmas vacation chance was always there. I played that tune a lot. I didn’t realize it bothered my younger sister until I learned she cut the bow strings. It might even have been a case of her and my brothers, drawing straws for the job. I was pissed. But I got over it.

Awhile back it occurred to me that Independence Day hasn’t been the same as it used to be back in the 50’s and 60’s because it’s being stolen from US; and worse, we’ve been getting over it.

I’ve posted visual accounts of the measures post-WWII Germans, trapped behind the Berlin Wall, were willing to take to escape communist totalitaria  but this Independence Day gift also offers a stark contrast of life in East Germany after the war while living under communist tyrants compared to the life lived in the West.

As I remember the US of the fifties it was populated by a majority of people whose respect for life was based on respect for God and family, friends and neighbors many of them thankful their prayers during the war for the safe return of loved ones from the theaters of war were answered. Very few wore their religious belief on their sleeve, but people did go to church back then with purpose.

That post war video  also stands as a model for those of us who have fallen for the Rockefeller led American oligarchs plan to socialize US right into slavery.

This magazine account tells of the active role the Rockefellers played in the Bay of Pigs fiasco with Democrat support.

We must also  consider the impact Rockefellers had on The United States with their Social Science mind games that have turned US into a baby killing machine that opened the borders up for cheap sources of labor since our birth rate can no longer provide natural talent.


…After two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the Nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the Nation’s ability to solve its problems. We have looked for, and have not found, any convincing economic argument for continued population growth. The health of our country does not depend on it, nor does the vitality of business nor the welfare of the average person…

That was Respectfully submitted for the Commission, by John D. Rockefeller 3rd in 1972 to the President and Congress. Nixon resisted and two years later he was gone via Watergate. That’s my interpretation of the timing of historical collapse of the popular Nixon.

More recently we were told the Rockefellers, through their foundation, work to keep US healthy; yet millions of Americans were silently led to the grave because of the mRNA science they helped to develop.

My Independence Day message is if we are to protect the gift we were presented 248 years ago and continue to celebrate our Declaration of Independence every July 4th, we must resist the manipulative lies used against US to lead US into a world where we are subject to Oligarchic control through deceptive means based on their version of science and psy-ops.


Another core feature of transhumanism, advocated by almost all transhumanists, is a claimed continuity with Enlightenment rationalism and humanism. Transhumanism imports humanist values such as rationality, personal autonomy, and so on, claiming that the primary difference between transhumanism and traditional humanism is that the former is not limited to the traditional means employed by the latter to improve the human condition: “Humanism tends to rely exclusively on educational and cultural refinement to improve human nature whereas transhumanists want to apply technology to overcome limits imposed by our biological and genetic heritage” (More, 2013, 4).

It should be noted that today, even in the academic vernacular, the term “humanism” is typically used in a loose, historically ambiguous manner that blurs the line between humanism(s) and the Enlightenment.3 In this usage, the term is usually intended to refer nonspecifically to modern secular humanism, with an implied emphasis on the continuity between this movement and earlier “humanisms,” in particular, Renaissance humanism. This is how transhumanists, as well as those writing about them, typically use the term. For example, Max More writes that transhumanism “shares many elements of humanism, including a respect for reason and science, a commitment to progress, and a valuing of human (or transhuman) existence in this life rather than in some supernatural ‘afterlife’” (More, 1990, 1), while Bostrom identifies “rational thinking, freedom, tolerance, democracy, and concern for our fellow human beings” (Bostrom, 2003, 4) as humanist values taken up by transhumanism…

I can’t see transhumanists partying over something they don’t understand. Their modern precursors don’t appear to value Independence Day now other than as an opportunity to dance in a parade.

Independence Days are numbered by transhumanists. Our days of independence has already been ended without God in our lives. How’s that “concern for our fellow human beings” working out for you? Only the promise of Jesus includes Liberty.  In all their blathering that leads to war after war, which Oligarch has promised deliverance to their captives? And what are we but captives in their web of lies? What kind of independence are we celebrating? How many Americans recognize we are being manipulated into independence from God by enlightened oligarchs?


Two Historically Familiar Characters, Their Traits and the Organizations They Hooked Up With

You decide if the organizations they  identified with have much in common.

First, a Hannah Arendt biography


Arendt went to Jerusalem in 1961 as a court reporter for The New Yorker magazine. The idea was not The New Yorker’s but her own. She felt she simply had to attend the trial. She owed it to herself—as a social critic, a displaced person, a witness, and a survivor. “I never saw these people,” she wrote to the Rockefeller Foundation, referring to such Nazi officials as Eichmann, “…and this is probably my only chance.” “To attend this trial is…an obligation I owe my past.” She was interested, as she put it, in understanding Eichmann’s mind (if he had one) and, through the testimonies at the trial, exploring “the totality of the moral collapse the Nazis caused in respectable European society.”

...She emphasized Eichmann’s moral and intellectual shallowness, his inner void…

..Eichmann’s inability to speak coherently in court was connected, she concluded, with his incapacity to think—that is to say, to think from another person’s point of view. His shallowness was by no means identical with stupidity. He personified neither hatred nor madness nor an insatiable thirst for blood, but something far worse, the faceless nature of Nazi evil itself, within its closed system aimed at dismantling the human personality of its victims. The Nazis had succeeded in turning the legal order on its head, making the wrong and the malevolent the foundation of a new “righteousness.” In the Third Reich evil had lost the distinctive characteristics by which most people had until then recognized it, i.e., as a “temptation.” It was redefined as a civil norm. Conventional goodness now became a mere temptation which most Germans, of course, were fast learning to resist. In this upside-down world Eichmann (one is tempted to say perhaps like Pol Pot four decades later) seemed not to have been conscious of having done evil, in our sense of that word. In matters of elementary morality, Arendt warned, what had been thought of as decent instincts were no longer to be taken for granted.


In Minute One of the presidential debate Thursday night, the Democratic  party and the entire class of mainstream media sycophants and pundits were exposed as conspirators in a “Big Lie” – the gaslighting of the American public that President Biden was not only mentally fit but better and wiser than ever for a second term when they knew that was false. 

Biden is not the target of this post, the Democrat party is. The comparison to the Nazi party is not coincidental, the National Socialist German Workers Party has already, as I recently learned, been recognized as a model the Democrats follow.

The difference is the Nazi’s invited their billionaires to the Party while post-WW II Democrats/Rinos  eventually turned their backs on the Constitution and climbed aboard the Rockefeller putsch train;  accounts are recorded here  and here  while evidence of their willingness to capitulate circulated in Congress since 1991 as documented on the bottom of page three at

At  is evidence based historic record of the American interest’s absorption and transformation of the German study of society after WW I into the “practical knowledge useful for the management and control of society” that came to be recognized as the “Americanization of the social sciences” that was seen as the “promise of order in a world of chaos” through science. Or so they said.

From The Rockefeller Foundation and the League of Nations: Cooperation in International Health

4). Annual reports of the administration of the Interchange of Public Health Personnel will be rendered to the Council and Assembly of the League of Nations, and copies of these reports will be forwarded regularly to the International Health Board of the Rockefeller Foundation. Representatives of the Rockefeller Foundation will be kept closely and regularly informed of the activities of the interchange of public health personnel.

5). The Rockefeller Foundation agrees to pay an annual subvention to meet the expenses of the interchange of Public health Personnel, not to exceed 60,080 dollars a year for each of the three years 1922/1923, 1923/1924 and 1924/1925.

6). The Rockefeller Foundation agrees to pay the annual subvention in quarterly instalment, beginning October 1, 1922, directly to the Financial Director of the Secretariat of the League of Nations.

7). The Financial Director of the Secretariat of the League of Nations will administer the subvention paid by the Rockefeller Foundation as a separate Fund for the maintenance of the Interchange of Public Health personnel, to be known as the Interchange of Public Health Personnel Fund, and will make disbursements from this Fund at the direction of the Secretary General of the League of Nations, after a budget has been approved by the Health Organisation of the League.

Sounds like it was the beginning of a beautiful friendship for the NWO.

For US and the rest of the God fearing world, not so much.

(07/02) Late to the Party Update:

Saw this http://Thom Hartmann Program video this morning (7/02) which brought to mind this news story  which might be looked upon as the account of the response to an obtuse caste key and compass signal set deep in their Vedic Texts obvious only to them and used  to secure their sought after and much desired Nirvana for the next thousand years, the selling points Hartmann explained in part in the above video..

It was strange, though, the attempt to connect Covid with the flight of the wealthy when it was stated in the previous paragraph the Monied Migration went back to 2014, two years before this announcement

The times, as Bob Dylan might be thinking, be finally A-Changing.

Now They Are Three

Another Trilateral. They’ll probably have a triangle on their official Star Trek style  Parliamentarian  uniform ahnsahm.

For some reason many, maybe the majority of Americans of all persuasions tend to blame being caught in the daily downward swirl on the mental, moral or mulish proclivities of the ineffectual political class. No questions asked, that’s what it is; lock, stock and barrel.

There is more than enough evidence countering that widespread belief but such evidence is rarely acknowledged and tonight there will be more damning data presented. One big ‘however’ is this time the data appears to be intended for a selective audience.

While the body politic continues to carry an increasing debt to US that has passed long ago into the major karmic re-balance realm that will surely follow them into hell, the true engineers of our planned  demise continue on their way unscathed merrily dismantling our Constitution with neither a Congressional shot fired across their bow nor a pointed remark from a pulpit to remind the humanist fools that throughout history those who deleted God’s primacy, ignored His authority or mocked His dominion eventually earned a major comeuppance.

The subject of Public Health and the power it continues to accumulate was supposed to be the subject today. Like it’s demented sister Social Science, Public Health started out well enough but once it’s founders recognized it’s inherent power, it’s pretty obvious they upgraded their plans.

Instead of the Public Health article I had in mind I’m going to share a dark possibility I became aware of a few days ago.

It all started with this showing up multiple mornings as the opening page when I turned on the computer.  It’s an old newsletter I signed up for about twenty years ago when I learned the local congress person was a member.  After a week or two of deleting it I thought maybe there’s a reason John Edward Porter is staring at me every morning so I picked a subject on page 5 – World Parliamentarian because they used to push that subject as the model for their planned world government and did a search… and by golly they are still hot after Parliament style control.

So then I wondered if this new to me search engine would have anything not presented by the other search engines I use so… and I learned there was a new WO in town. It’s called World Intellectual Property Organization. I never heard of it before so I started looking at it sideways and eventually came up with some interesting returns: Global Innovation Raimondo 2022

Here’s an interesting one  where you gain access to even more information like that’s about sharing technology.

This one   interprets the U.S. Constitution for the reader. has the date we joined WIPO. I forget exactly where it’s recorded but I’m pretty sure it was back in the sixties.

These might be the days of coincidence but earlier tonight I learned at the RBF president is talking change

It might not be the dark possibility I suggested above but this unsigned advisory from the U.S. Surgeon General’s Office was what prompted my plan to write about Public Health and it sure sounds like they’d like to take care of their gun concerns before they move on to changing

…the core logic underlying global affairs—rooted in the earliest international treaties and enshrined in the U.N. Charter—and finds them insufficient to address today’s unprecedented convergence of political, economic, social, technological, and environmental forces. He then offers a reimagined framework for international relations based on the equitable distribution of power and the primacy of global common interests in peace and security, economic prosperity, and environmental sustainability. 

Democrats and Ukrainians… A Match Made in A Deep and Smokey Hole


06/13/2024 02:55 PM EDT…lawmakers say Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy told them in recent meetings in Singapore and France that the new permissions are too narrow for him to effectively defend Kharkiv — and that he wants to strike more of the Russian military targets bombarding his people and forces…

…A top Biden ally, Sen. Chris Coons (D-Del.) said he is pressing Zelenskyy’s case with the White House.

“I respect the president’s concerns and the concerns of many about how deep into Russia to facilitate strikes, but I think Zelenskyy’s made reasonable requests and we ought to pursue them,” Coons said…

House Foreign Affairs Committee ranking member Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.), and Sen. Richard Blumenthal said after meeting with Zelenskyy last week during the 80th anniversary of the D-Day invasion in Normandy that they’ve changed their minds and feel as Coons does…

“Had we given them the money in the first place we wouldn’t be where we are right now — so we’re playing catch up,” Meeks said. “Because the Ukrainians couldn’t fire on certain positions so [Russian forces] got established so that they could fire more at the Ukrainians. Now I am trying to catch up for the lack of funding because we couldn’t pass the supplemental.”

And the Republican Speaker of the House led the way.


But most troublingly for Johnson, the Ukraine aid measure passed 311-112, with all 210 Democrats in attendance voting for the bill, and all 112 of the no votes coming from the GOP. As the bill passed, Democrats on the House floor waved Ukrainian flags and cheered in solidarity with the U.S. ally. They tried to hand flags out to Republicans, but only a few accepted.

How much money have we given to Zelensky in the last two years? . CFR says of the $175B Congress has appropriated for their war, only $107B goes to the Ukraine government.

The NWO wants Ukraine in NATO and they want US broke, evidently.  The problem is, allegedly, it isn’t going very well for Zelensky’s forces, either. MacGregor I MacGregor II

The same can be said for the democrat’s agenda

Back in the 1950’s, I was going to Catholic school where we learned the story of Fatima more than once. What I didn’t understand was at the end of the story we were always encouraged to pray for Russia; I never understood that then; they were our enemy.

Now, I understand; and I’ve been understanding pretty clearly since the Covid scam.


What Happens When You Are Above the Law


In the pharmaceutical world exemption from responsibility passes the responsibility for paying any award for damages onto the taxpayer.

CDC data… all vaccine reported ‘adverse events’ since 1990

Vaccine Manufacturer  All Adverse Events Reported since 1990 – US+US Territories+Unknown Location
AVENTIS PASTEUR                                                                                                                                                     2,185
BAVARIAN NORDIC                                                                                                                                                     1,892
BAXTER HEALTHCARE CORP.                                                                                                                                                           43
BERNA BIOTECH, LTD.                                                                                                                                                     2,779
BSI                                                                                                                                                           68
BURROUGHS WELLCOME                                                                                                                                                             3
CONNAUGHT LABORATORIES                                                                                                                                                  32,853
CONNAUGHT LTD.                                                                                                                                                     5,672
CSL LIMITED                                                                                                                                                     7,448
DYNAVAX TECHNOLOGIES CORPORATION                                                                                                                                                     1,439
EMERGENT BIOSOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                                     8,489
EVANS VACCINES                                                                                                                                                     2,149
GLAXOSMITHKLINE BIOLOGICALS                                                                                                                                                194,650
GREER LABORATORIES, INC.                                                                                                                                                           11
INTERCELL AG                                                                                                                                                        438
JANSSEN                                                                                                                                                  73,440
LEDERLE LABORATORIES                                                                                                                                                  11,060
LEDERLE PRAXSIS                                                                                                                                                           11
MASS. PUB HLTH BIOL LAB                                                                                                                                                     1,793
MEDEVA PHARMA, LTD.                                                                                                                                                        849
MEDIMMUNE VACCINES, INC.                                                                                                                                                  11,943
MERCK & CO. INC.                                                                                                                                                421,003
MICHIGAN DEPT PUB HLTH                                                                                                                                                     2,932
MILES LABORATORIES                                                                                                                                                           13
MODERNA                                                                                                                                                486,572
MSP VACCINE COMPANY                                                                                                                                                        985
NORTH AMERICAN VACCINES                                                                                                                                                           60
NOVARTIS VACCINES AND DIAGNOSTICS                                                                                                                                                  37,537
NOVAVAX                                                                                                                                                        483
ORGANON-TEKNIKA                                                                                                                                                           68
PARKDALE PHARMACEUTICALS                                                                                                                                                        470
PARKE-DAVIS                                                                                                                                                     1,340
PASTEUR MERIEUX CONNAUGHT                                                                                                                                                        105
PASTEUR MERIEUX INST.                                                                                                                                                     2,518
PAXVAX                                                                                                                                                           95
PFIZER\BIONTECH                                                                                                                                                504,372
PFIZER\WYETH                                                                                                                                                123,778
PROTEIN SCIENCES CORPORATION                                                                                                                                                     3,422
SANOFI PASTEUR                                                                                                                                                219,409
SCLAVO                                                                                                                                                        245
SEQIRUS, INC.                                                                                                                                                  16,007
SMITHKLINE BEECHAM                                                                                                                                                  26,728
TEVA PHARMACEUTICALS                                                                                                                                                        204
VALNEVA USA, INC.                                                                                                                                                             3
VBI VACCINES                                                                                                                                                             5
UNKNOWN MANUFACTURER                                                                                                                                                112,736
TOTAL                                                                                                                                            2,320,305

Preview Bad Movie Worse Ending

From  Chuck Ross  August 18, 2022 

The Biden administration last month warned of a Chinese Communist Party front group that seeks to “co-opt” state leaders as part of Beijing’s sprawling foreign influence operation. Emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop show the first son and his business partners helped the organization gain a foothold in the United States while his father was vice president…

Interesting picture included in that article; it’s the same as the one below.

U.S.  Vice President is distractedly opening a Chinese snack.

Drug addict son is so focused on the treat it is as if he believed his future depended on what was inside the wrapper.

Maybe it was.

The head between the Biden’s also appears to not want to miss a detail of the next few seconds.

Ten years later being under the Obama/Biden  influence  since 2009 and the Biden  role as Mock King since 2021, our Nation is functioning at almost the same  maximally diminished level his physical and mental faculties hover at, lower than normal, just above  absurd.

What was in that snack in 2013?


Who You Voting For?

Donald Trump was found guilty of business crimes and is to be sentenced this month. Since the judge and the prosecutor did not charge him with treason, it must be  assumed they were unable to find a way to list that crime on their dream  charge sheet.

Meanwhile, it seems like forever we’ve  been hearing Hunter Biden is supposed to go to trial or is negotiating a settlement or charges were dropped 

If the time lapse left a gap in your memory, here’s a couple of links to refresh the four year long nightmare.

As for Hunter’s  Burisma, China and Russia shenanigans here’s Wikipedia’s version:

Like the man used to say, here’s the rest of the story…