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I Had A Dream



Yesterday, Tuesday, 11/12/24 just before I woke up.

It was a full mind screen picture of the flag with a 5 where the stars would be and the five looked just like the one pictured below. The one difference is, in the dream, the blue field was in the right corner.

I have no graphic abilities to speak of and still don’t  know how this website came together years ago; that I was able to get the flag on this page at all was no mean feat and I consider it an accomplishment beyond all that I hoped for and that ain’t the all of it.

Before I thought about posting the flag dream, I started looking into occultic or hidden meanings for the number 5. I’m curious and besides, the 5 wasn’t just any 5. What you see is how it looked in the dream; and I searched through half the Apple fonts this mac provides before I recognized the Luminari model.  Luminari; sounds like it’s right out of Godfather 3.

The personal applications to the various interpretations weren’t considered. With the 5 being front and centered on Old Glory I immediately defaulted to applying the various interpretations, which mostly were positive, to the national level.

The number 5 symbolizes risks are involved but recognizing them leads to mitigating them.

While the number5 signifies freedom and change with adventure thrown in, staying positive in a period of adversity requires a non-wavering trust in God.

Meanwhile, the5 influence continued this morning when I picked up my bible and it opened to Mathew 5, the account of Jesus teaching the Beatitudes to the multitude.

If the US government under Trump embraced the Beatitudes as a basis for our new foreign policy, I think President Trump could be recognized as the  one political leader who walked his campaign talk and stayed on the high road,  avoiding the shadows of uncertainty cast by promises and allegations unfulfilled and forgotten, the same promises and allegations those who believe in him and came out by the millions in support of him have recognized and long expected relief from presidents past but instead were disappointed year after year, decade after decade.

There’s not much wick left in this Country; probably less throughout Western civilization. I pray that 5 is a solid message of encouragement from  the One, True and interested God.


Adding Another Dimension to the Dis, Mis Message


It ain’t easy being free and they don’t have to complicate matters like they do when the message provides a  noumenon heads up. 

On the other hand… an update.

Yesterday, November 5, 2024, a day, I think, that will live a very longtime in most American’s memories as one of our narrowest escapes from the clutches of evil in our Nation’s 248 years of existence and of which I am certain most of US gave thanks for the outcome; and yet, on November 6, mere hours after our deliverance from the democrat’s version of durance vile, having run smack dab into one of the many vestiges of  the impact from the political crime families Twentieth Century efforts to deconstruct US into a police state , I thought  connecting the two recent experiences of mine in the span of 23 hours split unevenly between yesterday and today would be insightful.

It began yesterday when I received an emailed notification I was expecting but didn’t want. It was a notice of a substack resubscription I tried to head off last week when I received a reminder it was a week away.

It turns out substack makes it difficult to cancel subscriptions. They use a circular route to nowhere with no human available to interface as a last resort.

I contacted capital one to request they block payment and was told I would have to let the sale go through and then contact capital one to cancel payment. That’s the way they do it these days or so the guy said.

So I waited until I got the notice yesterday from George Webb thanking me for subscribing. In that email there was a link included if I wanted to cancel the deal which I took full advantage of until I saw it just lead to a page of his many work efforts and no place to cancel. It reminded me of my short lived career selling craftmatic beds of long, long ago.  Oy!

Having no luck cancelling directly I turned once again to capital one. An hour long story shortened for my well being resulted in my card being cancelled by ‘Leonard’ who spoke reasonably good english with an occasional lapse into indistinguishable phrases and a hair trigger card cancelling button. At the end of the hour after contact was lost with Leonard because he couldn’t understand my flip phone was not capable of accessing his texted security message and maintaining voice contact at the same time, I called back and this time talked with Mae who followed the same capone script as Leonard and evidently didn’t understand my resistance to doing the same thing that resulted in the broken connection that hopefully proved to Leonard the inadequacy of an eight year old flip phone in the hands of a dinosaur. I bid farewell to Mae to avoid having my head explode.

On to Part Two.

That flip phone which I rarely even turn on was on the shelf behind me buzzing this morning. I forgot to turn it off and it’s a good thing  because it was T-Mobile texting me I’d better make other arrangements to pay them today because my credit card isn’t responding to their tapping efforts.

I ended going up to their store because eight years ago my email address, which I shared with T-mobile went to cryptoheaven and hasn’t been accessible for four or five years, maybe, and I couldn’t pay t-mobile online because their security required information no longer available. So I’m in the store, I already explained to the clerk I was there to pay a bill.

I was asked to provide the number of the flip phone I was holding in my hand and I did; then I was asked to provide identification. I showed him my cc permit issued by Michigan. He wouldn’t accept it. It had to be my driver’s license. Why? Because he had to scan it. Why are you going to scan it? I’m here to pay a bill.

It’s policy.

I said goodbye.

As I was driving home I was considering how if I wanted to by some bourbon, me a seventy six year old male would have to show ID. Now, they’re not only asking for ID when I pay a phone bill, they want to scan it.

Bureaucracy gone wild.



T‑Mobile cares about the security of your personal information and wants to protect you and us against fraud. Where permitted by law, T‑Mobile and our contractors (“we”, “us”) use ID scanning and facial recognition technology to verify your identity and safeguard personal information as part of our security and fraud prevention efforts. This notice describes our collection and use of biometric data for these security and fraud prevention purposes.

When we refer to “biometric data,” we mean information about your physical or biological characteristics (some states call these “biometric identifiers”) that identify you. Information like eye, hand, or face scans; fingerprints; and voiceprints may be considered biometric data if they are being used to identify you. The definitions of biometric data vary under different states’ laws. For example, some states’ biometric laws don’t apply to driver’s license photos. Photos of you are not biometric data, but biometric data can be made from processing the photo.

Why we collect, share, and store your biometric data

T‑Mobile will not collect, use, or store your biometric data without your consent. Also, T‑Mobile will not sell, lease, trade, or otherwise profit from your biometric data. We will only disclose your biometric data or share the data with our contractors to provide the products or services you request. When a valid legal request is made, we may also share the biometric data with law enforcement.

When you consent to the creation and use of your biometric data through ID scan or other processes for identity verification or fraud prevention purposes, we will keep your biometric data for up to one year after you terminate your relationship with T‑Mobile. However, if we determine that a transaction may involve fraud, we may keep the biometric data and supporting information longer, as the law allows.

T‑Mobile will store, transmit, and protect your biometric data using the same degree of reasonable care as for similar confidential and sensitive information.


I will be in touch with the recently elected Republican legislator. We’ll see how serious the Republicans are about dismantling the bureaucratic power structure inflicting themselves on our liberties for their convenience.

Or he’ll explain the rules of the New World Order as it applies to T-Mobil customers and an elderly consumer of bourbon who hasn’t had a taste in more than a few years.

Guess Who Is Excused From Dis, Mis and A Propaganda Kiss


or three.

I’m here to share how the real influencers git ‘er done by using misdirection , lies and propaganda  they are so concerned about citizens using online.

Earlier today, I did a search on seeking and found this 2022 addition

This is their opening statement:

 International Resource for Impact and Storytelling (IRIS) is a new donor collaborative focused on strengthening civil society through narrative strategies and creative storytelling for impact. A sponsored project of RPA, IRIS supports donor partners and field-led efforts to deepen integration between storytellers, movements, and civil society leaders with narrative analysis, with the aim to promote advancement on social justice issues.

It then moved into the interview where after they outright mix fact with fiction, or what a wary citizen would call lying, dishonest techniques are freely discussed and embraced.

Cara Mertes: The seed for IRIS was planted at the Ford Foundation, where I started eight years ago as Director of JustFilms, the foundation’s documentary portfolio. Historically, Ford Foundation has activated the storytelling aspect of their social justice work through its support of the independent documentary in the US, and more recently, internationally. In 2014, while supporting non-fiction content and the field that surrounds it, I began to think more broadly about narrative analysis and narrative change as an emerging field of practice. I came back to the same question: what is the difference we can make with our stories as we work to achieve more just societies? Rather than thinking about funding single stories, the challenge was to think more systemically about compounded impact, multiple approaches to storytelling, and funding content and nurturing talent linked to creating benefits for community most impacted by inequality.

With others at Ford, I also began to think about how we can build a storytelling strategy in a major philanthropy that responds to the 21st century realities we face. I concluded that while non-fiction is necessary, it is not sufficient to rise to the challenges. We needed to broaden our storytelling categories, thinking about the future of storytelling: virtual reality, short forms, social media – all forms of creative storytelling need to be in our sights if we want to attain social justice progress

It sounds like that old Imperial edict, Rules for thee but not for me never goes out of fashion when kings and criminals are in charge and since after tomorrow the Reset could be restarting; and if the democrat party emerges as the UNlikely winner in the UNlikely event that the party of the people, who came out by the thousands almost every time Trump visited their area, once again suffers a devastating surprise within 36 hours of the polls closing, remember liar’s lie, cheater’s cheat and when their bosses couldn’t get around the Constitution to reach their low hanging wants and needs they knew their end run strategy was always available…

If we do lose tomorrow it wouldn’t surprise me if the commie pukes start changes quickly through the Biden administration so hold onto yer gats and yer faith in God.

Some reading I came across today in no particular order…

Speaking of Islands of Trash…


Cuba’s got mucho useless copper and electric transformers lying about these days.

Cuban power’s still down as of my recent (halloween 2024) check. Some trick or treat for the climate activist freaks. They chased the treat and the people got tricked.

Six months after this story appeared about Cuba’s ten years of chasing the dream to cleaner, more resiliant energy system darkness settled.

Over the past 10 years, Cuba has begun to embark on an energy transition. Recent shifts in law and policy create new and promising opportunities and indicate a desire on the part of Cuba’s policymakers to transition to a cleaner, more climate resilient energy system. Cuba committed to generating 24% of its electricity from renewable energy sources by 2030 as part of the country’s Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) under the Paris Agreement. Policymakers have subsequently announced their intent to increase renewable electricity generation to 37% by 2030. Additionally, in 2019, Cuba updated its constitution to explicitly state that the government must respond to climate change and aims to promote foreign investment for economic development. Cuba’s intention to transition to renewable energy generation is key, as renewables can provide climate change mitigation, reduced local air pollution, and resilience benefits over the current fossil fuel-fired power generation system.

For all you discounted victims of the Rockefeller dream… You bought their Revolucion!  with your souls now dig down and think Resilience! It’s the marxist way.

Electric Light Orchestra – The Lights Go Down 

It’s got a cool Marley touch. Ya’ll should probably enjoy it.

As Democrat Electioneering Whines Down

Here’s a famous hard to find quote from Arlen ‘single bullet’ Specter; the Philadelphia democrat DA, then rino senator, then back to democrat to finish out his senatorial run in 2011.


“I don’t need to be lectured by you!” the chairman, Senator Arlen Specter, Republican of Pennsylvania, shouted at the Democrat, Senator Russell D. Feingold of Wisconsin. “You are no more a protector of the Constitution than am I.”

Probably one of the few truths he as a politician let slip out of his mouth.

As most everybody has or is beginning to notice, those inalienable rights declared in our Declaration of Independence are just a nicely rounded phrase without the support of law  the U.S. Constitution provides that enforces those Rights, among them Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

And they are near getting lost in the swamp.

Make sure your chosen candidate knows that what you want above all his or her  concerns that (s)he tells you needs fixing,  you want them to be the  protector of the Constitution (s)he will be swearing to be as a Senator or Representative and our biggest challenge, President 


Despite Prejudicial Headlines  the Slovakian government takes steps to ban mRNA assaults  and Australians climb aboard.

Next, the Globalist First team rebuttal…