Category Archives: Uncategorized

The Coven’s Plan

A reminder to politicians purposely misusing the phrase ‘promote the general Welfare’ found in the preamble of the Constitution of the United States:

Writing edicts to support the lies that created the fake disease designed to manipulate the impressionable into a gulag mindset intended to accommodate the government office holders plans of furthering their unconstitutional actions by forcing dangerous vaccinations on the citizens using military troops is meaningless in a nation of laws.

As these vaccinations are also intended to provide an increase in the wealth of all conspirators involved in this collusion to oppress the populace through forced vaccination with questionable substances created by companies they are invested in renders citizens as a marketable item thereby transforming Free People into slaves.

Such edicts, if offered in the future as a defense, cannot survive examination based on our cultural foundations designed for reality; for their edicts have been built in the world of psychological manipulation — Satan’s palace, his playground — using propaganda techniques developed in two world wars and honed to a fine edge by post war social scientists; such edicts are not found in the Constitution the government office holders have sworn to uphold.

Consider This

If 95% of the worlds population understood, with no doubt, that this alleged pandemic was a scam originating from the highest levels of the world’s government we would still be subjected to stories every day, through out the day like this one…

Berman insisted the studies have included a wide range of participants.

“Again, the question is,” a frustrated Berman continued, “Why haven’t any random, placebo-controlled trials showed benefit? Isn’t that a problem for an epidemiologist?”

“No,” Risch shot back. “In fact, the FDA has a huge history of drugs going into widespread use in the medical community for decades that have not been established in the basis of randomized controlled trials. Half of the chemotherapy drugs used in cancer were used without randomized controlled trials.”

CNN’s on-screen graphic, which has grown notoriously snarky, sided with Berman, who continued to disagree with Risch.

“Yale epidemiologist insists, against evidence, hydroxychloroquine works,” the chyron said

Stand your ground


This far ranging post will start with a sharing of an email I received regarding the death of Dr. Mike Adams. The sender was more familiar than I was of Adams but his death can not be separated from the events of the times that he so vociferously spoke out against for so many years outside of his classroom. Here is her message.

Dr. Mike Adams is dead at 55 years old, and I am devastated… his beliefs, world view, whatever you want to call it, are also mine, so I am taking his death very personally. He was a Big Target but certainly the heat is intensifying for all the Non-Woke.

We don’t have any official details yet other than he died of a gunshot wound allegedly to the head. Self-Inflicted? We do not know yet how Mike died, but assassination is much more likely than suicide, which honestly never entered my mind. Why did so many of his supporters glom onto that possibility? Sickening. Do not be manipulated one more time by the Tavistock-trained Transformationalists who manipulate and nudge you this way and that to make sure you come to the proper conclusion and accepted destination.

I didn’t know until his death that Mike recently won his defamation lawsuit against his employer, UNC-Wilmington to the tune of $500,000 and was going to retire on August 1. He was ready to start a new life. Yet even people who knew him seem to believe that Mike did a 180 after all the sheeeeeit he has gone through over decades, and said, “Naw, Life is No Longer Worth Living – I am just going to shoot myself in the head.” I need lots more proof to believe in that highly unlikely scenario.

This is hardly reminiscent of Obama Whistleblower Phil Haney’s death back in February. The public outcry then was immediate and fierce that no way did Haney commit suicide as the initial Official report stated (and later changed to murder, but crickets since that time). The same presumption of murder should be made for Mike Adams, as he had real enemies and death threats, too. Take a look at his Twitter feed over the past year or so. In his own words, you can see he was very normal in his beliefs and opinions – not controversial at all to normal people.

Being normal appears to be a capital sin these days, so be wary. We all have been put on notice that we are not worthy of living with our Pro-God/Pro-Life/Pro-Freedom beliefs. The proof is all around us that the enemy is not just talking any more; it’s an action enemy. We all need to wise up about that. These are not “Brats” rioting, looting, and destroying our country. These are grown men and women trained and dedicated to that cause… and we’re still whistlin’ past the Graveyard.

Meanwhile, more conservative notables are dropping in rapid order. Herman Cain and Lloyd Marcus were both strong voices who won’t be around come November to reinforce their messages that identify the real Massa’s in America and will be missed.

Information linked to the ‘action enemy’ connection:

And why wouldn’t they be hateful? They are the sheep of the Rockefeller flock who yearn for the culling of the sheep who do not respond to their shepherd’s signals.

Was David Rockefeller’s 1973 trip to China coincidental to the Chinese government commencing the abortion program directed at unborn females after he left?

Was it only the U.S. Supreme Court participation in “an exercise of raw judicial power…” that made 1973 the year that ‘ma’ was changed to ‘maw’? Women, too, had a role in the propaganda victory.

The Players

The UN Population Fund goes on to declare that the solution to sex-selective abortions is not to protect female babies from intentional violence, but to “tackl[e] the preference for sons through changes in social norms.”

Aborting the female half of population might be traced back to Asiatic logic but this developing eugenics story has me thinking the animal kingdom is being readied to follow a similar path although it makes little sense according to the intentions of the Rockefeller Foundation .

Perhaps the results of the cattle experiments are designed to please those of the political elite class not restricted by rules imposed on the rest of US. Those who would need the protein required to control a weakened and angry though diminishing rapidly crowd would enjoy a regular diet of prime beef, don’t you think?

It’s again time to examine the Rockefeller Foundation contributions to the development and strengthening of our National character and well-being based on the qualities we were once taught had been implanted, nay, infused in our National spirit in 1776 and we celebrate annually on July Fourth.


“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years…It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

You’re probably familiar with that one. Do you remember the time Castro visited the U.N.?

An excerpt from *** Miguel A. Faria Jr., M.D., is editor-in-chief, Medical Sentinel of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons, and author of “Vandals at the Gates of Medicine”(1995) and “Medical Warrior: Fighting Corporate Socialized Medicine” (1997). To reach him: P.O. Box 13648 Macon, Ga. 31208 (912) 757-9873 Fax (912) 757-9725 E-mail: Websites: and offers further evidence of Rockefeller values.

In 1995, Castro visited the United States to address the United Nations during its 50th anniversary celebration. It was a visit that was quite telling, as divergent groups came out to embrace him and sing his praises.

He was the honored guest at the Rockefeller family estate in New York. Yet, because of peaceful but serious protests, the honorific invitation had to be moved to the prestigious Pratt House, the headquarters for the Council of Foreign Relations, on East 68th Street in Manhattan.

At that confab, he was met by retired Chase Manhattan Bank Chairman David Rockefeller and a fawning audience of internationalists.

Later, Castro visited and was feted and warmly received by real estate developer and publishing magnate Mortimer Zuckerman and other media moguls and opinion molders such as Barbara Walters, Peter Jennings, Mike Wallace and scores of other media personalities. Castro called them “the cream of the crop” and in return got a big hug and kiss from Diane Sawyer, the most beautiful of them all.

And finally, during that visit, he was also honored at Harlem’s Abyssinian Baptist Church. There, he was proudly surrounded by U.S. Reps. Nydia M. Velazquez, Charles Rangel and Jose Serrano – all New York Democrats and all members of the extreme left-wing House Progressive Caucus.

They are among the 58 U.S. representatives who belong to this group closely aligned to the Democratic Socialists of America, the U.S. affiliate of the Socialist Internationale, the proud heirs of the first Internationale in which Karl Marx participated over a century ago.

All the members of the Progressive Caucus are Democrats, except for Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., who makes no pretenses and is a self-avowed socialist.

Interestingly, some of these leaders, particularly some of those who are also members of the Black Caucus, have blamed the CIA for pouring drugs into the streets of L.A. and other cities and killing black youth.

Yet they embrace Castro and his brother, Cuban Defense Minister Raul Castro, who has been implicated for using drugs as an instrument of war against the United States, as documented by Dr. Joseph Douglass in his book, “Red Cocaine.”

In 1993, a federal court in Miami indicted Raul Castro for drug trafficking. Neither Attorney General Janet Reno nor the Black Caucus has asked for his extradition.

In Harlem, Castro was cheered and applauded by the roaring crowd yelling, “Fidel, Fidel, Viva Cuba, Viva Cuba!” He was warmly bear-hugged by Rep. Rangel and told by the presiding church minister that he was one of the greatest leaders of the world and that they joined him in opposing the U.S. blockade. Then the noted cleric consecrated Castro: “God bless you,” he said, although Castro is an atheist and Cuba officially is an atheist state where the faithful are persecuted.

To this topsy-turvy insanity, my understanding for this admiration for Castro and his regime can only come from Scripture in Romans 1:22-25: “Professing to be wise, they became fools who exchanged the truth of God for the lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator.”


…“The social experiment in China under Chairman Mao’s leadership is one of the most important and successful in history.”

Not much Rockefeller pro-American energy being infused in those examples, so you shouldn’t be surprised by this information… A little too tin-foiley for you? Well, let’s just move up to something more current Read that carefully so you don’t miss anything.

This might be considered by some a related article

This is a follow up published last month to the previous article…

Before The Second Wave of Cheers

In case you didn’t get the White House email…

USMCA, Replacing NAFTA Today, is the Model for All Future Trade Agreements

At midnight today, the United States–Mexico–Canada Agreement (USMCA) went into effect, replacing the outdated North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).

“President Donald Trump was elected in part on his promise to change the direction of U.S. trade policy so it would put America first. He has kept that promise with new trade agreements and tough enforcement actions that break down foreign trade barriers, protect America’s competitive edge and stop the outsourcing of U.S. jobs,” U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer writes in the Pittsburgh Tribune-Review.

Anybody wondering where we are headed when DT is no longer in Office?

“Busy decriminalizing everything from shoplifting to drug use, San Francisco’s lawmakers don’t seem to realize that the city may soon be left gutted of its residents and its most successful industries. Better policies and leadership could have prevented this situation. Instead, San Francisco ignored its everyday citizens, who want safe streets, and took its cues from a wealthy, hyper-progressive itinerant class,” Hyon Chu writes in City Journal

Rockefeller derived foundations call it ‘Resilient States’. US who resist know it as third world living. The morally sick, spiritually lame and mentally lazy will get used to it. The evil will embrace it.

“Large firms are joining a campaign to turn social media platforms into tools of political surveillance and enforcement against conservatives. Coca-Cola, Starbucks, Verizon, North Face, Eddie Bauer and other major brands have paused Facebook advertising after left-wing activist groups claimed that it does not censor enough political speech,” The Wall Street Journal editorial board writes.

The “woke” aren’t going to remain fools forever; surveillance and enforcement against Truth will see that those identifying as woke  are officially reassigned to the acceptable /approved column.

Health Secretary Alex Azar said yesterday that personal responsibility will help America have a safe reopening for our workers. “We can continue to reopen—to get back to work, get back to school, get back to health care—but we have to act responsibly as individuals.” Read more from S.A. Miller in The Washington Times

Yesterday bureaucrats rode herd on personal responsibility. Starting today, they don’t need that talking point. After Trump leaves Office, whenever that is, bureaucrat rule will not tolerate any swamp reference or they’ll feed your ass to the alligators.

That’s what’s called progressive. Most people are lazy enough to buy their shit lock, stock and barrel.

Science of Coercion… Copyright 1994. How It’s Done

The 6/17/20 Canada Free Press headline read “United Nations Now Muscling In On U.S. Police Reform”. Using that theme, editor Judi McCleod wove fact and semi-fiction into an allusion that the UN wizard behind the Blue Curtain is UNidentifiable, UNaccountable and therefore UNtouchable to the once again confounded Patriots of America.

While the silent majority’s collective S-2 contemplates the reality of the current democrat based turmoil let’s examine Ms McCleod’s effort to mask the higher ranking villains.

…“A huge part of the problem in trying to fight off ownership by Agenda 21 are the multiple names and descriptions for it and the tons of U.N. paper produced to keep it recycled through the countless bureaucrats in villages, towns and cities.

“A veritable moving target that never goes away, Agenda 21 has more pages and as many clauses as the unread Health Bill known as ObamaCare.

“Some day when historians are sifting through the ashes of what was once the Free West trying to determine what happened, they will discover that freedom was lost through ‘The Agenda That Wasn’t Really There’.

“It was always difficult for the masses to catch on to the game-plan with the U.N. masquerading as ‘Grand Peace Central’.

“Though word leader lemmings and the U.N. have turned citizen suspicion of the all-encompassing Agenda 21 into conspiracy theory, ‘The Agenda That Wasn’t Really There’ is the world’s most clear and present danger.

“As patriots try to define it, the U.N. continues to change it just as the far left keeps moving the goal posts…

If the point of that piece is supposed to give the reader a clearer understanding of what’s being played out it misses its mark. The goalposts don’t have to move; the perception of them moving works well enough. Type Rockefeller Foundation and whatever organization McCleod mentions in that article into a search engine if you want to grasp the basis of the manipulation. It shouldn’t take too long to remove any doubt about where the ‘jelly on the wall’ is coming from and how it got there. The enabling smoke and accompanying mirrors built into the Agenda whatever programs could be explained with greater clarity when the behavioral science impinging on the vitality of our civilization is better understood.

Read the BBC’s explanation of their baffle ’em with BS primer at and compare it with what’s being offered here.

Their subject, smart people who believe Covid-19 is a hoax, is a good starting point. The coronavirus announcement back on March 15 told the world ‘War is an appropriate analogy’. There are at least two reasons for that analogy; firstly, it’s made a lot of money for people who know how to use the proper inflections when they want to impress the impressionable semi-unwashed and secondly, Tavistock Clinic, mother ship of the bafflenet is also home of the psychology of war.

In the event you are not familiar with Tavistock Institute, themilleniumreport can bring you up to date. The short outline that follows should satisfy the less patient.

During the early days of WW II, Britain was having a difficult time raising a large land army. The Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology (Tavistock Clinic) offered to help. Being recognized as vital components of the still emerging field of psychiatry and remembered for their skill in establishing acceptance of the claimed discovery that neurotic disabilities were not strictly related to the stresses of World War I, the Clinic was invited to join the Directorate of Army Psychiatry. The entire staff accepted.

The Tavistock Clinic, founded in 1920, was the parent body of the WW II Institute. The founding group was comprised of general physicians, neurologists, psychologists, anthropologists and psychiatrists; all, from the beginning of the group’s formation, showed willingness to link up to the social sciences.

Their staff philosophy was based on a belief in tolerance of their different viewpoints; it lined the path to mission success when there was only developing knowledge to build on. Tavistock Clinic was positioning itself as the clearing house of diverse conclusions extracted from their compatriot’s opinions. One might conclude they were making it up as they went along. Or perhaps they were comfortable with another expression; if it doesn’t fit, force it.

The Tavistock Clinic’s recognition as being a center of cutting edge New Thought was the enticement that enabled the True Believing crème de la crème of the world’s progressive thinkers to believe it was their right and duty to reshape the world in their image as it developed.

How were we to know they would be coming at US hammer and tong?

Science of Coercion… Copyright 1994

Defining Psychological War… Christopher Simpson

Page 7

Psychological warfare’s role in the evolution of communication research must be examined in the context of political developments of the 1940’s and 1950’s. In truth, the primary object of U.S. psychological operations during this period was to frustrate the ambitions of radical movements in resource-rich developing countries seeking solutions to the problems of poverty, dependency, and entrenched corruption

The United States and the Soviet Union clashed repeatedly over geopolitical hot spots around the world, and the Soviets conducted a large and reasonably sophisticated psychological warfare campaign against the United States…

Page 8

Given this situation, many leading U.S. social scientists regarded U.S. psychological warfare programs as an enlightened and relatively peaceful means of managing international conflicts through measures short of all-out war. As Ithiel de Sola Pool argued, social scientists’ active participation in U.S. foreign policy initiatives was necessary because the “mandarins of the future”– Pool’s term of praise for the decision making elite– need a “way of perceiving the consequences of what they do if [their] actions are not to be brutal, stupid and bureaucratic but rather intelligent and humane. The only hope for humane government in the future,” he continued, “is through extensive use of the social sciences by the government.

In reality, though, U.S. and Soviet psychological warfare programs each fed its rival’s appetite for escalated conflicts, particularly in contested countries in the Third World. Scientific research programs on either side that claimed to be a defensive reaction to foreign intrigues were easily interpreted in the rival’s camp as aggressive preparations for war.

At heart modern psychological warfare has been a tool for managing empire, not for settling conflicts in any fundamental sense. It has operated largely as a means to ensure that indigenous democratic initiatives in the Third World and Europe did not go “too far” from the standpoint of U.S. security agencies. Its primary utility has been its ability to suppress or distort unauthorized communication among subject peoples, including domestic U.S. dissenters who challenged the wisdom or morality of imperial policies. In practice modern psychological warfare and propaganda have only rarely offered “alternatives” to violence over the medium-to-long term. Instead, they have been an integral part of a strategy and culture whose premise the rule of the strong at the expense of the weak, where coercion and manipulation pose as “communication” and close off opportunities for other, more genuine, forms of understanding. The problem with psychological warfare is not so much the content of individual messages: It is instead its consistent role as an instrument for maintaining grossly abusive social structures, notably in global North/South relations.

The promised new world order was refining it’s newest strategy: Domination by communication. How did they manage to take US this far? What did Hillery and Barack used to say? You can’t deconstruct a village all by yourself? Something like that; they and their friends only look like movers and shakers.

All BO did in this case,, was to serve as the one small heel for globalists who took one giant step back on mankind.

Few people show any indication of being aware of the current political parties determination to have the Will of the People transferred over to a ‘to be named when needed’ bureaucratic committee that will eventually be found in a UN enclave.

An example of the political will; from the Obama whitehouse archives linked above:

Section 1. Behavioral Science Insights Policy Directive.

(a) Executive departments and agencies (agencies) are encouraged to:

(i) identify policies, programs, and operations where applying behavioral science insights may yield substantial improvements in public welfare, program outcomes, and program cost effectiveness;

(ii) develop strategies for applying behavioral science insights to programs and, where possible, rigorously test and evaluate the impact of these insights;

(iii) recruit behavioral science experts to join the Federal Government as necessary to achieve the goals of this directive; and

(iv) strengthen agency relationships with the research community to better use empirical findings from the behavioral sciences.

(b) In implementing the policy directives in section (a), agencies shall:

(i) identify opportunities to help qualifying individuals, families, communities, and businesses access public programs and benefits by, as appropriate, streamlining processes that may otherwise limit or delay participation — for example, removing administrative hurdles, shortening wait times, and simplifying forms;

(ii) improve how information is presented to consumers, borrowers, program beneficiaries, and other individuals, whether as directly conveyed by the agency, or in setting standards for the presentation of information, by considering how the content, format, timing, and medium by which information is conveyed affects comprehension and action by individuals, as appropriate;

(iii) identify programs that offer choices and carefully consider how the presentation and structure of those choices, including the order, number, and arrangement of options, can most effectively promote public welfare, as appropriate, giving particular consideration to the selection and setting of default options; and

(iv) review elements of their policies and programs that are designed to encourage or make it easier for Americans to take specific actions, such as saving for retirement or completing education programs. In doing so, agencies shall consider how the timing, frequency, presentation, and labeling of benefits, taxes, subsidies, and other incentives can more effectively and efficiently promote those actions, as appropriate. Particular attention should be paid to opportunities to use nonfinancial incentives.

Hacked, Tracked and Hijacked: The Cabalistic Driven American Migration from Peace and Prosperity.

Where did the idea of merging behavioral science with political science come from? The short answer is Great Britain. The larger, more complex answer is rooted within this bit of history rarely mentioned…

With WW II winding down, Alan Gregg the Rockefeller Foundation Medical Director offered a proposition to the alleged low on funds Clinic to carry on an implementation of the kind of social psychiatry that the army developed during the war. The Foundation’s intended target, however, was post-war society. The agreed on transformation and redefined mission of Tavistock was identified as Operation Phoenix.

A major payoff involving Tavistock and the Rockefeller Foundation involves one of the most distinguished psychologist’s of the Twentieth Century Kurt Lewin. While Organization Development is still generally attributed to Lewin, a 1945 document (abstract below) identifies Tavistock as the originator of OD’s invention.

If you choose not to skip over you will be rewarded with an insight into what the covid-19 sham is about and why a goodly portion of the United States of America believe the crap spewed by the criminal democrats.


The management field ‘Organization Development’ (OD), is said to have been invented in the mid-1950s in the USA. Some contribution post-1958 by the UK Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (TIHR), and to a minor extent, in its World War II ‘group-relations’ work is acknowledged. Otherwise, OD depicts the circle of its US ‘founding father’ Kurt Lewin (1890–1947) as its historic mainspring. A new 1945 primary source, the TIHR’s originating funding proposal to the Rockefeller Foundation, proposes all the components of OD, outside mention of Lewin et al. Thus, what was to become OD was invented in the Britain of 1945, not the USA of the 1950s.

What the U.S. sector of the world’s reptilian elite did launch in Washington D.C. was the monumental shift in the role of the United States: President Truman’s confirmation on 27 January 1948 of an Act of Congress which, ‘for the first time in our history committed our government, in time of peace, to conduct international information and educational exchange activities on a world-wide, long-term scale.
The Pursuit of the Nazi Mind pg189
Daniel Pick

Harry S Truman. Just another democrat doing what the elite approve.

One more thing. The United Nations headquarters in New York City sits on 16 acres of land purchased with an $8 million donation made in 1946 by John D. Rockefeller Jr.

I’d expect someone leading a ‘UN out of US’ cheer would make that kind of information abundantly clear. You know, so the reader has some idea of the chances of his/her demands meaning anything.

Chaos on Order

Antifa Exposed By Project Veritas

I once heard timing is everything says:

…Antifa doesn’t appear to have any organizing structure, but it has become a potent term for conservatives — a quick way to brand part of the opposition…

…There’s not much more than anecdotal evidence and blurry Twitter assertions that organized antifa groups showed up at the recent protests, executing any sort of “well-trained” tactics…

It’s the violent distillation of everything they fear could come to pass in an all-out culture war….

Starting around the time Trump announced his bid for the presidency in 2015, “antifa” morphed into a phrase that was used to broadly paint liberal protest organizers as driven to destroy civilized society through extreme measures

There’s more at the politico link but so much more in the four minutes used by Project Veritas putting those lies to rest.

Democrat Leaders, Antifa and Other Fools


Watch for their banner at the DNC convention

Where you will witness…

And as we are being distracted by do-nothing democrat governors, mayors and assorted other low-life we’re getting hot-slid out of our Constitutional Republic and into NWO control with the help of everybody’s favorite technocrat
Elon Musk who knows the path to success is paved with resilience and deeper pockets than even he has.

Here’s an added treat if you can stand it; or even understand it… Nicolas Badminton. Please make an effort to read Badminton’s interview to comprehend the kind of person being used to guide the mentally abused children about to take on the role of the Eloi.

Hey, maybe I’m the one who got it all wrong. Maybe Elon Musk’s SpaceX Dragon crew’s choice of take-a-long toy, the Apatosaurus, is only a coincidence and it doesn’t really mean anything.

Yeah, right, and Democrat senator Robert Byrd being the Exalted Cyclops to some of his friends didn’t mean anything, either.

Memorial Day 2020

Thanks to those who dug into the archives and remembered

Yer gonna pay for that ’cause I was digging, too, through old papers yesterday and found this…

I’m no vietnam hero
But I spent enough time there
To get shot at,shelled and rocketed
Facing down that domino scare
Today there’s hometown danger
So I’m doing what I can
Standing on the border
Proud to be a minuteman.

Proud to be a minuteman
In the minuteman family
We got no times for dominos
We’re protecting our liberty
Some call us vigilantes
They just don’t understand
We’re old school patriotic
It’s a God and Country thing

Born in Tombstone Arizona
Nurtured in New Mexico
Exploded in California
Texas let Congress know
We’re serious about our borders
So they better listen good
Until the borders secure
And they guard our doors
We’ll be doing what they should

Politicians like to change the laws,
They like to monkey with the things that work
They manipulate news and numbers
Like it’s a bureaucratic perk
Those kings and queens of the cubicle
May be in control but they’re out of touch
You get the feeling their double dealing
Won’t leave US with very much

That’s why I’m still a minuteman
Raising hell in a civilized way
Just an ordinary American
Born in the U-S-A
If the elected won’t understand that
We’ll sweep ’em right out the door
At the end of their term, they’ll get to learn
Another meaning of insecure.

I understand some may be thinking I’ve crossed the line in regards to holding to the spirit of the day. This message is not meant to disrespect those we hold in our memories this Memorial Day; it is not intended to detract in any way from honoring those who paid the price for our freedom. It is to remind US we owe them a great debt, one we must not default on for it means we will surely default on our future and share in the delivery of our Nation into great danger, a danger we may not ever recover from.

This danger to our Nation, our future, is palpable. Enemies we know as political leaders, men and women raised up wrong and placed in positions of authority, positions they use to direct their poisonous streams of venomous lies and contempt that mocks the measure of valor we salute today; the examples of valor we should be drawing a deep measure of determination from; the determination needed to defeat this contemptible enemy, these heinous beasts who hide behind scurrilous mendacity born in their Office as they plot every day their efforts to destroy US.

They have no shame, they have no respect for US nor for the sacrifices made by those we remember today. Do not yield to them and do not fear them. Today celebrate the memories of our brave who fought to their last breath. Here’s a reminder… is where I hope you are left facing the elephant. Two Marines, Cpl. Jonathan Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter, deserve that much. They died fighting the enemy until the end. All we’re required to do is apply pressure to the politicians until they do right. The re-authorization of the Patriot Act is not in our best interest. Cpl. Jonathan Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter died defending the many things you can roll up in a ball and call the American Way. The American Way developed from the energy of the Constitution. It’s not a stretch to say that’s what they died defending.

Don’t let the elitists kick their sacrifice to the curb. We are, all of US, the Constitution’s gatekeepers.