Category Archives: Uncategorized

How Deep the Collusion?

How high goes their craft? How dark are their glasses? How much do they laugh?


Imagine a scenario where COVID-19 was manufactured in a lab and was released as an act of terror. Tracey Gibbons, senior vice present, Underwriting, at Third Point Re, considers this possibility during a presentation for Carrier Management’s new series of ExecTalk videos…

…“It would effectively become a terror loss and only [be] covered by carriers that have not excluded nuclear, biological, chemical and radiological, or NBCR terrorism,”…

During the ExecTalk video, Gibbons discussed why COVID-19 has been a wake-up call for the industry. “Government-mandated business closures and global lockdown’s have been the real ‘black swan’ event, not the coronavirus itself,” she noted…

It occurred to me as I was reading that tripe since hospitals were not accepting other patients (and getting bailed out) during this fasci manipulated event, insurance companies were saving money hand over fist, right? Which meant, if I’m correct, the insurance industry’s savings overall were so huge it took them six months to find a spokesperson able to wipe the smile off her face.

Now, the industry is looking forward to two things: huge year end bonuses and… another terrorist sponsored pandemic that will never be declared!

Looking good, Billy Ray!

A Short Review

of the past fifty years.

If you weren’t a player you might be amazed with the ease we were played.


…By the creation of controlled chaos, the populace can be brought to the point where it willingly submits to greater control. Lewin maintained that society must be driven into a state equivalent to an “early childhood situation.”

…The Rockefellers have always been prominent in deciding the course of Tavistock. According to the official chronicler of the group, “The Rockefeller Foundation, before making us a grant, would need to be satisfied, not only by our policies… but also with the persons to carry them out.” [4]

Ahh, the pudding.

Lunch Bucket Joe

Made me think of LBJ and I wondered if there was a connection. Michael A Bertolone sounds discomfited.

If I was to hazard a guess about where I fit into the general population’s knowledge index of Joe Biden it wouldn’t be very high. I never thought much of Biden, I never liked him and couldn’t see any purpose in finding out why. I will grant you, in many circles, jumping to conclusions in that manner can be seen as evidence I am of the not very bright segment of those who feel the need to offer political commentary but hey, it’s a beautiful day and the effects of the directed energy weapons have greatly diminished; except the ringing in the ears is not completely gone but mostly I feel pretty good so I won’t argue the point.

Now, I have been spending what some might consider an inordinate amount of time watching Matt Dillon reruns and a mite bit of the Festus character’s mannerisms may be manifesting. If you detect that, you’ll just have to ignore them. I expect they’ll wear off pretty quickly once I get to going on about Biden. The Glenn Beck video, RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens’ Chinese Secrets got my attention this morning. I’ve been reading about China lately and its blood-in-the-streets introduction to Western style market economy that changed the Chinese people in the 19th Century as effectively as their Cultural Revolution did in the 20th and I wanted to see how Beck’s video compared to another study of the Biden crime family the NY Post ran back in January 2020.

The Post article about the Biden brother working Costa Rica matched the Biden modus operandi displayed in the China video. Once higher office is achieved it doesn’t matter to a Clinton, an Obama or a Biden; their taxpayer funded money machine works everywhere… Libya, Afghanistan, Mexico, Ukraine, Costa Rica, anywhere they can plug it in and they can plug it in almost anywhere. Hell, Feinstein worked a domestic rip off, the super train scam and made a bundle of money for a bunch of people, including her and her husband. Why wouldn’t those criminals believe they can pull off a scamdemic?

Speaking of criminals, there are a few similarities we share with China shaping up regarding cultural transformations I’d like to point out using as a reference board followed by related information.


As the 19th century came to an end, China found itself drug-addled, divided, exploited by foreign interests and plagued by corrupt officials. The Qing lacked the political will, national authority, popular support and military strength to respond to these challenges.

Among the long-suffering Chinese, many believed the 350-year-old Qing dynasty had surrendered its power and lost its Mandate of Heaven and that a change of government was imminent. They would not have long to wait.

Keep in mind what the historian wrote in the first sentence of the historians view.

The folks at alphahistory were pretty light on details so I included this very interesting and honest sounding source to fill in historic and psychological details of what I think is the likely nature of modern Chinese leadership based on China’s early dealings with the West.

I appreciate information from older web sites. We access mature information and see how it stood the test of time. We get an idea of the wind’s direction or who has control of the rudder.

The Rockefeller Foundation China.

Dam’s Busting

and Rappoport’s been that silly ol’ ram who knew it could be done.


“We’re too stupid to know what’s going on. So we rely on our public health officials. What they recommend becomes law or edict. Right away.”

Yeah, the dam’s busting but it ain’t down yet. Take off those masks, refuse the vaccine and let the Truth flow.

Their Timing Stinks

or there are so many bottom feeding lawyers now the slower ones have given up chasing ambulances. They plan to stalk people with a modicum of common sense.

And yes, they still have to be provided with instructions. Oy!


Lawyers explain how to cross-examine coronavirus deniers

“I generally don’t like to ask open-ended questions,” says Bazelon. “But with crazy people I sometimes do, because whichever answer I get is going to be good.” In the case of the coronavirus, Bazelon suspects answers would fall into two categories: total ignorance or defiance of conventionally accepted knowledge (neither a good look).

“You can push somebody out on the limb and make them look even more silly, because the position they’re taking has so little support so that nobody else, your jury, would want to follow them out on that limb,” says Pahlke. “You get to persuasion not by virtue of directly persuading your witness, but by isolating them in this world that’s not real. And pointing out how unreal this world they’re living in is, so others wouldn’t tread there.”

The target, on the other hand, can just hand the shyster a print out of the latest CDC mortality update and tell the lawyer to shove his ignorance where the sun don’t shine.

Report Retort

A recent article originating from Business Insider was, I thought, such a wonderful example of domination by communication I am posting it here thinking it might make an interesting study in authoritarian abuse.

The basic premise of the article, fear and frustration being felt by Americans, started off with a reference to William Shakespeare. The internationally recognized mitigator of high class behavior himself was used to weigh in on the subject with the opening line reference “to wear a mask or not to wear a mask”; which suggests to me the technocrats are feeling more than a little uppity; for pointy-headed social scientists to lead off with Shakespeare is a message in itself. To follow it up with multiple‘cognitive distortions’ indicates how deep and dark they believe they can go on Microsoft News or are willing to go on the darkened streets.

The controlled fallacy (cognitive distortion #12) being referred to reads as “the coronavirus pandemic continues to sweep through the nation”. While the authors provided no credible substantiation of their claim the explanation from the CDC report stated otherwise three months ago. Two weeks ago WBALTV reported major discrepancies while cavalierly explaining them as a difference in accounting. If you still think counting the dead is pretty cut and dried, LOL, scroll down that wbaltv page to the map and read the bold, small print below it.

The clarifications did not end at Johns Hopkins. Word on the latest CDC update from my respected source:

The latest CDC weekly mortality update provided new Covid19 mortality information that single-handedly removes any justification for continuing home quarantining, mask edicts, social distancing, and all the other demeaning and useless orders that are ruining our country and our humanity… All under the pretense that  we can’t get back to normal until we are all “vaccinated.” No thanks to any of it as it is all based on Lies, not objective science or proven clinical evidence.

This country was shut down nearly 7 months ago on the word of CDC/WHO, Fauci, Gates and their minions that 2.2 million would die from this “new virus” from Wuhan –Now, 7 months later, Fauci, are wrong … again.  Only 164,000 deaths attributed to SARS/Covid19 deaths with no clinical proof needed—94% of these deaths were mainly elderly people with 2-3 serious co-morbidities. So, less than 10,000 covid19 deaths (6%) with no co-morbidities. Wondering how many of these people died because they were quickly put on a ventilator, aka exterminator.

IN light of this new information, Operation Warp Speed must be halted, and a full investigation take place. If it is not stopped, everyone will know this was never about a pandemic but the very real destruction of our country as a free and sovereign nation. There is a cure for SARS/covid19 pneumonia, but why is it still being forbidden in many states? It’s because if there is a known cure,  “vaccines” cannot be forced on us.

There is an accompanying dark conspiracy afoot, dear reader; nay, it abounds barely hidden.

Evil is hiding within an evil hoax and like a tree frog croaking atop an amanita mushroom believing its placement is its authority, MSN repeats the Business Insider banal claims that wearing a mask has become a partisan issue with Democrats complying and Republicans resisting; and then this bit of propganda…

A psychiatrist told Business Insider that the mask has become a symbol of the fear and frustrations Americans are feeling, but perhaps it’s also a window into the depths of American fear…

…was left hanging. Like a left behind side of beef in a butcher’s freezer.

I paid little attention to the goings on about the scamdemic; I said all I needed to say back in March.

UNbeknownst to me, however, the NWO propaganda machine was pumping out all the reasons required to fear the coronavirus on a 24/7 basis, if you count the TV/radio coverage. The scare came spilling out of the media and onto the world before the virus was even officially announced.

It was a tactical execution of a mass manipulation of the results of the social science experiments the ‘mandarins of the future’ had made available to themselves.

After reducing the Nation’s cumulative IQ with a dismantling of an education system proven to provide self-reliant, socially functioning citizen(s) whose contributions to the community enabled progress and supported harmony with and trust in God, the softening up of modern America, using weaponized psychological programs, commenced in earnest after WW II.

The next three pages were devoted to political attacks on President Trump and praise for all things democrat.

The mask became the center of focus again when a Newport Beach psychiatrist declared it a symbol of American fear and frustration, neither of which, I, nor those that I know, exhibit. She connects the economic recovery as dependent on the virus. She must be a democrat because only a democrat will ignore the negative impact that resulted from their criminal actions.

The psychiatrist is recorded as believing the mask has transformed into a symbol that represents the autonomy that has been taken away from so many people. People asserting their choice over whether to wear a mask is an attempt to try to regain control over their lives, she said.

Take note of those italicized sentences and recognize the lack of quotation marks. You’re most likely aware that lack of quotation marks indicates a lack of exactness in what is reported she said. That’s why the link to the story is at the top of the page. Check it yourself. Somebody downstream is paltering.

The psychiatrist’s remarks are used again in vague accusations involving American conservatives, excuse me, American white conservatives, the Tea Party, Trump’s 2016 victory, whites again with a racist, xenophobe slant, unhappy Christians, and whites (again) because our numbers are dwindling while minorities population is rising. To top it all off, Trump emerged (somewhere) and spoke with some force about these issues and that proved worrisome to his voters.

I have some news for MSN, Business Insider and that psychiatrist right here.

The article then moved on to football players and radical troublemakers. The football players take a knee and the NFL appears to be addressing that subject by eliminating fan interest in a capable fashion.

The radical troublemakers are the four congresswomen who call themselves the squad. They have exhibited disrespect for the Nation and the Constitution enough times they should change their group identity name to the pod. Click to learn what Orca pods do to Great Whites.

Tlaib, Omar, Ocasio-Cortez, Pressley.

This moldy oldie is as a lead-in for the conspiracy theories section.

We will proceed then to conspiracy theories but before diving head first into the ankle deep expert opinion in this article you have to understand there will not be an effort to dissuade anyone of the existence of conspiracy theories.

They are real, they are usually effective and they are frequently the end product of a government’s propaganda effort or a foundation’s greater control effort or a corporation’s financial gain effort. Sometimes they are used by communication experts to shape, shade or sharpen public opinion. A few times they are used by publications in an attempt to disrespect the subject or the reader of the article being commented on. There is no question they exist; it doesn’t mean they don’t backfire.

Conspiracy theories are often, as reported in the BI/MSN article, associated with the term ‘anecdotal’ as in anecdotal evidence, which is defined as evidence collected in a casual/informal manner and relying on personal testimony. It is thought of as UNcorroborated by objective, independent evidence such as notarized documents so let’s start there, with the many uses of anecdotal information.

What I want to do first, then, is model how anecdotal evidence is used by, for and against mankind every day in every way. The amount of anecdotal information shared by humanity is immeasurable and that realization should be considered proof enough that Life itself is a conspiracy! So why are people who question the use of masks, covid-19 and the use of vaccines accused of being conspiracy theorists and mocked as if they’re UNbalanced dangers to society or worse? published here last year is a fine example of anecdotal evidence connected to the mostly looked upon by the public with favor, the space program.

The intent of the original story’s content about the ISS is only clearly stated in the last line of the article where it states, “the study can be used to help improve safety measures that meet NASA requirements for deep space human habitation” but so much more is suggested throughout.

The first sentence delivers the motherlode … brimming with bacteria and fungi that can cause diseases and form biofilms that promote antibiotic resistance, and can even corrode the spacecraft, a new study has found… but my favorite line is … NASA scientists discovered microbes mainly came from humans and were similar to those found in public buildings and offices here on Earth… notice the crafty use of the UNdefined ‘mainly’ and the UNnamed ‘new study’. That information could be identified as anecdotal evidence not accepted in a court of law but believe me those vagaries will be accepted by congress when NASA goes to the well one more time, if they haven’t already.

While such wording appears interested in only one thing, money for ISS expansion, it broadens the possibilities into deep space exploration, independent biological experimentation and, that easily exploited pit of bureaucratic quicksand, safety.

Years ago such a study was called ‘engineering of consent’.

During the early cold war years the definition the U.S. Army used to describe the U.S. government’s view of psychological warfare was classified top secret. During the 1980’s a collection of early psychological warfare planning records were obtained through a FOIA request (Science of Coercion – Christopher Simpson) that shed some light on the effort and purpose behind the propaganda programs.

Psychological warfare employs all moral and physical means, other than orthodox military operations, which tend to:
a. destroy the will and the ability of the enemy to fight.
b. deprive him of the support of his allies and neutrals.
c. increase in our own troops and allies the will to victory.
Psychological warfare employs any weapon to influence the mind of the enemy. The weapons are psychological only in the effect they produce and not because of the nature of the weapon themselves. In this light, overt (white), covert (black), and gray propaganda; subversion; sabotage; special operations; guerrilla warfare; espionage; political, cultural, economic, and racial pressures are all effective weapons. They are effective because they produce dissension, distrust, fear and hopelessness in the minds of the enemy, not because they originate in the psyche of propaganda or psychological warfare agencies.

There’s an eyeful wouldn’t you say? Well, here’s more from Christopher Simpson’s “Science of Coercion” – .

As war approached, the Rockefeller Foundation clearly favored efforts designed to find a “democratic prophylaxis” that could immunize (there’s that word again) the United States’ large immigrant population from the effects of Soviet and Axis propaganda. In 1939, the foundation organized series of secret seminars with men it regarded as leading communication scholars to enlist them in an effort to consolidate public opinion in the United States in favor of war against Nazi Germany– a controversial proposition opposed by many conservatives, religious leaders, and liberals at the time– and to articulate a reasonably clear-cut set of ideological and methodological preconceptions for the emerging field of communication research29.

Harold Lasswell, who had the ear of foundation administrator John Marshall at these gatherings, over the next two years won support for a theory that seemed to resolve the conflict between the democratic values that are said to guide U.S. society, on the one hand, and the manipulation and deceit that often lay at the heart of projects intended to engineer mass content, on the other. Briefly, the elite of U.S. society (“those who have money to support research,” as Lasswell bluntly put it) should systematically manipulate mass sentiment in order to preserve democracy from threats posed by authoritarian societies such as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.

One Reckefeller seminar participant, Donald Slesinger (former dean of the social science at the University of Chicago), blasted Lasswell’s claims as using a democratic guise to tacitly accept the objectives and methods of a new form of authoritarianism. We [the Rockefeller seminar] have been willing, without thought, to sacrifice both truth and human individuality in order to bring about given mass responses to war stimuli,” Slessinger contended. “We have thought in terms of fighting dictatorships-by-force through the establishment of dictatorship-by-manipulation”. Slessinger’s view enjoyed some support from other participants and from Rockefeller Foundation officers such as Joseph Willets, who criticized what he described as authoritarian or even fascist aspects of Lasswell’s arguments. Despite this resistance, the social polarization created by the approaching war strongly favored Lasswell, and in the end he enjoyed substantial new funding and an expanded staff courtesy of the foundation. Slessinger, on the other hand, drifted away from the Rockefeller seminars and appears to have rapidly lost influence within the community of academic communication specialists…

I’ve long accepted, as most people surely have, the existence of the ‘hidden hand’ responsible for controlling the direction and speed the world travels down life’s path. Lately, I’ve been putting more focus on the chain-of-command above and beyond the usual political suspects who manage to absorb, ignore or deflect even the worst accusations. Often I rest under the cover of my belief in the Final Outcome.

Exploring that chain-of-command is daunting. New oligarchs are being added in a timely fashion it seems and their corresponding contributions to the ongoing reset has caused many to draw new conclusions. There are a few constant’s in the history of political change and one of them is the persistent, easily organized and rarely prosecuted Left that conquered Russia.

Rare Moment


“It is the opposite of everything Donald Trump stands for,” said John Kerry in a rare moment of truth in a proceeding packed with lies.

He’s still lying. If he was speaking truth he would have said, It is the opposite of everything Donald Trump says he stands for.

The WMD commentator, Curtis Ellis, OTOH, is participating in a greater sin; which probably in America’s olden days was a crime.

Misleading by “telling the truth” is so pervasive in daily life that a new term has recently been employed by psychologists to describe it: paltering. That it is so widespread in society now gives us more insight into the grey area between truth and lies, and perhaps even why we lie at all

When Todd Rogers and his colleagues were looking at how often politicians dodge questions during debates they realised something else was going on. By stating another truthful fact, they could get out of answering a question. They could even imply something was truthful when it was not. Politicians do this all the time, says Rogers, a behavioural scientist at Harvard Kennedy School. He and colleagues therefore set out to understand more about it.

He found that paltering was an extremely common tactic of negotiation. Over half the 184 business executives in his study admitted to using the tactic. The research also found that the person doing the paltering believed it was more ethical than lying outright.

The individuals who had been deceived, however, did not distinguish between lying and paltering. “It probably leads to too much paltering as communicators think that when disclosed, it will be somewhat ethical, whereas listeners see it as a lie,” says Rogers.

What they are saying is, in Washington, D.C. paltering flows like a river and everybody is swimming in it. That’s not why we sent them to Washington or for that matter Lansing, Harrisburg, Tallahassee or any other State capitol.

I understand I’m about to tread on sacred ground, sacred political ground, but I do not acknowledge political partisanship as the path to reclaimed Constitutional rule when that path is littered with broken promises and forgotten threats directed to our enemies.

Here are a few markers supporting that position:

Lock her up

Terminating Relationship With WHO

Attitude in March

Attitude in April


If you choose to interpret this message as a focused attack on Donald Trump you are mistaken and are only contributing to the strengthening of those who collaborate against a free world.

While Donald Trump talks our kind of Talk all that buys is a lot of leeway. The problem with that is every adult knows leeway has a limit. Even the most adult of US can’t deny that the reasonable limit has been reached long ago.

I do think it’s about time the President declares from the Oval Office the Peoples leeway limit has been recognized, the paltering has started to recede, criminals have started to be rounded up and furthermore the walk across the bridge to a self-reliant and honorable America has begun.

Sounds like I’m dreaming? What were you expecting from him when he took Office?