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Neurowarfare? Yeah They Dew That Too has the download button and  has the content.

It is dated 2008 and you might want to skip to the conclusion before moving on to the 2022 information that follows.

2008 Conclusion
Despite the pronouncement by the International Court  of Justice that international law has provided effective means of limiting the use of particularly horrific or indiscriminate weapons under international law,  the historical record belies such a statement. Multilateral treaties have outlawed few weapons and have always done so after the weapons have proven outdated as a result of improvements in military technology. With the possible exception of the prohibition on blinding laser weapons, the customary law of war has not prohibited the use of weapons ex ante

Although some have argued that new law is not necessary and that the greatest gains for international humanitarian law will occur if scholars and practitioners convince state parties to ratify existing treaties, the better view is that weapons such as neural-interfaced or autonomous drones represent a discrete advance in the history of warfare that will require novel legal instruments to regulate their development and use.

This is   from 2022.

One more comment. That ex ante inclusion above; I failed Latin numerous times in my youth, therefore I’m always looking for proper translation. This time there was a bonus included in the search. The stench of oligarch influence.

Military technology has developed rapidly in recent years, and this development challenges existing norms. It has produced countless debates about the application of international humanitarian law (IHL) to areas of war and technology including cyber military operations, military artificial intelligence (including autonomous weapons), the use of drones, and military human enhancement. Despite these rapid progressions, the prospect of creating new treaties to specifically regulate their use by militaries and in armed conflicts is very low. This is largely due to the unequal allocation of military technology among States and the differing interests that result from this inequality. The absence of formal regulation means that State and non-state actors are increasingly embracing informal means of law-making. This is similar to other areas of IHL, such as the regulation of asymmetric conflicts, where norms are contested. In such cases, State and non-State actors employ various informal law-making techniques to advance their normative positions through treaty interpretation and the identification of customary international law.

However, the discussion on military technology differs from other contemporary IHL debates.

First, due to the rapid development of such technology and
uncertainty about how it will be employed in practice, the interests of the various actors are less clear. Second, there are significant challenges in obtaining accurate information about new military technologies. This makes even the informal law-making path in the context of new technologies more challenging.

* I would like to thank David Hughes and Arie Kacowicz for their valuable comments, and Danielle Regevfor her excellent research assistance.
International Review of the Red Cross (2022), 104 (920-921), 2131–2152.

How International Humanitarian Law Develops
© The Author(s), 2022. Published by Cambridge University Press on behalf of the ICRC 2131

This paper explores the dynamics of contemporary international law-making as it relates to the regulation of new military technologies. It identifies the main techniques that are used by the relevant actors and explores the common themes among the various debates over military technology, as well as the potential specific challenges  in relation to certain technologies.

If after reading, any and all questions should be directed to your political representatives.

Water? Water? You Dohn Need No Steenkin’ Water

Beings as we’ve been presented with another fine example of how the not so free press manipulates facts, I’m going to use all the evidence gathered over the years to exhibit how two of the major fronts in this war being waged against US are tied together. The other crimes against US are laid out in the bigger story column of links below.

The criticism of the Forbes article about the unlikely role of DEW in the fires that melt metal but spare trees is intended to show how their version of reality is in part controlled by a kernel of truth and provides ‘them’ with a base to defend (mostly with a wall of silence) against what normal people recognize as lies.

To get started, the following Navy DEW media document is available from

The Forbes, and sites were accessed through a startpage search using ‘ONR fire starter directed energy weapons’ as the search term.


Twitter has been flooded with fake images over the past three days, with conspiracy theorists claiming the devastating fires on Maui were started by lasers shot from space. One photo in particular has over 7.6 million views, appearing to show a laser descending from the sky. But it’s completely fake.

Actually, the issue of concern for most people following the headline grabbing modern fire stories, whether the fires are destroying cities or wilderness areas in California or Hawaii is the characteristics of the questionable fires being similar to each other but not to the fires Smokey the Bear used to warn us about back in the 50’s, not the easily dismissed laser beam.

If you read carefully, the Forbes article is only focused on the fake laser beam and through that singular focus transforms the likely use of directed energy into the realm of internet conspiracy fakery.


Is it possible for lasers or direct energy weapons to start wildfires intentionally or accidentally?

Drac Zagato>40 yrs following (and participating) in miltech dev.Author has 12.8K answers and 1.4M answer views · 1y

Possible.. but quite difficult. Usually, if a DEW is applied, the target is not able to *ignite*, but very small areas are vaporized. The Navy’s anti-drone lasers started a fire on a target boat, but that was because the laser system was specifically heating an engine with ready fuel immediately available. I think that at the energy levels that we have at present, it would be *almost* impossible t

Michael Mitchell

Studied PhysicsAuthor has 940 answers and 410.9K answer views1y

Directed Energy weapons have one very serious byproduct, HEAT, and lots of it. Armor plating usually will melt, or be cut, at around 2200 degrees Fahrenheit, wood will ignite at around 350 degrees, so simple answer is yes, they can start wildfires. If a person fires a “Directed Energy” weapon, it would be with intent so that is a intentional action

From June 19, 2009

…During the test, the specially modified 46th Test Wing NC-130H aircraft equipped with the ATL weapon system took off from Kirtland and fired its laser while flying over White Sands Missile Range, N.M., successfully hitting a target board located on the ground. ATL is equipped with a chemical laser, a beam control system, sensors and weapon-system consoles.

“We have taken technology from the laboratory to reality and have now demonstrated that directed energy is on a path toward a safe and viable option for the warfighter with very unique capabilities,” said Eric Van Dorn, 413th FLTS lead flight test engineer.

More tests are planned to demonstrate ATL’s military utility. The system is designed to damage, disable or destroy targets with little to no collateral damage. These demonstrations support development of systems that will conduct missions on the battlefield and in urban operations.

“The time and effort from the entire team exhibited the cooperation and professionalism between the U. S. Air Force and Boeing. The culmination of this event is fantastic,” said Master Sgt. Scott Wollitz, mission flight engineer. “I feel extremely fortunate to have been a part of the crew for this test. The laser shot was amazing!”

But fire is only the following punch of the one-two combination of punches they have been attacking US with as their strategic methods have evolved over the Twentieth and into the Twenty-First Century war against the People on behalf of the mighty mouse, Environmentalism.

You really don’t want to skip the following five minute video…

Resurfaced Clip of Gavin Newsom Boasting About Removing Water Supplies Goes Viral…

… or you’ll miss what could be the last of your ever diminishing chances to hear the answer to the who, what and how come these fires and floods or lack of water to put out such fires came about.

And then there is the continuation of the update at the bottom of

Michigan’s Solar Plan EXPOSED Shocking Truth About 209,000 Acres of Land!

It’s UNlikely ‘lawmakers’ will do the right thing but their mention is included in order to develop the baseline of ‘most noxious reasons given in support’ in modern political history.


Michigan lawmakers call for DNR firings over plans to cut forest for solar near Gaylord

More of the bigger story from my own files… Mattachine

Ahhh, The Circle of Life

and all the circles within.

I included the link to the basis of this post only to prove I didn’t make this up. By no means is it an encouragement to visit.  The excerpt includes the blog’s message and  an example of the responses it has received.

The shame of their ignorance is as unrecognized as their ignorance is to them. Why, these same finger pointing blamers still believe politicians could fix our troubled cities once they get control of our borders, they still think the government controls our economy  and our Nation’s destiny  and getting down to basics the blamers still support gun  control.

Remember, Stay Alert. Stay Alive.   Like it says in the training film ‘the phrase has particular significance’ and it still does.

If you ponder the blamer’s beliefs just a little you should recognize that to them,  all they see US as is replacements, not the noble citizens the Constitution and supporting documents proclaim.


                                                             They knew: why didn’t the unvaccinated do more to warn us?The unvaccinated knew what we didn’t. Some of them said too little. Most said nothing at all. A lot of blood is now on their hands.

As the world struggles to come to terms with the devastating effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, one question that continues to surface is why the unvaccinated didn’t do more to warn us about the potential dangers of being injected.

While well intending citizens lined up, did the right thing, and received their COVID19 vaccinations — now seeming to do more harm than good — their unvaccinated friends stood by and let them do it. Some of them said too little. Some said nothing at all.

Even though they knew what we didn’t.


I’m a medical scientist and left my career because within weeks I could tell from the data everything being reported was lies. There was no increase in all-cause mortality, hospital bed occupancy was way down and only something capable of killing young healthy people that wouldn’t otherwise die is capable of becoming a pandemic with excessive morbidity and mortality and all the data from China proved only the elderly and severely ill with multiple comorbidities were dying, so this virus wasn’t even capable of becoming a threat. The only places mortality increased in 2020, like London and NY, it was because they forced infected patients back into aged care facilities, sent all the staff home (furloughed), and issued DNR orders, therefore they killed people. When it came to the jabs there is decades of published research on why viral vector and mRNA, and even any type of coronavirus vaccine, have never been approved in humans before and what the risks were. We told you all of this and even MDs and PhDs were ridiculed by uneducated idiots that know nothing and we were called crazy conspiracy theorists. We were told we were stupid, crazy, paranoid and if we didn’t lose our careers we had the dignity to leave, as I did. I have been censored off every platform for publishing peer reviewed medical literature; FB blocked The New England Journal of Medicine as fake news! It is beyond the phychopathy of Marxist manipulation to try to blame us, the one’s that risked and lost everything to both warn you and to save our own lives, for the fact that you attacked, ridiculed, ostracized and censored us into silence.

Testing… Testing…

I agree with MW by a much larger factor than a little regarding the implementation explanation.
Good video, but I’m a little surprised at the unedited outtake at 1:07 “…as it was developed to be used against Russian soldiers and implement – as it was developed to be used against Russian soldiers and implemented differently.”
If you watch the whole video and have never been introduced to the business end of an active denial system you are probably scratching your head over the psy-op success claims Ukrainians or their puppet masters are celebrating over regarding the Norks surrendering; because they were invited to surrender?
Leaflet droppings are going to cause the North Koreans to surrender en masse? Leaflets might but only after they’ve been targeted in a non-lethal manner by an  Active Denial System; an integral step in their psy-op application if they really want it to succeed.


Maybe somebody in the State Department reached out to a friend in the Kremlin and planted a well fertilized $eed that included a suggestion to  invite the N. Koreans to the party; which would explain how and why they got into the war.  Where’s Mel Brooks? He could probably make a movie out of that premise.

Let’s face it, DARPA might be tiring of targeting free range citizens  they can only monitor through listening devices; and the DARPADIANS couldn’t have used it against the Russians, the Russian’s would know what was happening immediately plus the Ukrainians couldn’t use the psy-op bullchit explanation. I might be wrong here but I don’t think the North Korean military is sophisticated enough to know about ADS

But why they would include “…as it was developed to be used against Russian soldiers and implemented differently.”  unless it was Ukrainian humor based on their psychopathic arrogance .

Or, it could be the start of the final effectiveness tests for NWO crowd control. Like when they tested the effectiveness of the mRNA ‘vaccine’. They needed some ‘real world’ results.

I read some ancient history  earlier today. It reminded me of our politicians lack of adherence to our Constitution and how we are dealing with that so I thought I would share some.

  [345] …However, as to the desire of recovering your liberty, it is unseasonable to indulge it so late; whereas you ought to have labored earnestly in old time that you might never have lost it; for the first experience of slavery was hard to be endured, and the struggle that you might never have been subject to it would have been just; but that slave who hath been once brought into subjection, and then runs away, is rather a refractory slave than a lover of liberty; for it was then the proper time for doing all that was possible, that you might never have admitted the Romans [into your city], when Pompey came first into the country…

…And yet you, who have now accustomed yourselves to obedience from one generation to another, and who are so much inferior to those who first submitted, in your circumstances will venture to oppose the entire empire of the Romans… 

[469] It will deserve our relation what befell Simon; he was the son of one Saul, a man of reputation among the Jews. This man was distinguished from the rest by the strength of his body, and the boldness of his conduct, although he abused them both to the mischieving of his countrymen; for he came every day and slew a great many of the Jews of Scythopolis, and he frequently put them to flight, and became himself alone the cause of his army’s conquering. But a just punishment overtook him for the murders he had committed upon those of the same nation with him; for when the people of Scythopolis threw their darts at them in the grove, he drew his sword, but did not attack any of the enemy; for he saw that he could do nothing against such a multitude; but he cried out after a very moving manner, and said, “O you people of Scythopolis, I deservedly suffer for what I have done with relation to you, when I gave you such security of my fidelity to you, by slaying so many of those that were related to me. Wherefore we very justly experience the perfidiousness of foreigners, while we acted after a most wicked manner against our own nation. I will therefore die, polluted wretch as I am, by nine own hands; for it is not fit I should die by the hand of our enemies; and let the same action be to me both a punishment for my great crimes, and a testimony of my courage to my commendation, that so no one of our enemies may have it to brag of, that he it was that slew me, and no one may insult upon me as I fall.” Now when he had said this, he looked round about him upon his family with eyes of commiseration and of rage (that family consisted of a wife and children, and his aged parents); so, in the first place, he caught his father by his grey hairs, and ran his sword through him, and after him he did the same to his mother, who willingly received it; and after them he did the like to his wife and children, every one almost offering themselves to his sword, as desirous to prevent being slain by their enemies; so when he had gone over all his family, he stood upon their bodies to be seen by all, and stretching out his right hand, that his action might be observed by all, he sheathed his entire sword into his own bowels. This young man was to be pitied, on account of the strength of his body and the courage of his soul; but since he had assured foreigners of his fidelity [against his own countrymen], he suffered deservedly.


MARSOC3 Are Free

Embedded Progressive tentacles are ubiquitous in our government; that doesn’t mean resistance is futile.

One who takes the time to read this account might wonder who the ‘outside influences’ were who could interfere to such a degree with Marine Corps leaders at the ‘boots on the ground level’, disrupting integral parts of effective teams that at some point are/will be engaging in our national defense,  protecting US from the border crossing enemies who themselves are embedded after being encouraged to invade by the enemy within in collusion with, of this I am certain, those outside influencers who outrank US citizens, too.

Semper Fi.


Another Reminder


Seriously, start connecting some dots.


Despite its lack of overt success, the Rural Reconstruction program and the lessons learned from it are largely credited with providing a model for the subsequent community development initiatives of the RF and other international aid organizations, as well as a prototype of Point IV, the US technical assistance program that eventually became the Agency for International Development (USAID).

To paraphrase Telly Savalas… Who owns ya, baby?



Dam Technology

or The incredible Reappearing Post.

This all disappeared on me earlier this morning before it mysteriously reappeared a few minutes ago. Better read it while you can before the net cascades into failure like the dam story you’ll see here.  

There’s always a reason when disaster strikes and democrats stonewall. 

A point of confusion.  The news from the past, as explained in the next two links, caused me to believe the Oroville dam was taken down but tells a more positive tale

It looks like I mixed up the dams due to misunderstanding this comment at

Meanwhile CA lakes have been filling up. Shasta has come up 138 feet since December and is now only 16 feet below the dam crest. Oroville is way up too

that can be found in this angry time post…  

My apologies for causing any unwarranted anger at Obama and democrats in general.

But since Michigan, another Democrat/RINO coalition state, was mentioned towards the end of the dam technology video this coincidence is worth a mention… 

Just something to keep in mind.

Update 01/08/25

That 73K acres of wilderness story might have been transformed into a 400+ acres the Dep’t of Natural Resources wants to turn into a solar array story.


Todd Bensman Will Ruin Your Lunch


From a November 21, 2024 interview at  with Todd Bensman sharing his insight and speaking  straight up truth that peaks at the  53:00+ mark.

That the Jewish Policy Center is a Zionist platform should not dissuade one from watching the video. Bensman holds the floor after the first three minutes. I’ve linked the various countries  he mentions to links that connect them to those less friendly to US.

Further examples of China’s world wide efforts will be shared in an upcoming post.

In the meantime  here’s some of the special interests he mentioned who have already successfully invaded our borders with the aid of the democrat party supported by the Rockefeller Family Fund:










Yeah, That’s Right Senator Pt 2

A refresh from a past post  before moving on to sose you don’t miss my point.


Despite its lack of overt success, the Rural Reconstruction program and the lessons learned from it are largely credited with providing a model for the subsequent community development initiatives of the RF and other international aid organizations, as well as a prototype of Point IV, the US technical assistance program that eventually became the Agency for International Development (USAID).

That’s how the RF played the game almost from the start of it’s existence. Identify a problem as a possible catastrophe, throw money at it to gain some fake credibility and then turn the funding over to the taxpayers.  Can you see why many people refer to them as Deep State? Aside from sounding like it’s almost legitimate, it provides a layer of semi-acceptability and that works like a charm. For them.

Connect some dots. This is from 2022:

Does anybody still believe it’s Buttons radical agenda?

Click on the Download Report at the website for further clarification.