You might have sensed, when the sudden emphasis on ‘transsexuality’ emerged, the accompanying insistence of this forced embrace of the UNnatural also signified there is a missing, or perhaps invisible is a more precise description, section of the lie’s infrastructure useful to the conspirators in their efforts to keep US off balance. It could be risky for them.
What I mean is, if the real reason for their umbrage is made known too early, their efforts could be for nought. Timing is every thing but it appears they are not privy to the game clock God in Heaven controls.
What prompted this post were the notes I kept in my Bible about the Shekinah concept of God the pharisees allegedly picked up during the Babylonian captivity.
There are two versions of the Shekinah story mainstream believers could be familiar with: the Jewish Shekinah story and the Islamic Sakinah concept.
Of the two, I favor Sakinah version. It sounds more like the one the pastor of the Baptist church I used to go to used in his sermons on occasion.
There is a third Shekinah concept and is connected with Kabballah
The Kabbalah and Shekinah
The Kabbalists taught that it was essential to bring the male and female cosmic principles together once more. It could possibly be achieved through sexual magic, signifying the union of the sun (man) and the moon (woman). It was graphically expressed by the hexagram…
We’ve just reached the starting point of gaining an understanding of the life we have been subjected to because willing followers of Satan have gained the lead with lies and having temporary control, rule with larger lies and planned deceptions following.
Let us start with understanding covenants.
The author of this article is one of the most important post-Holocaust theologians. His interpretation of the Holocaust has led him to the conclusion that the God of traditional Judaism is dead…
God is not dead. The consequences of breaking the covenant and choosing the wrong side are being played out.
Biblical tradition held that the role of the priesthood was entrusted to Levitical descendants of Aaron from the time the Israelites were caught worshipping a golden calf by Moses.
The golden calf incident was allegedly the Israelites first attempt at syncretism or mixing pagan beliefs with their assigned beliefs as the chosen people of the one, true God.
That the chosen people chose to exchange their relationship with the incomparable God for the image of a golden calf has been deemed understandable and accepted by modern experts as the result of their exposure to Egyptian culture, namely, Egyptian worship of images of bulls, the representation dedicated to Horus, their god of heaven.
The one true God deemed it strike one with consequences pending with cult worship of bulls spreading far and wide.
Canaanites, too, worshipped them as representative of their many gods with the oft mentioned in the old testament, Baal the storm god, being among them. The Jews of the exodus had incorporated the cultural influences of their captors with their own and as they would soon discover were in violation of the First Commandment: Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.
The chosen people as a whole, could never shake their doubt; it lead to many consequences.
Another puzzlement is why the Pharisaical Jews hate Christians so deeply. After all, the first Christians were Jews and right up until tonight I attributed the haters hate to the Pharisaical connection to Satan Jesus pointed out to them directly.
Back to biblical tradition and the Levitical descendants of Aaron controlling the priesthood.
The Levites, under the leadership of the Zadok family had a long run, almost 700 years from the time of the Exodus; but then things turned rather quickly when Antiochus IV and Jason entered the picture.
- 1. High priest from 174 to 171 B.C.; brother of the high priest Onias III. During the absence of Onias, who had been summoned to Antioch to meet charges brought against him by the Hellenists, Jason joined hands with his brother’s enemies. Through the payment of large sums he obtained from Antiochus the transfer of the high-priesthood, permission to erect at Jerusalem a gymnasium and an ephebeum, and the grant to the inhabitants of Jerusalem of the privileges and title of citizens of Antioch; for the latter favor alone he paid 150 talents.During the three years of Jason’s administration the influences of Hellenism in Judea reached their climax. In his desire to pass for a Hellene Jason went so far as to send representatives to a duplication of the Olympian games celebrated in the presence of Antiochus at Tyre, and presented 300 drachmasfor a sacrifice to Hercules, to whom the games were dedicated. But notwithstanding his zeal Jason was deposed at the end of the third year, having been outbid by Menelaus, supported by the Tobiads. Jason, however, did not consider himself defeated; profiting by the absence of Antiochus Epiphanes, then engaged in a war with Egypt, and backed by the majority of the inhabitants, he rendered himself master of the city, and compelled his adversary to seek refuge in the fortress. Jason’s triumph was short-lived. Antiochus, forced by the Romans to abandon his campaign against Egypt, seized the opportunity afforded by Jason’s uprising to march against Jerusalem. When the city was taken Jason fled to the Ammonites, among whom he remained until his death.
Within twenty years, after the Seleucid dynasty was dislodged, the Hasmonean family emerged as priest-kings or king-priests despite having no connection to the Zadok family nor the royal line of David. That was irksome to the pharisees who likely still had keen interest in the high priesthood. It was the Romans who reeled in the Hasmonean influence in Judea.
It’s plain to see it was a steady slide down and deeper, too, for the chosen people after the covenant was broken and withdrawn. The crucifixion and death of their Last Offer opened their door to an influencer they could finally embrace…
God’s Appeal
Never before or after in the history of mankind has God appealed for the corporate heart of any nation like He did, firstly, during the 3½ years of Christ’s personal ministry on earth and, secondly, during the 2 to 4 years after He died when He sent the Holy Spirit with power, but only to the Jews.
The end of the covenant
Since the gospel went TO JEWS ONLY during the first few years after the Cross, God’s covenant with Israel did not come to an end when Jesus died. After He died, Israel, as a nation, still had one final opportunity to repent.
Since God, after Stephen’s death and after the persecution of the Christians (Acts 7; 8:1), suddenly redirected the gospel away from the Jews to all people, two to four years after the Cross, that must have been the end of the covenant. At that time, “the kingdom of God” was taken away from the Jews (Matt 21:43). For a further discussion, see, Who is Israel in Revelation?
By killing God’s Spirit-filled disciples, Judaism rejected the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 6:8-13). It seems appropriate that Israel would terminate the covenant with the rejection of the Holy Spirit, just as they killed Jesus a few years earlier…
…with Stephen’s stoning, that influencer was invited in.
The last Hasmonean priest was murdered by a Herod the Great assassin after Judea was gifted to Herod as a client kingdom by Caesar Augustus.
From the start of Herod’s reign until the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. the office of high priest was a political appointment thus tainting for the viewing public any public display of piety with varying degrees of hypocrisy.
Rabbi Judah the Prince marks the end of a period known as the era of the Tannaim, which lasted approximately until 200 CE. A Tanna (pl. Tannaim) is one who mastered, taught and engaged in the study of the Mishnah and its attendant works. The ensuing period — from 200 CE until about 550 CE — is called in Jewish history the Era of the Amoraim. The Amoraim were the ones who elaborated upon the Mishnah and whose discussions fill the pages of the Talmud. One could say that the Talmud is a transcription of lectures, conversations, discussions and stories that occurred in the academies during those 350 years.
The midrash, classical Jewish exegesis, adds that the [first human] being formed in G-d’s likeness, was an androgynous, an inter-sexed, person . . . Hence, our tradition teaches that all bodies and genders are created in G-d’s image, whether we identify as men, women, inter-sex, or something else.
(Rabbi Elliot Kukla, Reform Devises Sex-Change Blessings)
God is not dead. The Pharisaical sects connection with Him is. The talmud is the covenant with their new boss that is in no way like the Old Boss.