The backwash from I got caught in over the weekend provided another opportunity to travel down Dregs Lane, that dead-end path created by the high society snails with the one dimensional vision. But first, a few more reminders addressing why Georgia’s political scene needs some reformation not reset. Hell, none of US neither need nor want the reset planned by the elite.
Regarding the 2006 encounter, mentioned in the previous link, I had with the Border Patrol agent in AZ, I had no idea of how and who was running the country back then and it took years to figure it out. Facing this ugly truth is not easy and likely another reason why, on this Inauguration Day, many people are thinking the evil that has been perpetrated on US during the previous century is being tamed, even as our enemies continually worked up to their last minutes in Office to weaken our Nation.
What I once believed happened was the chamber of commerce turned our governments, the national government down to local governments into their piss boys, but now that we have had twenty years to look back using these Georgia backstory sources as an overall example of how real evil works our system, we can learn, if we pay attention, that it was the courts who first settled for being Rockefeller piss boys with the democrats being tasked with the teaching/controller role that showed the republicans how piss boys too can work the crowd to their benefit.
This is how the Georgia version worked.
First, the governor acts on the will of the majority of the citizens and signs a commonsense bill…
The Draconian result of the passage of HB87 ?
Following a suitable length of time the organized opposition collects their thoughts and writes them down or gets someone who could do it for them and they produced this… which you will have to read for yourselves to appreciate the amount of imagined pathos allegedly borne on the backs of alleged individuals described from Exhibit 3 on down to Exhibit 27.
Mohammad’s testimony is found at Exhibit 23
This Iranian claims his family was denied legal status because either a lawyer misfiled some paperwork or the family was short the $20 dollars filing fee.
…“How I came here undocumented is probably in the minority,” he said. “A lawyer misfiled some paperwork.”
Abdollahi came to the United States when he was 3 years old, originally living in Ann Arbor, Mich.
He attended a community college in Ann Arbor and was studying social work, he said.
Because of the misfiled paperwork, Abdollahi’s family was denied legal status in the U.S. but decided to stay anyway, he said.
“We were short $20 on a filling fee,” he said.
Abdollahi said he doesn’t have it as hard as other undocumented students and is a little more privileged than others because his parents are highly educated.
“Both my parents have Ph.D.’s.” he said.
Abdollahi was uncomfortable talking about his parents and avoided questions about them. He then walked off to make a long phone call…
…Abdollahi said he doesn’t have it as hard as other undocumented students and is a little more privileged than others because his parents are highly educated.
“Both my parents have Ph.D.’s.” he said.
…Abdollahi made national news when he went to McCain’s Tucson office in a blue graduation cap and gown and staged a sit-in with other undocumented students from across the nation last May.
He was arrested for criminal trespassing and was transferred to Immigration and Customs Enforcement along with the other students, Abdollahi said.
Apart from being undocumented, Abdollahi is also gay, which is a crime in his home country, but even so, he wasn’t afraid of risking deportation.
“I wasn’t worried at all of being deported,” he said. “It was a risk I was willing to take.”
Abdollahi was later released but has to check in with ICE every two months, he said.
Since they were high profiled undocumented students ICE decided to let them go, he said….
Exhibit 1 is copy of House Bill 87 (AS PASSED HOUSE AND SENATE)
Includes his supporters in this endeavor to eliminate a State Law approved by the citizens:
In connection with my responsibilities at the Council on Foreign Relations, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, Inter-American Dialogue, University of Southern California and the Pacific Council on International Policy, I have secured considerably more than $15 million in grants, other than those to support my personal research, from foundations, corporations, individuals, governments and international organizations. Among the foundations from which I have secured grants (in many cases multiple grants) are, in alphabetical order: The Ahmanson Foundation The Andrew Mellon Foundation The Asia Foundation The Benton Foundation Carnegie Corporation of New York The Claire Giannini Fund The Edgerton Foundation The Exxon-Mobil Foundation The Ford Foundation The Freeman Foundation The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation General Service Foundation The J. Paul Getty Trust German Marshall Fund of the United States John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Conrad N. Hilton Foundation James Irvine Foundation John D. and Catherine T. Mac Arthur Foundation The Joyce Foundation The North-South Center, University of Miami The Ralph M. Parsons Foundation The Pew Charitable Trusts Rockefeller Brothers Fund The Rockefeller Foundation The Stanley Foundation The John Templeton Foundation The Tinker Foundation The World Peace Foundation
This example of Exhibit A is included because of it’s brevity.
869 (j) When a public agency or employee fails to take the specified remedial action, the 870 Attorney General shall be authorized to bring a civil mandamus action against such public 871 agency or employee to enforce compliance with applicable law and the sanctions 872 recommended by the board. Nothing contained in this Code section shall prohibit the 873 Attorney General from seeking any other remedy available by law.”
As everyone should know by now, our laws are to be ignored, overwhelmed and mocked into irrelevance but protecting law breakers who are effectively putting Americans out of work by undercutting wages are protected.
Exhibit 3 on down to Exhibit 27 is just the fluff for the left and others burdened with excess empathy.
What you have to read if you want to understand who is in charge of you is Article 1 and 2 and Exhibit A.
Article 1 Lists the egregious offenses perpetrated by American self-interest included in HB 87. These are a few of them:
HB 87 Creates New State Immigration Crimes In Conflict With Federal Law
HB 87’s De Facto Alien Registration Law Conflicts With Federal Law and Will Result in Unlawful Harassment of Lawfully Present Aliens
HB 87 Places an Impermissible Burden on Federal Resources and Interferes With Federal Immigration Enforcement
HB 87 Violates the Fourth Amendment and so on
Leaving American citizens to bear the increased danger of criminal activity we now know is affiliated with the invasion.
Exhibit 2 is where the cat ( otherwise known as the Deep State ) is let out of the bag regarding who makes the rules in the once UNencumbered Land of the Free Home of the Brave.
DECLARATION OF ABRAHAM F. LOWENTHAL which includes on pgs 10 and 11 his role of
1974-1975 Research project on “The Conduct of Routine Relations”, Commission on the Organization of Government for the Conduct of Foreign Policy 1976-1977 Research Project on “Conflict and Cooperation in the Americas”, Department of State 1980-l985 “The United States and Latin America”, Twentieth Century Fund 1986-1989 The United States and Democracy in Latin America”, World Peace Foundation, Social Science Research Council/American Council of Learned Societies 1990-1992 “The California-Mexico Connection”, John Randolph and Dora Haynes Foundation; William & Flora Hewlett Foundation; James Irvine Foundation 1990-1993 “Latin America and the Changing International Context”, The Pew Charitable Trusts 1992-1994 “Political and Economic Liberalization in Latin America”, USC/CIS with support from the North-South Center, University of Miami and the Ford Foundation 1998-1999 “Mexico’s Transformations”, Pacific Council Study Group, with support from the Ford Foundation and many corporate sources 1998-1999 “Managing California’s Mexico Connection”, Pacific Council Task Force 1999-2002 “Latin America and the United States at the Century’s Turn”
1999-2005 “California’s Global Connections, Challenges and Opportunities”, funding from USC’s Southern California Studies Center (from Irvine Foundation grant), Public Policy Institute of California, the John Randolph Haynes and Dora Haynes Foundation, and the School of International Relations and Center for International Studies, USC. 2005-present “The Craft of Think Tank Institution Building: Working at the Nexus Between Thought and Action,” funding from Rockefeller Brothers Fund, William and Flora Hewlett Foundation, John Templeton Foundation, Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars and School of International Relations, USC. Jan 2008-2010 “Rethinking US Policies and Relationships in the Americas,” funding from the Ford Foundation and Brookings Institution.
Page 10 also includes his supporters in this endeavor to eliminate a State Law approved by the citizens:
This little novelty I came across this last week. He’s the president of RF International. It’s a podcast he used to preach against business influencing government. I guess he doesn’t know how so many of his countrymen got here and replaced a wealth building segment of the USA.
The Draconian result of the passage of HB87
For anyone interested in a model of legal first step designed to disrupt and take the inattentive to the point of incredulity:
But we know the majority in the US has been a target for a long time. Our Country has been targeted; what country hasn’t been targeted by the smallest of minorities?
As it’s pointed out in their argument at
…the President of the United States has publicly stated, HB 87 is “a mistake. . . . We can’t have 50 different immigration laws around the country. Arizona tried this, and a federal court already struck them down.” Obama criticizes new Georgia immigration law, Reuters, Apr. 26, 2011, attached as Ex. A to Decl. of Molly Lauterback; see United States v. Arizona, __ F.3d __, 2011 WL 1346945 (9th Cir. Apr. 11, 2011)
You can check to see if Obama’s right for the first time by visiting and eyeballing some hard data.
The good news I read yesterday was but I’m so jaded I’m expecting a twisted version of what’s leaving WHO.
Then there is this
The 145 Democrat votes to keep illegal-alien rapists in the country was no surprise.
On January 7, 159 Democrats voted against the Laken Riley Act to detain and deport petty criminals.
The bill targets that unwelcome demographic because Riley’s murderer, Jose Ibarra, was arrested for shoplifting before he murdered her. With his criminal brothers, on President Joe Biden’s long-standing orders, Ibarra was “paroled” into the country after he was caught jumping the southwest border with Mexico.
Then too, Omar, Pressley, and Ocasio-Cortez voted to protect the criminals.
Last week’s vote against protecting women was the second time the vast majority of Democrats voted against the bill. They voted against it in March 2024, too. The vote was worse then: 170 voted against protecting women from illegal-alien sex