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PSA For Women

In an unusually humanitarian gesture, a Sudanese court ruled that for a Christian woman found guilty of apostasy and sentenced to one hundred lashes and hanging, the lashings won’t have to happen until after she’s given birth and the hanging won’t take place until the child has reached two years of age.

Ladies, avoid Islam like your life depends on it.

This has been another PSA that NOW won’t touch.

Sanctuary City Philadelphia

The recurring theme of the leftists who influenced the leftists who opened Philadelphia to the invaders last month was, the illegals won’t be afraid to interact with the police if they don’t have the deportation worry.

I’m waiting to hear about the flood of intel the illegals are providing the Philadelphia Police department that will completely close down the drug cartel gangs working in Philadelphia.

Any day, now.

Meanwhile, today 5/14/14, Breitbart Texas released news that the Lame Stream Media refused to mention last year.

Based on this CIS report 36,007 criminal invaders were released into US streets last year. Brietbart Texas is reporting ICE officials across the nation are not talking.

The White House: Benghazi Disinformation Central

The Benghazi conspiracy is getting darker and darker.

According to information presented at the ‘blame the Benghazi terrorist attack on a video’ story was published by Reuters at 10:32pm ET 9/11/12, a half hour after Obama summoned Hillary Clinton to the White House.

Twenty-six minutes later an article authored by two reporters stationed in Egypt, Maggie Michael and Sarah El Deeb, echoed the same video blame story. In fact, they relied heavily on information contained in the State Department announcement Reuters released.

El Deeb, as Shoebat points out, has a long running sympathy for Muslim Brotherhood activities.

But the information provided by Shoebat yesterday raises even more disturbing questions about the Benghazi tragedy. The terrorist attack started at 3:30pm, Washington, D.C. time and was broken off abruptly at 6:00pm, Washington D.C. time. In those two and a half hours there was no action taken by the administration to bring relief forces into the fight. Instead they used the defeatist lie that no one could have gotten there in time.

Was that it or were they using those precious hours to get that video blame story together?

The second two and a half hour attack started on 9/12/12 at 5:15 am or 11:15pm Washington, D.C. time just minutes after El Deeb’s video story was published from Cairo. It was during this attack on the CIA outpost known as the Annex that Tyrone Woods and Glen Doherty were killed. The jihadists broke off when reinforcements, soldiers from the Libyan Military Intelligence were approaching.

There is an even worse possible scenario than the making up an alibi possibility, one likely closer to the truth.

It is no secret there are Muslim Brotherhood members holding high ranking positions in the Obama administration. Neither is it secret that throughout the Arab Spring turmoil, Obama and Clinton’s State Department have supported the Muslim Brotherhood insurgents. In addition to that, there is some secrecy surrounding the role of Benghazi in the weapons transfer program that took place with Muslim Brotherhood participation.

It’s not as if either the Muslim Brotherhood or the Obama Administration are inexperienced in planning such action. Together, who knows what they are capable of pulling off?

That we may never learn.

UFO Attacks Taliban

Does this mean Islam is rejected even in the far reaches of space?

Have they been recognized by the AGHARIANS as spawn of the notorious ALPHA-DRACONIANS and the attacking craft is the advance party of the AGHARIAN relief force?

Or is it the opening act of the Greatest Deception Ever Sold?

C.A.I.R. Travel Alert Update

Add Qatar to their No Go zone.

The bad news keeps getting worse for the Muslim Brotherhood and its U.S. front C.A.I.R.


“The Brotherhood people were given three days to pack their bags and get on the plane to Tripoli,” a source said.

Makes a person wonder how many shredding machines burnt out from overuse in the White House.

Travel Advisory for C.A.I.R.

Due to current conditions this travel advisory is issued to members of the Council of American Islamic Relations, a front group according to the FBI, of the Muslim Brotherhood.

For C.A.I.R. members the recent trial in Egypt that went against the Muslim Brotherhood is a major source of concern. All members of C.A.I.R. are well advised to curtail all travel to Egypt in order to avoid any possible delays caused by their recognized Muslim Brotherhood affiliation.

Compounding matters for C.A.I.R. is the re-emergence of the question of culpability for the Obama administration as a conspirator in the cover up of the terrorist attack on Benghazi and also as a contributor in the development of the setting for the attack based on allegations that the administration was running a Fast and Furious op in support of the jihadist rebels active in the Arab spring movement.

The Muslim Brotherhood was allegedly facilitating the weapons transfers for Obama and also willing to do whatever it takes to affect the release of the imprisoned terrorist, the blind sheik.

C.A.I.R.’s close relationship with the Muslim Brotherhood would certainly be scrutinized again as a possible co-conspirator if any Congressional investigation into Benghazi questions the roles of the Muslim Brotherhood members alleged to hold senior positions in the Department of Homeland Security and why they have such a direct impact on US domestic policy and our American culture of individual liberty and freedom.

This has been a public service announcement.