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C.A.I.R Grabbing Censorship Role in U.S.

The population of the United States is 318M+. Muslims in the U.S. number 5 to 8 million or almost 2% of the U.S. population. Yet C.A.I.R is angling to increase their censorship role over America.

Here’s a related story

By the Way…


“They will definitely go back to fight, if health-wise they are able to go,” said a top official at Afghanistan’s spy agency, who asked to remain anonymous because of the sensitivity of the topic.

“They will be very dangerous people, because they have connections with regional and international terror organizations around the world.”

The Taliban denied the prisoners would return to battle but said the swap should not be regarded as a gesture of good will or a step towards the revival of peace talks between Islamist insurgents and the Afghan government.

“This is purely a negotiation between the Taliban and the Americans… It won’t help the peace process in any way, because we don’t believe in the peace process,” said Taliban spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid.

State Department Promotes Jihadist

No, they didn’t promote him to a higher position in the State Department. They, lame brained leftists that they are, were probably trying to show the Jihadist they share common ground. A can’t we all get along kumbaya reach out somebody thought might be the start of another peace process that will cost US taxpayers another kabillion bucks.

What a bunch of maroons.


The State Department’s Counter Terrorism (CT) Bureau promoted on Friday a controversial Muslim scholar whose organization has reportedly backed Hamas and endorsed a fatwa authorizing the murder of U.S. soldiers in Iraq.

The CT bureau on Friday tweeted out a link to the official website of Sheikh Abdallah Bin Bayyah, the vice president of the International Union of Muslim Scholars (IUMS), a controversial organization founded by a Muslim Brotherhood leader “who has called for the death of Jews and Americans and himself is banned from visiting the U.S.,” according to Fox News.

Bin Bayyah is reported to have been one of several clerics who endorsed a 2004 fatwa that endorsed resistance against Americans fighting in Iraq, PJ Media reported in 2013, when Bin Bayyah met with Obama’s National Security Council staff at the White House.

The CT Bureau tweet linked to a press release on Bin Bayyah’s site condemning the kidnapping of hundreds of Nigerian girls by the Boko Haram group.

However, Bin Bayyah himself has been known to back controversial causes.

Bin Bayyah has “urged the U.N. to criminalize blasphemy,” according to reports, and spoke “out in favor of Hamas,” the terror group that rules over the West Bank.

The cleric also issued a fatwa in 2009 “barring ‘all forms of normalization’ with Israel,” according to Fox.

The 2004 fatwa on Iraq stated that “resisting occupation troops” is a “duty” for all Muslims, according to reports.

Terrorism analyst Patrick Poole said that the State Department must more carefully choose the Muslim leaders it promotes.

“This administration is continuing to push extremist clerics like Bin Bayyah as part of a fantasy foreign policy that somehow they are somehow a counter to al Qaeda,” Poole said. “But in Bin Bayyah’s case, it was his organization that issued the fatwa allowing for the killing of U.S. soldiers in Iraq and said it was a duty for Muslims all over the world to support the Iraqi ‘resistance’ against the United States that gave religious justification for al Qaeda’s terrorism.

“And [Bin Bayyah] said nothing as his pal Qaradawi issued fatwas authorizing the use of suicide bombings and publicly defended terrorist groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad,” Poole added. “If anything, clerics like Bin Bayyah and [Yusuf] Qaradawi have actively aided al Qaeda.”

The Obama administration came under fire in June 2013 for holding a meeting with Bin Bayyah at the White House.

The cleric was confirmed to have met with members of Obama’s National Security Council at the White House to discuss poverty and global health efforts, according to multiple reports at the time.

Yusuf Qaradawi, the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood leader who founded the IUMS—where Bin Bayyah served as vice president—has been called a “theologian of terror” by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL).

Bin Bayyah himself has advocated for the criminalization of “the denigration of religious symbols,” which critics call an infringement on free speech.

Story Continues →

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But Wait… Theres More

One government’s poison…


Saudi Arabia has arrested nine university professors for their alleged links to the banned Muslim Brotherhood movement, media reported yesterday.

Investigators found the professors, two Saudis and the rest from neighbouring countries, had been involved with “foreign organisations” based on “voice recordings and e-mails” linked to them, Okaz daily reported.

It identified the organisation as the Muslim Brotherhood, designated by the interior ministry in March as a “terror” group.

The investigation should be completed by mid-June, said the daily which is close to the government.

If convicted, the group could be jailed for 10-15 years, after which the foreigners would be deported, it added.

Saudi Arabia and the UAE have cracked down on Islamists accused of links to the Brotherhood and other Islamist groups.

Riyadh had hailed the Egyptian military’s ouster of Mohamed Mursi, the Islamist president who hails from the Brotherhood. It has also pledged billions of dollars to the army-installed government in Cairo.

But in the past Saudi Arabia gave refuge to many Brotherhood members who suffered repression in the 1960s under the regime of Egypt’s first modern military ruler, Gamal Abdel Nasser.

Traditionally, members of the group were active in academic institutions in the kingdom.

On Sunday, Saudi Education Minister Khaled al-Faisal was quoted by media as saying that this was the reason behind the “spread of extremist ideology” in the kingdom.

“We offered them our children and they took them hostage… The society left the stage for them, including schools,” he said.

…is another governments’s ally.

From 2011/2012

… “It’s clear that they (the Brotherhood) are now the only game in town,” and US officials must talk to them, said Marina Ottaway, who heads the Middle East program in Washington for the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace.

Even before the elections began, the United States knew it had to deal with the Muslim Brotherhood, the best organized political movement in an Egypt which is no longer dominated by Mubarak’s National Democratic Party.

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said before the polls that the United States had pursued “limited contacts” with the Brotherhood as Washington was “re-engaging in” a six-year-old policy in light of Egypt’s political changes.

Ottaway said president George W. Bush’s administration stopped talking about its Freedom Agenda of democracy promotion after candidates backed by the Brotherhood gained 20 percent of parliamentary seats in the 2005 election.

The administration, she told AFP, “essentially bought Mubarak’s line” that the Brotherhood and its links to Islamist militants were a threat to Egypt’s and the region’s stability, even though it had renounced violence decades ago…

“The US essentially backed Mubarak in its repression of the Muslim Brotherhood,” Ottaway said. US officials also turned down invitations by her think-tank to attend post-2005 meetings with Arab Islamist groups, including Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood.

“For the US now to reach out to the Muslim Brotherhood is a big step, it’s a step that’s long overdue, but it’s a step that the United States has resisted,” she added. “It’s a huge change and they’re doing it out of necessity.”

Analyst Nathan Brown said the Brotherhood has also “given just enough in terms of reassuring signals to slightly raise the comfort level with them in the US” and justify contacts.

Brown, a George Washington University professor, said the Brotherhood also recognizes the reality that the United States remains an important diplomatic player it has to work with.

But Brown noted “there’s no question at all that the Muslim Brotherhood is just a socially and politically very conservative organization” that raises concerns about the place of women and Egypt’s Christian minority.

And there remains “a big foreign policy concern” about the Brotherhood’s attitude to the peace treaty with Israel.

“On that score, the Brotherhood has kind of given reassuring signals but at this point they’re fairly general,” he said, adding: “The Brotherhood, as an organization, is close to Hamas (in Gaza) and hostile to Israel.”…


The ‘smoking gun’ email that reveals who instructed Susan Rice to blame the Benghazi attack on a video also exposes a recipient named Mehdi K. Alhassani. Alhassani was the leader of the Muslim Student Association (MSA), a Muslim Brotherhood front group and attended the sister mosque of the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center (ISBCC) mosque attended by the Boston Marathon bombers.

It is a mystery how Alhassani slipped through the cracks to become a Special Assistant to the Office of the Chief of Staff, National Security Council Staff, and Executive Office of the President. It is unknown why a few hours before the Benghazi attack, Alhassani met in the White House with Samir Mayekar, a George Soros ‘fellow’ for an unscheduled visit…

Interesting comments there. Especially the one at the bottom.

Another PSA For Women

News stories about muslim honor killings are being reported so frequently lately, I’m thinking about giving them their own page.

The reason I publish these PSA’s about crimes against women who live on the other side of the world is to build a base of facts for those who have no understanding of sharia law.

Apologists for Islam who ignore the darkside of Islam will refer to honor killings as that part of their culture that is abhorrent and has to be removed. What they refuse to acknowledge is the culture is based on sharia law and as one imam calls it, islam and sharia law are inseparable and democracy is evil.

To be honest, I can understand that part about democracy, practiced as it is by the democrat party.

But back to honor killings…

Third world phenomenon? No, it’s not. Last month it was reported honor killings are up in the Netherlands, the very place that nice imam wants to bring peace and contentment through sharia to the unbelievers that currently outnumber him. Neither are the UK nor the US able to avoid honor killings so don’t fool yourself into believing it can’t happen here. It already does.

Keep in mind, muslims are a patient bunch. Maybe not as patient as the liberal geniuses who scream guns kill people every time one of their own commits mass murder but seem to accept stonings and short knife beheadings as just a phase jihadists go through.

Won’t the liberal/leftist masses be surprised when the jihadists declare that tolerance contest over?

Plata o Plomo

Out in the west Texas town of El Paso…

Couple of related links to a recent event down in Texas. I don’t know how familiar you are with the cartel’s practice of stringing up their enemies and pinning a message on them or a nearby bridge but take a look here…

One of the very active cartels in the U.S. is the Federation Cartel. Sounds a bit too uh, Federal, to me and it seems to have avoided the cartel wars pretty successfully.

At least I don’t remember the mention of it when the bullets were flying fast and furiously down Mexico way… but wait… it’s otherwise known as the Sinaloa cartel.

Or at least was. It get’s a little foggy when major forces collide… Remember when our Country was transformed into a Homeland?

But to think an actual cartel presence in the U.S. was almost non-existent until 2008… It’s enough to make a person wonder if there’s another scandal stirring out in the west wing.

Scroll on down the page until you reach the list of States and the cartels that infest them.

Yep, uh-huh. Sanctuary city makes a little more sense.

Plata O Plomo, City Council, Plata O Plomo.

Bucks County, too, for that matter.

Speaking of collusion, the Sinaloa boss was busted back in February after being uncatchable for 13 years.

I can use a Marty Robbins break back to an El Paso of simpler times, what about you?

Good night, Margaret.