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Homeland Security should start redefining their targets of concern in their domestic terrorist profiling system. Oh wait, they get input from these guys…


Now, the good guys are bad, the bad guys get a pass, up is down and we’re supposed to stand around with our thumbs up our butts as our Country is invaded waiting for the intelligence agencies to determine the threat level from an organization that puts babies heads on pikes.–abc-news-topstories.html

If you haven’t read Prudence and Perfidy yet, now may be a good time.

Perry: More ‘Special Interest’ Invaders Being Captured


( – The number of illegal aliens being apprehended coming across the southwest border who hail from countries with “substantial terrorist ties” is at a record high, Texas Gov. Rick Perry said Sunday in comments backed up by House Intelligence Committee Chairman Mike Rogers…

…“We noticed the very dangerous trend a few years ago,” Rogers said, “when the Iranian Qods force – their external terrorist group, if you will, supported by the country of Iran – was planning an operation to use the southern border to infiltrate people into the United States to kill the Saudi ambassador.”

“So, clearly our enemies and our adversaries understand that it is a weakness,” he continued. “We have seen a trend of countries that we are very concerned about, a rise in individuals being apprehended at the border. The scary part about that is those are just the ones that get apprehended.”

Rogers said the fact the border is “porous” was now known to those wanting to carry out illegal activities in the U.S…

Have you seen enough yet? Are you organizing, yet?

The gangster politicians have no interest in our security. They are not only not concerned, they are enabling the invasion and have been for years. Back when we trusted them to listen to our grievances they went through the motions to placate us. These days the federal level gangsters simply ignore us. We petition the local gangsters and the ones not openly embracing open borders say their hands are tied, it’s a Federal issue. The State level gangsters sometimes still go through the motions knowing any real action will be overturned by the Courts then say, we tried.

I don’t know Governor Perry’s heart. Only he knows his reasons for finally acting. At this point it doesn’t matter. Until all gangster politicians are replaced by honest God fearing Americans who prove they understand and respect the Constitutions, our United States Constitution and their State Constitution, nothing will change. And you know the chances of that happening.

So what matters is going to happen on the sub-local level. Your family and your neighborhood. That’s rock bottom and I’m not using the term in a negative sense. The family is the basis of society. If it isn’t better defended nothing permanent will survive let alone thrive. We must focus there in order to protect our Nation from the hounds of hell the gangsters are unleashing on us.

Our Country was founded with ALL power invested in the People. That hasn’t changed despite the efforts of our domestic enemies to convince us otherwise. When that power contracts to the local level it takes power from the Federal level. When we are organized at the local level the power flows back to us. It’s a basic rule of nature. The leftist minority, the radical islamists minority, the political gangster minority, they all know their strength comes from being organized. That’s why the political gangsters spend so much of our money pi$$ing us off with their rules that divide us and then share our wealth with the other organized bad guys.

And we must outnumber all of them by an order of a million, at least.

Imagine that.

Quack, Quack, Waddle, Waddle

From Pelosi Meets With Group Tied to Hamas

WASHINGTON – House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi of California has called for an end to racial and religious profiling of Muslims in a meeting with a group tied to Hamas and Saudi Arabian purse strings.

“We appreciate the opportunity to interact with national leaders and to share the Muslim community’s concerns on issues of mutual concern,” said Arsalan Iftikhar, legal director of the Council on American Islamic Relations, who joined Pelosi and other prominent Democratic members of Congress.

Other national Muslim groups represented at the meeting included the Islamic Society of North America, Indian Muslim Council, Muslim Public Affairs Council, Muslim American Society, Association of Pakistani Physicians of North America, Muslim Bar Association, National Association of Muslim Lawyers, and the Universal Muslim Association of America.

While CAIR bills itself as the leading civil rights group among Muslim-Americans, it is a spin-off of the Islamic Association For Palestine, identified as a “front group” for Hamas by two ex-FBI counterterrorism chiefs…


Paraphrasing what I wrote last month, if she looks, waddles, floats and quacks like a duck…

Gangster Government

Sinaloa Mexico government has developed their own way of controlling the press. Here, in the U.S., the press is more cooperative. They respond to carets. The stick isn’t necessary.

The results are pretty much the same. But it looks like this proves that plata o plomo thing doesn’t work with a principled press.

It does raise this question, how come quality Mexican reporters can’t sneak across the border and get a job most American reporters refuse to do? Like report the truth. Hey, I’d settle for unbiased facts.