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Enemies of the State

Now the elections have been successfully completed, all praise to our Christian/Judeo God, the God of Gods, it’s time once again to focus on the enemy amongst US. is the United West you tube production that clearly links the relationship between CAIR and Hamas. The end of that five minute video is a hoot. Tom Trento compares the Islamic terrorists to the mafia something I did when the ALAC bill was given the once over in a Pennsylvania Legislature committee before it was left to die on a shelf…

Hon. Daryl D. Metcalfe
43 East Wing
PO Box 202012
Harrisburg, PA 17120-2012
November 14, 2012
Re: HB 2029

Dear Sir,
The Pennsylvania Legislature has a long history of protecting its citizens from fraud. The Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office appears committed and ready to protect Pennsylvanians from fraud coming from almost any direction.

Almost any direction.

In the case of Council of American-Islamic Relations Pennsylvania ( CAIR-PA), the major opposition to HB 2029, the American Laws for American Courts bill, no protection against CAIR-PA’s accusations appears to be available.

In fact, as I am sure you are aware, the Pennsylvania Human Rights Commission seems to be the stalking horse for every slight CAIR-PA can imagine. The problem with that, of course, is it gives CAIR-PA a false legitimacy, a standing as they battle against the implementation of HB 2029.

My questions are, where does CAIR-PA, a branch of the unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation criminal activity, get the influence to weigh in against a bill intended to clarify the power of our Constitution?

I don’t remember, was the Mafia provided the opportunity to offer insight on the RICO Act before it became law?

Are CAIR-PA’s imagined and deceptive concerns to be given precedence over the citizens of Pennsylvania’s real and fact based concerns regarding the political advancement and favoritism being sought by the jihadists of CAIR-PA?

Yesterday, before I could mail this letter, I received an email from Representative Swanger about the cancellation. Her email contained a brief explanation of the reason for the cancellation and an indication of what is to follow. That timely message eliminated most of the questions that were on this page but I will leave this amended assumption included:

Since there is a plan to continue this important work into the next session, one would assume the majority Republicans in the Legislature would assure a quick victory. And in a perfect world, such a victory would embolden the Republican majority in the Senate to follow suit.

Do you foresee any possibility of difficulty arising that would interfere with the successful conclusion of that assumption?

Let me help in some way. Please keep me informed of ALAC’s developments so I can publicize them locally and try to generate as much support for it as possible.

Thank you for all your efforts made on behalf of the Commonwealth and our Republic.


John Ryan

Cc: Rep. Swanger
Rep. Petri

As you can see, that letter was mailed one week shy of two years ago and all I got was crickets. Nada. Nothing.

So I’m thinking it’s time we tried again. There’s a bunch more Republicans in the Pennsylvania House and Senate and they should still be responsive to the will of the people who put them there, right?


I know it’s tipping off CAIR, giving them plenty of time to get in touch with their Saudi bag man but if there is enough citizen input to Harrisburg the legislative branch will listen. Hey, it took Florida four attempts to overcome the resistance to their version of ALAC let’s try to get it done in two.

Seriously, Pennsylvania, if you are tired of hearing you’re an islamophobe if you criticize their special treatment, you’d better do something about it now because with islamists, it only gets worse. If you doubt that look into what is going on in Western Europe. That’s only part of their troubles.

Get your family and friends involved. Show them where CAIR’s heart really lies. Write to the outgoing gang in Harrisburg then write to the incoming class. Make it as pointed as you can, this side of civil. It’s your State and your children’s future, don’t turn your back on either.

Watching Connecticut

Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves!


The quote:

But this was only a last step in giving up living one’s own life, in no longer defying the death instinct, which, in more scientific terms, has been called the principle of inertia. The first step was taken long before anyone entered the death camps. It was inertia that led millions of Jews into the ghettos that the SS created for them. It was inertia that made hundreds of thousands of Jews sit home, waiting for their executioners, when they were restricted to their homes. Those who did not allow inertia to take over used the imposing of such restrictions as a warning that it was high time to go underground, join resistance movements, provide themselves with forged papers, etc., if they had not done so long ago. Most of them survived. . .

I have met many Jews, as well as gentile anti-Nazis, who survived in Germany and in the occupied countries. But they were all people who realized that when a world goes to pieces, when inhumanity reigns supreme, man cannot go on with business as usual. One then has to radically re-evaluate all of what one has done, believed in, stood for. In short, one has to take a stand on the new reality, a firm stand, and not one of retirement into even greater privatization. . .

The Jews of Europe could equally have marched as free men against the SS, rather than to first grovel, then wait to be rounded up for their own extermination, and finally walk themselves to the gas chambers. It was their passive waiting for the SS to knock at their door without first securing a gun to shoot down at least one SS before being shot down themselves, that was the first step in a voluntary walk into the Reich’s crematoria. . .

This book then is most of all a cautionary tale, as old as mankind. Those who seek to protect the body at all cost die many times over. Those who risk the body to survive as men have a good chance to live on.

— Dr. Bruno Bettelheim, writing in the forward to Auschwitz: A Doctor’s Eyewitness Account by Miklós Nyiszli, 1960. (Dr, Bettelheim was arrested by the Nazis at the time of the Austrian Anschluss in 1938 and was held at the concentration camps at Dachau and Buchenwald. He was very lucky to have been released in a propaganda ploy of the Nazis in 1939 and to flee Germany before the Holocaust really got into high gear.)

As for what lessons Connecticut firearm owners may take from the above, they can draw their own conclusions. A word to the wise, it is said, is sufficient. On the other side of the street, if Malloy truly understood how the potential strategies of Fourth Generation Warfare are targeted in the context of a future American civil war, he would not let Red Mike Lawlor pressure him down this bloody road. Not unless, that is, he has suicidal thoughts for himself and the corrupt proto-tyranny he temporarily heads. Compared to the universally dangerous probabilities that such tyrannical bad behavior risks, a brief stay of the enforcement of the Intolerable Act while awaiting a Supreme Court ruling doesn’t look so unreasonable, does it? Unfortunately, like the story of Cassandra, the inertia is too powerful, no one of importance to the outcome is listening, and the potential of a disastrous tragedy awaits the entire country.

If you have no idea what is going on in Connecticut, and there is little reason you should given the lack of national coverage of the story, read about it at

“Gentlemen, prepare to defend yourselves!”

Disrupting Liberty and Killing Freedom

The Democrat potty is the favored vehicle of change for the Hocus-Pocus crowd. The first link is a look into the democrat history every registered democrat who can read English should read.

Next, you are invited to look closely at the bureaucratic manipulation of the results of the Obama engineered ‘children’s invasion’. Denials abound from those hiding behind ‘sound science’ who refuse to connect the recent EV-D68 attacks on American youngsters that resulted in death, paralysis and hospital stays for American children subjected to illnesses Obama’s ‘children’s invasion’ brought with it.

The trouble with facts is eventually they cannot be ignored. At least in a free Nation.

In the meantime, November 2 is National Remembrance Day.

I urge you to get involved some way. At least get familiar with reality. Thousands of Americans have lost their lives already at the hands of those here illegally. Illegals are here because political criminals refuse to secure the borders. Political criminals refuse to secure the borders because they listen to their Hocus-Pocus masters not US.

The thousands of Americans who have been killed by those who should never have been in our Country in the first place will pale in comparison to the future victims of the Obama/democrat reign.

Immediate action suggested is vote against every democrat on the ballot this Tuesday, November 4.


From the old bucksafa11 site a couple of links to think about before election day.

The first one shows the route the new democrat voters take into your voting precinct

and this one is of the head democrat lovin’ the Muslim Brotherhood

What the heck, I’m a registered no preference voter so here’s the back story of that picture I posted a few weeks ago of McCain and the ISIS PR guy, dead now, just to prove the only dog I got in the approaching election is the Republic and the Constitution that birthed her.

Remember this? OK. It’s the last one. But there’s still a lot of good, applicable information at if you haven’t checked it out yet.

Freedom From Control

The Webster’s Dictionary first definition of freedom is the quality or state of being free: as a: the absence of necessity, coercion, or constraint in choice or action.

Liberty is defined as the quality or state of being free a: the power to do as one pleases b: freedom from physical restraint c: freedom from arbitrary or despotic control

Control is a: to exercise restraining or directing influence over b: to have power over.

Think has many definitions in the dictionary. Among them is a: to exercise the powers of judgment, conception or inference.

Now I ask you do you think control has a place in a free society? That’s what progressives want and they don’t mind saying it out loud anymore. Interesting times, indeed.


“So the reason we’re doing what we’re doing…and the way we get progressive change, is to control government,” Stein said. “That’s what this is about.”

Ferguson Violence

More violence was reported in Ferguson, MO connected with Michael Brown. Actually, it was Michael Brown’s family. They were fighting each other. Or one side of the family worked over another side of the family. I’m sure you’ll hear about it on the MSM over the next week. You know, like they reported on that Palin brawl recently.

Maybe not, eh?

By the way. I hear a lot of self-righteous radio callers castigating the police officer for shooting Brown, condemning Officer Wilson for defending himself against a powerful brute who happened to be under the influence as proven by the toxicology report.

I do have a day job and on occasion that day job has me and a handful of others dealing with people who smoked marijuana that is generally accepted as being treated with other chemicals and referred to as ‘wet’. These drug users are rarely in a happy mood and can become quite violent exhibiting strength beyond normal. The strongest of these that I dealt with, and I’ve dealt with dozens, males mostly, was a rotund woman in her thirties who if she wanted to move an arm or a leg she moved it. I’ve not yet dealt with anyone stronger than she was.

I don’t think most people have any idea of what the drugs out there today are like. I’m wondering how long it would take one of Officer Wilson’s critics if placed in a similar situation, alone with a rampaging drug user, how long would it take to use the weapon and how many times would they pull the trigger? Would they really be willing to face death or possible permanent disability at the hands of someone who likely wouldn’t remember anything about it the next morning?

Believe me, they who are trippin’ do not listen to advice.

More CDC News

Being upfront comes easy after you do it once or twice. How about that?

CDC quietly acknowledged disease is leaking through the open borders.

The story is found on pop up heaven Examiner. If you are interested in this…

Measles, respiratory illness, tuberculosis and other communicable diseases continue as a prime concern for the millions of Americans conflicted about the perpetual arrivals of illegal immigrants pouring into the country. While some diseases have emerged from the Philippines, Africa, Asia and Europe, the unprecedented amount of undocumented aliens is a major issue…

…Medical labs testing confirm many of these cases are Enterovirus D68 (EV-D68). The Obama Administration has been working overtime to keep the reporting and narrative away from blaming the ongoing illegal and undocumented immigrant invasion into the country. Media reports show at least eight known deaths from EV-D68 in the U.S. in 2014…

you can find the rest of it at the source,

Jihadi Training Camp

Just sose nobody is thinking that the Andy Kauffman eyes dimwitted terrorist chump who killed that unarmed Canadian soldier on guard duty is typical of what we’ll likely be facing in the streets sometime in the future, here’s a heads up.

And while the Poconos camp or Islamberg does not provide the level of training you can get in Syria, who do you think gets into the jihadi training camps?

This story is from five years ago about the time this sign was put up by Obama’s government.

So, you gonna skip voting next month? I got no problem with that. It’s your prerogative. I’m just pointing out you better be aware of the consequences of taking a chance on leaving any democrat in office at any level. It is a tough choice. You might end up gagging like I expect to do but the democrat party under Obama is systematically destroying our Country, obliterating our Culture and devastating our children’s future. I think it’s time we give them a taste of their own medicine.