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A PSA For the Left

Not that the hardcore left would be interested but for those who travel the soft core perimeter of the feel good nation getting stressed over the inability of the world to find the answer to why can’t we all just get along, this one’s for you.

By now, you’ve heard of the quick and effective way Texas deals with jihadi’s. What you may not have heard, yet, is that one of those permanently horizontal terrorists was in front of a Clinton appointed judge back in 2011. The dead jihadi, Simpson, was arrested and brought before Judge Mary H. Marguia who appeared to be impressed by the defense lawyers ability to cloud the meaning of the word jihad sufficiently enough to confuse the Judge that she went easy on Simpson.

With the hope and high wishes that every infidel reading this post has a desire to understand jihad and its very close cousin taqqiya The Institute for Jihadi Research offers valuable insight into understanding jihad applications that could have helped Judge Marguia form an intelligent opinion when Mr. Simpson stood before her bench.

But if you want to cut to the chase and get some real insight into jihadi brain works read Identifying A Pathological Liar. It’s short and incisive with all the power of ‘Everything I Needed to Know About Life I Learned In Kindergarten’

Minutemen Arrest CIA Agents On Border

OK. I been had. Since I posted this story I’ve looked for follow up stories with no success. The post will stay up only as a reminder to me to triple check anything with minutemen in the title. With the BS meter heading to the peg, I offer my apologies to the CIA, the Border Patrol and those minutemen out there still working for repeating this wacky tale.

Or, A Lesson on What It Takes to Get Your Country Back Without Firing a Shot.


El Paso| A group of minutemen watching the Mexican Border for illegal migrants and drug traffickers, have proceeded to the citizen arrest of two men in an SUV, carrying 1300 pounds of cocaine. The volunteers were completely astonished when the two arrestees pulled out CIA ID cards and explained they were actually carrying the drug as part of their duties and that the cargo belonged to the Central Intelligence Agency…

Read the rest at

Profiling CAIR

I was reading about the latest CAIR absurdity that is taking place in Texas and I actually began to feel a little pity for them. Here’s what’s happening in Texas so you’ll know what got me back to posting again.

Regarding the lack of recent activity here, I’ve been wanting to bring Dr. Mirele’s plight up to date, he’s still in prison but a Mexican judge recently indicated maybe Mirele should be a free man. They’re going to think about it for awhile.

Now, Mexico being Mexico, and I mean the elites running the syndicate, surprises are as plentiful as pinatas. A couple of days after the announcement about the Mireles consideration, a cartel leader got a get out of jail free ( hassle free, that is. Who knows what it cost in cash ) card and he was walking out the gate before the press got there to cover the story.

Then a story came out about the Mexican press and how they are being murdered, threatened, beaten, sexually molested, kidnapped by the law and generally have their lives made miserable for believing in free speech and exposing the bad guys. I couldn’t help but compare our generally worthless, lying media with those putting their lives on the line south of the border and the story got bogged down.

Back to pitiful CAIR. While reading the Texas story I got to wondering about the psychological profile of a very sensitive but physically aggressive personality so I searched those parameters and this is the first result I hit on thinking I might as well get the obvious out of the way.

Holy Cow! One couldn’t get a better fitting profile and since school yard bullies are being targeted for special attention in our society these days, if muslims aren’t being dragged into the bully cure programs they’re going to be the only bullies around.

Not a pleasant picture but I thought it would be better to share it. Lord knows, you wouldn’t read about it in the approved press.

Two High Priced Tools


Exclusive: Victoria Nuland and Robert Kagan have a great mom-and-pop business going. From the State Department, she generates wars and – from op-ed pages – he demands Congress buy more weapons.

There’s a pay-off, too, as grateful military contractors kick in money to think tanks where other Kagans work, writes Robert Parry.

Yet, if it weren’t for Nuland’s efforts as Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs, the Ukraine crisis might not exist. A neocon holdover who advised Vice President Dick Cheney, Nuland gained promotions under former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and received backing, too, from current Secretary of State John Kerry.

Confirmed to her present job in September 2013, Nuland soon undertook an extraordinary effort to promote “regime change” in Ukraine. She personally urged on business leaders and political activists to challenge elected President Viktor Yanukovych. She reminded corporate executives that the United States had invested $5 billion in their “European aspirations,” and she literally passed out cookies to anti-government protesters in Kiev’s Maidan square

Two aspiring elites funding their wealth by feeding the dogs of war our youth and money.

It Must Be the White House submission to MB/CAIR

that makes CAIR unable to believe that most American’s give a damn is busted when it comes to their hissy fits.

Seriously, CAIR, go away and take your infantile demands with you.

In case you have not heard, CAIR is demanding that Ted Cruz abandon his plans to speak at the New England Freedom Conference on March 27 and 28 because Robert Spencer will also be speaking.

Please read about it there -> and take advantage of the opportunity to communicate your thoughts on the matter to Senator Cruz.

Look at what CAIR included at the bottom of their message to Cruz…

CAIR is America’s largest Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization. Its mission is to enhance the understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims, and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding.

With all the examples of CAIR’s duplicity available to the public (like right here) Joseph Goebbels’ observation, “If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it” came to mind and I wondered if the Nazis taught that to the muslims or vice versa.

I’m thinking that it has Islamic roots but the following line, “The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie. It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State” sounds rooted firmly in Germanic Fascism.

Outing them is important. Hit the link and leave a message for Cruz.

Muslims Furious As Dallas Suburb Shuts Down Sharia Court


…In a close 5-4 vote, the city of Irving ruled to back the Texas state bill banning foreign law from the state. It basically would slam the door in their faces, preventing them from spreading Sharia throughout the country. Now they are accusing the city council of unfairly being targeted.

All four of the “voluntary” court’s lawyers were unlicensed in the state of Texas, a third degree felony. Mayor Beth Van Duyne received several phone calls on the matter. It seems that the Islamic Tribunal not only was unlicensed, but they failed to notify the city of their illegal court being operated in city limits. She promised to get to the bottom of it, and she did.

By their own website’s admission, if U.S. law conflicts with Sharia law, “we follow Sharia law.” It also openly admitted separate rules for men and women in their proceedings, discriminating and humiliating women which is against the U.S. Constitution. The Islamic Tribunal also openly declared that they hope will “set a precedence that will be emulated and duplicated throughout the country.”

The more the mayor looked into it, the more it was apparent that they were attempting to establish a foothold using her city. She made a public Facebook post stating that she would back the new Texas law. She states that it was apparent that Zia Sheikh, imam at the Islamic Center of Irving, and the other Imams were “bypassing American courts” to make rulings under Sharia. Sheikh demanded an apology and wanted her Facebook post removed, which stated she would “fight with every fiber of my being” if the group was violating basic rights…

…The meeting was filled by Muslims from the Council for American-Islamic Relations, a known terrorist organization. They even tried to paint the vote as Islamaphobia and bigotry.

“This continues efforts by elected officials who seek to score points with their voting base by demonizing Muslims,” Alia Salem, who directs the North Texas chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, told the City Council before Thursday’s vote. She said it had a choice between “diversity” and “hatred, fear and bigotry.” (Dallas Morning News)

The state bill doesn’t even mention Muslims or Islam. It states no specific foreign law…


Try Walking Like An Egyptian

And no disrespect is meant to the Egyptian people. What they did in order to oust the Muslim Brotherhood from their government will stand forever as a badge of courage. Egyptians are an honorable people who recognized how quickly malevolent a government taken over by evil can and will become and they had the fortitude to put their lives on the line in opposition to that evil.

The Muslim Brotherhood survives, no doubt, once again underground in Egypt where it originated; outside of Egypt it thrives in our White House. There is no question of that. The question is why do we as an alleged free people allow our government such a cozy relationship with an organization that stated in written instructions how they plan similar chaos in our Nation?

The Muslim Brotherhood continues their plan to overthrow Egypt but there is a growing belief, or maybe hope, that their calls for Jihad against Egypt are more a death rattle in their fading voice. Regardless of their possible current dilapidation, you should visit this site, to read for yourself the duplicity of their Jihad call and also to have access to a source that recognizes the difference between slavery and freedom and how a working mind is critical to the pursuit of Liberty. If someday the veil of ignorance is lifted from our eyes we could be required to try walking like Egyptians. It’s good to know how it works.

Cairo Court Sentences MB Supreme Guide To Death


A Cairo criminal court sentenced Mohamed Badie, the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide, and 13 other leading members of the group to death on Monday for inciting murder in the now infamous case known in the media as “Rabaa control room.”


A Message To All Bipartisan Liberals

Once upon a time, there would have been a great deal of satisfaction in delivering this message to you all but once upon a time there was little chance you would have understood it let alone believed it. Way too much self-righteous certainty going on in that smoky region between your ears for you to consider this what you are about to read to be any different than one of those bad dreams you sometimes have but goes away when you wake up.

Well, this time is different. If you wake up too late your nightmare won’t go away.

Before we start let me say, in an honest and true fashion, that I don’t have much sympathy to share with you for the turmoil you are soon going to experience; nor do I expect to find much compassion for the accompanying anguish you will be suffering after the light comes on and forces you to recognize and accept that you been had.

I do have enough sympathy and compassion, though, that I won’t dwell on the sudden disappearance of your vast wealth of social wisdom or the evaporation of your superior positioning on moral high ground when the big O Chit moment arrives. Which should happen any day now; once, that is, you all start realizing that Obama’s Operation Bitch Slap targeting Hillary is a well-planned beginning of the approaching end for the useful idiots known as liberals.

Just as Hillary has recently learned, the hard Left neither respects nor loves you. They turned this Country Left by sensationalizing issues and focusing on parts of every story they could distort into an emotional slur. Then they send their operatives out to work the street, order the media to polish the slant and the easily manipulated public responds like a stunted flower child.

It appears now the Left is acting as if their power is entrenched. Once they firmly believe that they’ll be shedding you like a cheap faux fur. That Hillary is going down like a Buddhist monument in a land claimed by the Islamist State is a message event and you had better understand it.

You served your purpose. You’re no longer necessary. Very soon they will not waste their time managing through manipulation and you will learn how easy it is to slide past the just out of reach socialist dream and into a Totalitarian nightmare you’ll say you never saw coming; a hollow protestation whose only purpose is for the likes of you to have an indisputable barrier of self-vindication that will bond all of you together as you readjust to the added weight when the final link in tyranny’s chain is laid on your shoulders.

Face it. You chose not to see it coming. You embraced the lies they’ve been crafting your belief system with all your life. The only chance you had involved work you didn’t want to do. You chose Easy Street instead and in doing so surrendered your freedom to the evil that does not stop working at the end of the day, does not take a vacation and looks at all rejection as a temporary setback.

In the end, it is you who have forged your chains and it is you who will have driven the final nail into the Republic. Remember that if you’re still around when the relocation programs start and you are ordered to share your homes with one or two declared by the government to be officially less fortunate.

Also remember you read it here. I’d like to think I provided some spark to get you through the trying times approaching. Or that spark ignited something within and you grow up and deal with reality for a change.