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The Never Answered Questions

What is it about Islamic based terrorism that makes their most devoted apologists, followers and proselytizers so sensitive to question and criticism?

Why are those apologists, followers and proselytizers driven by such a need for control that when the vast majority of humanity reject their offer to convert or die, those leaders of Islamic based terrorism, those driving that vehicle of death and carnage, respond with another terrorist attack, another outrage, another obscene stain on their religion of peace recognized by everyone else in the world but themselves?


Why then are we, everyone else in the world, subject to the apologist’s eventual press release, ‘It is our enemies fault that such unfortunate events take place’? Does it serve also as the signal for the Authorities of at least one major nation, usually US, to bend over backwards to accommodate the ever increasing Islamic based terrorists sensitivities?

Why are we supposed to suppress our outrage?


If only those apologists, followers and proselytizers understood that we of the West have our own deeply ingrained sensitivities and knew that our fuse is long but it burns hot. It doesn’t go out if it’s constantly disturbed; it just gets shorter.

Those sensitivities are based on the principles of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness and we’ve been known to defend them with an intensity jihadists have yet matched despite their barbaric, cowardly acts of terror. Those principles have provided US with a freedom we believe our Judeo/Christian God, the One True God, has blessed US with.

No one, politician or terrorist, has the right to take that from US.

It took US 200 plus years to understand fully the power of freedom when it is inclusive and applied to all Americans. Then this muslim-in-chief came along, sowed a train load of discontent, unloaded the fertilizer the socialists/democrat/progressives and RINO’s have been producing for decades on top of it and now we have trouble thriving where it once had a chance to be cleared away.

That only further supports normal peoples hardening conviction that hatred drives Islam. You apologists, followers and proselytizers of Islamic based terrorism have had 1400 plus years to fix it but you never did.

Now, you are involved in a plan, activated in the 1980’s that is, in your words,
…a kind of grand Jihad in eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and “sabotaging” its miserable house… and that sounds like you have embarked on pursuing another failure of very large proportions.

Here’s another question for you AFnP’s. Have any of you ever considered the concept of Personal Responsibility? Did you ever learn that blame is antithetical to accepting responsibility and responsibility is a measure of adulthood? Or are you just running a PsyOp on an incompletely conditioned Western civilization for your masters? If so, you better look again at your projected timeline of anticipated success.

Because in our world, shrinking as it may appear to you with your impaired, sociopathic vision, before any individual or organizational success can be achieved, responsibility for any failure that occurs must be accepted not assigned. Once it is recognized, it is corrected. It would serve you well to remember that. Successful Westerners look at failure as challenges to be addressed on their path to success. That is an attitude we apply across our entire spectrum of existence.

Attack On Freedom

All I have to add is this reminder.

But here’s a couple of things to remember.

1) Jihadists never stop attacking.
2) After attacks they always get their attaboys on social media from other muslims which serves to reinforce Jihadist terrorism and,
3) Jihadists repeatedly threaten violence against US, the great satan.

So don’t think for a minute attacks like today’s atrocity committed on the Charlie Hebdo magazine staff will not happen here.

Picture the religion of peace as a mind mapped Jihadist gang whose altered reality is struggling to escape the confines of self-control and self-preservation. You never know where or when that struggle will end but the manner in which their altered reality takes control is pretty well established.

Meanwhile, the mind mapping is expanding exponentially.

Will CAIR, MAS and the State Department Threaten to Hold Their Collectivist Breath?

Do you recall how last month, after the United Arab Emirates included CAIR and the Muslim American Society on their known terrorist organization list, the State Department leapt to their defense only to be ignored by the UAE?

Well, they’re all up for another effort and it is reminding me of the Stone Wall Treatment the American people are usually dealt when we try to get the truth out of the political gangsters involved with crimes, real crimes, like Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal or Benghazi.

Except in this case, the UAE is the party grounded in reality and the U.S. State Department doesn’t know how to deal with that. All they know is the bully tactics that worked so well for their Executive Branch comrades and the Emirates just aren’t paying them any attention.

Perhaps because CAIR/MAS weren’t rated very high on the experts terrorist list, #58 and #64, the State Department dandies think they can dicker the Emirates into submission like the Muslim Brotherhood/CAIR/MAS operatives dickered them into being their mouthpiece. So far it’s not working.

Here’s the latest; though I think they mixed up the headline.

Conversations That Make A Person Go Hmmm


Hoekstra: Oh I think that’s absolutely right. We’ve seen the kinds of attacks here in the United States like Fort Hood, but there are others. There are Americans who have gone to Syria, who have gone to Iraq, who have fought with ISIS. We have to watch those individuals as they come back.

Varney: Congressman, can I interrupt for one second? You say we’ve got to watch those individuals. Are we allowed to do that? Does our Constitution permit us to single out people under suspicion, go after them, check their mail, check their emails, check their associations, follow their phone calls? Can we do that?

Hoekstra: Well on each one of those cases you have to see exactly how much evidence they have. Clearly if they’re providing material support to terrorist organizations you would think that the day that they set foot back on United States soil they would be arrested. But with a lot of these individuals we don’t have that much information on them. We know that they were over there. We suspect them of things and then they all become an individual case where we present the evidence, the background material to a court, to a judge, to see if we can actually get an opportunity to surveil them and get additional information. So each one of those will be an individual case and sometime it’s very difficult to have enough information to actually prove that these people are a threat. It’s hard…

Actually, Congressman, I don’t think it’s as hard as you think. What I mean is, to paraphrase George Orwell, some animals are more protected by the Constitution than others.

Peeling Back the Ferguson Onion

It’s called setting up a false choice. Meaning when the situation presents itself the criminal politicians will exploit it for their advantage through action/inaction, selected enforcement of obscure local ordinances, outright threats and acts of intimidation. It’s all part of the old Hegelian Dialectic. Create a problem, spread the pain then offer a solution. It works fine for the Statists. Not so well for US.

On to the story.

Chances are you watched Ferguson, MO. burn. Maybe you even saw approaching fire trucks stop and turn back a few blocks from the fire location because of shots fired. At that point, you probably started wondering where was the National Guard we all heard was called up.

Maybe you learned later, after sections of Ferguson were giving off the Dresden vibe, the Missouri Lieutenant Governor accused the federal government apparatchik of ordering the NG to sit this one out; effectively and unmistakably signaling to their perpetually angry dream team the message ‘burn, baby, burn’. And the city burned.

Well, a lot of the city burned. Did you see the armed shop owners protecting their tattoo parlor and gun store? Those shops didn’t burn.

Gutierrez, Weinstein and their group arrived to find thieves tearing through a Dollar General in the same strip mall that houses their business. Weinstein says the looters attempted moving toward the shop, but were scared off by the guns. Then the police arrived.

“There were like two SWAT vans, two dozen cop cars,” said one woman. The cops apparently checked out the situation and then tore off to some other crisis...

You can’t argue with success, right?

Actually, it’s done quite a bit by the federal government. Particularly when the federales can detect something other than self-interest is disrupting their fire sale.

You see, just a few days before the rioting, Stewart Rhodes, the leader of the Oath Keepers organization, put out a call for volunteers to go down to Ferguson. The local Oath Keeper leader saw the need that business owners had for armed support and who better than Oath Keepers experienced in dealing with urban violence? He contacted the national office and the word went out.

The volunteers headed to Ferguson and wound up on the roof of a strip mall. They were protecting not only the structure but the people who lived over the businesses. At first, things went well for them. The strip mall was spared and the local police appreciated their help. But after a few days, the federales arrived and began their campaign against the Oath Keepers evident success at keeping the dreamers from destroying the strip mall. After all, there was still a chance the riot could resume.

As reported by the Oath Keepers present, the federales campaign included setting up sniper teams on neighboring roof tops and pointing their weapons at the Oath Keepers. They were also describing the Oath Keepers as domestic terrorists.

Read and hear the Oath Keepers interview here

And for you cowboys who do not yet know your enemy, here’s a video of real terrorists in action. They take lives and destroy property. Not save lives and secure property. Secrets of the Dead.

CAIR’s Influence in Ferguson


…Using social media, conference calling and traditional outreach methods, leaders of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) are portraying Brown and Detroit mosque leader Imam Luqman Ameen Abdullah as African-American victims of police targeting, according to the Washington-based Center for Security Policy (CSP). In a conference call organized by CAIR-linked “Muslims for Ferguson, a CAIR official called Abdullah a “Shaheed,” or martyr, and said both he and Brown were victims of a national security apparatus that had “completely gone wild” and engaged in “demonizing and criminalizing Muslims.”…

“They’re interested in building coalitions with other organizations in order to effect a legislative change to weaken anti-terrorism laws and weaken the ability of law enforcement to engage in counter terrorism.”
– Kyle Shideler, Center for security Policy

…“By hosting the conference call,” Shideler wrote, the campaign is “fulfilling the goal of the Muslim Brotherhood in North America to be positioned as the leadership of a broad coalition seeking to target law enforcement under the camouflage of civil rights.”

Formula for Success

While watching the terrorism unfold Monday night in Ferguson, Missouri, and terrorism it was, it occurred to me the systematic looting and burning was not at all random. Two days later even Rush is talking about it.

I’ll not pursue the obvious; just add a few links and comments.

First, the program/lineup:

which could use a little amplification

Since every organized protest needs a lot of direction here’s the map provided on Monday to the targeted sites.

It pointed to targeted police stations, politicians offices, lawyers offices, judges offices, industry, namely, Boeing, Emerson Electric and Anheuser-Busch. Anheuser-Busch and the culture/art targets were probably included to placate the muslim participants what with their penchant for destroying things people enjoy.

Here’s CBS, who asked the burning question, is the dreaded White Supremacists showing up, as they once again completely ignore the fact that had the KKK made an appearance it would have been the cherry on top of a completely Democrat sponsored elitist action.

One last observation.

The following day, the community organizer said in a speech, the only people who have a right to complain about the invasion (I’m paraphrasing) but the only people who have a right to complain are some Native Americans. A completely inane statement the leftists/Democrats/open border a$$hat$ like to throw out there in order to shut up Americans.

It’s like they believe ‘native’ Americans just popped up out of the wild maize fields.

Do US all a favor. When you hear that absurd statement remind them of this…

and when some stinking invasion advocate tells you to go back to England, you tell them to go back to Asia. And take a copy of the Constitution along for the ride. That way they can read Article IV Section 4 at their leisure to understand why they are outta here.

Assymetric Solutions

Yeah, there is such a thing. It’s a group of people who were capable of reading the writing on the wall and capitalizing on it. I salute them and wish them great success because I read the same wall and recognized the need for a similar force in place in Bucks County but I was picturing astute civilian volunteers. If you haven’t read about it it’s here.

I thought the writing on the wall was capable of being read by anyone paying attention and the County, the State, even the Country would be openly organizing by now.

Maybe it is and I’m looking in all the wrong places. Here’s the story.

A couple of tips, common sense things, from the article…

Cizek and Ringhofer also indicated that private-security consultants are visiting Clayton’s corporate campuses (they wouldn’t disclose which ones) to help devise alternate routes for commuting employees in case of emergency road closures, and to remove public ashtrays, statuary, and landscape-lighting appliances, which they worry that rioters might use to break into office buildings…

Beyond that, asymmetric solutions just get more complicated. Can your neighborhood handle it?