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You Weren’t Shocked Over TSA Failure Rate Were You?

If so, you’re not going to like this addition to Prudence and Perfidy.


…The report’s “Dear Taxpayer” introduction states, “Based upon the available evidence, DHS is not successfully executing any of its five main missions. Many of DHS’s programs, in fact, are ineffective and should be reconsidered.”

One key finding states Department of Homeland Security “spent $50 billion over the past eleven years on counterterrorism programs, including homeland security grants and other anti-terror initiatives, but the department cannot demonstrate if the nation is more secure as a result.”

Each assessment of the DHS Five Top Missions — Preventing Terrorism and Improving Security, Securing and Managing Our Borders, Enforcing and Administering Our Immigration Laws, Safeguarding and Securing Cyberspace and Strengthening National Preparedness and Resilience — is a shocking litany of failures and incompetence, corruption and disinterest, characterizing the DHS as an ineffective and inefficient program of questionable worth…

And the assessment came from a Senate Committee. Aren’t you glad now you placed all those phone calls and sent all those emails to your Senator encouraging him/her to let the Patriot Act die? I mean if our security is such a joke why are the politicians so hot to monitor EVERYBODY in the US?

I was just being facetious there, folks.

We know what they’re up to, don’t we?

That report was released January 2015.

The Ministry of Contrivance

Control Freak was not a term of endearment fifty years ago. Just one of those custom twisted, contrived reshaping society tools of the Left that was cycled through Pop Culture in order to distort the basic values of a God fearing people and install the non-judgmental factor used to silence critics of the Progressive architects of change, it was a masterpiece of manipulation.

Meanwhile, the criminal elite control continued to expand under the radar; their stealth assured by the two faced and tainted one party apparatus that provides them cover by committee and invidious power through one line insertions into congressional business in a modern day effort to “…subject us to a Jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution…”

Offering more evidence that their increasing arrogance knows no bounds, the hijacked government has recently removed more than a years worth of vaccine related court statistics from a publicly reported chart that reflected court victories for plaintiffs claiming their children’s injury or death was caused by vaccine.


…Since January of 2014, twice as many victims have won court decisions than the previous eight years combined. In these court decisions, a judge ruled the evidence showed vaccines “more likely than not” caused the plaintiff’s injuries.

Also on the rise is the number of vaccine injury cases the government has “conceded”: up 55% in a little over one year.

As a result of the recent website changes, neither of these trends is reflected on the current “adjudication” chart…


You don’t think this removal of an increasing indicator has anything to do with the Open Borders fiasco, do you?

Jade Helm, the Patriot Act and Ramadi

There’s a defining picture contained in a link below that every American should see. The subjects of the picture were two young men tasked with a simple job: Not to let anyone past the gate they controlled who they recognized as a threat. The gate happened to be located in what was during that time one of the most vile, dangerous and sinister places on earth replete with a population teeming with minus IQ miscreants.

Their picture and their story is a harsh measure of how we deal with evil when we are faced with it and the choice it always offers. Fight or flight.

But first, from the absurd bloviating class we rely on daily to shade any story into invisibility or incontinence-on-demand we read a typical, condescending and patient version of Jade Helm-15. Presented with their own subtle mix of fact and imaginings that has contributed so much to the numbing of the American brain over the years, their viewers are once again left with nothing to be concerned about. It’s a technique that has worked so well over the years they themselves were left dumbfounded when their leading star, George Stephanopoulis, ended up in the news as a still active Clinton agent.

Speaking of Clinton, I clicked on the conspiracy link in that Jade Helm-15 story in the last paragraph. At the top of the page that appeared, under the heading of Conspiracy Theory news, was a picture of a haggard looking HRC above a banner that reads, Clinton’s Benghazi Emails Show Correspondence With Advisor.

I wonder if they made the connection that Clinton was at the time engaging in a conspiracy to distort the facts and present a lie to the American people.

Now the Daily Mail,article provides US with one of the most insulting reasons for JH-15 given by the criminal elitists in charge: They want to ’test the effectiveness of infiltration techniques’ on the American public.

For more go to

Are you kidding me? The one party elite has been busy for the last few decades infiltrating our culture with natural born welfare recipients from the two baddest corners of the world …the Middle East and Latin America… and based on two decades plus of citizen complaints, the American people have proven they know how to recognize infiltration. If anything needed work on it’s the proper response from the elite in D.C.

One thing is for sure. If Jade Helm-15 was unquestioningly a Constitutionally based operation it would start the practice run in Foggy Bottom and fan out from there.

But even with the sudden calamitous weather in Texas, ( and if you don’t know what I think about weather modification divert momentarily to ) I do not believe this version of lock down will involve any midnight train loadings of citizens followed by a clickety-clack long ride to some desolate camp that serves as an inter-dimensional flush portal.

That’s not saying it couldn’t eventually lead to that in coming years but if you pressure the Senate to shut down the Patriot Act Reauthorization Act this week that early morning FEMA visit might not ever happen. is where I hope you are left facing the elephant. Two Marines, Cpl. Jonathan Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter, deserve that much. They died fighting the enemy until the end. All we’re required to do is apply pressure to the politicians until they do right. The reauthorization of the Patriot Act is not in our best interest. Cpl. Jonathan Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter died defending the many things you can roll up in a ball and call the American Way. The American Way developed from the energy of the Constitution. It’s not a stretch to say they died defending the Constitution.

Don’t let the elitists kick it to the curb. We are the Constitution’s gatekeepers. When will we fight like Yale and Haerter did to defend their post, their fellow Marines, the Iraqi’s, Ramadi and ultimately US and our Constitution?

Threats are coming at the Constitution from every angle. Foreign and domestic. Covertly and overtly. We are tasked with it’s defense, too. We’re fortunate our part can still be accomplished peacefully.

We just celebrated Memorial Day. Let’s not just remember. Let’s fulfill our duty with the same determination and courage displayed by Cpl. Yale and L/Cpl Haerter as they stood their ground, leaned forward and poured fire on the enemy. Their mission focus went above and beyond personal safety and survival. Because of them many others were saved that day and many more learned that one shining part of America’s Exceptionalism is our willingness to fight, even to death, so Freedom can live on.

Evidence is Hardening Against IS Organizers

Speculation takes a back seat.


…But it’s one thing to speculate; it’s something entirely different to have hard proof.

And while speculation was rife that just like the CIA-funded al Qaeda had been used as a facade by the US to achieve its own geopolitical and national interests over the past two decades, so ISIS was nothing more than al Qaeda 2.0, there was no actual evidence of just this.

That may all have changed now when a declassified secret US government document obtained by the public interest law firm, Judicial Watch, shows that Western governments deliberately allied with al-Qaeda and other Islamist extremist groups to topple Syrian dictator Bashir al-Assad.

According to investigative reporter Nafeez Ahmed in Medium, the “leaked document reveals that in coordination with the Gulf states and Turkey, the West intentionally sponsored violent Islamist groups to destabilize Assad, despite anticipating that doing so could lead to the emergence of an ‘Islamic State’ in Iraq and Syria (ISIS)

According to the newly declassified US document, the Pentagon foresaw the likely rise of the ‘Islamic State’ as a direct consequence of the strategy, but described this outcome as a strategic opportunity to “isolate the Syrian regime.”…

Read more

Remember this week to call your Senators office to encourage a NO vote on extending the Patriot Act. Having US suffering their spying and political interference while they are busy creating our enemies is a crime against the American People as proscribed by our Constitution and it must be stopped.