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Technocracy Rising Town Hall Scheduled

The Introduction

Technocracy is the science of social engineering, the scientific operation of the entire social mechanism to produce and distribute goods and services to the entire population… The Technocrat, Vol 3, No 4, 1938

Let me [ Patrick M. Wood ] be clear about the intent and scope of this book. My premise is that when it was founded in 1973, the Trilateral Commission quietly adopted a modified version of historic Technocracy to craft what it called a “New International Economic Order”. This has been largely unrecognized even to this day. With the combined weight of the most powerful global elite behind it, Technocracy has flourished in the modern world and has perhaps reached the tipping point of no return. This book will explain Technocracy in detail, demonstrate the methodology that has been used to implement it, document the control over power centers that allowed the methodology to be used, and most importantly, expose the perpetrators who are responsible for it.

If the reader does not see the importance of these connections, then neither will he see the economic and political dangers in such things like Sustainable Development, Agenda 21, Public-Private Partnerships, Smart Growth, Green Economy, Smart Grid, Common Core State Standards, Councils of Governments, etc.

The creation of all these programs will be laid at the feet of the Trilateral Commission, in the name of Technocracy. Indeed, the Trilateral Commission were simultaneously the philosophical creators of modern technocracy as well as the implementers as they occupied key positions in governments, business and academia since 1973.
—Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation

Join in the discussion starting at noon Sunday March 1, 2015. RSVP at

For additional background you might also be interested in reading Phillip and Paul Collins book, “The Ascendancy of The Scientific Dictatorship” published in 2004 by iUniverse.

And, of course, you can always read that cult classic Hocus-pocus again.

CAIR… Busted Again

It’s getting that I hear the Three Stooges theme music every time I read a CAIR article.

Tom Trento and friends at called San Antonio CAIR today to discuss CAIR’s objection to the presence of a representative of the FBI Academy who was scheduled as the keynote speaker at San Antonio’s Saint Mary’s University Center, the venue for a presentation on “Domestic Jihad and Isis” that included Act for America’s Brigette Gabriel and terrorism expert John Guandolo.

CAIR’s letter of objection resulted in the FBI pulling their agent’s participation in the event.

See for yourself why that’s a big deal and how Tom Trento’s call to San Antonio’s CAIR office led to another CAIR bust. The CAIR story starts about 26 minute mark

No Go Britain


…”We are the Muslim Patrol. We are in north London, we are in south London, in east London and west London. We command good and forbid evil. Islam is here in London. [Prime Minister] David Cameron, Mr. Police Officer, whether you like it or not, we will command good and forbid evil. You will never get us. You can go to hell! This is not a Christian country. To hell with Christianity. Isa [Jesus] was a messenger of Allah. Muslim Patrol will never die. Allah is great! Allah is great! We are coming!”…

…Meanwhile, Britain’s first directly elected Muslim mayor — a close ally of Choudary named Lutfur Rahman, who runs Tower Hamlets Council — has been accused of using illegal tactics to get re-elected in May 2014. Muslim residents were allegedly told that they would not be “good Muslims” unless they voted for Rahman, who was born in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh), and moved to Britain as a child.

A letter signed by 101 Islamic figures that was published in a Bengali newspaper, The Weekly Desh, said that not voting for Rahman was an “un-Islamic and a sinful act.” Their pronouncements were allegedly used to cajole and control many within the local 65,000-strong Muslim community.

Rahman is linked to the Islamic Forum of Europe [IFE], an Islamist group dedicated to changing the “very infrastructure of society, its institutions, its culture, its political order and its creed … from ignorance to Islam.”…

Not voting for the muslim was an “un-Islamic and a sinful act.” That wouldn’t be a reason the State Department has been flying muslims into the U.S.A. for resettlement, would it? Maybe all those Republican voters who claim the borders are open to increase Democrat party membership were more on target than I thought. Think of all the money the globalists won’t have to spend to fix the election results when all they have to do is tell the muslims it’s a sin to vote against Jihad Jones.

The Gatestone Institute article is the second of three articles on a series about Islam in Europe. It’s providing US with a sneak peek into our future if we’re not able to rein in the criminal class.

Muslim Brotherhood Preparing to Go Postal?

Days after the Muslim Brotherhood’s not so publicized climb up their totable Who Me? pole in D.C. it was reported the MB has called once again for jihad in Egypt.

That’s not shocking news for anyone familiar with the Islamic practice of taqiyya; it’s what they do.

They lie and they’re good at it. But it’s not clear the State Department understands that.

It’s either that or they can’t get past their Leftist centered egos and recognize that Jihadists are committed to the end of Western Civilization not merely changing it like the rabid left yearns to do.

Which is likely why the State Department was miffed, briefly, when a brother flashed the MB gang sign in front of the State Department wall plaque on the day of the visit…

“The State Department continues to speak with Muslim Brothers on the assumption that Egyptian politics are unpredictable, and the Brotherhood still has some support in Egypt,” he said. “But when pro-Brotherhood delegations then post photos of themselves making pro-Brotherhood gestures in front of the State Department logo, it creates an embarrassment for the State Department.”


When asked to comment on the meeting Tuesday evening, a State Department official said, “We meet with representatives from across the political spectrum in Egypt.”

That’s not something one would expect to hear from a State Department spokesperson, not when you know they know about the not so distant past rejection of the MB by the Egyptian people or that, even more recently, the Arab Emirates declared them and CAIR, too, terrorist organizations.

As national security reporter and terrorism expert, Patrick Poole says in the Free Beacon article, “What this shows is that the widespread rejection of the Muslim Brotherhood across the Middle East, particularly the largest protests in recorded human history in Egypt on June 30, 2013, that led to Morsi’s ouster, is not recognized by the State Department and the Obama administration,”

Makes a person wonder just what the Obama administration hopes to achieve with it’s unyielding support of the Sunni muslim brotherhood while it caves to the Shiite Iranians nuclear demands and it’s boss kisses the right hand of Wahhabi Saud king.

Get Him Outta Here II

Last August I posted Get Him Outta Here. The post contained a link to a you tube video of an alleged Marine counter protesting a pro-Palestinian demonstration. I learned today that somehow, some time between August and today, the you tube link in the original Get Him Outta Here post went not to the video but to another post here, Watching Connecticut.

I spent awhile trying to correct it but can’t so I’m posting an updated version. Enjoy.

U.S. Marine attacked by pro-Palestinian demonstrators. The demonstrators are practicing the religion of peace few outside the circle of the chief Islamic sympathizer in political office supports. I’ll give the guy in the 1st MarDiv cover the benefit of the doubt of his Marine status. He was ready to defend himself against all odds, that’s for sure.

Have you read Prudence and Perfidy, yet?Take a gander at the size of the crowd the guy was fighting off. Are you ready for that?

If the problem remains you can view the video at