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It’s An Invasion! They’re Using That A-A Phrase

The leftist, commie, NWO chasing pope is getting an earful from a Hungarian bishop.


…“They’re not refugees. This is an invasion,” said Bishop Laszlo Kiss-Rigo, whose dominion stretches across the southern reaches of this predominantly Catholic nation. “They come here with cries of ‘Allahu Akbar.’ They want to take over.”

It was allegedly reported Laszlo was heard to mutter ‘Of all the gin joints in all the towns in all the world, they’re pushing their way into mine.’

IS On the Move

Hours after assurances from European security experts…

“Islamic State has no need to export fighters to Europe because it imports fighters from Europe,” said Claude Moniquet, a former French intelligence agent who heads the European Strategic Intelligence and Security Center in Brussels.

“There are five to six thousand Europeans who are, or have been, in Syria, and others are leaving all the time. So it’s hard to see the advantage for Islamic State to export Syrians or Iraqis — people who speak Arabic, who know Iraq and Syria, and who they need over there.”

Bulgarian officials offer contrary evidence.

Technocracy Awareness

Mark Steyn’s “A Disgrace to the Profession” is now on sale at his website. It was written to further expose phony science and also to help pay his legal fees. These fees were brought on by an alleged scientist with an overzealous imagination who pictured a new whimsical scientific measure of earth warming that involved hockey sticks capable of kick starting the globalist’s carbon based tax on Western Civilization. It almost worked.

In fact, since the leftists never accept defeat they’ve rearranged their data and Obama is planning to introduce a new carbon based tax soon. You’ll need Steyn’s book of factual arguments to prod the recalcitrant republican-majority-in-flight to fight on behalf of Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of a well lit path back to freedom.

Republicans, as you undoubtedly understand at this stage of the camouflaged Republic, are really not interested in our well being but if they receive input laced with enough truth it might confuse them and they could push the no button instead of the big red blinking yes button when they are instructed by their leader Obama to vote for his much needed carbon tax tool of enslavement.

And Patrick Wood wants you to know that You Can Beat Government and Hacker Surveillance and introduces you to free or affordable security for mail and phone.

Fast and Furious With A Twist

Once upon a time a storm called Fast and Furious was raging across the nation. OK, maybe not raging. It’s rare when we get unadulterated weather so one must accept the fact that with the help of the MSM, political storms are going to be managed into oblivion in the same manner as tropical pressure is manipulated into devastation when needed.

Maybe it’s the Blue Moon but Fast and Furious is back in the news. Out of Chicago, no less. The story is about one of the weapons carried by the would be killers who were attempting to visit the wrath of alla down onto the heads of the infidels gathered in Garland, Texas back in May. The question raised is if it was purchased in the aptly named Lone Wolf gun shop, the F&F gun sales epicenter.

Reached by telephone, Andre Howard, owner of Lone Wolf, denied that his store sold the gun to Soofi. “Not here,” Howard said before hanging up.

But the story did ring a bell with me. At one point, stories were surfacing about ‘gun walking’ happening in other locations, including Indiana which peaked my interest because ISNA lives there.

Yeah, I know. Pure coincidence.

The Small Minds of Petty Tyrants

Opening today with an inspiring quote from

Gatestone Institute reports the Department of State Bars Christians From Testifying About Persecution

Much like when the anti-abortion Life Dynamics organization was blocked by the one party syndicate from testifying at a Congressional hearing on the sale of baby body parts back in the year 2000, the State Department has no qualms about flexing their anti-American muscle and denying visas to Christians who publicize the Islamic terrorist attacks that target Christians in Muslim held territory.


… Sister Diana, an influential Iraqi Christian leader, who was scheduled to visit the U.S. to advocate for persecuted Christians in the Mideast, was denied a visa by the U.S. State Department even though she had visited the U.S. before, most recently in 2012.

She was to be one of a delegation of religious leaders from Iraq — including Sunni, Shia and Yazidi, among others — to visit Washington, D.C., to describe the situation of their people. Every religious leader from this delegation to Washington D.C. was granted a visa — except for the only Christian representative, Sister Diana.

After this refusal became public, many Americans protested, some writing to their congressmen. Discussing the nun’s visa denial, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said:

This is an administration which never seems to find a good enough excuse to help Christians, but always finds an excuse to apologize for terrorists … I hope that as it gets attention that Secretary Kerry will reverse it. If he doesn’t, Congress has to investigate, and the person who made this decision ought to be fired.

The State Department eventually granted Sister Diana a visa.

This is not the first time the U.S. State Department has not granted a visa to a Christian leader coming from a Muslim region. Last year, after the United States Institute for Peace brought together the governors of Nigeria’s mostly Muslim northern states for a conference in the U.S., the State Department blocked the visa of the region’s only Christian governor, Jonah David Jang.

According to a Nigerian human rights lawyer based in Washington D.C., Emmanuel Ogebe, the Christian governor’s “visa problems” were due to anti-Christian bias in the U.S. government…

if you are part of the vast majority of Americans who are in the process of clearing the elites lies from your mind remember this message:

We have marched by night, to cut and behead

Another Sunday morning that millions of Americans will not awaken to the shocking news that our Nation, specifically it’s dis-Armed Forces, has been targeted once again in a cowardly, deadly sneak attack by our foreign enemies enabled by the protection of our domestic enemies.

The protection of these foreign enemies requires leagues and leagues of deception. Deception so deep one cannot trust his neighbor, for he might have connections to agents of a foreign land or more threateningly, connections to a PC enforcement network.

Deception reaching so high it will soon be unable to sustain the weight of the usurpers own delusion as the decay of the spoilage of our Republic they are responsible for gives way.


…We have come, we have come; we have set off with determination…..In earnest we have proceeded, to the peak of the peaks.
We dive into deaths, we close the ranks…..We die standing, as lions of courage.

Shoebats input does not stop there. On July 17, Shoebat posted

…The shooter’s real name is Mohammad Youssuf Saeed Al-Hajjaj born September 5th, 1990 and gained a temporary Jordanian passport. His father had changed his last name to Abdulazeez for unknown reasons in which his son then carried that last name as well. It is common for many Palestinians who are doing nefarious activities to change names.

While the media speculated his background and motive, his features, family Facebook, and connections were easy for us to establish that what we have here is a Palestinian pro-Hamas terrorist who went to Jordan and most likely got involved with ISIS affiliates. Jordan epecially is infested with a huge number of ISIS supporters as has reported previously…

Jihadist have made the Islamic song (nasheed), Qariban Qariba, very popular. Qariban Qariba means soon, soon and translates to:

Soon, soon, you will see the wondrous sight….A fierce conflict and you will see.
In the heart of your abode, there shall be the battles…..for your destruction, my sword has been sharpened.

We have marched by night, to cut and behead…..By the knife of revenge, targeting those who deserve it.
With the specters of the night and the youth of terror…..and an explosion of woe, that he may be defeated.2You have begun to fight me, with the lost coalition…..So taste my fury, when it fires up.
For long shall you remain, in my war shall you lose…..With what shall you meet, a youth chanting the takbeer?

When the steed roams, raises its head, and leaps forth…..Thus it becomes a lighted blaze.
The bullets have blazed, and the revenge has come…..So where is the escape, O the most evil of the creatures?

Unto you we will come, with beheading and death…..With fright and silence, we will tear the bonds.
You have failed publicly, so taste the loss….and go back fleeing, a nightlong run.

When disbelief gets agitated, froths, and stirs up…..We fill the roads, with red blood;
By the stabbing of the bayonets, by the striking of the necks…..on the assembly of the dogs, when they marshal.

We have come, we have come; we have set off with determination…..In earnest we have proceeded, to the peak of the peaks.
We dive into deaths, we close the ranks…..We die standing, as lions of courage.

And the usurpers still tell US to move along; there is nothing to see here.