The business of changing a vibrant, productive city into a feral cesspool can be a long process, even under democrat party rule. But when third world deviants are calling the shots the neighborhoods can transform into garrison communities very quickly.
The following is excerpted from the previously published Prudence and Perfidy.
…To make matters worse both political parties were using and supporting gangs to achieve their ends. It was only a matter of time before what became known as “garrison communities” emerged.
Garrison communities are the foundation of a feral city or nation. Again, feral community is the term used to describe the informal system of security and order that emerges in marginalized urban settlements. Some refer to them in the U.S. as no go zones…
…As Kilcullen points out, people can and do adapt to a lack of infrastructure. They even adapt to organized crime networks like the Shower Posse or terrorist groups like al Qaeda. The inhabitants of the Third World have proven they can live in the meanest of circumstances as long as the group they live under is predictable and consistent.
A group that establishes a system of normalcy with rules and sanctions that define safety, offsets uncertainty and lack of predictability might not be embraced but they will be accepted.
Thus even a feral city under stress can be productive for the globalists as long as it has a predictability inherent in the rules set by the group in power.
It doesn’t matter if the rules are liked or those in charge are admired. If they provide predictability, people feel safe from whatever the conflict was that created the deep uncertainty in their lives.
That bias seems to be well understood today by the globalists. It also supports the observation that the world wide influx of Third World refugees flooding Western Civilization today were unleashed by the globalists as an easily controlled replacement for those of us imbued with at least a partial understanding of what freedom and liberty means.
When political pirates take control of a government and use the government’s power to remove all sense of order and predictability citizens lose confidence in government. As I see it, that’s being done in the U.S. to purposely change the normal expectations of a self-reliant, independent free people into a needy, dependent people dependent on government as a dispenser of survivor cheese reserves.
Remember, replacements are already here who are happy to scurry around a cheese dispensing truck…
The above information is intended to be a primer that provides a broader insight into understanding that the following article is not about out of control rectitude. It is about rectitude as a weapon of change.