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Oroville Dam: An Agenda 21/2030 Study in the Enslavement of America.

By now, you should have heard about the unfolding disaster in California. What I’m certain of is you haven’t heard why the dams are coming down.

The setup of that traitorous ambush was years in the making.

The next three paragraphs are from that sent an invalid response to recent attempts to connect with it so I deactivated the link.

The people who were excluded from the Klamath River Dam removal meetings were the 40,000 Siskiyou County residents and their local, elected representatives. The four tribes that live in the Klamath Basin – the Shasta, Karuk, Yurok, and Hupa- were also excluded. The Shasta have been left out of all agreements and their sacred burial grounds will be destroyed when the dams are breached .

So now the light dawns. The removal of the dams is not about dams at all. It is about the government forcing people off their land, especially in the rural areas, and in to the arms of an all controlling government. President Obama’s recent signing of Executive Order 13575, established the White House Rural Council. The council is a list of the most aggressive agencies and departments in the US government bent on destroying private property rights and reducing us and future generations to economic serfdom, taking productive land out of the hands of private citizens.

The proponents of Sustainable Development and Smart Growth, which is the underlying policy rationale behind such actions, are using nice sounding language to destroy the very fabric of our free society which rests on private property rights. It’s time to wake up and stop this assault on our freedoms or, as Ronald Reagan said, we will be telling our children and grand children “what life was once like in America when men were free.” What a shame that “tear down this wall” now has a negative connotation

The Leftists led by Obama/Soros and the rest of those purple draped democrats and republican globalist sell out traitors are embedded everywhere. Their plan of manipulation appears to be using every opportunity to discredit the current administration by presenting outrageous suggestions more fitting for them than the great American leader President Trump. One recent example is John McCain repeating the suggestion President Trump should be seen by a psychiatrist.

Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Meanwhile, they are ramping up to wage a barely covert war now that their timeline to victory has been disrupted by the American people and President Trump. They do not need a shooting war at this point if they can take down major parts of our infrastructure UNimpeded.

More facts you probably have not been told:

Klamath Hydroelectric Settlement Agreement

From 2016 Klamath Power and Facilities Agreement

d. Reservations Regarding Legislative Proposals

Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to limit the authority of the executive branch of the United States Government to make recommendations to Congress on any particular proposed legislation.

I repeat,

Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to limit the authority of the executive branch of the States to make recommendations to their respective state Legislatures on any particular proposed legislation.

The Governors Brown from Oregon and California, both Democrats are fully on board. The one from California is pandering for federal money like the typical leftist grifter he is.

From the comments at

Meanwhile CA lakes have been filling up. Shasta has come up 138 feet since December and is now only 16 feet below the dam crest. Oroville is way up too

This is clearly a continuation of the Bush/Clinton globalist actions the anti-American leftist Obama was railroading through in his final months and put into hyper-drive after the shocking victory of the American people and President Trump.

Searching ‘dams and Agenda 21’ should provide you with plenty of information to keep you ahead of the fake news sure to follow.

You didn’t really think the BLM attacks on the Bundy ranch and the Malheur refuge are the only weapons the UN/globalist lackeys would use in their ongoing war on the American middle class, did you?

What Do the Following Democrats No Longer Have in Common

with each other?

Rep. Lois Frankel, a Florida Democrat
Tammy Duckworth

Jackie Speier, a California Democrat
Louisiana Democrat Rep. Cedric Richmond
Rep. Joaquin Castro, a Texas Democrat
Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the Florida Democrat

Their anti-xenophobic blanket to hide under as they purposely screw the American worker? Nooo but that’s a good guess.

An excuse to blame President Trump for the Islamic Surprise the One Party elites have been arranging for US? You’re getting warmer.

How about a muslim spy ring they can invite into their offices to access their computers and copy all the good stuff? You’re right! And if you are a democrat here’s a bonus you can ponder over when Mumbai rolls over your neighborhood!

And as Rep. Hakeem Jeffries proclaimed when he weighed in on the Obama inspired but only recently enforced travel restriction, “It absolutely is a Muslim ban,”

Oh, I’m sorry. You have no idea what I’m writing about. Here it is.

Are you a registered democrat? It is you who are settling for the touted ‘average democrat values’ congressperson whose average intelligence recognizes no inherent danger in the dismantlement of our Nation’s security. Neither do they have a problem hiring those who view the U.S. as the Great Satan instead of Americans; which is rather questionable when it comes to positions with access to security sensitive documents, don’t you think?

Nor do your democrat representatives feel any shame for their treasonous acts of importing those from the refugee groups with proven records of murderous violence against those who welcomed them into their Country.

Perhaps you who vote for these ‘average democrats’ with the dysfunctional cognitive abilities have the same low level, excuse me, average intelligence burdened with dysfunctional cognitive abilities that prevent you from recognizing the documented danger of admitting thousands of UNvetted Jihadi mercenaries to your hometown.

In that case, your decision making impediment, while it wouldn’t be listed as your cause of death, will not likely impact America’s future recovery from Democracy since your whole family will, without doubt, be tossed in the same open pit as you by the invaders.

Here’s the details your favorite TV news source probably hasn’t shared with you yet.

Reality Update

Ostriches have this reputation of hiding their heads in the ground to avoid being seen by possible predators in the area. While ignoring danger is not true about ostriches the fallacy is widely accepted. Denial, however, is an attribute that can readily be applied to US.

Turkeys also have been maligned for being stupid enough to drown by looking at the falling rain. Not true either, but while tetanic torticollar spasms offer a reasonable explanation for the widely held myth it is proof people prefer partial fiction to piecemeal fact.

While Americans have been fed lies for decades, lies that enforce those negative characteristics it doesn’t mean we are incapable of recognizing the truth. President Trump in the White House is at least a measure of the truth of our discomfort.

The following Oath Keepers message is one of deep import. It is a picture of the fracturing that is the result of post WWII multi-sourced criminality that flowed like subterranean rivers beneath our targeted society. Each questionable, but rarely vigorously challenged, change brought on by the non-allied evil weakening our foundations was explained away with the help of the complicit media and political structure right up to the point we found ourselves staring at our end, teetering on the final support, a political action born of the Will of the People.

It was an angry populous responding in a civilized manner to the message of Donald Trump that recognized the people’s frustration. Rejecting the Globalists we were embracing our America, familiar to US as one Nation Under God.

We the people identified with President Trump’s rise to the challenge to fight for our country and we celebrate our victory. President Trump’s ascendancy over the Deep State’s political theater provides US with strength. We know his stalwart leadership, well proven during that first of many battles, can be relied on as we look forward to future engagements with the tyrannical left and their republican agents.

That is why the following link is so important. We have to be aware of how deep the cracks in our society go. We have to recognize how far our enemies are willing to push. We have to be able to recognize the evil that is being forced to the surface so it can be dealt with. Above all, we have to understand it will be a no quarter fight to the finish.

Never stop praying; always prepare.

In My Entire Life

since I’ve been paying attention, at least, we have never had a president as intent on helping, preserving, protecting, guiding, developing, reviving US and doing more in such a short stretch of time than President Donald J. Trump. May God bless and keep him and his family safe from our enemies and strong enough to double down on the leftist freaks, the muslim demented, the fallen church, the criminal politicians, the corrupt leeches in bureaucracy and the slothful coprophilous media… which reminds me.

All you stinking non-functioning leftist parrots incapable of an original thought here’s a news flash. That dog whistle you responded to by wasting the day at your local airport supporting the plague of locusts heading here after they have their way with Europa and all her simpering children, guess who declared them personnum non gratum? You useless eaters, you chumps, you stupid fools. Read it and get confused you arrogant P’sOS.


Old School Lessons

There are two kinds of estrogen; good estrogen and bad estrogen. Good estrogen is a beautiful thing. It helps the world go ’round. It makes people smile, helps cure the sick, raises happy children, keeps husbands content and women productive and optimistic.

What was inflicted on the world 1/21 was bad estrogen. You don’t have to be a man to know it is best to stay away from bad estrogen. Bad estrogen causes catastrophes. calaislove2

Bad estrogen events can occur anytime. However, when the bad estrogen carrier is forced to recognize an event accepted by the majority of Americans as an answer to a National prayer and a blessing from God instead of the expected crap sandwich served up by one of their own, it can get ugly.


Bad estrogen also delivers hateful rhetoric at collectively imagined targets floating around inside their heads. It makes chumps out of the bright, leaders out of the craven. Here’s an example from the National Review…

Why it is “Islamophobic” to condemn violence and abuse against Muslim women is not entirely clear to me. It is, however, clear to Linda Sarsour, a “community organizer” and “immigrants’ rights activist” who is celebrated on President Obama’s website,, as a “Champion of Change.” As reported on The Kelly File, this particular “champion” reacted to Honor Diaries by tweeting

 How many times do we have to tell White women that we do not need to be saved by them? Is there code language I need to use to get thru?

Sarsour, in case you somehow missed the story was one of the organizers of 1/21: the bad estrogen event. Don’t take my word for it do your own research.

The old school reference? It comes from my fourth grade teacher who took five minutes out of her day to make sure we understood the saying, “Empty barrels make the most noise”. I woke up this morning repeating that proverb.

Beijing… We Have Concerns.

First, a short display of real power.

On to the concerns of Obama’s staff.

On the other hand…

Moscow… We Have Ways.

Obama finds a phony outlet for his anger after realizing his brand of Bravo Sierra wouldn’t stick to anybody’s wall for very long. Unproven hacks on an acknowledged crooked game.

As point man for the islamofascist invasion of the battered Christian Fortress America, Barack Hussein Obama’s tour of duty is finally winding down.

It appears he is more than a little frustrated the Republic has survived him.

I wonder if he ever heard the term Mock King?

Back to the Border

Fed up with the threats to disrupt our political process, Bunky?

Are you tired of the depravity and corruption you only recognize because you read about it first in the Bible and now when you wake up in the morning you’re not sure what century it is? Is that what’s bothering you, Bunky?

When you read about a murder or a rape in your hometown and the known perp is not identified or named or even described for three days after the crime but you already pictured him in your mind and 93.3% of the time your conclusions prove correct and you’re called a racist for being right and demonstrators show up in front of your house and make it difficult for you to get to work and your wife has been unable to go shopping alone for five and a half months now and it’s cutting into your tv time, is that what’s disturbing you, Bunky?

Well, I ain’t the old Philosopher but I am here to tell you don’t go getting all relaxed now.

Just because you believe Trump’s gonna build US a wall when he takes over it hasn’t stopped the angry O from partnering up with the church to set themselves up a taxi service in Tijuana

Part Two

Nononono, there’s no muslims with us at least not enough that should count