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CAIR Attacks!

C’mon, you really thought those sniveling whiners would be upfront with their hatred at this point?

This is more their style… and USAF Special ops instructor

Fight back. This is where submission to sniveling whiners leads to…

So You Don’t Have A Problem With Sharia Law

being ignored by the political elites, huh?

Here’s a story out of Central Florida you can gain some insight from regarding the religion of pieces. Florida, BTW, passed an American Laws for American Courts bill maybe two years ago, but the arrogant jihadis respect no one who refuses to yield. is the background story. The Rollins College Story is where it all starts.

Time to get off the sidelines and into the game, dear reader. In case you haven’t read of the connection Sharia driven jihadis have with the turbulence in the streets these days CAIR has jumped in on the antifa movement with both feet.

The least you can do is get involved with the American Laws for American Courts fight.

The Question Is, Your Honor…

After being subjected to fake news for most of their lifetimes, are the people of the United States capable of determining fact from fiction?

Less exciting versions of the story can be found at a number of news sources including and via search engines using terms such as Lady Michelle fishing boat.

Whadduiknow, right?

So there I was checking the site’s back room the other day and found lurking in the darkness in the referrer column. It was a password protected site that offered nothing in terms of explanation.

Since I am in no way tech enabled but plenty curious after reading about government under traitorous snoops and the Obama/Clinton assault on the Trump campaign and presidency using computer network engineering to generate traffic between Trump’s server, a Russian bank and a Grand Rapids, MI hospital soon to be up to it’s ass in alligators when they are asked about their part in the drug rehab and organ replacement business I consulted my search engine about the egp-dev part.

I learned from that:

Exterior Gateway Protocol (EGP) is a protocol for exchanging routing information between two neighbor gateway hosts (each with its own router) in a network of autonomous systems. EGP is commonly used between hosts on the Internet to exchange routing table information. The routing table contains a list of known routers, the addresses they can reach, and a cost metric associated with the path to each router so that the best available route is chosen. Each router polls its neighbor at intervals between 120 to 480 seconds and the neighbor responds by sending its complete routing table. EGP-2 is the latest version of EGP.>

I thought I ought to make a note of that.

Survey Sez

Last night, when 78% of CNN’s post speech poll reflected an America solidly behind President Trump, Democrats were once again shown that the phrase, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is meaningless to their Party leadership.

No, it is worse than that. Our Constitutional celebration of God’s purpose and design for a free people burns the Party leaders with an unappeasable despair right down to the acidic core of their demonic, hateful nature.

These same pharaonic, whited political sepulchers, these self-righteous lying criminals, all of them ignoring the eternity of payback that awaits when their Luciferian loans come due, refuse to recognize their absurdities they cloak in white, an impossible white that only highlighted their craven departure the whole world witnessed as they scuttled out the back door to avoid their conqueror, Trump the Vanquisher.

These shallow, traitorous villains, their hearts replaced with mud-like adamantine hard drippings scraped from the inner hind legs of dysenteric chupacabras delivered through the Democrat initiate’s anal cavity during their 33rd level of Party initiation and witnessed by the dutiful English banksters who specialize in such matters, these villains harbor such ill will toward US they used the Obama DOJ in an arrogant assumptive attempt to enslave US.

These same snakes were not satisfied with flying UN vetted jihadis into our midst. They were abusing the power of the government to fund LaRaza, the National Urban League and the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, formerly known as ACORN in order to strengthen those militant organizations.

These same scum have been attacking US for years. They have been using both Parties as weapons against those of US defending our flag and our family’s future and who have limited our activities. They pursued US with laws Obama’s leftist government ignored.

That same political scum enlisted their hell bound fellow travelers from the fallen away corrupt church and stimulated their whorish tainted piety and overblown self-valuation with Judas money in order to place those refugees the Obama administration created amongst US. All those usual suspects proved once again why their churches remain empty. Their intent was never about helping the needy; it is about fortifying their position of influence with no regard to the impact it is having on our Republic.

If their concern was based on love for their fellow man they would have long ago rushed to rescue José Manuel Mireles Valverde, the founder of the Autodefensas in the Mexican State of Michoacan who stood their ground and fought off the Templarios. As hard as it is to believe, there were Mexicans who did not choose to take the free and easy path through their neighbors Country stealing our wealth our criminal leaders were tossing to the winds.

No, Mireles and his men were applying the solution Mexico needs to end their troubles; and all those feckless church pirates were doing was preaching deception from their pulpits of guilt. Instead of celebrating the Autodefensas successes and encouraging the Mexican people to victory over the wickedness that rules their land, the churches willingly participated in the human trafficking designed to overwhelm our system.

Mireles thanks for doing the job his government refuses to do? The corrupt Mexican government put him in prison on a weapons charge in 2014.

The social justice warriors who ran rampant over our Country during Obama’s regime think they still have the power to continue on. They think they can mock the wife of a fallen SEAL. They think they can mock President Trump and his family. They think they can mock US.

The Democrat leadership better start realizing something. Americans aren’t as stupid as you Democrats are arrogant. We are aware that you alone are turning the days of the Trump Presidency into dangerous times. Don’t ignore that CNN poll.

Three out of four Americans are calling bull shit on Democrat sponsored fascist hate and the enslavement and abuse that is looking more and more like an intended consequence.

The secret government of Obama should make the effort to figure out how to better deal with the energy supporting President Trump or they’ll be given another lesson spelled out in the 70’s…

Don’t let your mouth write a check your ass can’t cash.

After My Election…

Lest we forget…

Obama’s flexibility as he defines treason to Medveded and an eavesdropping media.

One more example of the hypocrisy of the war mongering globalists who have no moral bearings, only issues they use as tools to get their way. The war Clinton was supposed to bring to US was postponed with the American people’s victory over her, which as you should have figured out by now, only changed the timetable. Their energy and focus is now in reclaiming the control required to enable the self deception function they use in place of that which most of humanity is equipped with, a conscience.

We have opened up a front they thought they had full control of and we are not responding as they expected. They are getting impatient to get WWW III underway, you can hear it in McCains barking call for war every time Putin sneezes in the direction of the Ukraine.

Pray for President Trump’s continued mastery over these dinosaur miscreants President Eisenhower warned US about. They refuse to go away peacefully.