President Trump and the Republicans strike back with a six month late video of old news about Debbie Wasserman Schwartz
No wonder Banning quit.
President Trump and the Republicans strike back with a six month late video of old news about Debbie Wasserman Schwartz
No wonder Banning quit.
old loyalties must be abandoned?
Unashamedly lifted from
It was a languid early evening that Thursday outside the back of Barry’s Bath House. We waited patiently even as the sun heated sidewalk radiated into our soles and the heat from the dingy air conditioner leaning, angling down from overhead the door was pointed into the shade of the concrete stairwell.
Trapped, the AC exhaust fed the invisible whirl that pressed heavy against the heart. Like an undersized blood pressure cuff that added to a patient’s anxiety it’s droning hum weighed heavier than the humidity hanging just short of its mercurial, not so distant diastolic relative which, the last I heard was 92 degrees and still rising.
We were told to wait outside until the boss showed up. It was July in D.C. alright. Something big was up and we were needed…
Welcome to the Unfolding American nightmare’s not-so-early edition where we are busy connecting dots and yanking the political criminal’s chains. Pay attention because the big boys are playing with your life, liberty and pursuit of happiness in a very serious manner and it’s going to be up to US to put the capitals back where they belong in those framework words.
It is also going to be difficult for the criminal democrats to sell their UNinvolvement in the phony manipulation we witnessed Saturday in Charlottesville’s Battle for the Two Sides Same Coin trophy filmed by the National Guard.
It is true the film would have to be released for public viewing quickly for the integrity of its content not to be questioned.
But don’t go getting the idea this post is only about the Soros Setup Saturday birthday celebration.
That was a bit more than a birthday announcement but what the heck, it’s on track and entertaining, too. Good on Lionel.
Before venturing any further into present day fakery let’s review the democrat ethics that guided their campaign initiatives and character they obviously feel we are due.
To advance the repudiation of the idiot’s enabling argument that ‘a secret that big can’t be a secret for long’ we turn to Jay Sekulow from
The American Center for Law and Justice founded by President Trump’s new lawyer Jay Sekulow has uncovered collusion beyond anything ever documented in the history of government. I have heard so many times “a cover-up could not occur, because too many people would have to be involved.” That is the excuse given in so many cases to influence the public to disbelieve in “cover-ups.” In this case it proves that many people will work together in different areas of government agencies and media outlets, in fact, to cover-up and collude to protect a “higher-up.” The American people must upgrade their way of thinking after understanding how wide reaching the cover-up is in the Clinton/Lynch tarmac meeting…
There is very little doubt left in the minds of an increasing number of Americans who recognize that Charlottesville was the latest move in the very dirty game the Democrats went all in to stay in that ends, they hope, with their not so cherry topping on Obama’s fundamentally changed Duhmerica.
Democrat agent or State Department provocateur vs the Unite the Right stooge.
Antifa is the gangster’s A team. The gangsters chosen opposition ideology they’d like God fearing Americans to be identified with is labeled with a far right tag. They’ll be the hands on manipulated… they who end up in Federal custody after making a call on a cell phone handed to them by their undercover cohort
The everyday citizens will be made to feel they somehow share a responsibility in this staged rebellion because God, Mom and apple pie still exist in our memory and our memories are triggered by statues and such
Oh yeah. These boys are fixing to take US to a fine place. Yes, indeed. Can’t you just feel it approaching?
There is a lot of sitting up and taking notice today of McMaster’s and CAIR’s cozy relationship that might not make sense to many people.
Some background you should consider before shrugging it off from Daniel Greenfield
…When we talk about the swamp, it’s not an organization. It’s a way of life. If you’re not fighting the swamp all the time, if you don’t wake up resisting it and go to bed fighting free of it, you will drown in it.
There is a trial going on in Nevada most people do not appear to be interested in. What Americans should be interested in are the tactics in play against the defendants.
…In order to convict the 4 defendants of assaulting federal officers, threatening federal officers, extortion, using firearms in crimes of violence and other offenses, prosecutors must emphasize agents’ testimony that the agents saw guns pointed at them while concealing all imagery which refutes such statements. The government’s strategy is therefore one of concealment and deception. Thus far the rulings of Judge Gloria Navarro seem to give prosecutors an avenue to carry out this strategy.
On the morning of July 10, 2017—just as defense lawyers were preparing for jury selection in the trial Judge Navarro granted the prosecution’s “motion in limine” prohibiting the defense from bringing up BLM conduct, or any of the events leading up to the April 12, 2014 protest. Prosecutors have been vigorously objecting to any attempt by the defense to introduce photos or video which contradicts prosecution witness testimony. And almost every government witness claims to have no recollection of sequence or timing, thereby making it difficult to show an image that clearly refutes the witness’s testimony.
On Thursday, July 27, 2017, an anonymous juror asked a simple written question to a witness: will the jury ever get to see images from different angles? Judge Navarro intercepted the question and told the jurors that most trials have no photos at all and are based only on witness testimony. It is an “unreasonable expectation,” Navarro told jurors, to expect to see photos from additional perspectives. Of course Navarro knows there are numerous pictures which would discredit the witness’s claims (as many were shown in the previous trial). But Navarro suggested that jurors are to focus on the testimony of the government witnesses.
Count me amongst those, being denied the opportunity to view all evidence including photographs and videos taken by law enforcement organizations on the scene, who consider the Bunkerville trial and all the verdicts that are reached as a result of it a sham and a travesty. A sham that was pursued by Obama’s DOJ and a travesty continued by President Trump’s administration.
No mention there of presumption of innocence from the former Congressman. Then again, it wasn’t on the Attorney General’s mind, either, was it?
Drain the swamp, already.
Andrea Parker reports on the trial that’s already made the finals for the crookedest trial of the century in many American’s minds.
And while people are upset with the comment made by Attorney General Jeff Sessions I think he is actually calling for the people to take action…
“I’ve got to tell you, it’s impressive when you have a tough case, a controversial case and you’ve got the top guy leading the battle, going to court, standing up and defending the office and the principles of the law…….I’m not taking sides or commenting on the case. Just want to say that leadership requires, a lot of times, our people to step up and be accountable.”
Attorney General Jeff Sessions Own Words Spoken in Las Vegas July 12, 2017
Sounds like something President Trump would message to America when he’s talking about MAGA, don’t you think? What is that called? Oh yeah, dog whistles.
This is novel. Judge gets to ask questions for the prosecutor.
It’s not often one finds a model of confrontational chaos being played out that is as easy to follow as this Kalkaska Michigan story. You’ve heard of deep state by now, of course, but have you ever considered the shallow state?
Picture then, if you will, the headwaters of political corruption where the rich soil is the idle chatter of happy hour and graft is born from the spoiled fruit of the empty thoughts that drift languidly through such gatherings and blend surreptitiously with the plans of the obdurate predators of the locally taxed.
Such is the shallow state. Found in small towns across America they feed the corruptive pipelines nourishing the criminal enterprises with the book title name Deep State.
Small towns also produce resistance to the shallow state. In Kalkaska, resistance to the shallow state has been encouraging. The good news is less than half the village appears to agree with the outside agitators.
What is UNsettling about that is the lack of discernment the offended ones display. How do they survive living up there in the north where Bear Lake is called Bear Lake for a reason?
If a villager wanted to be upset about something you would think learning your village is on the verge of collapse because of some sweet heart deal made 15 or 20 years ago would be all a normal person needed…
…People should pay closer attention to how the village is being run because it is on the verge of collapse, said attorney John Di Giacomo, who represents a retired village clerk and other former village employees who have recently sued the village over suspended retirement benefits.
DiGiacomo sent a letter to the village on behalf of Virginia Thomas after her health benefits were cut off by trustees several years ago.
Thomas, a former clerk and village president, retired in 2010; in 1996, she and other employees negotiated to receive lifetime health benefits to be paid by the village.
Whether or not that was a prudent move by the village at the time, a jury, the Michigan Court of Appeals, and the state Supreme Court have found that Thomas was owed the benefits.
Despite the initial finding by a jury in Kalkaska, however, the village continued to pursue a losing case.
The village appealed the jury verdict, and the Court of Appeals rejected each one of the village’s arguments, which meant the village was then on the hook for the plaintiff’s court costs. Rather than relenting after the release of that decision in March 2016, the village hired retired Michigan Supreme Court Justice Clifford Taylor, presumably seeking an inside track to a favorable opinion. The gambit failed. In September, the Supreme Court refused to hear the case. The Northern Express filed a Freedom of Information Act request with the village to discover the cost of hiring Taylor; it was not immediately fulfilled.
Di Giacomo said that throughout the lawsuit, he offered the village numerous opportunities to settle for an amount that would have been far less painful than what the jury finally ruled…
If only the career paths of the leading bleeding heart of Kalkaska and the past president of the village weren’t crossing in the same corporate construct, this whole odious reaction from outside the village boundary focused on one American’s opinion wouldn’t seem like it’s a cover for those responsible for the burden birthed long ago in the shallow state whose full and dire consequences are yet to be experienced.
Turns out they’re just inbred* enough to believe their own BS about being special people and democrats are craven enough to support that canard.
…Dhaouadi is a man of contradictions. On one hand, he says that Islam and terror do not mix.
“These terrorist groups don’t represent our faith, do not represent our community. And so we want to make that clear to everyone who keeps saying that we don’t hear enough from the Muslim community. We say it and we say it over and over again,” Dhaouadi said in November 2015.
On the other, Dhaouadi reposted a pro-Qatar video on his Facebook page last month by Abdul Majeed Al-Zindani, a specially designated terrorist and former Osama bin Laden loyalist…
Last October, Blumenthal spoke at CAIR Connecticut’s 13th annual banquet with radical Islamist Linda Sarsour.
That month, Blumenthal also participated in a joint press conference with Dhaouadi and announced a plan to bring Syrian refugees into the U.S. quicker. A month later, Blumenthal again stood with Dhaouadi and CAIR Connecticut at his state’s capitol on Nov. 21 calling for stronger hate crimes laws…
…Several weeks after the hate crimes press conference, Blumenthal attended a forum on the subject at the Islamic Center of Connecticut in Windsor with Dhaouadi. During this CAIR-sponsored event, Blumenthal promised to “vigorously question” Attorney General nominee Jeff Sessions.
Blumenthal held a joint press conference with Dhaouadi in February to protest President Trump’s proposed travel ban.
“We urge the president, abandon the Muslim ban. Abandon the religious test,” Blumenthal said…
Which raises the question, what is the progressive’s excuse for willingly accepting the role of the village idiot?
* Ethics Statement
The study was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College (JNMC), Aligarh Muslim University, India. We obtained informed written consent from the parents, caretakers, or guardians on behalf of minors/children participants involved in our study.
…Meeting with President Trump’s eldest son Donald Trump Jr., son-in-law Jared Kushner and campaign chairman Paul Manafort, this report notes, this meeting initiated by Natalia Veselnitskaya (without Kremlin knowledge) enabled her to detail this Clinton-DNC-Russia plot—and that President Trump assured President Putin the details of would shortly “become reality” in the US press…
Well, I did my part.
Ever the optimist, here’s little travelling music for the Arch-criminals.
Is this a timed release capsule that exposes the real workings of the oligarchy?