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Letter to Congressperson Amash and Cronies

It is the most ignored story coming out of the East Coast and because what looks like the complete involvement of the democrat party I and many of my friends here in Battle Creek have been waiting for you to weigh in on the facts. The story went public in February so it’s not like you haven’t had the time to come to some kind of Awan understanding.
I’m talking about Imran Awan and his fellow operatives from Pakistan. They have been engaging in a U.S. Congress spy operation allegedly since early in the millenium and who could still have the capability to monitor our most sensitive security issues from inside Pakistan, or anywhere else in the world for that matter.

You, as a member of that august body, should know what is going on regarding the spying and you should be letting your constituents know you are engaged in the ‘protect and defend’ mode your swearing in ceremony mentioned.

Currently, Imran Awan, allegedly attached to Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, is under indictment for bank fraud related charges. When compared to selling access to the computers and blackberry devices as well as passwords of Debbie Wasserman Schultz and other Democrats and perhaps Republicans in the House of Representatives those bank fraud charges are an insult to the American people.
You see, we here in Battle Creek, MI. do not claim to be high level intelligence operators with access to information the U.S. Congress has, but we do know what the Pakistan ISI is and we don’t believe it has the well-being of U.S. citizens in mind.
We also think the ensuing national security breach is so heinous that we wonder if your concern about federal surveillance that got you elected interferes with your judgment when you are faced with evidence that points to a major imbedded foreign spy ring that has, with Congressional cooperation, compromised our Nation’s security and is not being investigated by the FBI/CIA/NSA.
We remain dazzled that only a handful of Congressmen have openly and only recently discussed these crimes. You evidently missed this story but the brothers of Imran Awan were all fired last February. Debbie WS continued to protect Imran until he was arrested in July and his wife, Hina Alvi, allegedly an IT specialist, too, who was once employed by democrats and who had fled the U.S. in March, is going to be extradited back to the U.S. sometime in November.
The answers we want from you is where is the formal investigation meant to gauge the depths of these crimes that could still be taking place under the Congressional nose? We all recall you were hoping that Ted or Marco or Jeb! would be the POTUS, anyone but DJT, but it didn’t work out that way, did it? Are you republicans ever going to get over that disappointment and remember you were elected to do the Peoples business, not the party’s bidding? Do you think you will be able to address this most serious concern of your constituents anytime soon?
We had to suffer 8 years of Obama as we waited to put you all in position to right the grievous wrongs done to America, but now you refuse to do anything that really matters. If you think Imran Awan is nothing more than a bad dream, I am sure Louie Gohmert would be happy to fill you in on the bigger part of the story.

You do know who Louie Gohmert is, don’t you? 

Late update Day 361.3. Sneak Peek at the Trial of the Century – AwanGate + AwanContra Try to stay with it.

Muslim Brotherhood Infiltration Methods

After eight years of Obama’s deceptive leadership and a slow republican recovery and reaction time despite having control of the Executive and Legislative branches of our government, the American Thinker published Janet Levy’s studied details of the Muslim Brotherhood Political Infiltration on Steroids.

It is a message filled with important information; for while our controllers continue to spew misinformation about the latest mass casualty event(s) the Muslim Brotherhood relentlessly pursues the takeover of our government and the subjugation of the American People.


…In 2015, a new organization, Jetpac Inc. (Justice, Education and Technology Policy Advocacy Center) was begun by Nadeem Mazen, Massachusett’s first Muslim city council member. Jetpac was established as an “open call for American Muslims to immerse themselves in local politics.” The group trains American Muslim community leaders and educates them about the political process. According to their website, they have prepared more than 15 aspiring candidates for office in Maine, New York, Rhode Island, and California. The group’s activities include development of proprietary software for social media outreach, fundraising and canvassing techniques, media communication and campaign strategy skills as well as advice on combatting negative impressions of Muslims. In addition, Jetpac teaches a course on U.S. government and politics at a Massachusetts Islamic school that focuses on grassroots organizing and the history of the civil rights movement.

Following his stint as a Cambridge City Council member, Mazen, a founding member of CAIR Massachusetts and former president of MIT’s MSA, announced plans to run for Congress as the third elected Muslim after Keith Hakim Ellison (D-MN) and Andre Carson (D-IN). Just this week, Mazen launched his campaign for Massachusetts’ 3rd Congressional District seat. A telling indicator of his more radical views is the fact that Mazen opposed President Obama’s Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) program and criticized moderate Muslim groups as promoters of “imperialistic-style” initiatives to “foist secular attitudes on Muslims.”

Another political race worth watching involves a CAIR official running for the Des Moines, Iowa, city council. Somali Muslim refugee and president of CAIR Iowa, Abshir Omar, is running as a Democratic Socialist to represent downtown Des Moines and the city’s southwest side. City council members can wield significant power and influence over all aspects of community life. Typically, they make key appointments such as city managers, police and fire department heads, library board members, parks and recreation supervisors, transportation directors, as well as administrators for arts councils, housing authorities and planning commissions.

Meanwhile, the background of Tahirah Amatul-Wadud, another Islamist operative who intends to run for governor of Massachusetts in the future, should cause grave concern. Wadud, who served on the Massachusetts Commission on the Status of Women, has extensive radical Islamic ties. She served as an executive board member for CAIR Massachusetts and as the general counsel for Jamaat ul-Fuqra a.k.a. Muslims of America, a group alleged to have close ties to Al Qaeda.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra was founded in 1980 by Pakistani Sheikh Gilani, who was associated with shoe bomber Richard Reid and implicated in the murder of Wall Street Journal reporter Danny Pearl. According to the Clarion Project, Wadud posted an anti-Semitic article by Gilani on her Facebook that claimed Jewish complicity in the 9/11 and Pearl Harbor attacks.

Jamaat ul-Fuqra has done more than simply issue social media propaganda, however. The terrorist entity has approximately two dozen paramilitary training centers across the U.S. and its members participated in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing. It is known to proselytize and recruit black prison inmates and reportedly seeks “to purify Islam through violence.” The Center for Policing Terrorism maintains that Jamaat ul-Fuqra “may be the best positioned group to launch an attack on the United States, or, more likely, help al-Qaeda to do so.”

Another Muslim with terrorist ties is a political candidate in Arizona. Southern Baptist convert to Islam, Deedra Abboud, a Phoenix attorney and community activist who served as the executive director of CAIR Arizona and is currently associated with the Muslim American Society, is seeking the Democratic nomination for U.S. senator in her state. Abboud opposes President Trump’s policy to temporarily ban refugees from designated Muslim countries rife with terrorist activity. She also opposed the U.S. cruise missile bombing that followed Bashar Assad’s use of chemical weapons on Syrian civilians. Identifying as a feminist, Abboud defends her husband’s right under Islam to have four wives although she admits that she wouldn’t be happy with it. She helped raise bail money for deceased Muslim terrorist, Elton Simpson, when he was convicted of lying to the FBI about his plans to engage in Islamic terrorist activities in Somalia. Simpson, in the first ISIS-claimed attack on U.S. soil, tried to kill participants at the Mohammed cartoon contest in Garland, Texas in 2015. In 2009, Abboud made a statement about the acceptability of police learning Arabic to better understand the Muslim community. However, she objected to the study of Arabic as a law enforcement tool for investigating potential Islamic terrorist activity deeming it targeting.

Self-described devout Muslim and son of Egyptian immigrant parents, Abdul El-Sayed, has substantial connections to the Muslim Brotherhood and is running for governor of Michigan. A medical doctor who served as the executive director of the Detroit Health Department at age 30, his background includes serving as vice president of his MSA chapter at the University of Michigan during his college years. His wife, Sarah Jukaku, who is described as “a mental health doctor,” wears a hijab. His father-in-law is a former president and current board member of CAIR Michigan.

Quite troubling is the fact that El-Sayed is endorsed by Linda Sarsour, an advocate for the Hamas initiative for the boycott, divestment, and sanctioning of Israel and an activist who played a major role in pressuring the NYPD to discontinue its surveillance of mosques and Muslim organizations post-9/11. That surveillance effort had yielded critical intelligence about terrorist activities. Sarsour is one of El-Sayed’s biggest supporters and is reportedly helping fundraise for El-Sayed’s gubernatorial campaign. She is also a close friend of the Muslim Brotherhood-connected Huma Abedin, has family members who have been arrested for aiding and abetting Hamas, openly supports shariah law and has been a featured speaker at Muslim Brotherhood groups that were designated as unindicted co-conspirators in the Holy Land Foundation trial.

All of the above demonstrate that the Muslim Brotherhood is increasing its political clout in America. As more of its candidates are elected to office, deeper penetration of American society comes within their grasp. Their stated goal to destroy our society from within and replace the Constitution with the tenets of shariah could become a reality. Their adeptness at appealing to the American public by using the coded language of multiculturalism and by professing a moderate Islam has proved to be an unfortunate asset. In the words of former FBI analyst and expert on the Muslim Brotherhood, John Guandolo, who has closely studied their deceptive language and appearance, Muslim Brotherhood operatives are “suit-wearing jihadis who pretend they’re friendly but they’re not.” America should be alert and aware.

Embedded links within complete article can be found at

Pakistani Spy Ring News

It looks like Chris Collinsworth reminded the world about Stickum last night during the Giants-Cowboys game for a reason. Today it appears more and more the attempts by feral colluders to drop the democrat spy ring ball are being thwarted at every turn by Stickum grade Karma.

In February, the Awan story broke. Here in the US we’re still waiting to hear about an active investigation regarding the ‘matter’.

During February in India they arrested eleven Pakistani ISI agents for what looks like using an MO similar to Awans that accessed military information.

Swamp Water Clear

Chances are most people have some idea of Mystery Awan, the democrat party’s treasonously deceitful participation in the enablement of the congressional spy ring, the body parts for sale side business of the opioid war on the lost and the overall modern political collusion against the American People.

What has been made public this morning was the Swamp People’s in your face America acknowledgement that all that and more is fact and is protected by the United States Department of Justice.

Prosecution moves to quash Hina Alvi’s arrest warrant. Hina, btw, fled to Pakistan weeks ago ahead of slow walking law enforcement.

OTOH, evidence the swamp people are not completely convinced of the safety of their position is displayed in the recent bizarre behavior of Nancy Pelosi.

This is a manifestation of the Spiritual War you’ve heard mention of throughout your life and it is entering a new level. If you do not yet know what side you are on you better make up your mind. It’s turn to Jesus time for US.

Like Links in a Chain

These are the dots of their lies…

Do you ever acknowledge that black star twinkling in the back of your mind? The one that reflexively diverts your attention from the black ice properties of every political crime wave justified by democrats as progress? The one that transforms obvious political crimes into an acceptance of them as the necessary grease that keeps the no-matter-what wheels turning and our Country moving in the general direction of somebody else’s idea of forward that has so far delivered nothing but promises of some adjustable level of comfort for everybody but them? Their comfort level, of course, is high and it’s guaranteed.

Hats off to Charlottesville, VA residents who have decided to address their infestation of political criminals.

Don’t ask don’t tell UNconstitutional shenanigans, accepted and approved by millions of US as necessary political grease is the agent that smoothes the transformation of political roles and responsibilities until the politician’s responsibility becomes their survival and our role is to provide for their well-being. For the occasional clucking opportunity distraction, and no disrespect for the dead is intended, we are provided stories like not even thinking it’s possible that the cause of that national tragedy can be traced to treasonous congressional treachery.

Stop the American ouroboros. Cast off the chains.