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Satanic Complexities UNraveled For the Discerning Impaired

Don’t know if you think of George Webb as reasonable or as a trickster or as a reasonable trickster but his videos almost always offer a multi-dimensional view of the results of the political players activities that oft times protect and serve D.C. bureaucracy over the citizens. Those kinds of activities are usually on the down low. It may take a while but when such actions are made public they can infuse some Americans, about 5 or 6% would be my guess, with a sense of expectancy. Those Americans can often be found flocking, or at least sending money, to organizations such as the Tea Party or Oath Keepers.

There are, of course, activities that upset a lesser number of people. A democrat election loss, for instance, have made some of those people scream in anguish. Those people embrace chaos over the order provided when living under our Constitutional rule.

While George’s conclusions are made by connecting bureaucratic dots, his astute observations alone should provide you with some idea of the nature of the playing field the politicians and bureaucrats join up on. It’s also known as the ‘smoky backroom’ for good reason.

Today’s video shows how the D.C. down low activities provide the order needed to produce the necessary chaos that breeds the fertilized change.

The following social commentary from 2001 is not included as an alibi for anyone.

When schemers take dreamers
and make them all mummers
and the rest of us wait for our turn
in the sideshow we think is the bigtop
we are schooled but not so we learn
it’s a masque and for sure
it requires a cure
from the sponsors who bought us to this
by their manipulation and lies and their
poison they rise
to rule us a nation of twits
for we get what’s deserved
when we haven’t the nerve
or the sense to stand for what’s right.


The current “How to Rule” Rules and Directions:

First, you use the queer church to import the third world then you declare the city a sanctuary so the invaders ‘will feel safe enough to rat out the cartels’. That’s what you tell the public, anyway. Seriously, why would the timid rat out anyone? All the timid can do is vote democrat.

Soon you’ll be in a position to elbow your way into the body parts game. Then before you know it, the kids will be sent to the barber shop to learn how to read then BINGO! one morning your inkwire will be explaining why it’s good to live in a garrison community; spinning how the one step away from full feral is an acceptable safe haven because of the availability of free clean needles and every barber shop has a whole library of Golden Books for any high school student who needs extra credits to graduate.

Legislative Update
Friday, October 12, 2018

The latest news from the State Capitol
Giving Students Flexibility for Graduation Requirements

As a way to ensure students get the most out of their educational experience, the House passed legislation this week that would remove the heavy focus on standardized testing as a requirement to graduate and instead allow students various options to show proficiency in pursuing their own career paths. Senate Bill 1095 would provide Pennsylvania students with additional options to fulfill high school graduation requirements beyond the Keystone Exams. Students who do not score proficient on the Keystone Exams would be able to demonstrate their readiness to graduate through alternative routes. Specifically, the bill outlines several commonsense options for assessing student performance while also giving teachers more flexibility with classroom instruction time. Some alternatives include a student’s successful completion of work-based learning programs, a service learning project, or an offer of full-time employment as evidence of post-secondary readiness. As part of the bill, the Keystone Exam graduation requirement would be put on hold until the 2021-22 school year. The alternate graduation options in Senate Bill 1095 would take effect when that delay expires. This legislation, which now goes back to the Senate, seeks to enhance a multi-bill package to expand career and technical education to benefit both students and employers looking to fill jobs in high-demand fields.

Do you believe that? LOL. Maybe this site should have a Before Breaking News section.

Did you ever get the feeling sanctuary cities are being funded by the cartels? There is not one mention of stopping them in either linked Inquirer articles.

UPDATE: Two days later… Kensington drug bust. Oy!

But today there is this gem from the Inquirer. Why Philadelphians should be carrying naloxone right now.

Why? There are a couple of reasons why they shouldn’t carry. One is why would you resuscitate a tax burden who is chasing her/his dream? If you’re a republican you may be helping future GOP chances of victory if you don’t carry but then again democrats are known to not need warm bodies to swing an election.

Another is you be risking bodily damage once you pull the dreamer back to reality. That hospital you’ll be taken to, you realize they will bill you for your mother Theresa heroics? You better believe it. There ain’t no good Samaritan discounts in any hospitals as far as I know. Invaders might get them on a regular basis but good Samaritans? Hah.

Oh, and if the dreamer throws up on you you’d better go to the hospital. Dreamers are known to source all kinds of social diseases. So the man or the woman on the street with a container of Narcan better give it some more thought before they go looking to further screw up society without considering whether these alleged medical technocrats have another agenda that extends beyond rescuing Dreamers at the death’s door of their choice. Here’s the story

Yeah, I’d be a little wary about approaching someone laying in a Philadelphia gutter. With or without Narcan in my hand.

A vision of the future under democrat control from Prudence and Perfidy

A feral city, a concept developed by Dr. Richard J. Norton is defined as:

… a metropolis with a population of more than a million people in a state the government of which has lost the ability to maintain the rule of law within the city’s boundaries yet remains a functioning actor in the greater international system…

State and international authorities, Norton points out, would be massively ignorant of the power structures, population and activities within feral cities.

But would they? After a decade of studies wouldn’t criminal political leaders have a grasp on the value of feral cities, or even a nation, they can manage?

Feral cities do not develop from a vibrant, healthy community. A healthy community, whether it is a city or a nation has to first be transformed, changed fundamentally, before it can begin its descent to feral status.

What better beginning for that transformation than a multi decade attack on its culture, followed up by a massive importation of third world people used to displace the increasingly confused citizens who are witnessing their world turn upside down while being told by their political leaders everything will be ok?

I don’t want to say I told you so but WTF…I told you so.

In 2018 from the Philadelphia Inquirer

The Opioid Crisis

Declaring a disaster in opioid-plagued Kensington, Philadelphia officials announce a new rescue plan

by Aubrey Whelan, Updated: 6 hours ago

Read it at the Inkwire… they got pictures

More To Come

There are a couple of points regarding last week’s Veritas video of the HHS employee that need addressing.

For instance, while the Democrats saddled the American people with an onerous health care program did those same slothful HHS employees put their refugee program efforts into hyper speed to please their master of fundamental change?

The first nine pages of the March 2011 report clearly explains the added tax burden for the working class but did you ever see anything but church/UN NGO’s involvement mentioned on the evening news?

In that GAO report on page 43, Appendix 4 you can read this passage about the married couple from Burma with two teenagers [who] lived an agrarian life in their native land, farming rice and vegetables for their own subsistence and selling the rest. Caseworkers from a voluntary agency enabled them to obtain medical care and Social Security cards, and fill out job applications. Neither husband nor wife was literate in their native Burmese dialect and found learning English difficult. He has found work in a factory and his wife has qualified for SSI. With these sources of income they are able to pay their bills and save some money.

BTW, Burma has been Myanmar since Clinton was president. The slouchers working in the government probably haven’t gotten to the memo, yet. Or maybe the name wasn’t changed to fool the innocent.

There is a more serious piece of misinformation you might have missed if you did not read on 11/17/15 when they reported:

Immigration: Who picks the Syrian refugees that resettle in the U.S.? Homeland Security? No, the United Nations, in concert with a global Islamist group. And they’re sending “more than 15,000,” not the widely reported 10,000.

In fact, Washington has no role in selecting the thousands of Syrian refugees coming to your hometown. The U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees is really behind the effort, and he’s referred an additional 5,000-plus Syrian nationals here.

A new State Department report reveals that the U.S. already has accepted at least 15,000 Syrian refugee referrals from the UNHCR…

Oh yeah, I hope there is a whole lot more to come.

If You Don’t Know When Your Opponent is Playing Possum

You might be a socialist parasite on your way to prison.

Parasite Stuart Karaffa, of spilling the Democrat Socialists of America beans fame, and all his leeching undercover resistance friends who, in their greed and arrogance, further hamper and impede the freedom of US regular folks by sucking off the American worker’s share of the capitalistic generated wealth by accepting the tax provided high wages they receive for their self-proclaimed extreme low performance in the non-productive work environment they have turned into a veritable badland of thievery, deception and treason of the highest order will soon, one way or the other, find themselves going deeper underground than they thought was required.

DOJ HHS DOS and GAO respond

Hope Springs Eternal

Deep State Unmasked, a James O’Keefe activity.

It’s impossible to fire a federal employee. So sez Stuart Karaffa, State Department

But wait… there is more to the State Department than socialist gold bricks. You know that opioid epidemic that reared it’s ugly head when the cartels set up shop all across the U.S. after Obama was in charge? The State Department has been pushing a world wide effort to control it since 2008 and I mean world wide. For instance:

Lebanon: Beginning in 2008, INL launched comprehensive police development program in Lebanon to assist the Lebanese Internal security forces (ISF) by building their capacity to combat terrorist and other criminal threats in Lebanon through intensive training, essential equipment donations and law enforcement infrastructure development.

To date, this program has trained over 2,000 ISF officers, provided 360 police vehicles, and refurbished ISF training facilities in Beirut…

I’m thinking Hezbollah and Iran appreciated that extra effort Obamma and Co made to upgrade their security.

Go on, read that State Department Program and Budget Guide for FY 2010. It’s chock full of supporting evidence for why you only felt comfortable when your head was buried in the sand back in the day when the democrats held sway.

And do remember the physical similarities of middle easterners and latinos the next time you hear of a latino invader running his vehicle into a crowd of Americans.

Sometimes A Cigar Is Just A Cigar

but a sphinx is always a representation of the manipulating humanists.

(Romans 1:18-23) “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; {19} Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. {20} For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: {21} Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. {22} Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, {23} And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.”

Do not be fooled; their delusion was never able to withstand God’s wrath.

Behold, your house is left unto you desolate.

So Far…

It appears reason and evidence is no match for the communist magic trick of turning stupidity into starvation.

In a variation of the communist magic trick, the white farmers are the designated initial victims in this South African twofer while the stupid, proven incapable of following neither a moral compass nor a logical conclusion, are always happy to make do with a bag of UN gmo if they survive the ‘bad times’.

Hence, another successful case of communist chaos.

Comments section wisdom update. But click that blue bar first.

Creeping Fascism

The urban dictionary defines Fascism as ‘everything in the state, nothing outside the state and nothing against the state’ which sounds an awful lot like LaRaza’s “Por La Raza todo, Fuera de La Raza nada”. LaRaza’s roots, of course, are found deep in the opposite end of the political spectrum where the funding pool for anything Left is wide and deep.


…Or take, for example, the militant Chicano/open borders movement, into which the Ford Foundation has poured many millions of dollars since the 1960s. Consider just one Ford grant (of $630,000), in July 1968, to the violent revolutionaries at the Southwest Council of La Raza, headed by Maclovio Barraza, a “former” agitator for the Communist Party. According to Henry Santiestevan, former head of the Southwest Council of La Raza: “It can be said that without the Ford Foundation’s commitment to a strategy of national and local institution-building, the Chicano movement would have withered away in many areas.”

A widely accepted reality theme tells US that a leopard cannot change it’s spots. But that doesn’t stop some of them from trying and by now you have probably figured out that for leftists, reality is only a dressing room they use to change their masquerades. Further evidence of that is LaRaza, in it’s effort to at least make their spots less recognizable has changed their name to “UnidosUS” in July 2017.

Despite the complexities introduced into the political landscape by alt-left acting groups denouncing other actors they call fascists and who together are used to distract the public’s attention, there are those intent on completing the fundamental change of our nation.

One more turn before I get to where I’m going.

A friend sent me an email this morning. It contained information most people are aware of but it was presented in a unique, from my POV, manner and I’m going to copy it out right here because not long after I read the email I read a news story originating from Doylestown, PA.

The email was titled Math Lesson. It’s most likely been around for awhile and probably known by you but it still makes a valid point, so here goes…

The next time you hear a politician use the word ‘billion’ in a casual manner, think about whether you really want the ‘politicians’ spending YOUR tax money   .
A billion is a difficult number to comprehend, but one advertising agency did a good job of putting that figure into perspective in one of its releases.
 A billion seconds ago it was 1959.
A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive   .
A billion hours ago our ancestors were living in the Stone Age.
A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.
A billion dollars ago was only 8 hours and 20 minutes, at the rate our government is spending it.
While this thought is still fresh in our brain let’s take a look at New Orleans. It’s amazing what you can learn with some simple division.
Former Louisiana Senator, Mary Landrieu (D) once asked Congress for 250 BILLION DOLLARS To rebuild New Orleans. Interesting number… What does it mean?
Well .. If you are one of the 484,674 residents of New Orleans  (every man, woman and child) You each get $516,528
Or… If you have one of the 188,251 homes in New Orleans, your home gets $1,329,787.
Or.. If you are a family of four… Your family gets $2,066,012.
Washington, D.C. HELLO!  
          Are all your calculators broken??
Building Permit Tax… CDL License… Tax Cigarette Tax… Corporate Income Tax… Dog License Tax… Federal Income Tax… Federal Unemployment Tax… Fishing License Tax… Food License Tax… Fuel Permit Tax… Gasoline Tax… Hunting License Tax… Inheritance Tax… Inventory Tax… IRS Interest Charges (tax on top of tax)… IRS Penalties (tax on top of tax)… Liquor Tax… Luxury Tax… Marriage License Tax… Medicare Tax… Property Tax… Real Estate Tax… Service charge Taxes… Social Security Tax… Road Usage Tax (Truckers)… Sales Taxes… Recreational Vehicle Tax… School Tax… State Income Tax…  State Unemployment Tax… Telephone Federal Excise Tax… Telephone Federal Universal Service Fee Tax… Telephone Federal, State and Local Surcharge Tax… Telephone Minimum Usage Surcharge Tax… Telephone Recurring and Non-recurring Charges Tax… Telephone State and Local Tax… Telephone Usage Charge Tax… Utility Tax… Vehicle License Registration Tax… Vehicle Sales Tax… Watercraft Registration Tax… Well Permit Tax… Workers Compensation Tax…  
Sounds like the talking points of a taxed enough already gathering, doesn’t it? Whatever happened to that energy, anyway?
Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago and our nation was the most prosperous in the world.
We had zero debt in 1914, a slight surplus in 1915, inflation wasn’t invented yet and Mom stayed home to raise the kids.

The email closed placing the blame on politicians and far be it from me to argue that point although I think the circle of usual suspects should be enlarged, further publicized and including their paid actors so we can focus on the real dangerous people.

The real dangerous people are those who work the politicians in the background; those who transform our elected officials role of protectors and defenders of the rights of the citizens into arbiters of those rights ;those who coach the elect in how to transform themselves into merchants of the liberty we were once taught was ours at birth while we ignore the reality that the odds are diminishing for our future survival based in part on concerns for privacy. Which may turn out to be the biggest ironic event in our nation’s history if NetworkEverybody is not met with greater resistance.

If driverless cars are the endangered species in a 5G less world count your blessings. I mean, why do you think the elite came up with that optic, anyway?

That article,, was the reason for this post. I don’t know if the Inquirer’s editors were all away from their desks when Mr. Fernandez submitted it or their censorship abilities do not yet extend to between the lines.