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The Cookies were singing ‘Chains’ when I woke up this morning and while that instigated a lively trip down memory lane to more propitious days, by the time I got to the shower the lyrics started developing variations and now I’m singing for democrats who don’t have a ticket anymore.

Sing a long

Chainge, the democrats got me locked up in chainge
And they ain’t the kind that you can see
Whoa, their chainge of lies got a hold on me, yeah

Chainge, well I can’t break away from their chainge
Can’t breakaway my minds not free
Whoa I’m chained to their lies about democracy, yeah

Now believe me when I tell you, freedom’s Divine
I’d like to live it but Donald I’m imprisoned by their chainge
Democrats got me locked into chainge
Their group think ways have stifled me
Whoa their chainge has coaxed US into tyranny, yeah

I wanna tell you, Mr. President, you are doing fine
I support your agenda but I can’t break away from all of their chainge
Progressives got me locked up in chainge
And they ain’t the kind easy to break free
Whoa these chainges bein’ forged in democracy, yeah.

Chainge chainge of lies chainge of lies

Democrats Been Traitors To Our Republic For A Long Time

Working backwards to 1944 with a side trip through the democrat zoo that birthed kleagles, cyclops and dragons we’ll start with a story you might have missed if you were caught up in the generated emotional news of recent weeks.

On October 19 the Council on American-Islamic Relations had their big fundraising dinner on the outskirts of the national swamp. Now call it coincidence if you like that the dinner is scheduled in the closing days of election season but both CAIR and the democrats know the smaller the window of time they spend together en masse the better. While there is often no consequences for political coincidence politicians always want favorable odds. CAIR knows it’s a win/win situation for themselves. Democrats know a gamble is involved this close to a big election but they know how to hedge their bets if they need to shade their action. Most times it works for them. Lately, not so much.

The storyline regarding the dinner date with their swamp mates is the democrat’s pants are not on fire just yet, but they are definitely down. You see, it looks like the CAIR quid pro quo for a halal rubber chicken meal was letters of support and congratulations from 101 elected officials and candidates, nearly all Democrats. You can see who they are here.

We all know registered democrats don’t really have a problem with the Jihadi threat. That can’t happen here. The democrat money base wants to believe it’s biggest danger to them is kabillions of white anti-Semites so the CAIR news isn’t going to rattle their cages too much; maybe what’s left of the democrat blue-collar base will think twice about supporting the jackass party as the story comes into focus.

This jihadi/democrat kumbaya is not, of course, the only democrat endeavor intended to eradicate our bastion of mostly imagined freedom. There is a successful but lesser known effort that I came across recently. It is widely celebrated within intellectual circles and named after a post WWII democrat senator who believed in partnerships and shared sovereignty:

It is a little-known fact that Fulbright spent six months in Vienna after he left Oxford: much of the time at Café Louvre – a hangout for English and American journalists as well as journalists writing for British and American papers. Among them was also a Hungarian, Mikhail “Mike” Fodor, who took Fulbright under his wing, mentored him on Central European politics, and took him along on a tour of the Balkans.

According to Randal Bennett Woods, author of the standard biography of Fulbright, Fulbright’s experiences with Vienna and with Fodor “constituted an education in itself ” and were “his introduction the real world of international politics.” The importance of this point ultimately is that the two most formative institutions for Fulbright were the classrooms of Oxford and the coffeehouses of Vienna. Austria also played a role in his thinking about international education…

Another out of Arkansas Internationalist, Fulbright was described by fellow democrats as a Segregationist; a republican Segregationist would be called a racist. He was of a contradictory nature, Fulbright was, perfect for his role of planter of Satanic seeds.

The NWO Way… Restructuring cultures to fit their sensibilities.

Pray for those seeds spiritual recovery.

Just Cut to the Chase

Bed Bug Infestation Reports and Google Maps Tracking the Bed Bugs Epidemic.

Feeling like you’re missing some information, Bunky? Is that what’s bugging you? Here’s a hint…

Election day is coming up; why don’t you identify the elected officials who take your money, share it with the NGO’s who turn your state into a bedbugged third world paradise and vote them out of office???

What??? That’s not supposed to be discussed anymore?

All the Fast and Furious Guns Were Bought Legally by Obama and Holder, Too

using money probably provided by taxpayers. Have you never heard that ignorance of the law is no excuse?

That means, Mary Kay Mallonee, Evan Simko-Bednarski and Jason Hanna, we’re all, including you, complicit in capital crimes you media people still ignore.

So what’s the point of your headline?

Political criminals enabling the armed invasion of our country and supporting our enemies operations do not interest you? You focus strictly on sweetening up the many progressive democrat dreams they have intended to destroy our Nation? Doesn’t that kind of attitude lead to diazepam or something?

BTW, about your halloween ball tonight… your witless pukes costumes? Everybody sees through them.

Before the Hue and Cry

As the news reports started flowing in from Pittsburgh this morning I wondered how long it would take for the attack to turn into political fodder. Governor Wolf’s early statement…

“We must all pray and hope for no more loss of life. But we have been saying “this one is too many” for far too long. Dangerous weapons are putting our citizens in harm’s way.
“And in the aftermath of this tragedy, we must come together and take action to prevent these tragedies in the future. We cannot accept this violence as normal.”

…nosed out this Facebook shocker from Linda Sarsour

9 hours ago.
I am SHOOK. This is absolutely devastating and so scary. Sending love to our Jewish family. We promise to stand in solidarity with you. We are in this together. We have to be. Pittsburgh – stand up.

Who knew?

Well, it turned out the Jewish Left did and that clarified the order of things a bit more. Leftists will sleep with anyone in order to disarm US. So will Jihadists. Sarsour must be their fulcrum.

If you are interpreting these comments as anti-Semitic, inflammatory and disrespectful of the murdered let me remind you of two events from the past:

1) Isreal had no compunction about attacking US and

2) Their intelligence operators displayed disgustingly insulting behavior when thousands of Americans were murdered on 9/11.

My attitude should not be interpreted as disrespectful to the victims; it is not meant so. Let’s just say it’s been Zionized.

What’s more, the entrenched shadow government’s involvement has yet to be ruled out.

About This Invasion and The U.S. Constitution Article IV Section 4

Which reads:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

When you hear low life coprophilous politicians start spouting their empty sanctimonious phrases like ‘there but for the grace of God’, know this to the depth of your being; those traitorous lying thieves, willing to turn to manipulating the American people’s emotions in a manner most egregious are facing a Divine Retribution they are incapable of comprehending.

The Law of the Land, the Constitution, was not written on any person’s heart; law is not meant to be overwhelmed by heartfelt feelings. Legislative representatives of the People are expected to understand that, especially the lawyers amongst them.

If these self-righteous directors of our destiny were as wise as they like US to think they are they would be able to recognize symptoms of unstable, fickle political behavior and would, instead, be feeding US emanations of wisdom about the Rule of Law and proving they are capable of protecting and defending the citizens lives and property.

But knowing the ultimate end of their political intent is the planned destruction of the Christian God fearing nation, the traitorous politicians have maneuvered US to the brink of the Satanic maelstrom as they admonish US with false platitudes in an effort to convince US it is our Christian duty to embrace the invasion force; the force that so far has managed to establish a pernicious national presence and reintroduce disabling diseases to our communities through the schools once trusted by parents. All that with the help and support of the democrat party and the national media.

Another result of the political corruption of our Country’s collective mind is the continuous augmentation of the false belief that the USA is a democracy. Neither modern Republicans nor Democrats try to clear up that misconception.

I don’t know about you but mind control programs sound more like conspiracy than conspiracy theory these days.

Your World According to Norval Reece

and his ilk.

Breaking down tribalism in Bucks County was the subject Reece addressed in the October 21st edition of the Bucks County Courier Times.

But first, a short Norval Reece biography

I find it fitting that a Quaker would climb the pole with such arrogance that he opens his sermon with praise for the UN’s anniversary celebration of the feast for the spirits of the air. That link, mind you, is only intended to provide the reader with the opportunity to measure and compare coincidence to occultist inside humor if you by chance see tv news coverage of a UN parade later today.

You don’t have to include the Lucis Trust connection to take it to another degree of association, either.

If the mention that Reece is a Quaker doesn’t ring an esoteric bell look up Quakers as Van Helmont Cabalists.

Only in Reece’s world are organizations like freemasons or Quakers not seen as tribalistic. But those of US who won’t ignore their historically conspiratorial link or can tell the difference between good and evil or see the gulf between right and wrong… we’re the problematic tribalist’s.

George School’s one hundred twenty-five years of cabalistic type indoctrination has to have contributed some kind of negative effect on the American foundations by now. Heavens, will good jugglers be so plentiful in the NWO a special level of liberal brain washing will be required to work in the circus?

And how ’bout that ‘religious leading’ that woman in Bucks county experienced? I wonder if that means it originated from inside a big white house? Or maybe the telephone wires demanded she Navigate, not assimilate.

That sounds like some level of tribalism is going to be kept in place, don’t you think? Just not the Truth, Justice and American Way kind of tribalism.

Bridge Alliance, what can one say when you read about a coalition cheering on technocrats and politicians who just don’t have a clue about what the Constitutional Rules are all about?

Something tells me Norval Reece has just carried out his assignment as the banner boy for the first wave of a renewed national assault on our Republic.

Pay attention.

The Haves and The Haves Not: 21st Century Update

Almost two weeks ago I made note in Feraldelphia that the Pennsylvania politicians were intent in finding …a way to ensure students get the most out of their educational experience by seeing to it they pass through the state school system faster than poop through a goose.

It’s a done deal.

While it is unlikely that many Pennsylvanians, especially school aged Pennsylvanians attending public schools, would see anything but unexpected mitigation of a demanding burden with no real point to it, I would like to offer some insight into the students likely future and introduce them to the Haves, those who strive to set the bounds in all life’s matters for even the most successful of the Haves Not.

There is no question the Haves have always been around; and for them nothing says ‘Top of the world, Ma’ like a stool with their name in Braille on it in front of a cockpit style control panel flashing low voltage rainbow colored mini-lamps behind a ceiling-to-floor purple velvet curtain. Yowza.

But the fact of the matter is no matter what you might have heard about the Dark Ages when thatched huts burned quickly and the castle lord’s crew were the one’s holding all the crossbows; no matter what you think about that castle lord’s right to ride into the village and ravish the comely bride-to-be the night before she is wed, the Haves of the future will not be so friendly.

The undereducated are being transitioned from being less the Have’s tools to being more their toys.

While the Pennsylvania politicians downplay the importance of self-discipline as a factor required for a brighter future for all, the New York Times shows how far success oriented families are willing to go to reach the qualifying round to gain access to the Haves level of global society as pictured in the following graphic.

Pennsylvania politicians evidently prefer a future for their public school students as…

chained parrots

PA Democrat Governor Signs Feel Good Republican Anti-RKBA Law

Notice the Bill was introduced by a republican offering further proof they know as little about the reason for The U.S. Constitution and the Pennsylvania Constitution as the democrats. Otherwise they would remember phrases such as “The right of the citizens to bear arms in defense of themselves and the State shall not be questioned.

But what is done is done. I’m thinking forward and want to offer a solution to end the wasting of time, energy and money involved in responding to the UNbalanced, out of control reaction to every criminal act involving a firearm the commie/globalist controlled media exploits.

Black on black shootings being always excluded, of course, no matter what the body count is, what with the democrats being the founders of the KKK and all.

What I suggest is, if the many nitpicking rules denying people diagnosed with the slightest degree of post traumatic stress or denying the right to carry to anyone accused by a temporarily hormone deranged female, hey it happens and don’t say it doesn’t; if rules are written that deny citizens their RKBA based on a stress related accusation, then I am suggesting the same rules be applied to those who work to dismantle our Constitutions.

Here’s an example.

T. Christian Heyne, the legislative director for the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence. His mother was killed and his father seriously wounded in a senseless criminal shooting in 2005. His pain and emotional suffering is understandable but should his raging emotional energy be allowed to work against the overall protection of U.S. citizens as stated in the Second Amendment?

Ten years after the criminal shooting that so understandably impacted T. Christian Heyne’s life there is disturbing evidence he has not fully recovered from the ordeal.

Further evidence of where the depth of anger can take a person is demonstrated when Timothy Heyne, T. Christian’s father filed Revolution Calling LLC two years after the crime.

As you see, after two years Revolution Calling LLC was no longer active, indicating that people are capable of starting to regain their emotional balance.

What I propose is, until people affected by tragic events such as surviving victims or the family members of victims or witnesses to such violence show signs of emotional healing, their First Amendment right to free speech regarding the Second Amendment, specifically, be restricted to answering law enforcement investigators or court testimony.

When it comes to the ongoing effort to deny every American the protection of the Constitution because of the emotional distress of a few I say in response, let there be fair and equal treatment for all.

Until the emotionally traumatized by crime can prove they no longer have the will to attack the basis of our nation, the Constitution, their First Amendment right should be withdrawn in the same manner they want to whittle away the Second Amendment right based on, on many occasions, an accusation of a misdemeanor.  

What’s good for the goose is good for the gander.


Flake Must Be His Monarch Name


“The disturbing thing isn’t so much what [Trump] says anymore, it’s the cheers from people behind him and the chants of, ‘Lock her up!’ for example that’s just unseemly,” Flake said. “It does make me fear that it’s going to be a longer process to get out of this than it should be.”

The retiring one-term senator said, “Ultimately, voters will again value those who can govern and those who can treat each other with respect.”

Growing evidence the globalist criminals real target are Americans who can still recognize the criminal elect.

Flake’s full interview will air Oct. 13 at 10 p.m. ET on C-SPAN.