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It’s A Simple Concept

Most Americans, perhaps many should be the term used, understand the ramifications of the border assault by now but I refuse to make crayon drawings for the democrat voters. Let them read more of Gramsci and consider a passage from

…Gramsci believed that if Communism achieved “mastery of human consciousness,” then labor camps and mass murder would be unnecessary. How does an ideology gain such mastery over patterns of thought inculcated by cultures for hundreds of years? Mastery over the consciousness of the great mass of people would be attained, Gramsci contended, if Communists or their sympathizers gained control of the organs of culture — churches, education, newspapers, magazines, the electronic media, serious literature, music, the visual arts, and so on. By winning “cultural hegemony,” to use Gramsci’s own term, Communism would control the deepest wellsprings of human thought and imagination. One need not even control all of the information itself if one can gain control over the minds that assimilate that information. Under such conditions, serious opposition disappears since men are no longer capable of grasping the arguments of Marxism’s opponents. Men will indeed “love their servitude,” and will not even realize that it is servitude

I will add these two following timely news releases to further my argument that communist born terrorist models of infiltration and attack can be and are applied anywhere, anytime they find suitable to their needs. To those in Life’s circuit manipulated into being air core inductors used to smooth out evil change so it appears acceptable to others who have learned to go along to get along; to those who can’t wait to turn our freedom and well being over to the Hive, do your own look back in time to see how many like-minded, willingly deceived embracers of change survived their dream.


In order to communicate with the West Bank recruits, Hamas exploited Gazan civilians who received permits for live-saving Israeli hospital care, as well as other civilians who received permits to enter Israel for meetings with business partners in the West Bank, the investigation found. The civilians “were asked” to deliver messages and instructions to the West Bank terror cell recruits, according to the Shin Bet.

“This is not the first time that Hamas is exploiting the humanitarian field in order to realize military activities in Judea and Samaria [the West Bank],” the Shin Bet said


In response to the misreporting from multiple outlets, I wanted to highlight the rampant fraud taking place at our Southern border. Aliens know that if they bring ANY minor with them they will be apprehended by Border Patrol and released into the interior of the United States. This is a direct result of the Clinton-era Flores Settlement decree that has created a massive loophole which allows alien family units to illegally cross the border and enter the United States after a short detention. This well-known loophole acts a magnet for family units and entices smugglers to use children as a way to gain access to the United States by posing a family unit. Word has gotten out. Over the last two years, we have seen a 110 percent increase in male adults showing up at the border with minors. Further from April 19, 2018 to September 30, 2018, 507 aliens were encountered as a family unit and were separated as they were not a legitimate family unit…

Meet Dr. Stanley Plotkin

He has many friends who honor him worldwide.


…He has been chairman of the Infectious Diseases Committee and the AIDS Task Force of the American Academy of Pediatrics, liaison member of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices and Chairman of the Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Research Committee of the National Institutes of Health. Dr. Plotkin received the Bruce Medal in Preventive Medicine of the American College of Physicians, the Distinguished Physician Award of the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, the Clinical Virology Award of the Pan American Society for Clinical Virology, the Richard Day Master Teacher in Pediatrics Award of the Alumni Association of New York Downstate Medical College, and the Marshall Award of the European Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases.

In June 1998, he received the French Legion of Honor Medal; in June 2001, the Distinguished Alumnus Award of the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia, in September 2006 the gold medal from the same hospital; the Sabin Gold Medal in May 2002, in September 2004 the Fleming (Bristol) Award of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, in May 2007 the medal of the Fondation Mérieux, in 2009 the Finland Award of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and the Hilleman Award of the American Society for Microbiology, and in 2013 the Career Achievement Award from the Association for Clincal and Translational Medicine, as well as the Caspar Wistar Medal of the Wistar Institute of Biological Research In 2014 he received the Charles Mérieux Award of the National Foundation for Infectious Diseases and the Sheikh Hamdan (Dubai) Award for Medical Sciences.

He was elected to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences in 2005, to the French Academy of Medicine in 2007, to the French Academy of Pharmacy in 2013, and to the Thai Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society in 1915[sic]. He is a Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America, the Pediatric Infectious Diseases Society, the International Society for Vaccines, the American Academy of Pediatrics and the International Society for Vaccines.

Dr. Plotkin holds honorary doctoral degrees from the University of Rouen (France) and the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain). Named lectures in his honor have been established at the Pediatric Academic Societies annual meeting, at the International Advanced Vaccinology Course in Annecy, France, and at the DNA Vaccines Society. A professorship in his name was established at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia. His bibliography includes over 700 articles and he has edited several books including the standard textbook on vaccines, now in its 6th edition. He developed the rubella vaccine now in standard use throughout the world, is codeveloper of the pentavalent rotavirus vaccine, and has worked extensively on the development and application of other vaccines including anthrax, oral polio, rabies, varicella, and cytomegalovirus.

Posted: 7/20/2016

Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH is a you tube series of nine videos that depicts, I’ll bet, a fine characterization of those who consider themselves our keepers.

And, if you go to Stanley Plotkin, Godfather of vaccines, UNDER OATH Part 8, starting at the 42 minute mark, you will see Stanley Plotkin modeling for US the award winning mind all his friends from all around the globe really, really admire.

Setting the Stage

As the fire storm related news of the California democrat governor’s timely collusion with the power elite spreads across the nation with the viscosity index of a Labrea tar pit leak the time has come to take a closer look at the allegations being made against the teflonized incorporate enemies of the Republic.

A Dr. Judy Wood refresher is available here if the following information starts sounding familiar but you just can’t place where you heard it before. is a starting point in understanding planned changes being discussed on you tube video Plan to Burn up Northern California Disclosed published February 2018.

Just what is the State of the Nation?

More to ruminate on… from 2015. A late 2017 report suggests we think twice

Pardon Me…

Would you have any Grey Poupon?

The California democrat congressperson who got carried away with his misunderstood authority and tweeted the government will use nukes on Second Amendment sisters and brothers is what brought that Grey Poupon commercial to mind.

I like the truth about guns response.

It also appears to be a good time to reinforce the point I made last month about the First Amendment rights of families and friends of crime victims being restricted until they have recovered from their grief to the point they are no longer a danger to our Constitutional protections.

As fate would have it, Thousand Oaks, CA was the site of another shocking crime and the legislative director of the coalition to stop gun violence was sought out for his opinion. The Washington Post asked him about his feelings.

…“I don’t want to say I don’t always get emotional, because I always get rocked, but this feels so personal,” he said.

He’s used to days like this.

In his role as legislative director for the CSGV, Christian Heyne works on enacting laws that prevent gun deaths. He also works as a survivor’s advocate, bringing him in constant contact with mourning relatives and friends. Less than two weeks earlier, Robert Gregory Bowers entered Tree of Life synagogue in Pittsburgh and shot and killed 11…

…“When your life revolves around death, I worry about that a lot,” [Tim] Heyne said of his son Thursday. “I ask him how he’s doing with it, but he knows he’s saving lives. . . . No one is ever going to end gun violence. All you can hope to do is reduce it.”…

…“I’ve spent more time crying today than I usually do,” Christian Heyne said. “Borderline . . . I’ve been to wedding receptions there. My high school reunion was there. This is different. I feel anxious. I feel lost. I am also very resolved in reaching out to everyone — legislators, survivors, everyone — and I’m determined not to let this moment slip away.”

Sounds like Christian has not quite regained the balance one would expect from a lobbyist working with congress against our Constitution.

Then again, maybe he did.

As a citizen, do you feel safer now?

Further Proof

democrat priorities are askew. Guns do kill people but not nearly as many as healthcare.


The first signs that Gary Giles, 55, had fallen ill came in October when he began suffering from intense back and neck pain.

He went to the emergency room on Oct. 19 and was diagnosed with a likely pulled muscle, but his condition quickly deteriorated. Giles began suffering from numbness and tingling in his arms, followed by muscle spasms, seizures and delusions, his loved ones said on a GoFundMe page created to offset medical and funeral costs…