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A Bad School Play with Flimsy Props

School play. George Webb used to describe D.C.’s little murders with that phrase.

Many Americans don’t recognize our modern existence in those terms but that’s a pretty accurate description of being under a tail wagging the dog spell and not being able to snap out of it.

It’s too bad people deny or just won’t read about the Good vs Bad war documented in the Bible. There is still relevant information to be found; like the information in Acts 7:43. Using your favorite alternative search engine you ought to explore that passage. It may help increase your understanding if you are not familiar with the subject of that verse.

Without the background provided within the Bible the organized and well camouflaged efforts to collapse the United States is difficult to recognize and even when recognized it is difficult to accept it is taking place.

Some examples of the tactics and strategies used by our architects of change include:


What are GMO foods?

While it is pointed out in the human race has been altering plant genomes for a thousand years the article also points out there is a built in lack of scientific objectivity when less than unequivocal modified food test results are questioned.

Since corn and soybeans were mentioned in the above article here’s a side note

Covert War Against Freedom

MAGA hat wearers may purposely believe the Deep State’s enemy is President Trump but they ought to be getting the message by now that it is we who are their enemy.

Perhaps this will help


A fair amount of awe and marvel and likely some cynicism, too, had to have been part of the public’s reaction when the announcement of how the mystery of eliminating diseases involved exposure to the very disease the protection was sought for. Would that we had a larger share of the undefiled cynicism to shelter US in the 21st Century; it is increasingly evident Edward Jenner’s18th Century wonder is being devolved into a modern Frankenstein engine.

If that is news to you, please, allow me to introduce the lie myself.


Geoengineering is, of course, the massive solutions to the problems created by the idiots acting on behalf of the evil in charge of disrupting a healthy human race.

In other words, the Devil’s work.

If you want some real insight into how far the evil I refer to are willing to go to retain their dangerous (and useless to US) control, take the seven minutes to listen to DutchSinse, THEE premier earthquake forecaster in the world.

The bad school play, get it like this guy does.

Technocrat Weapons of War

…Was there a man dismayed?
Not though the soldier knew
Someone had blundered.
Theirs not to make reply,
Theirs not to reason why,
Theirs but to do and die.
Into the valley of Death…

Here’s a clue to help you understand the mentally unstable elites. They never developed their neocortex.

Change the highlighted man to doctor, soldier to parent and Theirs to babies and you might begin to understand better the drive the elite have been killing off humanity with; the grand abandon they relish when they spill the blood they have been spilling since their role in society was secured. Now and for most of the Twentieth century they have been funding technocrats with the hope of creating a false matrix intended to deconstruct humanity’s place on earth.

For those babies who escape being aborted, the elites insist on a diminishment of life through the use of poison.


…Fearless Parent founder and Autism vaccine information researcher and author, Louise Kuo Habakus, sets the record straight regarding the FACTS about Autism and Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in the State of New Jersey, which now must be considered a bellwether or the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” real-life, real-time ASD statistical protocol for the U.S. state with the statistically-most ASD children!…

…Right off the bat, Louise states, “One in 22 boys has autism, NJ leads health crisis.” However, the CDC announced that only one in 68 U.S. children has Autism! That’s up 20% in two years and up 200% or triple since 2000! Back in the late 1970s, the rate was one in 10,000 to 15,000. What’s happened?

Vaccines and vaccination mandates! “CDC recommends 70+ doses of 16 vaccines, a 3-fold increase in 25 years!” And, according to Louise, a 5-fold increase since she and Governor Murphy were born!

The Thirteenth Tribe Part I

A very interesting book, The Thirteenth Tribe. Published in 1978 it was written by a Jewish man, Arthur Koestler. I came across mention of it recently, and because of something I read ten years ago about the Jewish exile and the bad habits they picked up in their various captivities, particularly during the Babylonian/Persian episode which is when the Pharisees emerged, I purchased a copy.

My late to the party awareness of the historically significant role of the mass Jewish conversion of the Khazar empire Koestler’s Thirteenth Tribe describes may appear to be the basis of a simplistic, naïve explanation but coupled with the account of the Semitic breakaway from the Torah and their leaders embrace of the Mystery Babylon religion it is getting difficult to reject the prophecy that the world is heading for a showdown that’s been denied for almost two thousand years.

If my Biblical arithmetic is correct it took about one thousand five hundred and fifty six years (Genesis 5) after the Father of Lies told Eve only godliness awaited within the low hanging fruit Adam and she were warned about before the earth’s wicked stench reached to high heaven; the wickedness that grieved God at His heart so deeply that, of all Adam’s descendants, only Noah and his family survived God’s almighty disappointment.

From the time the flood receded the covenant made between God and Noah identified Noah’s descendants as the LORD God’s people. Even with that favored status, when His people settled on the plain of Shinar the LORD God scattered them over the earth for their one world attitude. (Genesis 11)

Later, in the family of a man named Terah a son named Abram was born. The LORD took interest in Abram and promised him what we consider today great success but there were instructions to follow and covenants to honor to gain that success and by yielding to the will of God, the greatest story ever told starts to take shape.

Another man’s story is told in Exodus. This man, Moses, was chosen by the Lord God of their fathers to lead His people into the land of milk and honey. It provides much evidence of the degenerate behavior the Jewish people absorbed while in Egyptian captivity. (Exodus 32:19)

They were only gone three months from the land of Egypt; the LORD was instructing Moses on the mountain when the people angered the Lord with their idolatrous backsliding that threatened an end to their status, existence and the Mosaic Law.

The question of interest is would the world be better off had the LORD God’s anger ruled the day?

After they arrived in the Promised Land and prior to the Babylonian captivity Judaism was guided by the Mosaic Law. It was the true Judaism of the Old Testament born amidst thunder and lightening on Mount Sinai.

Judaism took on another form called Talmudic Judaism during the Babylonian/Persian captivity. That was during the time prophets roamed the earth. Men like Daniel who refused to yield to the Babylonian allure that so many Jewish priests surrendered to as they assumed the role of Pharisee.

Freemason Albert Pike wrote in his book Morals and Dogma…

A great number of Jewish families remained permanently in their new country; and one of the most celebrated of their schools was at Babylon. They were soon familiarized with the doctrine of Zoraster…

Many captive Jews yielded easily to the Chaldean Pantheism they were subjected to in Babylon. Its basis was/is the belief in the deified man. The impact of the pantheistic doctrine led to the Pharisee sect that developed the Kabbalah which inspired the Talmud which is recognized as the source of all false doctrine and back to the Khazars we go.

Well, a picture is worth a thousand words. And there is no denying it’s a well documented story. Even the Gog-Magog part.

If the Media Wasn’t So

democratically evil they’d be pitiful.

I caught the end of the Trump/Putin press conference today and watched as much of the post game show as I could stand.

Just to go on record, here is a comparative docket of Obama’s crime family’s interference in the governing or the elections of a number of foreign lands the media missed.

That recreant’s not-so-transparent vile cloud of scheming treasonous governance our Nation has ever been subjected to may be a new level of corruption record; a most notorious achievement given the longevity of the democrat party’s involvement in our history.

And the Ukraine wasn’t even mentioned. Neither was Mexico nor was Benghazi.

Looks to me the crimes against humanity scoreboard so far stands at Obama Democrats 9 Trump Deplorables 0.

Getting Awan Inside Took Some Democrat Doing

But Democrats have been doing for a long time. It’s not that they are especially good at it; most citizens just never think that bad people have BIG dreams, too.

Clinton is a fine example of democracy at work.

Aside from bombing Yugoslavia on behalf of the KLA near the end of his second term he helped Indians replace Americans in America’s IT industry, he upgraded China’s military capabilities and he provided North Korea with nuclear know-how. Now it looks like Bill Clinton scored big for the criminal state on July 4, 1999 and cleared the path for Pakistani ISI’s move to gain control of access to our government through the Democrat party?

Aren’t those Clinton’s the ginchiest?