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Yellow Vest Protests Spread Throughout Canada


Originally starting in France, yellow vest protests have moved to Canada. Many were held Saturday across the country criticizing the tax and immigration policies of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his government.

The protests against French President Emmanuel Macron’s government, which began as a criticism of fuel taxes have entered their fifth week. Over 66,000 people decided to defy the government’s orders to suspend protests this past weekend. At least eight people have been killed since riots began in that country.

Similar demonstrations have taken place in Belgium, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom in the last several weeks…

And yesterday in Langley

US? We got a wall coming… as soon as the democrats realize their time is over. They’re done. The longer they wait the smaller their patch of swamp gets.

A Political Tsunami

If the evidence supporting the gnawing suspicion the political system controlling the government is corrupt is found true (26 minute mark) and rino and democrat heroes/heroines of the easily misled are found guilty of being enemies of the American people, I got a few questions.

First, wouldn’t that mean it is very likely government use of the vaccination program is just more lying propaganda they use to cause harm and pretty soon people working in the health field can look forward to not losing their jobs if they choose not to participate in the yearly vaccine drives? and

Two, is the collapse of the price of tinfoil to be expected and do you think it will be blamed for any market decline? and

Three, if President Trump’s efforts to drain the swamp is successful, how long do you think it will take before the postulation ‘nature abhors a vacuum’ is proven to be or not to be applicable to politics?

The Greatest Tool of Deception to Date

The television.

Both Content and hardware have a proven impact on the human brain but what does tagging it a deception mean to US?

Contributing writers to alternative media like Henry Makow and even Makow himself seem to be missing the point. The war being waged by Satanic forces is not only about enslaving US to a third world communist existence with no plumbing.

Satan wants to destroy all of humanity because his reaction to God’s creation of humanity lost him his place in Heaven and in his hate filled demon genius mind he isn’t leaving anything to chance; even to the point of stealing our humanity from US and with it our eligibility for eternal life. Mi hell su hell.

Who will even notice? The TV will probably be on as they snuff out God’s gift.

Hey, picture this… abortion clinics providing the synthetic gene vaccination.

A Satanic twofer.

Don’t Know Why They Think I’m Interested In A 501(c)(4) Social Welfare Organization

but indivisibles been sending me emails almost from week one of President Trump’s rescue of the Office.

They must be getting excited. Sounds like they can’t wait to get their merch on for repping.


We want you to be fully prepared for the first 100 days of Congress. In order to do that, we wanted to make 100% sure that you saw our last email so that on the very first day of the new Congress, Indivisible groups everywhere can come together to say: “THIS IS OUR HOUSE!”

Here’s 5 things you can do right now to get ready for the first day of the 116th Congress:

1. Read up on H.R. 1 and get your members of Congress on the record. You can ask your representative to publicly demand that H.R. 1 be a bold, progressive, comprehensive democracy package that includes reforms on voter empowerment and access, money in politics reforms, and corruption fixes.

2. If you haven’t already, plan your January 3 day of action event. Find our toolkit for the first day of action with everything you’ll need to make your events successful.

3. Sign up for our next January 3 planning webinar. Join the Indivisible Organizing Team to find out some of the best practices for planning and executing successful day of action events. RSVP here for Wednesday, December 19 at 7pm ET and RSVP here for Wednesday, December 19 at 9pm ET.

4. Register your event. Sign up here to register your day of action event, so we can put it on our map for other people in your area to attend.

5. Get your Whose House? Our House! merch. Order your merch by December 24 to make sure it arrives by your January 3 day of action!

In solidarity,
Indivisible Team

———- Forwarded message ———-

From: Indivisible Team
Date: Fri, Dec 07, 2018
Subject: If you care about getting Trump out of office, here’s what you need to do

Dear Indivisibles,

In just a few weeks, the 116th Congress will be sworn in.

The first 100 days of any new Congress or administration is a crucial period where our newly-elected members of Congress (MoCs) define their agenda and identify their priorities to set the stage for the next two years.

When Indivisibles helped build the blue wave that took over the House, we set the stage for the opportunity to influence that agenda. You elected them into these positions because you believe they can bring change. That’s exactly why we must flex our movement’s muscle from day one — January 3, 2019.

Leverage works when you use it.

On January 3, we take what Trump and Republicans prioritized for the first two years — gutting healthcare, deregulating Wall Street, criminalizing immigrants and refugees — and flip it on its axis.

We created the Indivisible on Offense Guide to lead you through some of the new powers of the Democratically-controlled House. Our goal, as Indivisibles, is that we want them to use their power to actively fight for us. Even our friendly Democratic MoCs need a nudge from time to time. To make sure they listen and follow through, we need to tell our MoCs exactly what we expect of them from Day 1. A good ask is:
•Specific. Asks are about prompting an action we want our MoCs to take. So your ask should be time-bound and precise.
•Strategic. We want to achieve something. If your MoC follows through on your ask, what will be accomplished? So you might want to ask them to cosponsor a specific bill, rather than just making a speech on an issue which might not accomplish anything.
•Seeable. Look, MoCs can be really crafty. They’re politicians (yes, the Democrats, too)! Trust but always verify. If the action you’re asking for cannot be observed and verified, you will not be able to hold your MoCs accountable for following through. You can do this by checking to see how they voted, watching a video of a hearing, and you can ask to see letters they’ve sent.

As a majority in the house, Democrats will have a range of tools that you can and should ask them to use in order to advance progressive policies, continue to play defense, and hold the Trump Administration accountable. Here are the kinds of asks you’ll be making of your new, Democratic MoCs (and if you still have a Republican MoC, the original Indivisible Guide is still your BFF):
1.Use their vote. This is exactly how we were able to put pressure on our MoCs for the past two years. Remind them that their vote has the power to represent thousands of people who care about how they vote. And we’ll be watching exactly how they use that vote!
2.Cosponsor legislation. MoCs should cosponsor progressive bills that they want to see move forward.
3.Introduce legislation. Any MoC can do this, and the only way we can bring change is to bring it to the table!
4.Use oversight authority, including investigation and subpoenas. MoCs have an obligation to responsibly use their oversight authority to hold the Trump Administration accountable.
5.Write letters to the administration demanding answers. Letters can be easily ignored. But now that Democrats have control of the House, the administration will pay more attention because they can easily be escalated from a letter to a question at a public hearing.
6.Leverage procedural tools to slow the Republican agenda. Republicans still control the Senate, but that doesn’t mean we are powerless to stop them. Procedural tools like filibuster can slow their agenda down.
7.Join a caucus. Caucuses are groups that MoCs join on the basis of either their values or issues that are important to them.
8.Publicly urge leadership to give greater attention to an issue. Giving floor speeches, giving a platform to affected communities, and publicly calling out leadership for not prioritizing an issue are all ways that MoCs can hold their own leadership accountable.

Read even more about the specific kinds of asks you’ll be making of the 116th Congress here! And remember that your leverage (as voters and as constituents) only works, if you’re willing to use it. The same goes for your new MoCs. Their new power as a majority only works if they’re willing to use it and show their constituents that they are here to listen.

Whose House? Our House!

So in the first 100 days, we want to show our power as Indivisibles to let our new MoCs know that we’re not slowing down. Indivisible groups all over the country will come together to show up at district offices on January 3 to say: we’re here, we’re paying attention, and we’ll hold you accountable for what you do.

Here’s how to get started:
1.Plan your January 3 day of action event. We put together a Whose House, Our House! toolkit for the day of action with everything you’ll need to make your events successful.
2.Sign up for our Jan 3 planning webinar. Join the Indivisible Organizing Team to find out some of the best practices for planning and executing successful day of action events. We’ll also have more information on the first 100 days and how you can get involved.
3.Register your event. Sign up here to register your day of action event, so we can put it on our map for other people in your area to attend.
4.Get your Whose House? Our House! Merch. Get your merch early for your day of action event and show up repping your new Indivisible gear!

It’s time for us to take back our democracy and continue to push back on this administration from day one. Get ready, and get excited to flex your progressive power.

In solidarity,
The Indivisible Team

Indivisible Project is a locally-led, people-powered movement of thousands of local groups in red, blue, and purple states, and in urban, suburban, and rural areas (at least two in every congressional district!). Our mission is to power and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and realize bold progressive policies.

Grassroots donations, not foundations or large gifts, are our single largest source of funding. That means we’re accountable to, and fueled by, Indivisibles on the ground.

Indivisible Project is a 501(c)(4) social welfare organization. Donations are not tax deductible.

Now We Know Even Non-Elections Have Consequences For Patriots

Did this connection escape everyone’s attention or am I the last person to put it together?

As of November 16, The New California (Proposition 9) Leadership team from Butte County was still missing as a result of the Paradise fire.

On July 18, 2018, Proposition 9 was removed from the ballot by order of the California Supreme Court.


The state unanimous order stated that Proposition 9 was removed “because significant questions have been raised regarding the proposition’s validity and because we conclude that the potential harm in permitting the measure to remain on the ballot outweighs the potential harm in delaying the proposition to a future election.[2]

Questions about the initiative’s constitutionality were brought before the court in Planning and Conservation League v. Padilla.

Depending on how the court rules on the pending litigation, the ballot initiative could appear on a future ballot, such as the general election on November 3, 2020, or be struck down.[3]

Here’s another bonus I’ll bet you never heard about unless you live around Klamath Lake. It’s Jerry Brown acting out the bizarro politician role of buying love in public.

Now For Something Not Completely Different

Inquiring minds years ago raised the question of what’s up with the Earth based space organizations sharing the same vector symbol on their insignia’s. While the link doesn’t show all of the participating space agency’s symbols it does offer a sampling of reasons found to be believable enough to control the curiosity of the gullible and benumbed.

Here are a couple of things I’ve come across lately you might find engaging if you haven’t already put the new world order movers and shakers driving force together, yet.

First, Illuminati Saturn And Cube Symbolism Explained is at you tube and this posed message was found a couple of months ago when I was poking around

Hey, just think of me as agent of transparency non pareil

Old News

Kinda gives a person perspective.


Thus, enter Mr. Peter Sutherland, the honorary Chairman of the Trilateral Commission’s European group. Sutherland has served as CEO of BP, Chairman of Goldman Sachs International and was Director-General of the World Trade Organization (WTO) from 1993-1995. Currently he serves at President of the International Catholic Migration Commission and most importantly, as the United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General for International Migration since 2006.

If there is one person we can point to who originally architected and then enforced Europe’s migration policy, it is Peter Sutherland. The UN’s own website quotes him as stating, ”No other force—not trade, not capital flows—has the potential to transform lives in sustainable, positive ways and on the scale that migration does.” He is on public record many times stating that only through migration can a multicultural society in Europe be established. Moreover, he claims that multiculturalism is the only viable path to implementing the UN’s economic system of Sustainable Development.

In 2012, Sutherland stated that migration was a “crucial dynamic for economic growth… however difficult it may be to explain this to the citizens of those states”. Those same states today should have a few questions for Sutherland.

All this is to say, if Trilateral Commission member Peter Sutherland has been the driving force behind the rampant migration from the Mideast in the first place, would the same Trilateral Commission have plans on solving the current crisis that is ripping Europe apart?

Consider that when Greece was melting down in 2011, the European Union summarily dispatched Trilateral Lucas Papademos to take the role of Prime Minister. At the same time Italy was headed for economic chaos, which prompted the EU to unilaterally send in Trilateral Mario Monte to assume the position of Prime Minister. No elections. The European press called these men “technocrats” as they were installed as quasi-dictators in two of the world’s most historic bastions of elected representation…