it’s just one surprise after another.
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Morality Story for Democrat Voters
Best read after a glass of warm milk and they’re all tucked into their beds.
It’s title is…
Liberals, Leftists, and Progressives
Liberals, Leftists, and Progressives are like fish in a barrel. When their barrel keeper is sent to prison and the barrel plug is pulled, all the fish can do is flop around and repeat the last fairy tale the barrel keeper told them. Over and over again they flop and repeat, flop and repeat until their last gill gasp. There are a lot of barrels so the reports of flopping, gasping fish will resurface (ha, ha) on occasion but they soon go away.
Following is a great example of that. There is even the video the Liberals, Leftists and Progressives didn’t watch. Probably they weren’t allowed.
NYT reportsF.B.I. Opened Inquiry Into Whether Trump Was Secretly Working on Behalf of Russia
More than a few years prior, RT video proved there was no need to open a similar investigation on Obama (he was a big barrel keeper) and the F.B.I. already knew about his Russian collusion because the Deep State approved and it didn’t have to be publicized a lot.
The End.
The Art of Destroying the Deep State
On the Texas Border With the President
I can’t believe we have a president who allows Truth to be told from our southern border. God bless you, President Trump.
Die you stinking lying bastard democrat criminals, you trilateral ass wipes, you traitorous, evil commie PsOS, you baal ass licking baby killing molech horn sucking murdering thieves, you stink to your souls. A curse on all of you, your families and the press you ride herd on. May your cubic inch of consciousness spin slowly and eternally in the puddle of hell that awaits all traitors.
Swamp Whispers
On Friday, an UNnamed centrist Republican spokeswoman/man indicated plans are underway to consider developing a study that would, in time, result in a draft that is intended to outline a winning strategy in hopes to claim Michigan as All-Republican All-of-the-time.
After an 11:00 AM meeting, the centrist Republicans allegedly called it a day after choosing one possible campaign model based strictly on results of a recent survey sponsored by an out-of-State cGOP focus group that views the model as ‘likely favorable’ pending, of course, further studies. The cGOP efforts were referred to by one anonymous member of the moderated Delphi group as the model of ‘cutting edge reach around political evolution’.
A rough cut of the video the cGOP considered a step in the right, or rather, the correct direction can be viewed here
Democrats Sneer at Trump’s 4000 Terrorists Stopped at the Border Claim
Sneers from a woman who told the American people we have to pass the bill so you can read it to find out what is in it and a Senator who is well practiced in U-turns???
Let’s clear the fog so the democrats can’t deny they couldn’t find their way home purposely.
…FY 2018 has recorded the lowest annual resettlement number since the program began in 1980. It is largely the result of the Trump administration’s “extreme vetting,” a necessary change after virtually nonexistent vetting procedures let in numerous refugees who later committed acts of terrorism.3 As former Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Central Region Director, A.J. Irwin, described in a 2016 public TV panel discussion:
[W]hen we send refugee officers over there to interview people, they have a mission and their mission is not to detect fraud or identify terrorists, it’s to process these people and get ’em into the system…4
The Obama administration knowingly and routinely allowed illegal aliens falsely claiming asylum to remain in the United States.5 A September 2016 DHS Inspector General report found that 1,982 aliens from countries known for immigration fraud or terror links, who were scheduled for deportation, instead obtained citizenship by using false identities because fingerprint records were missing.6
We have already witnessed the deadly consequences of these policies, as terrorist attacks committed by refugees and those resettled under other special immigrant categories begin to mirror the out-of-control situation in Western Europe.7 Even former FBI Director James Comey acknowledged in a 2017 congressional hearing that 300 refugees from Iraq and six of the travel ban countries were the subject of FBI terrorism investigations.8
The resettlement contractors recognize the impact that Trump’s extreme vetting program is having. It creates bottlenecks in the system that have slowed the process to a crawl. Despite the terror threat that this addresses, refugee advocates now say that Trump vetting policies are too strong.9
Perhaps, however, slowing the process is the only possible way to “extreme vet” refugees. Mary Doetsch, a former State Department employee who was a refugee coordinator for eight years, recently explained that it is virtually impossible to vet refugees, and the program is fraught with fraud.10
It is an informative, well documented article that should reinforce your conclusion the four thousand terrorists the White House says has been apprehended is, for anybody but a democrat shill, not that difficult to believe.
For the Democrat loser’s. They can identify their January 2019 calendar of events with music.
It’s Official…Climate Change Sales Pitch…
I Must Have Been Christmas Shopping
when this story broke.
The weekend before Thanksgiving, New York State Sen. José Peralta worked at a community event offering the flu shot for free.
“The senator was a huge advocate of public health,” his spokesman, Chris Sosa, told
Peralta, 47, died days later, on Nov. 21. While Sosa said his official cause of death is still pending, his wife told the New York Post that preliminary results show he died of “septic shock” — which occurs when sepsis leads to dangerously low blood pressure. Sepsis, caused by the body’s response to an infection, can be life-threatening if left unchecked.
But an “alternative news” story posted Nov. 27 on a website called Collective Evolution exploits Peralta’s death, and his advocacy, by suggesting his death resulted from the flu vaccine.The author includes an important caveat: “[T]here is no way for me to know for sure whether the flu shot was the cause of, or was a contributing factor in Jose Peralta’s death.” But the article makes misleading and speculative statements that all but draw an unsupported connection between Peralta’s flu shot and his death…
…The story goes on to cite a Nov. 22 New York Times article that quotes Sosa as saying Peralta had resisted going to a doctor despite not feeling well, but eventually went for an exam. “It was like pulling teeth to get him to talk about not feeling well,” Sosa told the Times. “He just thought he was having symptoms related to getting the flu shot.”..
Though he had been ill for at least two weeks, he had been reluctant to visit a doctor, according to Chris Sosa, his director of communications. After much prodding, he finally went for an exam recently, and he had a follow-up scheduled for December.
“It was like pulling teeth to get him to talk about not feeling well,” Mr. Sosa said. “He just thought he was having symptoms related to getting the flu shot.”
Make Your Head Explode News
Opening theme roll… Mudfiinger Dadaaahda…
We’ll probably never get a chance to see a better comparison of swamp party news and internet verity than what follows.
You have a couple of choices here. These next six or seven links… you can click on every one of them and you’ll get the same story that won’t tell you anything; go ahead; PBS, Radio Free Europe, local newspapers, the Idaho Statesman. Why is ready to tell you all they know.
Even the new info the CBS headline promises is the SOS
Don’t think I dragged you out on this limb just to leave you hanging here. This is another story none of your democrat friends will believe; unless they think it means more proof to use against President Trump. It doesn’t. In fact, the architects of this story just might be taking a barge ride right about now. And I just might be giddy with anticipation.
Here’s a five minute outline from George Webb.
This one is more than an hour of the kind of news CNN people would have to be loaded to report.
It’s probably best taken in small bytes. Savor it’s promise and reflect on the precision of God’s greatness.
Year Old Solyndra News
Unlike it’s products, the principals are still chargeable.
POTUS Raids Pedophile Obama Thailand Mansion
1st SFOD-D background.