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Emergency Is Not An Emergency If It Can Generate Tax Spending


“An ’emergency’ does not elicit endless debate without consensus, nor is it addressed with a plan requiring years to execute,” Amash tweeted.
“A house is burning, a ship is sinking, a city is flooding — these are considered emergencies precisely because everyone agrees they require immediate action.”

It has been the political class, the controllers, responding to their contributors, who do not agree immediate action is required. Our nation is indeed a burning house, a sinking ship and what was once known as the shining city on the hill is now flooding it’s streets with spent, wasted lives. It is in so many ways an emergency that only a liar or a fool can ignore the danger we are facing.

Mr. Amash, trained in law, claims to rule according to the Constitution and yet he ignores Article 4 Section 4. Mr. Amash also claims he is a fiscal conservative. Perhaps the concern he feels over the spending needed to improve our nations security would be eased somewhat if he compares that cost to the fiscal distribution analysis of households headed by unlawful immigrants: individuals who reside in the U.S. in violation of federal law.

Or read the much shorter

Or if he just openly acknowledges he cares less for the safety and security of American citizens than he does for the invaders.

Michigan Version of a Gas Crisis

What I got out of the Detroitnews morning after report.

1) Somebody ought to get the CEO a bus drivers suit

2) The Governor ought to read U20322 testimony. The dog and pony show has already been done. No need to waste more taxpayers money developing a new contingency plan to present in July when no one is paying attention.

3) You can give Nick Assendelft public information officer for the Michigan Public Service Commission who oversees rates for the state’s major utilities a bus drivers suit, too. The governor acknowledged she is concerned that nearly two-thirds of Consumers’ natural gas supply comes through one facility and is susceptible to interruption. “It kind of grew into this critical part of their infrastructure,” Assendelft said. Which is all you have to know about his level of job interest.

4) Be wary of purchasing a Ford in the future… “Ford Motor Co. has curtailed certain heat-intensive processes at some plants in the state”…

Some background on Ray Compressor Station

Compressor Stations What How and Why

While most of Consumers Energy website is geared towards their own interests, there is useful information to be found.

You may have a little trouble getting information out of the media area where access to Public Service Commission testimony is found. But the effort is worth it if you like to keep an eye on things you have a right to. You’ll gain insights such as…

Q. What are some of the customer benefits that will be enhanced by the proposals in
19 this proceeding?

20 A. Customer benefits may be considered in four categories:

21 1. Safety – First and foremost, customers expect gas to be delivered safely to
22 their homes and businesses. They expect the Company to quickly detect and
23 diagnose at-risk distribution pipe, as well as replace any damaged or aged pipe
24 through risk-based approaches to maximize system risk reduction, and to
25 ensure that our natural gas infrastructure will continue to deliver gas safely to
26 customers for years to come. Customers also expect that when an issue is
27 identified, it gets addressed timely and efficiently. Finally, customers expect
28 transparency about what is being done to ensure system safety and how they
29 can be best prepared to handle any safety related issue;
te1118-mat 4


1 2.Reliability – Customers expect gas to be available for their use whenever they
2 need it – regardless of weather conditions. They expect the Company to
3 leverage technology advancements, make investments in pipelines,
4 compressor stations, storage fields, and other infrastructure necessary to
5 ensure reliable delivery. Customers also expect the Company to keep them
6 informed about work being done in order to improve all aspects of gas
7 delivery;

8 3. Value – Customers consider both the price they pay and the service received
9 when assessing value. The focus is to keep bills affordable, and competitive
10 while service is maintained or improved, where necessary. Investments that
11 help reduce Operation and Maintenance (“O&M”) costs and/or improve the
12 Company’s ability to access and store gas supply help maintain affordability
13 and price stability. In regards to service, the Company leverages customer
14 data from the CXi (“CXi”) score developed by Forrester (“CXi”), J.D. Power,
15 and other sources such as on-time delivery and call center metrics, to ensure
16 the Company’s proposals provide value for customers. This includes
17 investments in technology, metering, customer service, reliability, safety, and
18communications; and

19 4. Corporate Citizenship – Customers expect the Company to do business in a
20 socially responsible manner. This means taking actions to care for Michigan’s
21 environment, encouraging economic opportunities, and enhancing the quality
22 of life in the communities we serve. Consumers Energy is committed to
23 operating sustainably and working to leave the Company, Michigan, and the
24 world better than we found them. Since the 1990s, Consumers Energy has
25 been working to protect Michigan’s environment by cleaning up sites of
26 23 former manufactured gas plants throughout the state. The Company’s pipe
27 replacement programs work to mitigate gas loss across the system and reduce
28 greenhouse gas emissions. Consumers Energy has goals to reduce water use,
29 encourage recycling to reduce landfill space, and promote sustainable business
30 practices among the companies with which we work. We are working with
31 companies to help expand their operations and attract new employers to the
32 State. Finally, 4,200 employees volunteered across Michigan in 2017 to
33 support education, community, civic, and cultural development, as well as
34 social services and the environment. In addition, 1,400 employees
35 participated in over 30 Walk for Warmth events, raising $200,000 for the local
36 Community Action Agencies.

While there are 801 pages of testimony available the pages are short and you might learn something you did not know before.

Stay warm, my friends, and remember, I rarely use ventilators but when I do, I keep them ice free in winter.

The Many Ways to Pay to Play

or shading fraud into respectability is easy if you make the laws.

If only the world paid heed to Freemason Sir Walter Scott’s catchy phrase, “Oh! What a Tangled Web We Weave/When First We Practice to Deceive!” our favorite 21st Century phrase might not be “Lock her up, Lock her up”.

Scott’s Marmion, from which his catchy phrase emanated was published in 1808. It was a time when few of the challenges resulting from the change enveloping 18th Century England and brought on by the Industrial Revolution were being satisfactorily addressed on a matching scale.

The message served as a reminder to the social strata of England that lying was still understood to have a complex and destructive effect on society.

In modern America, such complexities have been long dismissed through distraction, fear and willing submission to evil. Political criminals won that battle long ago. Here’s an example of what that cost America.

You like your job? You can keep your job. But you gotta get a flu shot

You’ve heard the term Pay to Play, right?

While it’s not uncommon for donors to receive political appointments, the Obama administration has been criticized for doling out an unusually large number over the years. Unqualified appointees could constitute a violation of the Pendleton Civil Service Reform Act, which prohibits appointments from being made on a purely financial basis.

That’s from the Washington Examiner. Oh, and nothing happened to the criminals.

The democrats call out any hint of Republican pay to play and I pass it on. Just so you understand my equal opportunity susceptibilities can stand up to any scrutiny.

Let’s get back to our Georgia nurse friend’s observation about the Obamacare connection to forced vaccination and what purpose it serves.

We’ve already established that the Democrats aren’t afraid of any ramifications of breaking the law and I’ll bet the only person in D.C. who has not uttered the term ‘pay to play’ in an investigatory manner is named Mueller.

But what is this? A curious application of ‘pay to play’? it says

The only question is how much the Democrats got in exchange for gutting the government’s ability to control health care costs.

During the campaign, this was Obama’s position:

Obama will allow Americans to buy their medicines from other developed countries if the drugs are safe and prices are lower outside the U.S. Obama will also repeal the ban that prevents the government from negotiating with drug companies, which could result in savings as high as $30 billion. (for the drug companies) my interpretation.

It no longer appears on the health care page at

But, let’s do the math. In ten years, $30 billion a year would mean $300 billion in savings. The deal cut by the White House is for $80 billion in savings. So the pharmaceutical industry gets to keep $220 billion for the low low price of $150 million in August to pass health care reform so Rahm Emanual won’t be 13-1.

A hundred fifty million for two hundred twenty billion in savings: an excellent return on investment by anyone’s standards.

It is evident from the news stories above that a democrat will do anything for money.

Additional model being the Clinton Arkansas cartel when AIDs tainted blood collected from Arkansas prisons was sold to Canada.

Our nurse points out on her video that the Federal Government mandates all health care workers get vaccinated with the worthless flu shot.

Could it be that mandate was part of the pharmaceutical industry’s arrangement they made at every level of government? Did congressional, executive and judicial malfeasance result in a multi-million dollar kick back of taxpayers funds assuring everyone’s silence and cooperation and Americans being used as guinea pigs and worse, vessels for disposal of worthless product?

What? You didn’t think your failure to take action wouldn’t lead those criminals to commit such crimes against US? As it was pointed out in the nurse’s video all the employees had to do was refuse the vaccination; an action their masters were concerned about.

Maybe you would prefer a one and done application. It’s heading our way.
… researchers involved in the development of I.G.T. believe that it could provide long-term protection against diseases which traditional vaccines have failed to control. Smile when they tell you they are doing it for the children.

“This will greatly help the ethical use of non-human primates for biomedical purposes.”

You probably believe this has nothing to do with cloning monkeys

In a 2017 speech calling for federal legalization,
U.S. Senator Cory Booker said that “states [that have legalized marijuana] are seeing decreases in violent crime.” He was wrong.

The first four states to legalize marijuana for recreational use were Colorado and Washington in 2014 and Alaska and Oregon in 2015. Combined, those four states had about 450 murders and 30,300 aggravated assaults in 2013. Last year, they had almost 620 murders and 38,000 aggravated assaults—an increase of 37 percent for murders and 25 percent for aggravated assaults, far greater than the national increase, even after accounting for differences in population growth.

Nah. Politicians don’t lie. They’re looking out for US. We trust them. That’s why we don’t vote in the primary elections.

Mexican Version of a Gas Crisis

The devil made him do it.


Fuel theft shot up three or four years ago, with the previous governor, why?

The boss runs his hand across his forehead and nods. Sometimes, he says, it happens that over time you understand things. “Years ago, there was an explosion in an area of ​​Veracruz and civil protection of the municipalities sued Pemex, because they didn’t know where the pipeline went. They asked for the plans as a precaution, to know where not to dig and so on. The government sector decided to give the pipeline plans to the municipal presidents, such as President Aquino in 2006, more or less. And the theft intensifies, and with the plan, you’re looking for someone who will do it.”

It was only a matter of time…


Progressives, weren’t they born from a 17th century Venetian comic opera? Just after the Mexican model of government was outlined by the Vatican College of Cardinals?

I did not make up these stories. These are events that happened recently in a country populated with a portion of humanity the democrats are fighting for tooth and nail so those people can gain permanent entry into our Country on demand; mixed in with the Latino border breakers are an increasing number of OTM’s from the Middle East. The democrat party has no interest in our well being and if they win this fight, and the ‘refugees’ are spread throughout our country they will celebrate the unrecognized half-step from hell they created and the Constitutional closer they designed for US.

Our only recourse is to shut down the democrat strategy. My personal mantra is ‘Will not Wall’ and it has been since 2005 but if the wall issue that has closed down the government has the same effect on the democrat gangsters, I’m all in for the wall and supporting President Trump’s efforts.

Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 (voice)

If Those Americans Would Only Quit Using Silver and Lumber

then Mexico wouldn’t have these problems. LOL

Saludos Anonymous January 2, 2019 at 4:31 AM

Illegal logging

Meanwhile, in other cartel related news.

And now a voice from the past. I wish there was an app for a basso profundo button. I’d a used it there.

Mexican Gas Crisis

He didn’t start it but he shares in the blame. From

Fuel theft shot up three or four years ago, with the previous governor, why?

The boss runs his hand across his forehead and nods. Sometimes, he says, it happens that over time you understand things. “Years ago, there was an explosion in an area of ​​Veracruz and civil protection of the municipalities sued Pemex, because they didn’t know where the pipeline went. They asked for the plans as a precaution, to know where not to dig and so on. The government sector decided to give the pipeline plans to the municipal presidents, such as President Aquino in 2006, more or less. And the theft intensifies, and with the plan, you’re looking for someone who will do it.”

It was only a matter of time…


Progressives, weren’t they born from a 17th century Venetian comic opera? Just after the Mexican model of government was outlined by the Vatican College of Cardinals?

I did not make up these stories. These are events that happened recently in a country populated with a portion of humanity the democrats are fighting for tooth and nail so those people can gain entry into our Country. And if the democrats win that fight, when the ‘refugees’ are spread throughout our country we’ll be told we’ll have to accept their ways or face jail time.

Our only recourse is to shut down the democrat strategy. My personal mantra is ‘Will not Wall’ and it has been since 2005 but if the wall issue that has closed down the government has the same effect on the democrat gangsters, I’m all in for the wall and supporting President Trump’s efforts.

Capitol switchboard at 202-224-3121 (voice)

Mystery Theater

What a week to lose the website.

First, news from the Pennsylvania legislature approaches the bizarre. It seems the First Amendment needs an insurance policy. It’s called anti-SLAPP (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation) Oy!, further proof there are too many lawyers with too much time on their hands. Did you know Twenty-seven other states already have broad anti-SLAPP statutes?

Another grotesquery from the other end of the Harrisburg spectrum is brought to US by Representative Wendi Thomas. Ms Thomas (R-Bucks) is a first time, newly elected State Representative and it looks as if she is well schooled in aiding and abetting the erosion of the American spirit.

That idea of addressing the issue of human trafficking, which she evidently believes has no mentionable connection to the invasion or the weaponized opiates directed at her constituents, appears to be more aligned with the making lemonade out of lemons organization from Upper Bucks which is partnered up with the Chamber than with upholding existing law.

The CoC proclivities are well known. Their domestic tactics can be explained by the chamber involvement in the Postville, Iowa story with the use of their radio station on the FM band KPVL.

Representative Wendi Thomas’ plan of action can be found at where it is written:

…Although we’ve made strides to raise awareness of this issue, more needs to be done to combat the perpetrators. It is our responsibility, both morally and constitutionally, to protect the victims of this insidious crime.

We can’t stop this practice, but we can educate those we serve so that we all have our eyes wide open to the potential danger. We must do everything we can to end his modern-day slavery…

That kind of bull shit just rubs my sensitivities raw. There were people in Pennsylvania visiting politician’s offices long before the self-aggrandizing non-performers arrived. Back then the State level politicians yawned in the concerned citizens faces and told them it was a federal issue; their (the congressional stewards of our Country) favored tactic would be to send their office staff out for the prescribed hour with those who sought an end to the ripping and tearing of America’s cultural fabric. The staff would then condescendingly explain the politician is aware of the problem and is doing what he can to alleviate it.

The obvious and simplest solution is securing the border; if you need another good reason to secure it watch the results of the opportunistic risks people are willing to take in a lawless country like Mexico. In the US it’s called stupid criminal behavior. And our criminal politicians want to import more of it; for a politician ensconced in a secure office, a lawless state offers so many more opportunities to justify their existence it’s a no brainer. Or in the political world, a natural.

For example, Postville, Iowa is where the criminal called home and yes the news story is dated 11/27/2018. Notice deportation isn’t in this guy’s future even when he gets out of prison. But he would be subject to three years of supervised release following his jail term.

I’m not holding my breath on that supervised release thing. But it does fit in nicely with the making ‘lemonade out of lemons make work and well behaved bureaucrat robo-citizens at the same time’ plan.

I think I just caught on to the deep state/CoC dark side secret strategy. I wonder if they refer to it as the plot to not make America great again?

Moving on. It appears Pelosi and her gang was prevented from doing the McCain Redux.


Background on that picture is found here You shouldn’t be surprised that you have to scroll pretty low down to read it.

ISIS is so en vogue these days and democrat leaders have very little creative capacity anymore, having been spoiled by the successes of the Clinton/Obama/Rino gangs ruthless abuses of UNquestioned power, this non-stop democrat effort to topple Trump put the reason for their intended trip to Afghanistan in a very shady category.

The alphabet guardians of the empire should put more emphasis on the real criminals than busting up social media efforts to shed some light on the criminally stupid.

oh… wait.

Yeah, I know. Over-used sardonic expression of discovery of the obvious.

Sometimes that’s all it rates.

I mean who, in what’s left of the alleged free world, does not recognize the democrat party and most of the republican party as criminal organizations and their post 60’s leadership as criminal bosses? And who hasn’t expected, ever since that most catchy chant “Lock her up” reverberated across the land, that by now, we’d have televised trials, speedy denials and non-stop lash downs to the fentanyl bottle of their choice?

Patience is of itself an energy consuming ability best put to use for seeking higher purposes and achieving aspirations. Waiting for promised and well deserved Justice to be served does not fit into either category.