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Regarding Fence Opposition

Ponder on why all these known and acknowledged deep state open borders One World devotees do not recognize the emergency that we see every day.

The deep state gangsters must be insane. They have jumped the shark regarding evil. The American people elected Donald Trump president to clean up the stain the political gangsters left behind. We support President Trump’s plan to secure the border.

This is from Luke Rosiak’s Obstruction of Justice. It’s time frame is after Awan walks away from the federal trial with barely a wrist slap…

Imran claims he has job offers to return to Capitol Hill. Congressional chiefs of staff like Shelley Davis of Yvette Clarke’s office have not been charged with procurement fraud. Members of Congress who seemed to know of problems before authorities did but didn’t step up, like Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico, were poised to ascend to the Senate and the governor’s mansion, respectively. Xaviar Becerra was now attorney general of California and a potential future presidential candidate. Another Awan employer, Hakeem Jeffries, would go on to be elected chairman of the House Democratic Caucus, and Pelosi, of course, would assume the speakership
(pg 284)

What is it about Grisham that makes her think it’s rational to protect an abuser but causes her to ignore her sworn duty to protect the nation? Was her allegiance somehow transformed?

For that matter, is the entire Democrat party suffering from Stockholm Syndrome?

When Control is Threatened

there are many ways to handle it.

I’ve been reading Luke Rosiak’s “Obstruction of Justice”.

To be honest, compared to George Webb’s fast break metadata based investigation of the Congressional spy/criminal Imran Awan who was deeply involved with the democrat party and protected by the republican leadership, reading “Obstruction of Justice” is like trudging through shallow quicksand after a spin in a Lamborghini.

The only reason I keep going back to it is for the occasional diamond of insight Rosiak provides whether it’s intended or not.

Rosiak mostly treads lightly as he lays out his story but he can throw off his restraints; in later chapters he almost approaches, what I think for him would be, reckless abandon. As a former investigator for the Senate Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee the naïve crystal he filtered much of his scrutiny through early in the book brings the term sophistry to mind.

The indisputable departure from his disappointingly vague account of a story that thousands of shocked and enraged people are already familiar with through Webb’s dogged efforts struck me as notable and worthy of mention.

First some background.

Awan’s legal team from Wasserman Schultz’s Miami area mentioned on pages 171/172 of Obstruction of Justice included Chris Gowen and Jesse Winograd. Winograd is an espionage law specialist and Gowen followed Bill and Hillery Clinton as a personal aide from Hillery’s senate office to her 2008 presidential campaign and the Clinton Foundation.

Gowan described Imran’s arrest as “clearly a right-wing media-driven prosecution by a United States Attorney’s Office that wants to prosecute people for working while Muslim”. (pg 173 Obstruction of Justice).

One of Gowan’s responses to a story Rosiak published stunned Rosiak into realizing something bigger was going on. He began suspecting the defense team and elements of the Justice Department were working together.

Rusiak writes…

I emailed Bill Miller, a former Washington Post reporter who is now the spokesman for the U.S. Attorney’s office in Washington, and sent him a detailed outline of what I was writing: that the government had improperly handed over evidence to the defense. Instead of getting a response from Miller designed to ameliorate my concerns, three hours later, I got a response from Gowan.

“I hear you are writing another article about me – I assume you don’t want to fact check it?” Gowan wrote. “From what I hear, you have it totally wrong as usual.” I had not told a soul but Miller about any upcoming story involving Gowen.

I followed up with Miller to ask if prosecutors had provided information about my upcoming story to Gowen. “I’m not going to get into what we do internally,” Miller said. “I communicate with the prosecutors regularly when I get media inquiries.”

I asked Gowan how he got the information. “I have been told by my source on the Hill,” he said. If true, this would imply that prosecutors were leaking to Democrats, who were providing information about an ongoing criminal case to the attorney of a hacking suspect… (pgs199/200 Obstruction of justice)

Making Should I Stay or Should I Go the UNofficial FBI theme song when democrats are involved in crimes against the People

and the republican congressional leaders UNofficial theme song when democrats are making up their defense against such charges

and the main stream media’s official theme song all the time.

Stepping Into A Camouflaged Rabbit Hole

Yesterday a construction work site ‘incident’ caused a boil water advisory for 55,000 customers in Michigan.

Once again, curiosity got the best of me, mostly because the damage was reported to have been caused by a contractor working for ITC Holdings Corp.

Speaking of hidden rabbit holes, Krista Tanner had to at least ask herself once on her second day at the new job what she got herself into.

While I still haven’t learned the identity of the contracted company who didn’t know the location of a 30″ water line and the pumping station it’s connected to that was in the direct vicinity of the dig, I did learn more about ITC Holdings Corp and their Projects and Initiatives. Laudable forward thinking and planning I thought until the rabbit hole swallowed me up this morning.

This morning George Webb spent an information packed ten minutes related to Russia, Whelan, AK-47 manufacturing, Islamic Center of NA and prepositioning military assets. Don’t go away mad, just go to Webb’s youtube. Then argue it’s credibility.

For more background go to

Consider also the idiocy and mindless drama democrats are constantly serving up.

Could it possibly be a purposeful tactic of distraction as they quietly but aggressively pursue gun control?

After all the decades of the NRA fighting back the arguments about hunting and the National Guard is the militia… what if the original literal meaning of the Second Amendment, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed”, maintaining the security of a free State turns out to be the reason we need our weapons in the 21st Century and they try collecting them six months before the SHTF?

Can we risk ignoring George Webb’s presentation or worse, watching it and then just blowing it off?

Them Darn Democrats… You’d Think They Woulda Learned from Hillery’s Uh-Oh I Erased It By Mistake, Honest! Pinochionette Moment

Yep, it happened again and I’m not sure the Inquirer photo of Kenney in a cemetery has an intended deeper meaning but if he’s a Freemasonic he might wanna avoid Scotland in his next, ahem, trade mission.

He may also want to review the Democrat How to Book on avoiding responsibility as taught by the Clintons. You know, just in case Mayor Old School’s personal Happy Days trip ends abruptly.

Further Evidence Ruling Democrats Consider Free People the Enemy

It is old news though not measured by a statute of limitations. The punishment for such actions committed by ruling government officials resulting in murder usually involve a length of thick rope and a trap door.


When Campbell asked the FBI why all of the illegal schemes he uncovered weren’t being prosecuted, he was explicitly told it was political:

“I remember one response I got from an agent when I asked how it was possible CFIUS would approve the Uranium One sale when the FBI could prove Rosatom was engaged in criminal conduct. His answer: ‘Ask your politics,’ ” Campbell said.

In other words – Obama’s “scandal free” administration approved the Uranium One deal and spearheaded the Iran Nuclear Deal after the FBI, headed at the time by Robert Mueller knew, according to Campbell, that:
•Russian nuclear executives routed millions in bribe money to a Clinton charity as part of a “uranium dominance strategy.”
•The Clinton Foundation received $145 million in donations from parties connected to Uranium One – in particular, mining executive and close Clinton pal Frank Giustra.
•Moscow had compromised an American uranium trucking firm, Transport Logistics International (TLI) in violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – which bribed a Russian nuclear official in exchange for a contract transport Russian-mined U.S. uranium, including “yellowcake” uranium secured in the Uranium One deal.
•A Russian nuclear executive connected to the Uranium One deal engaged in a money laundering and bribery scheme with a United States trucking company, DAHER-TLI.

Campbell said he became concerned the Obama administration was granting concessions to the Russian nuclear industry in 2010 and 2011 — paving the way for Moscow to buy large U.S. uranium assets and to secure billions in nuclear fuel contracts — even as he reported evidence of Moscow’s help to Iran…

Democrats Weapon of Our Destruction is Double Barreled: Stupidity and Treason

with some bewitched reasoning thrown in the mix.

New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham ordered the withdrawal of the majority of the state’s National Guard troops from the U.S. border with Mexico on Tuesday casting aside the widely accepted reality of the need for greater security.


…“Because across the border in Mexico we have a complete, organized, criminal business of trafficking humans and drugs into the United States,” said Sheriff Andy Louderback of Jackson County, Texas. The cartels “absolutely” control the southwest border, he said.

“Every day, every minute, some penetration of the Texas border, California border, New Mexico border, Arizona border—every minute, someone is preparing to send a load in, or traffick humans in, or some type of criminal activity is going on. Every minute of every day. That’s their job, that’s what they’re committed to do, that’s how they get paid. And that’s what we’re up against.”

…“Anything that we can do that makes the cartel change the way that they operate a little bit, gives us a chance to exploit that change,” he said. “And so additional security on the border makes them change the way that they are going to traffick the drugs in.”

But combatting smuggling and trafficking across the border is an uphill battle, said Louderback.

“It’s a daily, 24-hour business. And this is what they do,” he said.

“And I’m not sure that a large portion of the United States, the population here, understand exactly the task that we have to try and stop these folks. They’re well-funded, [they] have more money than the U.S. government is willing to put into this—because we don’t have enough money, there’s never going to be enough money, to do that.”

Lining up more democrat ducks.


WASHINGTON — Congress’ two top Democrats say they’ll use ‘‘every remedy available’’ to oppose President Trump’s declaration of an emergency to shift billions of federal dollars into building a wall along the U.S.-Mexico border.

From Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.)

…“The bottom line is that the president is declaring a national emergency because Congress, which has the power of the purse, knows the reality at our Southern border and refused to fund a border wall. There is no emergency—the president is trying to create one with falsehoods and inflammatory rhetoric.”

They draw their accusations from thin air against the President most Americans recognized as the one person able to rescue US from the Democrat party’s actions but we’re not supposed to remember the reality of the Swamp King are we?

Or the Swamp Queen’s felonies? Or the crime family she co-founded?

And let US not forget the Congress of Quislings the Swamp Dwellers of the lowest order.

Those culpable fellow travelers must be stopped. Players all, taking their leave from Dante’s Traveling Circus to participate in a concerted effort to destroy our Country whose promise of Life, Liberty and Pursuit of happiness was set on a foundation mixed from a slurry of blood and bone willingly sacrificed for our future and our progeny’s well-being who the criminal politicians are all too happy to abort and stupid enough to proudly defend those actions.

Those pirates have no right to question a national emergency declaration. They don’t have the moral intelligence to understand that concept.

I offer this criminal collusion and conspiracy against the People as evidence.


Welcome guest commentator, Susan Remer.

With each passing election, the consequences become more dire for us living in the real world.  During the 8-year Granholm Reign, young working age people left our state in droves, resulting in Michigan being the only state to lose population in the 2010 Census. During the past 8 years, some improvements were made with eliminating the huge budget deficit left by the Democrats.

Considering we had a Republican governor and Republican Legislature, though, I did expect more but was disappointed. I felt like the old lady in the Wendy’s commercial: Where’s the Beef???

Now we are faced with regime change back to the Democrats.

Ms. Wittmer pointed out that the problems facing Michigan have been ignored for the past 30 years by both parties. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me again? Well, what is left for We the People to do when our so-called Representative government no longer represents us?

Are we supposed to bank on the overused Democrat communication tool of inference and assume once again we should ‘Keep Hope Alive’ that the roads and bridges will finally get fixed?

In reality, what we have to look forward to is our taxes getting raised again to pay for what we already paid for and another across the board notice of cost increase in the already most expensive auto insurance in the country – because of the damage caused by existing hazards and risks on the roads!

The water quality is substandard to downright dangerous all over the state (catch fish, just don’t eat them). Don’t drink the water. Boil your water. Buy bottled water – Nestles is here to help!
The schools still suffer under Common Core “curriculum” or whatever name it now goes by – an abject failure by any name. Nothing new about that, and while our Education Elites and Experts smile smugly at the cameras, precipitous decline in measurable lack of scholastic achievement is documented over the past 50 years of their graduated product.  

Where is the accountability for this heinous crime against our children’s future? This isn’t a poverty issue or crappy home environment – school teachers have always contended with that. Whatever used to work well to teach reading and math skills has been abandoned and demonized by the Experts, selling us a new bill of bads.

The assault on children goes even further with rogue judges shooting down the State’s Constitutional right to define marriage. We had a referendum to define marriage that was passed by the citizens, a method which Ms. Wittmer touted in her SOS, but only if it goes her way. She and Ms. Nessel don’t like marriage limited to one man and one woman, so the will of the people is out the window? Who cares what is best for children and for women, too? Will anything be done by the Republicans to thwart this injustice on the will of the people?

Ms. Wittmer wants to join in with other Democrat-led states to comply with the UN/Paris Climate Accord to address the bogus charge of human-caused Global Warming.

This will ruin Michigan’s economy if she succeeds.

Michigan has plenty of natural gas, oil and coal as fuel resources that provide way more bang for the buck than subsidizing wind turbines and solar panels made in China. Being bound to the unsupportable Paris Climate Accord, Obama’s unproven environmental legacy and European posturing does not bode well for Americans. Targeting oil, coal, natural gas, and fertilizers, raising livestock, and landfills? What drives democrat leadership to strive towards our economic destruction and ultimate demise?

Pat Colbeck had a compelling detailed blueprint for improving life in Michigan when he ran for Governor. Hopefully our Republican legislature will adopt such a clearly stated plan with understandable goals and quantifiable objectives that rewards success and penalizes failure and corrupt practices.

Is such a plan under development?

Will there be any public response by Republican Legislative leaders to Ms. Wittmer’s agenda?

Democrats demand unity from their minions on their agenda. The only “agenda” I have seen from the Republicans, locally, statewide and nationally is to ignore MAGA, which many citizens support from both parties. This isn’t about President Trump personally, but what he represents… first and foremost, representing the increasingly dis-enfranchised American citizens who believe in rule of law and protecting America’s interests. That is what I voted for, and that is what I want.

In the end, if nothing is done about the egregious Voter and Election fraud in this state and throughout the country, what’s the point of me voting anymore?

We already know why the Democrats triple down on enabling this criminal fraud of ineligible/illegal/dead voting pool. What to conclude when our Republican representatives do nothing to fix the problem?  It is obvious the Open Borders Republicans are selling us out, too. That makes the Chamber of Commerce and big donors happy, but it makes me very angry to live in a de facto banana republic. Ms. Wittmer brags about her testosterone. Let’s hope she and her fellow Matriarchs will meet their match in the Legislative Branch.

Something Wrong Wit Dem

The United Nations 1951 Convention and 1967 Protocol definition of a refugee is a person who is unable or unwilling to return to his or her home country, and cannot obtain protection in that country, due to past persecution or a well-founded fear of being persecuted in the future “on account of race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion.” Congress incorporated this definition into U.S. immigration law in the Refugee Act of 1980.

The present day Democrat leadership is fast approaching being recognized as a third world type imposition on liberty. Their lies of omission and habit of ignoring the crimes of the Obama administration and the Clinton crime family while accusing President Trump, the American People’s leader of choice, of imagined grievous offences, goes far beyond any powers they may think they enjoy. In fact, they appear to have gone so far around the bend of political sense and decency it’s becoming difficult for many working class American, Republican or Democrat, to identify with them.

If I was them I’d ponder that awhile. Unlike their third world imports, American’s aren’t in the habit of running away from problems.