Florida boy grows up to be Florida man.
All posts by jr.ohmage@proton.me
No Wonder Jack Anderson Called It the Washington Merry-Go-Round
What goes around, comes around.
During George Webb’s nine minute summary of the University of Virginia’s role in the proliferation of nuclear science applications Webb pointed out that a high level go between was needed to, in effect, establish the perceived need for a balance of power.
Perhaps no one fit that role better than Armand Hammer.
And guess what.
Hammer’s favorite politician was a democrat
You Sure Turning Your Mind Over to Socialist Leaders Is What You want?
If socialism/communism starts well at the onset of it’s transformation from a free society, it is only because capitalist produced leftovers will still function for awhile, not because those true believers who knew how to manipulate the proletariat know anything about productive work; and certainly not because the true believers respect the proletariat ability to keep society functioning.
It’s because they haven’t started shooting those who disagree with them.
09 Mar 2019, 23:37 GMT+10
Venezuela’s nationwide blackout left large areas of the country in chaos on Friday, crippling day-to-day functioning of hospitals and other public services.
Witnesses described scenes of chaos at several hospitals as relatives tried to move patients in the dark to clinics with better emergency power facilities.
Marielsi Aray, a patient at the University Hospital suffering from an aggravated infection, died at dawn on Friday after her respirator stopped working, her uncle Jose Lugo said.
“The doctors tried to help her by pumping manually, they did everything they could, but with no electricity, what were they to do?” a distraught Lugo told AFP.
Wiping away tears, he described how his niece had been brought to the bottom of the 11-story Caracas hospital on a stretcher after the elevators stopped working.
“They got her to the ground floor where they had electricity, and connected her up but because of the transfer and the waiting and everything, she faded away,” he said.
The power cut compounded an atmosphere of chaos that has gripped the South American nation, already battered by economic collapse, since opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself interim president in January and asserted that President Nicolas Maduro was no longer legitimate.
Lugo said another patient had died in the parking lot in the chaos of the blackout, as people “tried to get sick people out of here and move them to other places where they had generators and equipment that would work.”
“The screaming was brutal,” he said.
Emergency generators fail
Backup generators at the JM de Rios children’s hospital in downtown Caracas failed to kick in when the blackout hit, said Gilbert Altuvez, whose eight-year-old boy is among the patients.
“The night was terrible. Without light. Total madness,” he said.
When more generators were brought to supply emergency power, they weren’t enough. “None managed to supply it completely,” said Altuvez, 38.
Emilse Arellano said urgent dialysis for her youngest child had to be cancelled on Friday, after a night during which staff worked by the light of cellphones.
“The children were very scared,” she told AFP.
The putrid odour of rotting flesh hung around the entrance to Caracas’ main Bello Monte morgue on Friday where the refrigeration system had stopped working.
Worried relatives gathered outside, waiting for bodies to be handed over so they could bury their dead.
“We can’t take in any more corpses,” an employee said on condition of anonymity.
Luis Moises Guerra had come to collect the body of his son, Johan, a gunshot victim killed three days ago.
“This is the second day I’ve spent here and now there is no light,” said Guerra. “If they don’t give me the body of my son today I’ll leave it here and I won’t come back anymore.”
Guaido told supporters in Caracas it wasn’t normal “that 50 percent of the hospitals in the country don’t have electric plant” to be able to cope with such an emergency.
The National Assembly leader is recognised as interim president by more than 50 countries who agree that Maduro’s re-election was illegitimate.
Technocrats Take A Big Bite of the Democrat Ass
[The late] EIR founder, Lyndon LaRouche, [was]is the leader of the global forces seeking to replace geopolitics and imperial warfare with a New Paradigm of relations among nations based upon cooperative development of science, technology and infrastructure, reaching from Earth into the galaxy.
That’s from Lyndon LaRouche
This is where the ass is served up:
My instinctual expectation is still that technocracy will be used to massively reduce the numbers of humanity and enslave the survivors.
But it does look like all they left for the rabid socialist Party youth to munch on is charred bones.
Border At ‘Breaking Point,’ New York Times Reports
Two and a half weeks after President Donald J. Trump declared a National Emergency to address the crisis on our border, mainstream media outlets have dug into the numbers—and the personal stories—surrounding America’s broken immigration system.
What they’ve found comes as a shock to many Americans who never knew the trauma felt by those living in the shadows—including both U.S. citizens and migrants alike:
“More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, more than double the levels from the same period last year and approaching the largest numbers seen in any February in the last 12 years,” The New York Times reported today.
On Sunday, The New York Times published firsthand accounts of “the hidden nightmare of sexual violence on the border,” citing President Trump’s quote that “one in three women are sexually assaulted on the dangerous trek up through Mexico.”
On February 15, after President Trump’s border announcement, CNN’s Jim Acosta spoke with an “angel mom” immigrant whose only son was murdered by a previously deported criminal alien. “President Trump is completely correct on this issue—we need to protect this country,” she told CNN.
This morning, the Department of Homeland Security released staggering numbers that put these stories in context. American law enforcement officers are apprehending more than 2,000 aliens every day at our Southern border. All told, U.S. Border Patrol has apprehended over 268,000 individuals since the beginning of this fiscal year in October—a 97 percent increase from the previous year.
Democrat leaders are holding firm. “There is no crisis at the border,” the Democrat House Majority Leader insisted a little more than a week ago.
To their credit, however, more journalists are starting to simply tell the stories of what’s happening on our border—and letting Americans decide for themselves what they think about it.
These reports are welcome. The ongoing humanitarian and security disaster at our border shouldn’t be a partisan issue, and the heart-wrenching stories it causes shouldn’t be told only by conservative media. A modern, safe, and secure immigration system would be a bipartisan triumph that renews Americans’ faith in Washington.
The only thing standing in our way is the political will.
Our country is facing a growing emergency at the border.
Corroborating evidence
Oh, look… the easily manipulated strike again. Is Bensalem still loving the cartel? https://www.philly.com/news/pennsylvania/bensalem-heroin-bust-jose-nieves-velez-emanuel-rodrigues-santiagom-hamlet-bentacourt-pimentel-20190305.html Must be good for the local economy somehow.
Hey, Bensalem, why not call the local chamber of commerce and ask for assurance the pain won’t get too personal.
A three month old story. https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/2018-customs-border-protection-biggest-busts-border-smuggling-drugs-502385332.html. I call that current.
Justice Democrats… From Whence They Have Arisen
..The organization formed as a result of the 2016 United States presidential election and has a stated goal of reforming the Democratic Party by running “a unified campaign to replace every corporate-backed member of Congress” and rebuild the Democratic Party from “scratch” starting in the 2018 congressional midterm elections.[5][6]…
That was from a Wikipedia look into the latest communist effort to put lipstick on the globalist pig that drags them through the sty they earnestly believe is theirs to control; at least until the speck they see themselves as disintegrates into particles of the void they believe awaits.
Sanders Hires Arturo Carmona of Presente.org for Latino Outreach
Updated Oct. 2, 2015, 5:15 PM EDT
By Suzanne Gamboa
Democrat Bernie Sanders, who still faces a long road for recognition and support in the Latino community, has hired a Latino Outreach director for the campaign.
Sanders, a Vermont senator, hired Arturo Carmona, executive director of Presente.org, a Latino advocacy group based in Los Angeles. Carmona also will serve as Southwest political director. The group, which is largely an online group, is considered more left than other more established Latino organizations…
As an activist on civil rights, Carmona, 37, said he never saw himself joining a political campaign, but “when I saw the political campaign and Sen. Sanders calling for a political revolution and people from all walks of life joining this movement, I said ‘Hey, this is something I’ve seen that can make a difference.’ I decided to join because I see a great need,” he said…
From https://www.nytimes.com/2019/02/23/us/politics/justice-democrats-ocasio-cortez.html
… “It takes movements like ours to push parties to prioritize what the base wants and what the values of the party are,” Mr. Shahid said. “That is the role of our movement, to give a policy vision for this country to a party that often lacks a clear policy vision.” …
…Mr. Shahid, Mr. McElwee and their allies argue that they do not need long-game patience. Ms. Ocasio-Cortez, Representative Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ms. Omar, all Justice Democrats candidates, have already pushed strong climate change measures, higher taxes on the wealthy and support for a Palestinian state into the mainstream debate surrounding Democratic ideals…
…“We can’t have a 15-year power-building strategy,” Mr. McElwee said. “We have to have power now. We have to have it next election.”...
From https://cis.org/Report/Immigration-Policy-and-Politics-Bernie-Sanders
…“Let me be very honest with you. I come from a state, the state of Vermont, [and] it’s a small state. There aren’t a lot of Latino people,” Sanders told reporters after speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute’s annual Public Policy Conference. “What we are trying very, very hard to do — you are going to see us moving very aggressively in that area — is introduce myself to the Latino community. I will fight for every vote I can get in the Latino community.”14…
From their own video Before Alexandria Was Known As AOC, There Was A Movement That Recruited Her To Run
President Trump, what do you have to say about that?
“America will never be a socialist country.”
It looked as if even Nancy Pelosi approved the President there for a minute. Could it be the democrat organization is beginning to recognize it is in dire need of parental guidance?
The Devil’s In the Details
Rick Moran asks in https://www.americanthinker.com/blog/2019/02/state_power_now_being_used_to_force_parents_to_transgender_their_kids__or_else.html
…How have we descended so far down into the rabbit hole so quickly when there is no scientific evidence to buttress the arguments of transgender activists and their allies in the judicial system? How can parents be allowed to determine the gender of their child? How can they be punished for refusing to accept this nonsense?…
The problem with the answer he provides in his following paragraph is it is false and in it’s falsity it is too easy to accept. Does he really think LGBTQ activists have that kind of power? Or does he think we think they have that kind of power?
There is power involved but like every dark turn our Country takes the power behind the vile attack on the American family is the Democrat leadership.
The Clintons specifically in this case and it was preventable.
Back in the 1990’s there were some big stories… Princess Diana’s death, OJ and Y2K but none of them bigger than the on-fire financial market or the Clinton impeachment.
The not so funny thing about the impeachment was Clinton’s ratings. From https://news.gallup.com/poll/4609/presidential-job-approval-bill-clintons-high-ratings-midst.aspx
6.Bill Clinton’s average job approval rating for 1998 was 5.7 points above that of the previous year, 1997, which in turn was higher than that of any of the four years which preceded it.
The impeachment story should have left America with at least a sense of the Clinton’s criminal propensity which should have prompted a one and done term limit for them but by golly, general consensus was greedily looking the other way.
The U.S.A. re-elected the UNindicted crime family and the cost of that was heavier than anyone ever thought possible. People still vote democrat so they haven’t yet figured it out.
Maybe a comparison of how good and evil works will help those who hate President Trump and his supporters get a better understanding of what’s at risk.
Back on September 2, 1987 President Reagan issued Executive Order 12607 he titled “The Family”.
In it he outlined requirements to be met in order to ensure that the autonomy and rights of the family are considered in the formulation and implementation of policies by Executive departments and agencies. Those rules were:
(a) Does this action by government strengthen or erode the stability of the family and, particularly, the marital commitment?
(b) Does this action strengthen or erode the authority and rights of parents in the education, nurture, and supervision of their children?
(c) Does this action help the family perform its functions, or does it substitute governmental activity for the function?
(d) Does this action by government increase or decrease family earnings? Do the proposed benefits of this action justify the impact on the family budget?
(e) Can this activity be carried out by a lower level of government or by the family itself?
(f) What message, intended or otherwise, does this program send to the public concerning the status of the family?
(g) What message does it send to young people concerning the relationship between their behavior, their personal responsibility, and the norms of our society?
The last sentence of EO 12607 read, This Order is intended to improve the internal management of the Executive branch and is not intended to create any right or benefit, substantive or procedural, enforceable at law by a party against the United States, its agencies, its officers, or any person.
Almost ten years later, Bill Clinton signed Executive Order 13045 entitled, “Protection of Children From Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks”.
In it he ordered:
Section 1. Policy.
1-101. A growing body of scientific knowledge demonstrates that children may suffer disproportionately from environmental health risks and safety risks. These risks arise because: children’s neurological immuno- logical, digestive, and other bodily systems are still developing; children eat more food, drink more fluids, and breathe more air in proportion to their body weight than adults; children’s size and weight may diminish their protection from standard safety features; and children’s behavior patterns may make them more susceptible to accidents because they are less able to protect themselves. Therefore, to the extent permitted by law and appropriate, and consistent with the agency’s mission, each Federal agency:
(a) shall make it a high priority to identify and assess environmental health risks and safety risks that may disproportionately affect children; and
(b) shall ensure that its policies, programs, activities, and standards address disproportionate risks to children that result from environmental health risks or safety risks.
1-102. Each independent regulatory agency is encouraged to participate in the implementation of this order and comply with its provisions.
Sec. 2. Definitions. The following definitions shall apply to this order.
2-201. “Federal agency” means any authority of the United States blah blah blah
2-202. “Covered regulatory action” means any substantive action in a rulemaking, initiated after the date of this order or blah blah blah
(a) be “economically significant” under Executive Order 12866 (a rulemaking that has an annual effect on the economy of $100 million or more or would adversely affect in a material way the economy, a sector of the economy, productivity, competition, jobs, the environment, blah blah blah
(b) concern an environmental health risk or safety risk that an agency has reason to believe may disproportionately affect children.
2-203. “Environmental health risks and safety risks” mean risks to health or to safety that are attributable to products or substances that the child is likely to come in contact blah blah blah
Sec. 3. Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children.
3-301. There is hereby established the Task Force on Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks to Children (“Task Force”).
3-302. The Task Force will report to the President in consultation with the Domestic Policy Council, the National Science and Technology Council, the Council on Environmental Quality, and the Office of Management and Budget (OMB).
3-303. Membership. The Task Force shall be composed of the:
(a) Secretary of Health and Human Services, who shall serve as a Co-Chair of the Council;
(b) Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency, who shall serve as a Co-Chair of the Council;
(c) Secretary of Education;
(d) Secretary of Labor;
(e) Attorney General;
(f) Secretary of Energy;
(g) Secretary of Housing and Urban Development;
(h) Secretary of Agriculture;
(i) Secretary of Transportation;
(j) Director of the Office of Management and Budget;
(k) Chair of the Council on Environmental Quality;
(l) Chair of the Consumer Product Safety Commission;
(m) Assistant to the President for Economic Policy;
(n) Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy;
(o) Assistant to the President and Director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy;
(p) Chair of the Council of Economic Advisers; and
(q) Such other officials of executive departments and agencies as the President may, from time to time, designate.
Members of the Task Force may delegate their responsibilities under this order to subordinates.
3-304. Functions. The Task Force shall recommend to the President Federal strategies for children’s environmental health and safety, within the limits of the Administration’s budget, to include the following elements:
(a) statements of principles, general policy,
(b) a coordinated research agenda for the Federal Government, including steps to implement the review of research databases blah blah blah
(c) recommendations for appropriate partnerships among Federal, State, local, and tribal governments blah blah blah
(d) proposals to enhance public outreach and communication to assist families in evaluating risks to children blah blah blah
(e) an identification of high-priority initiatives that the Federal Government has undertaken or will undertake in advancing protection of children’s blah blah blah
(f) a statement regarding the desirability of new legislation to fulfill or promote the purposes of this order.
3-305. The Task Force shall prepare a biennial report on research, data, or other information that would enhance our ability to understand, analyze, and respond to environmental health risks and safety risks to children. For purposes of this report, cabinet agencies and other agencies identified by the Task Force shall identify and specifically describe for the Task Force key data needs related to environmental health risks and safety risks to children that have arisen in the course of the agency’s programs and activities. The Task Force shall incorporate agency submissions into its report and ensure that this report is publicly available and widely disseminated. The Office of Science and Technology Policy and the National Science and Technology Council shall ensure that this report is fully considered in establishing research priorities.
3-306. The Task Force shall exist for a period of 4 years from the first meeting. At least 6 months prior to the expiration of that period, the member agencies shall assess the need for continuation of the Task Force or its functions, and make appropriate recommendations to the President.
Sec. 4. Research Coordination and Integration.
4-401. Within 6 months of the date of this order, the Task Force shall develop or direct to be developed a review of existing and planned data resources and a proposed plan for ensuring that researchers and Federal research agencies have access to information on all research conducted or funded by the Federal Government that is related to adverse health risks in children resulting from exposure to environmental health risks or safety risks. The National Science and Technology Council shall review the plan.
4-402. The plan shall promote the sharing of information on academic and private research. It shall include recommendations to encourage that such data, to the extent permitted by law, is available to the public, the scientific and academic communities, and all Federal agencies.
Sec. 5. Agency Environmental Health Risk or Safety Risk Regulations.
5-501. For each covered regulatory action submitted to OMB’s Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) for review pursuant to Executive Order 12866, the issuing agency shall provide to OIRA the following information developed blah blah blah
(a) an evaluation of the environmental health or safety effects of the planned regulation on children; and
(b) an explanation of why the planned regulation is preferable to other potentially effective and reasonably feasible alternatives considered by the agency.
5-502. In emergency situations, or when an agency is obligated by law to act more quickly than normal review procedures allow, the agency shall comply with the provisions of this section to the extent practicable. For those covered regulatory actions that are governed by a court-imposed or statutory deadline, the agency shall, to the extent practicable, schedule any rulemaking proceedings so as to permit sufficient time for completing the analysis required blah blah blah
The last line…
7-702. Executive Order 12606 of September 2, 1987 is revoked.
If you think the democrat party and their quisling republican cohorts have your best interests in mind, if you don’t understand why the global elite’s moles are taking a stand against a President who is defending the safety and well-being of the American people when they (the moles) never made an effort to stop the criminal Clinton Executive Order wars you ought to ask yourself how much deeper into Third World perdition you are willing to let them take you before you accept delivery of understanding.
Easy answers from hand wringing social media commentators are not providing a path out of the real danger we are facing. Not knowing how far down the rabbit hole we are is a terrible acknowledgement. Not knowing how we got there is a portent of disaster for a nation that is supposed to be free. For all the sacrifices Americans believe they made in defense of our Country we should be able to smell the tyranny the democrats are constantly working to replace our Republic with.
Do you think the tyranny is going to stop if they successfully overthrow the President?
If you are unable to see the difference between the words of Ronald Reagan and the out of the can totalitarian edict of the Clinton’s that replaced them you deserve what is coming. Hurry to get your place in any welcoming city in any sanctuary state you find most comfortable.
Your mind has already found a place in the Gulag of Fools.
Et Tu, Senate Libertarians and Assorted Enemies of the American Citizens?
How come you never blocked a democrat president’s state of emergency declaration?
I Thought the Clintons Invented Pay-to-Play
Here is a list of evidence that supports that allegation. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2016/oct/24/clintons-top-10-pay-play-allegations/.
And that doesn’t include the BnB Lincoln bed room specials.
https://observer.com/2016/09/wikileaks-guccifer-2-0-obama-sold-off-public-offices-to-donors/. Corruption doesn’t start or end with Hillary.
Hey, that’s public record and she still got millions of votes.
The only time pay-for-play didn’t work for a democrat was when this guy turned down Obama; he’s still in prison.
…In November, Mr. Blagojevich asserted to an adviser, the affidavit says, that he knew whom Mr. Obama wanted named as his successor — described in the affidavit as Senate Candidate 1, a reference apparently to Valerie Jarrett, a senior adviser to Mr. Obama — but cursed him in apparent frustration that “they’re not willing to give me anything except appreciation.”
Here’s a news story rich with extorted irony. https://www.thenewamerican.com/usnews/crime/item/27894-fbi-investigating-clinton-foundation-pay-for-play-scheme.
From that story ..In one flagrant example, the Crown Prince of Bahrain was forced to go through the Clinton Foundation to get access to the secretary of state. He got it after pledging $32 million to the Clinton Global Initiative….
If I was a registered democrat I wouldn’t be ragging too loudly on President Trump. The charges their party is trying to hang on the President somehow keep sticking to them.
Like flies on flypaper.
New Mexico Citizens Seek Governor’s Removal
KRQE reports 19,000 signatures
To the Honorable Legislators of the state of New Mexico,
In accordance with the Constitution of the state of New Mexico, Article II Bill of Rights, Section 16;
◦Treason against the state shall consist only in levying war against it, adhering to its enemies, or giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court.
To be sure, there’s no colloquial misuse of a legal term:
The term “treason” as defined in this context “enemies,” for example, must be countries against which Congress has formally declared war or otherwise authorized the use of force.
To be sure, there’s no colloquial misuse of a legal term:
The term “enemy”, as defined in this context means;
◦A person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something.
◦ A hostile nation or its armed forces or citizens..
◦ A thing that harms or weakens something else
The President of the United States, Donald J. Trump, has “authorized the use of force” by deploying the National Guard to the southern borders of New Mexico as to protect its citizens from illegal entry and or illegal activities of our enemies. The governor of the state of New Mexico, Michelle Lujan Grisham, has overruled this authorization of the President and ordered the removal of the National Guard. By doing so, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has deliberately and recklessly aided our enemies in illegal entry to the state, committing illegal activities and endangering the safety of its citizens.
Therefore, by this reason, let we the people of the State of New Mexico bear witness and decree that Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham be impeached from office on grounds of Treason and we affirm this decree by signing of this petition.
This liberal twit said…
When KRQE reported this Monday, it said more than 19,000 people had signed Daniel’s petition. The last I checked, on Thursday morning, that number had more than doubled to over 44,000.
Boy, that’s a lot of people for Lincoln County.
That condescending brainiac should look up the definition of bellwether so when he finally does hear it he’ll know enough to get out of the way of angry America.