normal people knew the children became an endangered species.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, vaccination is highly effective and on-time immunization in children is, “essential because it helps provide immunity before children are exposed to potentially life-threatening diseases.” The CDC says vaccines are tested to ensure that they are safe and effective.
Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance Marketing Vaccines
…The WHO and the U.S. government are founding partners of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. In 2000, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation provided $750M in seed money to spearhead the creation of Gavi, a public-private partnership and multilateral funding mechanism involving the WHO, governments, the vaccine industry, the World Bank, philanthropic foundations and civil society groups to “improve access to new and underused vaccines for children living in the world’s poorest countries.”
Gavi is headquartered in Geneva with an office in Washington, D.C. that carries out day-to-day operations and one of Gavi’s core goals is to “shape markets for vaccines and other immunization products.”
In 2008, Gavi announced that five countries – Italy, Norway, Canada, the UK and Russia – had joined the Gates Foundation to pledge $1.5B in the Advance Market Commitments (AMC) to accelerate access to pneumococcal vaccines with donors providing up front funding commitments to support vaccine purchase and speed the introduction and use of vaccines in countries partnering with Gavi. Currently, the AMC incentivizes vaccine manufacturers to sign contracts to provide pneumococcal vaccine to developing countries at lower per dose prices and be reimbursed by Gavi funds. By March 2015, Pfizer and GlaxoSmithKline had received more than $1B from Gavi’s AMC funds…
Gavi Alliance is a magnet for True Believers on a path worked out for them in their chosen institute of higher learning. Their developing insights gained from working at Gavi and shared at glassdoor reviews are testament to a diversity they, at a still tender age, are recognizing but not yet ready to acknowledge what it represents. Their reviews of the ‘upper level’ reflect the emerging totalitarian future that is breathing down their collectively stiff necks.
…The New York Times editorial headline “How to Inoculate Against Anti-Vaxxers” was a theme repeated in articles reacting to the WHO’s suggestion that people wanting to make informed, voluntary decisions about vaccination are a global menace. One doctor suggested that parents who don’t vaccinate their children are selfish: ”… it’s a matter of ‘I don’t care about other people in the community, I only care about the health and welfare of my own child.’” …
…There was no discussion about institutionally acknowledged gaps in vaccine safety science or the fact that most parents dutifully follow the advice of pediatricians and public health officials and only became vaccine safety critics after the risks of vaccination for their children turned out to be 100 percent.No discussion about the fact that since 2011, pharmaceutical companies have no liability for injuries and deaths caused by government recommended and mandated vaccines they sell in the U.S. Instead, parents of vaccine injured children and others concerned about vaccine safety, who for decades have been asking government and industry to produce better quality vaccine science and more humane vaccine policies that respect genetic and biological diversity, were stereotyped as “anti-vaxxers” and demonized as a “threat” to public health.
The Editorial Board of The New York Times explained, “It’s no mystery how we got here. On the internet, anti-vaccine propaganda has outpaced pro-vaccine public health information.” Authoritatively, “the Board, its editor and the publisher” of The New York Times stated that, “Scientists, especially, are uncomfortable with black and white statements, because science is all about nuance. But, in the case of vaccines, there are some hard truths that deserve to be trumpeted. Vaccines are not toxic, and they do not cause autism. Full stop.”
There was no discussion about why people are legitimately concerned about vaccine ingredients and Pharma paying the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to fast track new vaccines to licensure without adequate testing. No discussion about the fact that doctors are giving children 69 doses of 16 vaccines starting on the day of birth – three times as many vaccinations as they got in 1983 – and cannot explain why so many highly vaccinated children in the U.S. are sicker, not healthier today: 1 child in 6 learning disabled and 1 in 40 with autism and millions more suffering with asthma, diabetes, severe allergies, epilepsy, cancer, schizophrenia, depression and other chronic disease marked by chronic inflammation in the body. The CDC states that, “90 percent of the $3.3 trillion in annual health care expenditures are for people with chronic and mental health conditions.” The largely unexplained chronic disease and disability epidemic in the U.S. is bankrupting the U.S. health care system and there is no research being funded to investigate the role that ever increasing numbers of vaccines given to infants, children and adults may be playing…
Along with “anti-vaccine propaganda” there is also plenty of censorship on the internet, too. Which is why you might not have heard about the triplets born into the The McDowell Family in Detroit, Michigan who one by one developed autism the same day they received pneumococcal vaccinations at nine months old.
From CDC pneumococcal opinion
What Are the Possible Side Effects?
Most people who get a pneumococcal vaccine do not have any serious problems with it. With any medicine, including vaccines, there is a chance of side effects. These are usually mild and go away on their own within a few days, but serious reactions are possible.
Mild Problems
Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
Mild problems following pneumococcal conjugate vaccination can include:
•Reactions where the shot was given ◦Redness
◦Pain or tenderness
•Loss of appetite
•Fussiness (irritability)
•Feeling tired
Young children who get pneumococcal conjugate vaccine at the same time as inactivated flu vaccine may be at increased risk for seizures caused by fever. Ask your doctor for more information.
Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine
Mild problems following pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccination can include:
•Reactions where the shot was given
•Muscle aches
If these problems occur, they usually go away within about two days.
Problems that Could Happen After Getting Any Injected Vaccine
•People sometimes faint after a medical procedure, including vaccination. Sitting or lying down for about 15 minutes can help prevent fainting and injuries caused by a fall. Tell your healthcare professional if you or your child: ◦Feels dizzy
◦Has vision changes
◦Has ringing in the ears
•Some people get severe pain in the shoulder and have difficulty moving the arm where the doctor gave the shot. This happens very rarely.
•Any medicine can cause a severe allergic reaction. Such reactions from a vaccine are very rare, estimated at about 1 in a million doses. These types of reactions would happen within a few minutes to a few hours after the vaccination.
•As with any medicine, there is a very remote chance of a vaccine causing a serious injury or death.
For more information on possible side effects, visit CDC’s Possible Side-effects from Vaccines webpage.
About that measles vaccine…
…A team of esteemed researchers from the Bureau of Immunization, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Disease, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) looked at evidence from a 2011 measles outbreak in New York which, as usual, was blamed on the unvaccinated. What they found was that the cause of this particular outbreak was actually a vaccinated person…
…Compared with placebo or do nothing, live attenuated vaccines probably reduced the proportion of children who had confirmed influenza from 18% to 4% (moderate‐certainty evidence), and may reduce ILI from 17% to 12% (low‐certainty evidence). Seven children would need to be vaccinated for one child to avoid influenza, and 20 children would need to prevent one child from experiencing an ILI. We found data from one study that showed similar risk of ear infection in the two groups. There was insufficient information available to assess school absence and parents needing to take time off work. We found no data on hospitalisation, and harms were not consistently reported…
All that conflicting information could make a person wonder why so much effort is put into making people participate in a vaccination program with questionable results.
In the end, when you think about it, it all comes down to being Fascist’s slaves.
Don’t you think?