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Sorting the Colluders

Tying up Democrat loose ends.

Records show that Vice President Biden himself pressured Ukrainian officials

Pressured not groped. Watsamatta witchu?

The real mystery is how come this story is taking so long to develop?

The Deep State is still talking about Russia/Trump collusion and they own our intelligence services. Or Britain does. Or Britain owns the CFR. Or the Clintons. Or the Deep State. But definitely not Biden.

The Brits do like kink, though. Maybe not Biden. One never really knows about people who live in palaces, does one?

I mean, even Obama took action when he heard about the Ukranian sabotage when he was president

meddling has sparked outrage from the American body politic. The U.S. intelligence community undertook the rare move of publicizing its findings on the matter, and President Barack Obama took several steps to officially retaliate, while members of Congress continue pushing for more investigations into the hacking

Sorry. I misread. Obama was retaliating against Russia.

But even knew about the Clinton/Ukraine collusion back in July 2017.


Lock him up! Lock him up! Loc hmmm uhhhhh. I forgot. That chant is supposed to be forgotten now.

I Don’t Play Games

Too bad. Other multi-national players do.


President Donald Trump told reporters Thursday he was backing off from his threat to close the southern border, and he will give Mexico one year to seal the border and stop the flow of illegal drugs.

If that doesn’t happen, Trump said, he will slap Mexico with tariffs on cars exported to the U.S. And if that doesn’t work, he’ll shut down the border.

“That will be a very powerful incentive,” he said.

Trump insisted he wasn’t bluffing.

“I will do it,” he said. “I don’t play games.”

Q up the Spring psy-op that re-introduces the North American Union concept as the best solution to the problem they, the globalists, created 3…2…1

Speaking of psy-op. A close friend of mine received a message from a friend of hers in New Zealand the other day. The email ended with this:

ps…. check out the NZ reports on our own news channels on the incident and they will give you the correct info…. and show you the faces of all who died – should you wish to see.  (I can’t hold those images in my head)  it really is one mad person who did it.  I think banning these kinds of guns is a good response and feel its a shame that your country doesn’t do similar.

I wonder if her mind is capable of holding images of the impact Islam has on a Western civilization once the Muslim population niche outgrows niche status?

All I can say is have a go of it, luv, but be careful. It’s not your news channel so you may find the reality overwhelming at first.

The Bank

Click intro theme.

Phrases such as ‘fake news’ and ‘false flag’, I think, will soon have democrats rolling their eyes and indifferently sniffing,’how gauche’ to events whose deniability is based only on its lack of press coverage.

It doesn’t take much of an imagination for anyone except a democrat to open this encyclopedia of false flags; the first one being a thorough explanation of the Reichstag fire.

It seems a proper segue into the 2011 story built on a dimension of silence

A month later some congressional heat was applied to Obama’s DOJ forcing Attorney General Eric Holder to release the details of the settled agreement with the Islamic Investment Company of the Gulf (IICG) after Congressman Frank R Wolf’s request for an explanation about the delay arrived.

Which leads to the recent Valentine Day announcement on CNBC.

The basis of that story might be British-Saudi Bank Cartel Alleged To Finance Terrorism. Whoops.

On the fore mentioned “genocidal population wars”… huffpost here and here is a more recent account

Remember, when you think Iran, think Russia

Profit is important.

Meanwhile, late word from Yemen… battle rages on.

The picture screams weird British April Fools joke but the story is dated April second. BRITISH TAXPAYERS DUPED FOR BILLIONS OF POUNDS BY MUSLIMS WHO INFILTRATED IN GOVERNMENT AGENCIES. So it just might be the good ol’ boys from the palace gang behind the rip off.

What banker based story would be complete without repeating the sos about their power? You might find a few forgotten nuggets down this page and what monster story is complete without Prescott’s contributions to tranquility.

Finally, from the newspaper that epitomizes darkness and is proud enough of it to incorporate the concept in it’s banner, I end with undoubtedly the second most beautiful story ever told and I read it in the Washington Post

Truth Doesn’t Come From A False Crucible

The Mueller investigation has concluded, recognized as a failed political attack based on bureaucrat/dnc lies. Meanwhile, as the victor basks in glory, his support gloats and the democrat base starts to deal with their confusion, those accepted as criminals by those whose thoughts are framed by history continue to walk among US.

Behind all that drama the wheels of justice are getting the chains put on as winter approaches our Republic.

If you don’t believe the following links are not related, some passages from guilt-edged NWO actor John Perkins may help you connect some dots.

A brief Saudi history outline

From The New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Chapter Fifteen: “The Saudi Arabian Money-Laundering Affair”

In 1974… Saudi society reflected the puritanical idealism of its founders and a strict interpretation of Koranic beliefs was enforced. Religious police enforced adherence to the mandate to pray five times a day. Women were required to cover themselves from head to toe. Punishment for criminals was severe; public executions and stonings were common. During my first visit to Riyadh, I was amazed when my driver told me I could leave my camera, my briefcase, and even my wallet in plain sight inside our car, parked near the open market, without locking it.

“No one,” he said, “would think of stealing here. Thieves have their hands cut off.”

…On October 6, 1973 (Yom Kippur, the holiest of jewish holidays), Egypt and Syria launched simultaneous attacks on Isreal. It was the beginning of the October War- the fourth and most destructive of the Arab-Isreali wars, and the one that would have the greatest impact on the world. Egypt’s President Sadat pressured Saudi Arabia’s King Faisal to retaliate against the United States’ complicity with Isreal by employing what Sadat referred to as “the oil weapon.” On October 16, Iran and the five Arab Gulf states, including Saudi Arabia, announce a seventy percent increase in the posted price of oil…

…On October 19, President Nixon asked Congress for $2.2 billionin aid to Isreal. The next day, Saudi Arabia and other Arab producers imposed a total embargo on oil shipments to the United States.

The oil embargo ended on march 18, 1974. Its duration was short, its impact immense. The selling price of Saudi oil leaped from $1.39 a barrel on January 1, 1970, to $8.32 on January 1, 1974. Politicians and future administrations would never forget the lessons learned during the early to mid-1970’s. In the long run, the trauma of those few months served to strengthen the corporatocracy; its three sectors- big corporations, international banks, and government- bonded as never before. That bond would endure.

One does not need to refine the definition of fascism too much to recognize the branded handiwork of the financiers of WWII is still determining the direction we head as they strengthen the bonding of banks, business and government and diminish the Constitutionally defined Rights of US citizens as they stage ‘trauma’ events and controlled information releases designed to destroy America, mind and spirit.

The economic manipulation of America by the few can be recognized in this history of oil as told in their own words.


ALERT: Video Platform Under Extreme Threat


If violent action sequences are “promoting violence,” then why isn’t every Hollywood action movie banned? Why aren’t the million other violent YouTube videos banned? Why is it perfectly acceptable to show video footage of Adolf Hitler’s Third Reich torturing and killing Jews in concentration camps? Have we really reached the point where videos that show Jews being mass murdered are perfectly okay, but videos that show followers of Islam being murdered are criminalized? I thought all genocide was evil, and burying it through censorship is not going to make the hatred go away. If we are to recognize the source of these conflicts and acts of violence, we must be willing to see what actually took place. But today, even viewing certain particular videos is now essentially considered a multi-national crime

BTW, That was progressive Obama who turned over control to the globalists. Who woulds thunk, huh?


…ICANN, a Los Angeles-based nonprofit, has been pushing to transform itself into a global organization without U.S. oversight. European Union officials have strongly backed the globalization campaign, which has picked up steam in the wake of Edward Snowden’s leaks about the NSA’s sprawling surveillance programs.

The European Commission, the EU’s executive arm, last month [2/14] proposed establishing “a clear timeline” for globalizing ICANN and the duties it performs under the U.S. contract.

“We thank the U.S. government for its stewardship, for its guidance over the years, and we thank them today for trusting the global community to replace their stewardship with the appropriate accountability mechanisms,” said ICANN President Fadi Chehade, who joined Strickling on the call…

…Senate Commerce Committee Chairman Jay Rockefeller applauded the government’s decision to relinquish oversight of the Internet’s critical functions, calling it “the next phase” in a transition to “an independent entity that reflects the broad diversity of the global Internet community.”

He said the decision resembles “other efforts the U.S. and our allies are making to promote a free and open Internet, and to preserve and advance the current multi-stakeholder model of global Internet governance.”

ICANN censorship policy

This is getting interesting.

Ain’t They Gonna Feel Foolish When All the Injuns Are Circling Santa Fe

Tripp Stelnicki, a spokesman for the governor, said in an email Wednesday that Everytown is “a good organization and what they fight for is not controversial.”


Everytown for Gun Safety, a national gun control advocacy group affiliated with former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg, contributed nearly $400,000 to New Mexico Democrats and Democrat-friendly political action committees in last year’s election.

As the 2019 legislative session nears its end — marked by gun control legislation that has incensed some New Mexicans, especially in rural areas — these big campaign bucks may play into gun control opponents’ narrative about an out-of-state billionaire riding roughshod over gun owners by throwing money around.

On the other side of this divisive issue, the National Rifle Association spent only a fraction of Everytown’s amount. According to the Institute on Money in Politics, the NRA gave slightly more than $21,000 to New Mexico candidates last year.

Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham a week ago signed Senate Bill 8, which requires background checks for most firearms purchasers. Supporters, who made the legislation a priority, said the new law will help keep guns out of the hands of people barred from owning firearms.

But opponents argue that the law will do little to prevent crime and will infringe on gun owners’ Second Amendment rights.

Asked for comment about the $11,000 in contributions to Lujan Grisham, Tripp Stelnicki, a spokesman for the governor, said in an email Wednesday that Everytown is “a good organization and what they fight for is not controversial.”

Republicans have announced they will circulate petitions seeking to put a proposal for repealing the law to a statewide vote. Rep. Jim Townsend of Artesia, the minority floor leader, announced Monday that he had submitted a proposed petition to the Secretary of State’s Office that would, if enough people signed, put a question on the next general election ballot asking to repeal the law. The Secretary of State must approve the petitions before they are circulated to the public.

According to state campaign finance data, Everytown, through its political action committee, spent $396,000 on New Mexico candidates, party organizations and other political committees.

Stacey Radnor, public affairs director for Everytown, said in an email: “We are proud to support candidates who stand for a gun safety agenda that will make all New Mexicans and all Americans safer. Leading up to the midterm elections, Moms Demand Action volunteers and gun violence survivors in New Mexico had more than 2,200 conversations at doors and 17,000 phone conversations with New Mexico voters to support gun sense candidates. Then, after these gun sense candidates were sworn in, our volunteers showed up tirelessly at the roundhouse to urge them to pass stronger gun laws.”

The biggest share of those contributions, $250,000, went to Stronger New Mexico, a PAC associated with the Democratic Governors Association, which raised and spent more than $1 million in last year’s election.

Though Everytown’s contribution to Stronger New Mexico is one of the largest made by a lobbyist in New Mexico last year, it’s still dwarfed by the $2 million that a lobbyist for the Chevron corporation made in September to a similarly named Republican PAC, New Mexico Strong. In addition to that contribution, Chevron gave New Mexico Strong another $574,000.

After Lujan Grisham, the New Mexico candidate who received the most Everytown money was House Speaker Brian Egolf, D-Santa Fe, who received two contributions totalling $8,000 from the group. The larger check, for $5,500, went to the Brian Egolf Speaker Fund.

Other local-area lawmakers who received contributions include Reps. Andrea Romero and Matthew McQueen, both Santa Fe Democrats, and Rep. Christine Chandler, D-Los Alamos. Each received contributions of $2,500 from Everytown, as did more than 20 other Democratic House candidates.

Of the 26 candidates who received donations from Everytown, only two lost the election.

That’s far more success than candidates who received money from the NRA saw. Only 11 of the 28 candidates it supported were elected.

Besides Stronger New Mexico and Egolf’s leadership PAC, other political committees to receive Everytown contributions include the House Democratic Campaign Committee, New Mexico Women Rising, Moe PAC (which is run by Rep. Antonio “Moe” Maestas, D-Albuquerque), the New Mexico Senate Majority Leader PAC and New Mexico Senate Democrats. Each received $5,500 from Everytown.

This was the second consecutive election in which Everytown was a major player in New Mexico.

In 2016, another lobbyist for the group reported making more than $219,000 in campaign contributions to New Mexico candidates and PACs. A background checks bill failed to even make it out of the House that year.

Deeper Discovery Into Origins Of The Green New Deal

I wonder if the democrat twits know they’re merely part of the latest troop of palace hand puppets?


…The Green New Deal is the total encapsulation of Sustainable Development, aka Technocracy, in a political form. All of its rhetoric is about economics but the plea is for political action to allow it to happen. As with the Trilateral Commission in 1973, which claimed it was never about politics but rather economics, they hijacked the U.S. Executive Branch in order to execute their economic policies. It was never about political power per se, but rather about economic accumulation.

The global elite are lurking behind the Green New Deal crowd, which has become their ‘useful idiots’ to promote their schemes of Agenda 21, 2030 Agenda, New Urban Agenda, etc. Real environmentalists who attended the 1992 Agenda 21 conference in Rio De Janeiro wrote a book called The Earth Brokers in 1994. They saw through the Agenda 21 scam and wrote:

“We argue that UNCED (UN Conference on Economic Development) has boosted precisely the type of industrial development that is destructive for the environment, the planet, and its inhabitants. We see how, as a result of UNCED, the rich will get richer, the poor poorer, while more and more of the planet is destroyed in the process.”

All Americans, including those involved in the Green New Deal, should wake up and smell the organic coffee: 100 percent of the ecological hysteria is fake and has always been fake…