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This Should Eliminate Any Doubt

Progressive democrats are enemies of our nation and should be in Gitmo. Or on their way to it.


Nora Meyers Sackett, the spokesperson for New Mexico governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, told the Guardian her office was working with the attorney general to “verify what exactly happened regarding this group”, adding in an email, “If migrant families feel menaced or threatened at all when they arrive at our border, that’s completely unacceptable, and it should go without saying that regular citizens have no authority to arrest or detain anyone.”

Jefferson’s response:

the British ministry have so long hired their gazetteers to repeat and model into every form lies about our being in anarchy, that the world has at length believed them, the English nation has believed them, the ministers themselves have come to believe them, & what is more wonderful, we have believed them ourselves.

yet where does this anarchy exist? where did it ever exist, except in the single instance of Massachusets? and can history produce an instance of a rebellion so honourably conducted? I say nothing of it’s motives. they were founded in ignorance, not wickedness. god forbid we should ever be 20 years without such a rebellion.

the people cannot be all, & always, well informed. the past which is wrong will be discontented in proportion to the importance of the facts they misconceive; if they remain quiet under such misconceptions it is a lethargy, the forerunner of death to the public liberty. we have had 13. states independant 11. years. there has been one rebellion. that comes to one rebellion in a century & a half for each state. what country before ever existed a century & half without a rebellion? & what country can preserve it’s liberties if their rulers are not warned from time to time that their people preserve the spirit of resistance?

let them take arms. the remedy is to set them right as to facts, pardon & pacify them. what signify a few lives lost in a century or two? the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants. it is it’s natural manure…

And while Jefferson’s recognized Jacobin sarcasm exudes from between the lines above, Chuck Baldwin’s account of ‘the single instance of Massachusets’ should serve as a reminder to the progressive democrats to rein in their naturally occurring arrogant and tyrannical nature; for neither history nor God’s plan, outlines a favorable outcome.

We Simply Do Not Accept That We Lost the Election

It all sounds so familiar. Like there is a worldwide effort being thwarted somehow.


It is not difficult to discover where the money generated in Istanbul flows. Local administration in Istanbul — under Erdogan’s control for 25 years — has an annual budget of almost €5 billion. According to official reports, nearly €135 million in donations went to Islamic foundations. And who do you suppose heads up the four foundations that receive the lion’s share? Erdogan’s son Bilal.

In fifth place is the foundation headed by Erdogan’s son-in-law, Selçuk Bayraktar. Control of the municipality moving from the AKP to CHP means a halt of payments to these foundations, which support the efforts to transform Turkey’s pluralistic democracy into an Islamist autocracy.

And that is not all.

The entrepreneurs enriched by Erdogan so that they could create tame media earned millions from the Istanbul municipality. Almost all services such as the metro, infrastructure maintenance, car rental, and sewerage are funneled by bid to the owners of he newspapers Sabah and Yeni Safak. These publications are not calling the election a putsch without reason.

So what Erdogan lost at the ballot box he is attempting to win by other means. If this is not successful, he has a Plan B in his back pocket. He intends to strip opposition mayors in large cities of their responsibilities. Preparations are being made for the palace to have the say over all bids that “exceed a certain sum.”

A few days ago, Erdogan consoled his supporters: “Even if they are elected mayors, they cannot pay their personnel. Do not be surprised when the banks confiscate communal income.” Could he make it any clearer that, for 25 years, he has been guiding the communities under his control to the edge of bankruptcy?

Are you the kind of person who joined an organization because it’s claimed core values appealed to the values you believe strengthen your impression of an ideal world only to realize a sense of what you gained entry to was a façade designed only to nourish your ego, keep your mind occupied and drain your wallet or your soul while it pursues a completely different, opposite your beliefs version of a life changing agenda?

I mean an organization like a religion, a political party, the FBI, the Commerce Department, the CDC, Planned Parenthood, the Freemasons…Those kinds of organizations.

Is that what’s bothering you, Bucky?

Continuing the Subtle Changing of History

A Battle Creek news story broadcasted Monday informed the viewers about the Proposed Michigan K-12 Social Studies Standards update fast approaching. The subject of interest, as it was announced on the CBS affiliate, is addressing the question of whether the United States is a Republic or a Democracy, a subject dear to my heart.

The Standards framework is a broad, cloaked, politically biased application set in place “over eight years ago”. Figure that one out.


So far, 18 states and the District of Columbia have won grants, but more than half of the states have tried — and each had to adopt policies favored by the Obama administration in order to compete. That led 28 states to change a total of 100 laws or policies, the Education Department reports.

If you are interested will guide you through the enhancements of what the Statist educators describe as the rigors of k-12 civics, geography, economics and history and only a portion of the changes planned.

The contributors of this vehicle of change are:

American Bar Association – “Implementing ABA policy that endorses the UN Framework and Guiding Principles

American Historical Association – These standards are intended to guide the decisions and inform the practices of deans

Association of American Geographers – As the Student Goes, So Goes Geography

Campaign for the Civic Mission of Schools – Schools are encouraged to examine the rubric for more guidance on how to show evidence of the proven practices.

Center for Civic Education – The Center has its roots in the interdisciplinary Committee on Civic Education formed at the University of California, Los Angeles, in 1965 to develop more effective curricular programs in elementary and secondary civic education.

Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago – Strengthening Democracy One Classroom at a Time.

Constitutional Rights Foundation USA – Federal Tax Id: 95-2219680 | Tax exempt status: 501(c)(3) CRF staff includes teachers and educators, lawyers, community organizers and fundraisers, designers, writers, and editors.

Council for Economic Education – Our global economy has become so complex that the gap between what people know about economics and personal finance, and what they need to know, is widening every day.

National Council for Geographic Education – The National Council for Geographic Education is a nonprofit membership organization that works to strengthen the quality and effectiveness of geography teaching and learning.

National Council for History Education – As stated in the original NCHE Mission Statement, American children cannot afford to live in the 21st century ignorant of everything that preceded their own time and ignorant of the history and culture of other nations.

National Council for the Social Studies – Being literate is necessary for learning.

National Geographic Society – The fundamental principles we live by are straightforward — always act with honesty, fairness and transparency.

National History Day – encourages more than half a million students around the world to conduct historical research on a topic of their choice.

Street Law, Inc. – Street Law collaborates with law schools, NGOs, and government agencies around the globe to build public legal education programs, train educators, and develop teaching materials.

World History Association – The WHA is an all-volunteer directed organization and relies on the commitment of its members for its success and vitality.

Easy access to the Framework for Social Studies is at

There are any number of reasons to resist this latest attack on the defined rights of the government we have entrusted our lives, fortunes and future with. The first reason is found in the United States Constitution itself wherein Article IV Section 4 states clearly and succinctly that:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

The ongoing failure to enforce Article IV Section 4 should be cause enough for Americans to recognize the growing danger encroaching on our fading freedom.

If the Constitution was respected, our borders would be secure and our National identity would not be questioned; any political activists refusing to recognize 232 years of Constitutional verity could only be enemies of the Republic and will continue their work intended to destroy the rule of law. They are not seeking another narcissist ‘we are special and you have to acknowledge us’ recognition amendment. This is a foundational element they are working to remove.

If the Progressive movement had any respect for the Constitution and the citizens who pledge our allegiance to the Republic their attacks on our culture would have died in vitro, before they even hit America’s shores.

Progressives live to create chaos to achieve their chainge.

From Hocus Pocus:

…there are millions of our neighbors still comfortable enough with the system who seem to share a pervasive indifferent certainty that a political savior or idea will eventually stumble once more onto the scene to more or less restore order to some degree and we will continue to lurch more or less forward in fits and starts for an indeterminate length of time until we finally stumble on to a final end like all great civilizations before us did. Quit worrying about it! Party on!

Over the years, I have reached the conclusion that not only is that belief misguided and itself the result of a base human behavior known as laziness, it is a lingering effect of a long running and continuous moral transgression perpetrated on an unsuspecting populous, which, while hoaxed into a range of political attitudes, proudly and without knowledge, are engaged in a steadfast march to perdition graciously organized and accommodated by a most skillful and longstanding group of malefactors

For the record, the USA was founded as a Republic. No ceremony was performed, no certificate issued that changed our status to Democracy, at least publicly.
The mystery religions have been pushing Democracy as the favored brand of government for a few thousand years according to historian Manley P. Hall. There is indeed a longstanding group of malefactors, familiars of evil all and users of Progressive believers; they have been around longer than they’ve been identified as political opponents.

Hillary Clinton isn’t the first Progressive to look at leadership differently; Woodrow Wilson believed, because politics change over time the Constitution must be interpreted as accountable to the Darwinian theory of organic life (pages 639-641). The Living Document belief that Wilson looked forward to installing would shift the government into a micromanagingtower of power. Wilson was the Obama of his day.


Progressive principles followed the German idea of historical contingency. Forms of government must be contingent on the problems pressing us at any given time in history. The scope of government must be significantly enlarged to solve problems created by an ever more complex society, where organization and association threatened the well-being of mostly powerless individuals. Government must be flexible enough to adapt to this new reality, should trade in the guarantee of individual rights for the protection of individuals and society from the many ills that might befall them. The regulatory and redistributionist state suggested by this new purpose may be seen today in the Obama campaign’s “Life of Julia,” where at every turning point in a woman’s life it is a government program that stands between her and disaster. As Progressivism has aged, it has become ever more convinced of personal inefficacy and of the need for government interventions…

It is interesting that the mid 19th century flood of European socialists into the United States originated in Germany and German controlled regions.


…In the secular public forum, new avenues for German Jewish women’s pursuits in the late nineteenth century were opened, on the one hand, by the professionalization of American middle-class women’s education, especially in the fields of teaching and social work, and, on the other hand, by the ideology and practice of Progressive reform movement to which lay and clergy, middle-class Americans, Protestant and Jewish Reform, actively committed themselves.

Aimed at eradicating urban poverty and crime and (re)instituting social justice when it fell victim to predatory capitalism, the Progressive reform movement had been an outspokenly moral campaign and as such naturally appealed to women in whose gender role model moral vocation occupied central place. This affinity between women and social reform combined with professional training in social work and education and with the sociocultural capital accumulated in the earlier phase of women’s club work—organizational experience, self-confidence, and gender support networks—greatly facilitated the creation in the 1890s of what Robyn Muncy has called “a female dominion in the American Reform.”

Urban neighborhoods, swelling at the turn of the century with new immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, provided a ready target for middle-class women reformers. The attention of German Jewish women educators and social workers naturally turned to recent Jewish arrivals from Russia and Austro-Hungary who had settled in densely populated immigrant sections in New York and other large cities in the East and Midwest…


…The progress of human nature and of government is tied to the idea of historical contingency, which means that each period of history is guided by different truths that change over time. The timeless self-evident truths that the Founders upheld in the Declaration of Independence are no longer applicable. As a result, the Founders’ structure of government based on those principles, including especially the separation of powers, is no longer relevant, and indeed hinders the achievements of true justice.

Progressives thus rejected the limited government of the Founding in favor of an evolving Constitution…

The most important insights into the deceit of Progressive efforts is laid out in the passages withi

Our Constitution was designed to slow down the impetuosity of political firebrands; progressives see themselves thriving in the democracy Manley P Hall believed has been waiting thousands of years for the brilliant plan of the Ancients to unfold. MMMmmmmmmm smell that smoky brimstone.

Closing this out with Progressive Obama inspired observations.

If what is being said about Net Neutrality being an assault on the First Amendment turns out to be true

I thought I might get a few more messages in before the site disappears.

The following posts are from the past…

This first one is from August 2012. I had the opportunity to attend a Gathering of Eagles dinner in Valley Forge, PA. I was working with a friend who was displaying a historic copy of the Declaration of Independence. Opportunistic lout that I sometimes am, and learning local congress people ( all Republicans ) would be there, I wrote the following and put a copy on each chair in the room…

Be advised. Reading more than a few lines of this True Copy of the original Declaration of Independence has been known to result in the vertiginous dissolution of the modern political psyche of many Americans. Said dissolution has resulted in the spontaneous bonding of like-minded modern Americans who gather under the banner of Tea Party and meet in such unlikely sites as Chick-fil-A restaurants.

Furthermore, when one compares the “… long Train of Abuses and Usurpations” our colonial ancestors considered sufficiently egregious and of such threat to their Lives, Liberties and Pursuit of Eighteenth Century Happiness they took up arms to defend against them; when one compares those threats with the modern Constitutional affronts and injuries we’ve accepted, absorbed and, until recently, achieved some level of comfort with, one finds similarity is neither restrained nor bound by time.

For example, complaints against George III include:
• He has refused his Assent to Laws, the most wholesome and necessary for the public Good.
• He has forbidden his Governors to pass Laws of immediate and pressing importance…
• He has obstructed the Administration of Justice…
• He has erected a Multitude of new Offices, and sent hither Swarms of Officers to harrass our People, and eat out their Substance.
• He has combined with others to subject us to a jurisdiction foreign to our Constitution, and unacknowledged by our Laws; giving his Assent to their Acts of pretended Legislation

Certainly a familiar list to anyone paying attention today.

Conservative Americans have long looked to the Republican Party as their political harbor, their compassed guide through the chaos, their shield against the onslaught of tyranny; and yet, these days tyranny is fast approaching riding a whorse named Democrat Party.

What have conservative Americans thought the last thirty years?

Has it taken that long to recognize the decade’s long under the radar effort to kill the rugged individualism that marked and measured our ascent to preeminence among all other Nations? Not likely.

Will conservatives continue to steam in place as silent witnesses to the dismantlement of the Nation trusting sanity would eventually return? After becoming aware of the bi-partisan political resolve to transform US into a whimpering Euro-socialist nanny state, cartel supported and driven by a tyrannical media? Even less likely.

What conservatives are doing is recognizing it is time to end the liberal influence in the Republican Party.

If the Republican Party understands the significance and the power behind the American People’s rejection of the party of the left , they will reaffirm their allegiance to our Constitution, our Declaration of Independence and our way of life at the national convention and then come out swinging at the leftists who are taking increasingly bigger, bolder steps away from their Constitutional limits and moving steadily towards a method of government they as Democrats continue to send our military halfway around the world to battle.

No way could the Democrats survive.

Needless to say, they ignored my advice. Dang!

The next one was written 12-26-12

It is easy for those pushing the acceptance of Sharia law in the U.S. to claim those of US resisting Sharia law are islamophobes. It’s an argument with a built in weapon of guilt the American public has been trained to respond to in a most timorous manner.

The plain fact of the matter is modern day Crusaders recognize that our domestic enemies are using creeping Sharia as another source of conflict in their battle to dismantle our Constitution.

To Islamic jihadists Sharia law supersedes all other canons of law, including our State’s and U.S. Constitutions. To our domestic enemies, bitterly clinging to the petrifying bottom branches of the totalitarian tree, Sharia law is acquiescent with the declared enemies of our freedom. It appears the domestic enemies think they can control the caliphate once the troublesome idea of liberty our Founding Fathers planted and protected with the greatest legal document of all time is eradicated from our American heritage.

Meanwhile, using the shootings committed in schools, theaters and public gatherings, shootings committed by unbalanced, left leaning individuals with disturbing allegations of tenuous similitude binding them one to another and which are never satisfactorily addressed by those who work for the totalitarian clingers, our domestic enemies ramp up their attack on our right to bear arms.

A pop up happy site

So I’m going to change the focus today. Instead of presenting one more example of the madness of muslims, I’m going to toss a gut check out to you. To set the tone, here’s a link to an explanation of what was hidden in the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2013.

Here’s a link to the results of the Senate vote

And here’s the link to the results of the House vote

OK, you can start to see the picture of where our Nation is being herded and those who are doing the herding. Now another piece of that National picture emerges with this news

You might already be aware of that story and you might already have asked yourself, if it’s ok to protect the elite’s children with guns at school why are they fighting so hard to prevent our children from having the same protection?

Now, I know that old saw, pry it from my yadayadayada might be coursing through your thoughts right about now but hang in there, we have a few more options before it gets to that point. The one in particular I’m leading up to is, I think, pretty sweet in an Alinsky kind of way.

And that’s where the gut check comes in to play.

I’m certain you have heard of the White House We the People petition page. The one folks used to petition for their States secession from the Union? There is a new petition gaining momentum there since December 23. It’s a reaction to the attacks on our right to bear arms and it calls for the disarming of those protecting the President, the Vice-President and their families.

The idea being, if the children of the People of the United States, People who are pointedly recognized in the Constitution as the true holders of our Nation’s Power, if our children cannot be protected to the utmost ability, then those we elected to work on our behalf should not be granted that ability. Is that not a reasonable argument?

Have We the People been so intimidated we cannot approach these bitter clingers to usurped power and demand our God given right to protect our children as they protect theirs and on top of that, bill US for that protection?

Now, I’ve pointed this petition out to others already and learned that some had to weigh their patriotic actions against the possibility of being put on a list.

I am not faulting their concern; the idea of being put on a list can be daunting to those who might believe their work within the system comes under the heading of Civic Duty and therefore keeps them list free. These Americans, bless their hearts, apparently think because they are playing by the rules, the domestic enemies will give them a pass if and when the time comes those domestic enemies get strong enough to step completely out of the shadows.

Nothing could be further from the truth.

Perhaps you have noticed every time the Left gains ground they are demanding more ground. Every time a law is passed that diminishes our Rights a new law is introduced that takes more of our Rights. Now they have passed a bill to detain Americans indefinitely without charges, how long do you think it will take our domestic enemies to redefine what Americans deserve detention?

There is no denying lists exist. In the world of the Power Seekers lists are a necessity. As their fear of losing Power increases, lists become compulsory and those in power make good use of their agents who encourage the fear of being placed on a list. It is a tried and true method of control.

But as one of their venerated leaders said once, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”. If you yield to a fear of being placed on a list put together by an enemy of our Constitution you are yielding your very identity as an American. If you fear a list how will you stand up to the gun collectors who are straining at the bit to break down your door?

Here is a chance, a peaceful chance, to let those designers of chains know that you fear neither men nor women who openly insult your beliefs, your principles and your values, who compromises your family’s safety and threatens their rights as free Americans even as they enhance theirs at our expense.

Back to the present. That White House petition had millions of names on it, I recall. And six months later the WH sent some blahblahblah message in response.

It’s probably not fair for me to dismiss concern about being on lists without explaining that I’ve been on the splc hate watch listsince 2006 for the PC crime of participating in the Minuteman Project and starting a Pennsylvania chapter. Nope, I haven’t cut anyone’s head off or set anyone on fire. Haven’t spied on anyone in an effort to harass them. And I’m so boring I only have one social security card.

So I don’t put much stock in their pronouncements but someday I’ll get around to framing their pronouncement and hanging it on the bathroom wall just to get some feedback from those who really know me. Update. I did frame the pronouncement but nobody even notices it. Dang! again.

Finally, two letters. One to the local Congress person and the other to the Republican Senator in Pennsylvania…

Within forty eight hours of releasing five jihadists from Guantanamo Bay without notifying Congress, as President’s are required to do by law, it was reported by Reuters that Barack Obama’s DOJ announced the resuscitation of the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee.

The DTEC is focused on homegrown terrorism but is lacking, if the article is accurate, in specific parameters.

That a department headed up by Eric Holder, who Congress holds in contempt for refusing to turn over documents related to Fast and Furious, can claim a legitimate standing in determining who can and cannot be targeted, is both mind boggling and alarming.

Mr. Holder’s past refusal to support a Civil Rights Commission investigation regarding voter intimidation in Philadelphia is further cause for alarm.

Mr. Holder testified the intimidation by New Black Panther members outside a voting location in Philadelphia did not match the intimidation his people were subject to in the Sixties, therefore it did not warrant DOJ action.

I was under the impression, having lived through the tumultuous Sixties, the political fight black Americans took on back then was for the ultimate benefit of all Americans and in the end improved our Nation.

That Mr. Holder, Attorney General of the United States, does not hold that same conviction is cause for further alarm and yet he is the guiding force to determine who is and who is not a domestic terrorist?

A few years ago the Department of Homeland Security announced that pro-lifers, Tea Party members and returning veterans were on a terrorist watch list. In other words, Americans who hold traditional values were considered possible terrorists. Is this renewed effort targeting the same people?

Remember, I lived through the Sixties. I still can recall the news stories of banks being blown up and police officers being murdered by real terrorists.

I still remember terrorists named Bill Ayres and Bernardine Dohrne, the Students for Democratic Action and the Weather Underground bombing the Pentagon. They were not people with Conservative views. They were/are leftists and leftist organizations.

It is leftists and leftist organizations that were responsible for murder and mayhem back then and they just didn’t go away.

They now obviously influence government policy and are positioned to wreak even greater mayhem than they did fifty years ago. How much depends on Congressional action.

Are they now ready to use the forces of what is beginning to look like a rogue government against Conservative Americans? Who would be next?

You might consider the term rogue government strong and threatening language; if you do, read the Declaration of Independence. You will find the similarities in the “Long Train of Abuses and Usurpations” listed within and the actions, past and present, of the Obama Executive branch quite striking.

I urge you to take action to rein in this dangerous behavior being promoted by the White House.

I urge you to join in any effort to hold all in the Executive Branch found to be involved in any abuse of power accountable for their actions.

and the Senator’s letter…

Senator Toomey,

Your showing of support and concern for veterans is appreciated but your stance against crime in Chester, however well intended, failed to address what could be the most serious factor causing those waves of violence, the appearance of Mexican drug cartel gangs not only in Chester but throughout the United States.

In Chester, even the recent round up of drug cartel gang members by federal agencies will have little impact on their operations. Why?

Because the political leaders in Philadelphia have recently publicly announced they are disregarding Federal law and are discontinuing Philadelphia Police Department cooperation with the Office of Immigration Control and Enforcement.

Couple that local action with the announcement in 2013 that United States Border Patrol agents have been ordered to stand down when they recognize drugs and/or people being smuggled into our Country and we have an impending disaster on our hands.

You as a United States Senator have access to a great deal more information on that subject than any one citizen does. I urge you to task one of your staff members to verify that information. I’m sure they will come across significant data supporting the fact that the Mexican drug cartel’s incursion into the U.S. started in 2008 in Chicago and spread quickly.

My concern with the Obama administration does not stop there.

As I recently informed Congressman Fitzpatrick, I learned this week that within forty eight hours of releasing five jihadists from Guantanamo Bay, which took place without Congressional notification, as President’s are required to do by law, it was reported by Reuters that Barack Obama’s DOJ announced the resuscitation of the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee.

A few years ago the Department of Homeland Security announced that pro-lifers, Tea Party members and returning veterans were on a terrorist watch list.

In other words, Americans who hold traditional values were considered possible terrorists. Is this action of resuscitating the Domestic Terrorism Executive Committee a renewed effort to target the same people?

Is the Obama administration preparing to ramp up its action against traditional America? I urge you to take a stand against this assault on our freedom, our duty to dissent.

I urge you to take action to rein in this dangerous behavior being promoted by the White House.

I further urge you to join in any Congressional effort to hold all in the Executive Branch found to be involved in any abuse of power accountable for their actions.

I look forward to your response.

Which, if there was a response, it wasn’t memorable. Imagine receiving a response from a Senator that would reflect respect for the rule of law.

Oh, yeah. Both voted for that indefinite detention for American thing Rand Paul was against. Go figure.

That’s it. Like I said at the beginning, just in case the critics of net neutrality are correct I wanted to get a few more messages in before the plug is pulled. It’s been grand.

And do something about that school thing Obama started. There are 28 states engaged in that plot to destroy the children’s sense of history.

They Never Outgrew Animal House Mentality nor Spring Break Entitlement


…Away from the Capitol and largely cordoned off from reporters, roughly 170 Democratic lawmakers and their families took part in yoga and a celebrity-chef demo, with several members sharing a tee time at the golf course on-site.

Democrats were even able to cut loose with a game of trivia Thursday night, answering questions about Beyoncé’s fan base — one of many Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) easily got right — and a category titled the “Green New Deal” that was all about marijuana…

Other discussions that took place…

Basic Fiat Fact

Line up for review:


New York






St. Louis


Kansas City


San Francisco







The Federal Bank is not political, huh? Hell, I can smell the globalist swamp from here. How about you?

The First Known Intergalactic Weapon Surrender

was attempted on a New Zealand beach recently.

Apparently, the kiwi princess’ demand that her citizenry turn in their weapons was delivered in a language familiar to an alien race monitoring Earth. The aliens were identified as EeeZeeYeelders by a high ranking US Space Force member who requested anonymity.

The EeeZeeYeelders, known for their lack of backbone, wasted no time attempting to comply.

So far, no New Zealand official with balls big enough to force his – or in NZ’s case her – hand into the jar-less jelly has yet to step forward to accept the symbolic first EeeZeeYeelder’s weapon carried in the purple stew,

This delay of the UNexpected historic event raises a couple of questions.

Is UNarmed peace and harmony possible between two pussified non-contestants when one side is UNable to advance from it’s hidden agenda of control and what kind of safety is the colonial minded political class offering, anyway?

All I can Say Is

they’ll go to any length to sell vaccines.

We never had problems like this back when NASA was dropping the capsule into the ocean upon its return to earth.

Of course, IIRC, these weren’t showing up on beaches before those ocean recoveries, either.

Score one for my not completely failed memory…

…Globsters have been found on beaches all over the world, with the term first used to describe an unidentified carcass that washed up in western Tasmania in 1960…

All About Change

and the question is…

If artificial intelligence is being developed to replace humanity in the workplace is the real purpose of transgenic manipulation to replace voters?

I was once represented in Congress by someone who woke up one morning and decided the grass was greener on the other side of the congressional fence.

Unlike Mike Pence who appears to have his priorities straight, Greenwood was a great defender of chimpanzees. He loved chimps but hated human babies.

Jim Greenwood moved on to representing the biotech industry.

Like most politicians his true intent is dark; like most politicians that dark is plumbless and learning that, my heart was hardened, my neck was stiffened and my enemy was made known to me.