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Leftist Ladies Forward March


In order to make your role perfectly clear it is imperative you read this

Alice Schwarzer is a prominent journalist and feminist in Germany…

…She must not have heard that Islam trumps every other leftist dogma — whether feminism, LGBTQ, abortion, or atheism. If one of those comes into conflict with sharia, then sharia wins. If Ms. Schwarzer didn’t know that before, she surely knows it now.

And now, if you’re smart enough to hit that link, so will you.


News With No Fuse

it’s all part of the deceptive picture the manipulating globalist forces are painting in their effort to get US to accept the invaders from Islamic Central America.

So far during May reported ISIS attacks resulted in seventeen deaths; ten in Burkina Faso. acknowledgment of ISIS violence

While the New York Times offers this explanation:

The terrorists appear to have shifted their goals from stoking conflict between farmers and herders to inducing a similar divide between Muslims and Christians, Burkina Faso’s president, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré, said recently.

“These terrorists have reorganized their way of operating,” Mr. Kaboré told a conference of Christian leaders in the capital, Ouagadougou, on Tuesday, according to local news reports.

“They have developed their mode of operation,” he said, “seeking first to create an intercommunity conflict, and today an interreligious conflict…”

Sounds like a democrat operation. It does make me wonder, who is teaching who?

They Usually Wait Until The Targeted Folks Weapons Are Collected

but you never know.

This Cove article was published back in November so those who give the subject matter the serious attention it deserves have absorbed whatever they needed.

This is being posted for those UNbelievers who, when all hell breaks loose in your neighborhood you’ll at least have an idea they ain’t firecrackers you hear outside your door.

Only two or three Observations will be pasted here while over at Cove every Observation has an accompanying Lesson Learned. You will have to go to for those.

Observation: Although optic sights were found on a limited number of rifles, most of the enemy sniper weapons utilised iron sights. The vast majority of the insurgent snipers were local to the city or region and therefore had an in-depth knowledge of the city layout. Most of their hides and firing positions were well thought and planned prior to the Islamic state inspired insurgents seizing Marawi City, often using tall buildings to dominate all approaches. The insurgents would also utilize hostages as human shields to restrict any opportunities that the AFoP had to return fire in their hide location.

Enemy snipers utilized loophole shooting (often called ‘murder holes’) to a deadly effect. They would position hides overlooking choke points, bridges and obvious avenues of approach with excellent fields of fire, or onto killing zone where AFoP would traverse or dwell. They would then knock a medium size hole in a wall and then, if possible, knock a smaller hole in the adjacent room. From the adjacent room they would often set up their hide, allowing them to engage from depth with relatively good cover from fire and concealment.

This tactic was also utilised in stairwells. Knowing the AFoP would have to make entry to clear the building, the enemy snipers would cut a hole through the stair well and sit off some distance. Once the AFoP made entry the enemy sniper would have a clear line of sight of the door way and stairwell entry allowing him to score a centre of mass hit. The Insurgent snipers also made use of dummy hides to draw out or bait the PMC scout snipers to engage. Quite often the PMC scout snipers would enter counter-sniping battles with the insurgent snipers across roads, city blocks and bridges with the average engagement distance being 150 to 200m.

Observation: Due to difficulty in coordination and inexperience in orchestrating effects in the urban environment, command and control was highly centralised. Furthermore, because urban fighting was new to the AFoP, rapid operational tempo and simultaneous action were nearly impossible to achieve.

One more; it might provide an explanation for all those underground explosions reported all around the Country for the last decade or so. An optimist like me would like to believe it is the U.S. Army combat engineers taking out the refugees works in progress.

On the other hand, drugs have little problem making it across the border why shouldn’t explosives?

Observation: In Marawi the enemy used covered withdrawal routes, or ‘ratlines’ (holes dug through walls or floors, or concealed passageways through basements etc), to enable movement to and from battle positions, or to move to depth if a battle position was at risk of being overrun. When these were discovered, the AFoP would either have combat engineers collapse the tunnels on top of the enemy, or use smoke to flush the lines out. If using smoke, they would concurrently send a drone above the entrance, as they could often find the other end of the ratline by watching for the smoke escaping from the far end.

Of course you do.

Still Trying To Explain At Philadelphia MAS


The children who recited a violent poem in Arabic and performed choreography to a song referencing the “blood of martyrs” last month at a North Philadelphia mosque did not understand the words’ meaning, and the volunteer aide who made those selections has left the private academy based there, according to a statement released Wednesday by mosque and school leaders.

Officials of the Muslim American Society (MAS) in Philadelphia and the Leaders Academy learning center say that other aides at the April 17 celebration of Umma (Arabic for “community”) Day did not know the language, and that those who did were not paying attention to the lyrics during what was a hectic event. They called the performances “a grave mistake” and “ours to own.”

Muslim American Society investigating ‘oversight’ following controversial video at Philly Islamic center; event organizer ‘dismissed’

The statement is the latest turn in a controversy that began to roil after video excerpts of the students’ show — one youngster mentions chopping off heads to “liberate the sorrowful and exalted Al-Aqsa Mosque” in Jerusalem, a holy site for both Muslims and Jews — were posted by the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), a monitoring group.

“We are deeply saddened to have hurt our partners in the Jewish community and beyond,” the statement read…

It was all a mistake. They wanted to sing, ‘There’s an awful lot of coffee in Brazil‘ but got confused.

When Affirmative Action Enters the World of Willy Wonka

the subliminal intent of a company’s established iconic message gets changed into a more fractalized message meant to intuit the same signal; and hope for success once again supersedes the mostly male philosophy of ‘if it ain’t broke don’t fix it’.

We citizen/consumers must also keep in mind corporate manipulation is encouraged by minds shaped by corporate manipulation


Hershey’s enlisted the help of both children and adults to select the 25 emojis that will be seen on the chocolate, Senior Brand Manager Kriston Ohm tells PEOPLE.

“In today’s text savvy world, many conversations start (and end) with an emoji. We worked directly with people using emojis the most — parents and kid — to determine which ones made it onto our iconic chocolate bar,” Ohm says.

“It turned out that both generations favored the same 25 emojis,” Ohm adds. “We choose to feature each one of these popular emojis and change our iconic pips for the first time in 125 years.”

Ohm further explained the decision in a press release, saying the historical change was done to help bring people together.

“Our classic Hershey’s bars were made to be shared with others,” she said. “By adding an emoji design to each pip of chocolate, we hope that parents and kids are inspired to share a chocolate emoji and make a connection with someone new.”

In a more honest write-up, PennLive reports:

Hershey’s is speaking emoji.

For the first time in the company’s 125-year history, its milk chocolate bars are getting a new look. The limited-edition bars have a digital-forward design featuring emojis…

Another Children’s Story

And it’s not like I’m searching them out…


Researchers concluded that “the items discovered on the Macon County property mirrored those recovered in New Mexico.”…

…Leveille’s husband allegedly trained the children in the camp in military techniques, including the use of firearms and rapid reloading. He also reportedly told the children that “jihad” means killing non-Muslims

School Dots, School Dots

Connecting the terrorists school dots.

Jihad destruction then Sharia law,

brainwashing children ’til feelings are raw

School dots, school dots

changing the golden rule dots

do unto others what enslaves their minds

Suicide bombers are just being kind


There are two Islamic middle schools in the Netherlands. One of them has terror ties.

This, at least, was the conclusion of the Dutch intelligence and counterterrorism agencies in March, as described in a confidential letter to Amsterdam Mayor Femka Halsema. Based on an anonymous tip from a moderate Muslim group, the agencies warned that the city’s Cornelius Haga Lyceum had “anti-democratic,” Salafist leanings. Moreover, the agencies alleged, the school’s directors had connections with the Caucasus Emirate, a Chechen jihadist group with ties to the Islamic State

Philadelphia, Brazil, the Netherlands.

Where else?

Do you know what’s being taught in your tax funded school?

It’s Safe To Say Pras Wasn’t Working For This Prez

Another Friday release

Prakazrel Samuel Michel coulda been a Clinton but it sounds like he put the cart before the horse, politically speaking. Speaking of the Clintons, didn’t they have a lot of Malaysian business partners, too?

Or were they Chinese? All I do know is they had financial interest in the second largest source of clean burning coal in the world. The largest source was in the U.S. Until Bill Clinton shut it down and made it a park.

Anyway, it all tied into breaking election laws. Which is why the feds are after Obama’s buddy, Pras Michel.

Democrats just can’t obey the law, can they? Could be it’s because most of them get away scot free. Almost. Their allegiance to a lower authority does have it’s limitations, though.