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She explains the situation like I’d like to.
There’s only one question.
How far does that controlled limited hang out have to extend before the people it’s intended to mislead can recognize it for what it is?
European Covid Restrictions Falling Like Dominoes
Announced today, February 03, 2022 in Quebec, Canada. 2:23 mark.
Here’s a nice depiction…
Beware The Fringe
…if it’s this alternative you prefer:
Late Night Quebec
Just Sose Ya Know
Yer honor, we know there are deceptions…
the kind that Super Bowl aficionados don’t mind embracing as fun
and we know there are Deceptions…
the kind that most Americans don’t like to even think about
The odds appear to be stacked against US in both examples, your supreme court highness; we’re pretty familiar with deception and deceivers but confused about transparency.
How about ordering the executive branch to explain to US, the People,
what they mean when they claim their actions are transparent, as opposed to, say, masked with deception?
Whadduyousay? You think you can do that?
About Scientists…
PTL… There is always an exception.
Stories You’ll Not Hear From Your TeeVee
Tell you what; read and believe it later or continue to believe your favorite community leaders, continue with their encouraged protocol and then turn up the teevee.
You don’t need to hear anything else on the subject.
Notice to NWO: Establishing Control Using Scam Theater
works better when the opposition isn’t smarter than you (Canada) or… .
doesn’t have a copy of the play book Europe.
Tens of Billions of Covid Dollars Lost to Fraud
and they ain’t coming back!
How timely. Have they checked the pharm boys cartel? They have lots of factories overseas.