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Machine 04122

“Each person has the opportunity to influence the course of events, in however small or large a way.” 

— John D Rockefeller III

The question, “what if the vaccine isn’t really a vaccine”, was raised again recently and for some reason, it was framed within the same context as it was when asked shortly after the new type of inoculate was introduced to counter the predicted scamdemic.

When faced with such a question it’s often difficult to remember life is full of surprises. These days, most people have neither the time nor the inclination to weigh every startling announcement that goes to the foundation of National interests; they have, instead, come to rely on those experts they have been trained to trust and the experts hired by those entrusted with public office.

However, there is no denying those trusted official’s explanations are getting more difficult to swallow every day and even the busiest citizens across the land are recognizing it is time for all issues connected to the scamdemic be examined more closely and the related circumstances looked at from a different point of view.

I’m no expert in matters such as determining the origin of a novel pandemic; I am not claiming to be expert in understanding the chemistry of neuroscience. I am questioning neuroscience’s applications and the true motives behind those applications.

Every U.S. citizen has a right to think and a duty to share concerns of credible threats to our Nation. One of the largest hurdles we face in addressing any possible threat is the lack of understanding and accepting the meaning of ‘credible’. You put the word ‘threat’ behind credible and suddenly, if you’re not a swamp creature or a swamp creature’s son, you have no standing.

Our nation’s controllers like nothing better than having the power of a Nurse Ratched. Many US citizens are not aware their minds have already been moved closer to Aramingo Avenue two blocks east of Kensington Avenue heading west with speed and it looks like the plan is to include as many of the rest of US they can.

I say that because they said, back in 2005, and I quote, “Temporally precise, noninvasive control of activity in well-defined neuronal populations is a long-sought goal of systems neuroscience…”

The subjects  being tested in the laboratories were rats but that was almost twenty years ago; plenty of time has passed for even the simian population’s neuronal population to have been mapped and tapped. The day is fast approaching, if it hasn’t already arrived, when humanity’s neuronal populations’ parameters will be targeted.

There was an issue last June I considered writing about but eventually concluded it was too imaginative for general acceptance; now, though, the use of psychedelic drugs as a mental health restorative is recognized and acknowledged as a scientific venture so I’m going to share it a little later. Right now, it is Spring training time and in that spirit here comes one more warm-up pitch.

The following is an account on record going back almost a hundred years that shows how when lipstick is applied to a pig professionally it can be done so well, the pig is embraced by a public with welcoming arms, a compromised mind and a heart burdened with concern for the pig’s well-being, not so much for the public it’s being presented to.

From page 21 of

…The IHB’s first director, Wickliffe Rose, described the purpose of its hookworm work in Latin America: “The work for relief and control of [hookworm] … is to be regarded merely as an entering wedge toward a larger and more pervasive service in the medical field. It will lead inevitably to the consideration of the whole question of medical education, the organization of systems of public health, and the training of men for public health service.”2 At the same time, neither Rockefeller nor Rose were interested in efforts to address the underlying cause of hookworm or other diseases. Hookworm was a disease of poverty and was strongly associated with particular forms of agricultural and industrial production that brought together large numbers of workers in settings that fostered the transmission of parasites…3

Nobody applies lipstick to a pig better than the Rockefeller Foundation especially when the bacon is wrapped around one world government.

Starting a search for truth with a mention of obamacare would likely be considered oxymoronic by most Americans at this point in time; it is only mentioned because I thought obamacare would be temporary. At that time I didn’t understand medical science was intended to be a weapon to repress free thought in the USA; it was the Obama regime announcement the White House had a Social and Behavioral Sciences Team that got me heading down that path.

One thing led to another thing and that quickly turned onto a trail that caromed right into the Rockefeller organizations. The creeping awareness experienced while turning over chronicled rocks didn’t take long to fade into another episode of shadowy tales of the illuminati.

On the plus side, I thought I was gaining a sense of the direction the poli-sci world was driving US towards but I was wrong. My thoughts weren’t dark enough and as always we were being driven in circles.

After covid was introduced on their game board, the mRNA gene replacement therapy took center stage and they (the illumined scientists and their greedy collaborator) failed convincingly in their efforts to persuade me that any part of the coronavirus industry was safe or effective, at least for US.

Their insistence the inoculants they invented were going to provide immunity when they were designed to bypass the immune system violated my sense of common sense; and oh, after a decade of collecting not very encouraging data, if I was a Professor Fate I would have thought twice before continuing to share it with a public I’m planning on scamming in another sinister plot down the road; unless I have absolutely no respect for them…

Recent studies describing the discovery of more potent, broadly neutralizing antibodies targeting HIV from chronically infected patients have revealed the potential for the humoral response to produce protective antibodies during the course of natural infection1,2. However, it is unclear whether immunogens can be designed that will elicit these rare antibodies efficiently.

Antibody gene transfer is a novel protective strategy that bypasses the natural immune response, which has been the central focus of previous attempts to develop an HIV vaccine, by directing the production of antibodies from non-hematopoietic tissues, such as muscle (Figure 1). Because this approach skips many of the steps in the usual path of vaccine development, it has been described as a leapfrog strategy. Recent advances in the use of gene transfer for the correction of genetic deficiencies3,4 – particularly the successful expression of factor IX in a small group of Hemophilia B patients – have bolstered the intriguing possibility of utilizing adeno-associated virus (AAV) vectors as a vehicle for antibody gene delivery in humans. Two recent studies have demonstrated the feasibility of this approach against both SIV in macaques5 as well as HIV in humanized mice6.

Did you notice the use of words more often found in the hope column than in the positive for-sure-let’s-invest-the-taxpayers-money-in-this column; and the marketing to government only words like ‘potentials’, ‘howevers’, ‘unclear’, ‘skips’, ‘possibility’, ‘feasibility’ and thrown in for the members of the House proud of their reputation of taking deep dives on every issue, ‘intriguing’?

Here is some CDC data that doesn’t mention the antibody gene transfer method in the ‘HIV remains stable announcement at and related results:

Region: The annual number of HIV infections in 2019, compared with 2015, remained stable in all regions. In 2019, rates were 17.6 in the South 10.9 in the West, 9.8 in the Northeast, and 7.9 in the Midwest

The CDC appears satisfied with those results. They must want to downplay the antibody gene transfer technique for some reason. Maybe the juice wasn’t worth the squeeze.

Didn’t they recently announce covid would be another seasonal event like the flu? They did transfer a lot of antibodies this go round, though, didn’t they?

All egalitarian drivel aside, the income streams developed by the academic/corporate collaborators appear incapable of achieving the projected whole and satisfactory results. In my opinion, their results met only their own community’s accepted measure of success which includes a percentage of extremely negatively affected participants being suddenly burdened with resultant conditions that were first ignored then denied but eventually subsidized by the tax payer after the pharmaceutical lobbyists convinced various levels and departments of government the means justified their end results.

While UNdeveloped civilization might once have cheerfully speculated over ‘milestone’ laboratory successes, tuning into academic/corporate interest lost most of its glamour when the combine failed to produce the future typified by flying cars they referred to as ‘progress on the horizon’ back in the Fifties.

Thus, if any normal range-of-intelligence citizen was present on March 2012, I’m sure their eyes would have glazed over when science asked “can one elicit the behavioral output of a specific memory by directly activating a population of neurons that was active during learning?”

If the oligarchs sincerely cared about our level of scientific involvement with and our understanding of what science has learned regarding the ‘eliciting the behavioral output’ question, the lap dog media would have produced a mini-series to make sure the public grasped the concept of what it means that science acquired the ability to use optogenetic reactivation of hippocampal neurons previously activated during fear conditioning to induce freezing behavior and how they built on that concept by successfully creating false memories in different contexts and still induced freezing behavior. Or as stated at

The recall of this false memory was context-specific, activated similar downstream regions engaged during natural fear memory recall, and was also capable of driving an active fear response. Our data demonstrate that it is possible to generate an internally represented and behaviorally expressed fear memory via artificial means.

But nobody is going to make sure we understand; and why should that be a concern to the everyday tax paying citizen? Because ‘freezing behavior’ is a concept explained by Kurt Lewin, a secularist and secularists do not believe God exists. Instead, they place their faith in a scientific ability to control human behavior and their concept of behavioral modification places no limits on their high priest controllers.

Freezing behavior and the power that flows from it is understood innately by manipulative demons.

Unlike Jesus’ stated intention of lightening our burdens, a secularist is only intent on changing our world by changing our perceptions of life so every survivor of their actions will fit into the secularist idea of order. That, if it has to be said, is UN-natural and will be discussed further on as ‘magic’ is introduced as part of their armory.

Claiming expertise that rises beyond the facts revealed and explained by those once generally considered trustworthy and who now expect us to accept their edicts that can only be enforced by superseding Constitutional law illustrates in grand fashion why their wish for everyone to fit into their plan is their, no doubt about it, impossible dream.

What are their true motives?

With the high death factors related with the mRNA system, don’t you think the question changes from, “what if the vaccine isn’t really a vaccine?” to “is there an intended built-in trigger accompanying their big reset event”?

Now, there’s a question.

Has it occurred to you the mRNA shots might have less to do with a coronavirus than your behavior?

Did you wear the mask more as a go along to get along act after learning/accepting the mask had no protective value for you or others?

Two more serious questions to take us back to the related issue that a month ago I thought then was too imaginative:

1) how open to accepting required behavior modification are you and

2) how close to controlling human behavior15 is the elite?

To give you a few clues for the answers to those last two questions, here are some examples of change we appear to be stuck with despite any moral or economical objections We the People or our representatives might have raised:


With those examples in mind and knowing full well our experience with the scamdemic includes the statist ignored connections between the covid inoculated and those covid inoculated who experienced sudden and unexpected death shortly after the injection, now they’re introducing psychedelics for use in mental health applications. Not that I have anything against psychedelics understand but somehow hearing that story, and I just learned about it some months ago even though bioscience has been pushing the concept for years, I got the feeling Hunter still has influence at the Executive level and what with the introduction of noninvasive stimulation of the brain what’s to prevent gangster government from tripping us all down Kensington Ave using one of their many techniques tuned to their evil mindset?

I questioned neuroscience’s intrusive applications of their alleged science when they came up with that covid scam; now they’re developing non-invasive stimulation and talking hallucinogen’s as sedatives at the same time? Just what are their motives behind those applications. Many people don’t know how they took the right to such power from the electorate.  Some bureaucrats don’t yet  know how to use it efficiently. If they aren’t quick learners they’ll be replaced soon enough.

Watch this video for a few minutes; do you think they’ll be around long?

I don’t think those puppets  know what to do next except announce another ten million dollars was donated to fight mis/dis information.

They appear to be the scientist version of Biden.

Where did these people come from?

SSRC is a private foundation based in Brooklyn, NY, that collaborates with the Rockefeller Foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation, Craig Newmark Philanthropies and other private foundations to fund research focused on advancing scientific knowledge about public health guidance. It “fosters innovative research, nurtures new generations of social scientists, deepens how inquiry is practiced within and across disciplines, and mobilizes necessary knowledge on important public issues.”

As far as I’m concerned, the role played by the Rockefellers while reshaping our future has not been widely recognized  by the American public; and except for the handful of NGO initiates well versed in the art of double edged benevolence,  fewer still understand the role chosen by them .

I don’t remember any request to fight mis/dis information; prior to the explosion of public access to government business via the internet most people believed the gummint.

In 1978, he became the president of Rockefeller University, until he stepped down in 1990…

During a 1986 fact finding mission of the 1979 Soviet Union epidemic of anthrax bacteria… Lederberg sided with Soviets that the anthrax outbreak was from animal to human transmission stating, Wild rumors do spread around every epidemic.” After the fall of the Soviet Union… subsequent US investigations in the early 1990’s a team of scientists confirmed the outbreak was caused by a release of an aerosol of anthrax pathogen from a nearby military facility

Well, that is Wikipedia. Anything gets published there. Whoa…wait a minute… what’s this? Bsides me having a little fun?

Dang. For your reading convenience, here’s the story told in big letters

I like to have three sources when the story stretches reality so far.

but this one is so singularly a stretch, yet has what appears to be a legitimacy ranking of the first order, I’ll serve it up unencumbered without any support other than what’s in the story itself. 

There’s more story but I’m done.  Gonna take my honey to the country, plant a garden, cut some grass and make piles of saw dust.

The End.

Captain Queeg Got Promoted


and now teaches discipline policy out of DOD. Graduates of that required seminar are gifted with the two steel balls they are provided when they start the crushing Constitutional freedom portion of the seminar to keep as a symbolic reminder of the graduates purpose in this proclaimed democracy.


DOD attorneys argued that by protecting Commander Charles’ Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) rights, the judge had rendered the ship he commands “unusable for service.

This is a lie. At the time the DOD made this offensive argument, Commander Charles was commanding his warfare surface ship far out at sea doing drills, training and testing the ship and its crew for mission readiness!

By placing Commander Charles back on his ship and sending him out to sea, the Navy has demonstrated that Commander Charles and unvaccinated sailors are no threat to the rest of the armed forces.

And when the DOD called people like Commander Charles “refusers,” the judge shot back: “The term ‘refusers’ is a tellingly offensive term that the defendants must employ no further in this court. A RFRA claimant is not a ‘refuser,’ not an outcast subject to shunning.”

Joe Biden’s Department of Defense (DOD) got caught presenting false information to the court again. A recent filing reveals that the Navy is trying to purge a committed Christian commander from its ranks before the court can act! I return to court this week to take on the DOD in our class action lawsuit, Navy SEAL 1 v. Austin. — Mat

All this dismantling because of a seasonal flu like condition?


“I do anticipate that this is probably going to be a seasonal virus,” said the CDC’s director, Dr. Rochelle Walensky. That means it could join the flu and other respiratory viruses that tend to spread during the cold winter months.

NBC reported that story March 07, 2022. The Supreme Court ruling on emergency docket regarding Austin v. U.S. Navy Seals 1-26 is expected 3/14/2022.

Black or White

Your choice.

Maybe this ain’t war as we’ve come to know it.

And this explanation is as bizarre as they come. I am aware of local, national and globalist swamp liars and the webs they weave. I know how green screens are used to deceive and I am as cognizant of psychological manipulation of the masses as the next semi-prescient guy; I’m past clutching at straws expecting to find the key to an easy way out and I never trusted Russians. But Putin’s message from the start was either a deceptive message crafted by Satan itself or a straight from the heart effort of a human patriot to explain the need to clear the earth of vermin.

On the other hand, all my Biden memories start with

They got darker here

and speaking of nightmares, my Biden memories are sealed in the picture here

However, it is imperative to keep this message from Jesus in mind and rely on prayer for all who read this post seeking to make sense out of current events for guidance from the Holy Spirit.

I’m starting off at for anyone not familiar with Benjamin Fulford with good reason; his take on the Russian invasion is sure to fill some gaps in a manner many readers are likely to describe politely as stark raving mad.

Fulford excerpted Putin’s speech differently than the NYT did and he didn’t focus on as much of it as did the Times reporter.


The Russian and Jewish people are finally getting justice for the Holodomor and the Holocaust, mass murder human sacrifice events staged by the Khazarian mafia. This is thanks to a Russian police operation against the Khazarian mafia operating inside their borders. The Russian action against the KM is just part of a larger international move by the white hat alliance to remove the KM from all positions of power, Asian and Western secret society sources agree…

Here is a bullet-point summary of what Russian Presidential Avatar Vladimir Putin had to say about the operation in Ukraine:

…This has to do with the entire system of international relations…fundamental norms that were adopted following WWII…came in the way of those who declared themselves the winners of the Cold War…[The Khazarian mafia] had a feeling of absolute superiority…coupled with the low cultural standards…For our country, it is a matter of life and death We had to stop that atrocity:, that genocide of the millions of people who live there…we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians…We all know that having justice and truth on our side is what makes us truly strong…

When you get to the warning about the graphic nature of the video take it seriously.

Before we get to the Times objurgation, MSN posted this not quite full text televised in India it promised; though it did get interrupted with a MSN promise ‘to be continued’. So far, a week after the speech, the continuation remains elusive.

New Delhi: In a televised address Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin announced that he was launching a “special military operation” in Ukraine to protect people who have been facing “humiliation and genocide” perpetrated by the Kiev regime.
“We will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation,” said in his recent speech.
“The current events have nothing to do with a desire to infringe on the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They are connected with the defending Russia from those who have taken Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it against our country and our people,” he added.
Boasting Russia today remains as one of the most powerful nuclear nation, Putin warned, “there should be no doubt for anyone that any potential aggressor will face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly attack our country.”
Russian President also accused leading NATO countries of supporting far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine.

Read the full text of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s speech:

Citizens of Russia, friends,

I consider it necessary today to speak again about the tragic events in Donbass and the key aspects of ensuring the security of Russia.
I will begin with what I said in my address on February 21, 2022. I spoke about our biggest concerns and worries, and about the fundamental threats which irresponsible Western politicians created for Russia consistently, rudely and unceremoniously from year to year. I am referring to the eastward expansion of NATO, which is moving its military infrastructure ever closer to the Russian border.

It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe.

In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns. Its military machine is moving and, as I said, is approaching our very border.
Why is this happening? Where did this insolent manner of talking down from the height of their exceptionalism, infallibility and all-permissiveness come from? What is the explanation for this contemptuous and disdainful attitude to our interests and absolutely legitimate demands?

The answer is simple. Everything is clear and obvious. In the late 1980s, the Soviet Union grew weaker and subsequently broke apart. That experience should serve as a good lesson for us, because it has shown us that the paralysis of power and will is the first step towards complete degradation and oblivion. We lost confidence for only one moment, but it was enough to disrupt the balance of forces in the world.

As a result, the old treaties and agreements are no longer effective. Entreaties and requests do not help. Anything that does not suit the dominant state, the powers that be, is denounced as archaic, obsolete and useless. At the same time, everything it regards as useful is presented as the ultimate truth and forced on others regardless of the cost, abusively and by any means available. Those who refuse to comply are subjected to strong-arm tactics.
What I am saying now does not concerns only Russia, and Russia is not the only country that is worried about this. This has to do with the entire system of international relations, and sometimes even US allies. The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a redivision of the world, and the norms of international law that developed by that time – and the most important of them, the fundamentalnorms that were adopted following WWII and largely formalised its outcome – came in the way of those who declared themselves the winners of the Cold War.

Of course, practice, international relations and the rules regulating them had to take into account the changes that took place in the world and in the balance of forces. However, this should have been done professionally, smoothly, patiently, and with due regard and respect for the interests of all states and one’s own responsibility. Instead, we saw a state of euphoria created by the feeling of absolute superiority, a kind of modern absolutism, coupled with the low cultural standards and arrogance of those who formulated and pushed through decisions that suited only themselves. The situation took a different turn.

There are many examples of this. First a bloody military operation was waged against Belgrade, without the UN Security Council’s sanction but with combat aircraft and missiles used in the heart of Europe. The bombing of peaceful cities and vital infrastructure went on for several weeks. I have to recall these facts, because some Western colleagues prefer to forget them, and when we mentioned the event, they prefer to avoid speaking about international law, instead emphasising the circumstances which they interpret as they think necessary.

Then came the turn of Iraq, Libya and Syria. The illegal use of military power against Libya and the distortion of all the UN Security Council decisions on Libya ruined the state, created a huge seat of international terrorism, and pushed the country towards a humanitarian catastrophe, into the vortex of a civil war, which has continued there for years. The tragedy, which was created for hundreds of thousands and even millions of people not only in Libya but in the whole region, has led to a large-scale exodus from the Middle East and North Africa to Europe.

A similar fate was also prepared for Syria. The combat operations conducted by the Western coalition in that country without the Syrian government’s approval or UN Security Council’s sanction can only be defined as aggression and intervention.

But the example that stands apart from the above events is, of course, the invasion of Iraq without any legal grounds. They used the pretext of allegedly reliable information available in the United States about the presence of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. To prove that allegation, the US Secretary of State held up a vial with white power, publicly, for the whole world to see, assuring the international community that it was a chemical warfare agent created in Iraq. It later turned out that all of that was a fake and a sham, and that Iraq did not have any chemical weapons. Incredible and shocking but true. We witnessed lies made at the highest state level and voiced from the high UN rostrum. As a result we see a tremendous loss in human life, damage, destruction, and a colossal upsurge of terrorism.

Overall, it appears that nearly everywhere, in many regions of the world where the United States brought its law and order, this created bloody, non-healing wounds and the curse of international terrorism and extremism. I have only mentioned the most glaring but far from only examples of disregard for international law.

This array includes promises not to expand NATO eastwards even by an inch. To reiterate: they have deceived us, or, to put it simply, they have played us. Sure, one often hears that politics is a dirty business. It could be, but it shouldn’t be as dirty as it is now, not to such an extent. This type of con-artist behaviour is contrary not only to the principles of international relations but also and above all to the generally accepted norms of morality and ethics. Where is justice and truth here? Just lies and hypocrisy all around.

Incidentally, US politicians, political scientists and journalists write and say that a veritable “empire of lies” has been created inside the United States in recent years. It is hard to disagree with this – it is really so. But one should not be modest about it: the United States is still a great country and a system-forming power. All its satellites not only humbly and obediently say yes to and parrot it at the slightest pretext but also imitate its behaviour and enthusiastically accept the rules it is offering them. Therefore, one can say with good reason and confidence that the whole so-called Western bloc formed by the United States in its own image and likeness is, in its entirety, the very same “empire of lies.”

As for our country, after the disintegration of the USSR, given the entire unprecedented openness of the new, modern Russia, its readiness to work honestly with the United States and other Western partners, and its practically unilateral disarmament, they immediately tried to put the final squeeze on us, finish us off, and utterly destroy us. This is how it was in the 1990s and the early 2000s, when the so-called collective West was actively supporting separatism and gangs of mercenaries in southern Russia. What victims, what losses we had to sustain and what trials we had to go through at that time before we broke the back of international terrorism in the Caucasus! We remember this and will never forget.

Properly speaking, the attempts to use us in their own interests never ceased until quite recently: they sought to destroy our traditional values and force on us their false values that would erode us, our people from within, the attitudes they have been aggressively imposing on their countries, attitudes that are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to human nature. This is not going to happen. No one has ever succeeded in doing this, nor will they succeed now.

Despite all that, in December 2021, we made yet another attempt to reach agreement with the United States and its allies on the principles of European security and NATO’s non-expansion. Our efforts were in vain. The United States has not changed its position. It does not believe it necessary to agree with Russia on a matter that is critical for us. The United States is pursuing its own objectives, while neglecting our interests.
Of course, this situation begs a question: what next, what are we to expect? If history is any guide, we know that in 1940 and early 1941 the Soviet Union went to great lengths to prevent war or at least delay its outbreak. To this end, the USSR sought not to provoke the potential aggressor until the very end by refraining or postponing the most urgent and obvious preparations it had to make to defend itself from an imminent attack. When it finally acted, it was too late.

As a result, the country was not prepared to counter the invasion by Nazi Germany, which attacked our Motherland on June 22, 1941, without declaring war. The country stopped the enemy and went on to defeat it, but this came at a tremendous cost. The attempt to appease the aggressor ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people. In the first months after the hostilities broke out, we lost vast territories of strategic importance, as well as millions of lives. We will not make this mistake the second time. We have no right to do so.

Those who aspire to global dominance have publicly designated Russia as their enemy. They did so with impunity. Make no mistake, they had no reason to act this way. It is true that they have considerable financial, scientific, technological, and military capabilities. We are aware of this and have an objective view of the economic threats we have been hearing, just as our ability to counter this brash and never-ending blackmail. Let me reiterate that we have no illusions in this regard and are extremely realistic in our assessments.

As for military affairs, even after the dissolution of the USSR and losing a considerable part of its capabilities, today’s Russia remains one of the most powerful nuclear states. Moreover, it has a certain advantage in several cutting-edge weapons. In this context, there should be no doubt for anyone that any potential aggressor will face defeat and ominous consequences should it directly attack our country.
At the same time, technology, including in the defence sector, is changing rapidly. One day there is one leader, and tomorrow another, but a military presence in territories bordering on Russia, if we permit it to go ahead, will stay for decades to come or maybe forever, creating an ever mounting and totally unacceptable threat for Russia.

Even now, with NATO’s eastward expansion the situation for Russia has been becoming worse and more dangerous by the year. Moreover, these past days NATO leadership has been blunt in its statements that they need to accelerate and step up efforts to bring the alliance’s infrastructure closer to Russia’s borders. In other words, they have been toughening their position. We cannot stay idle and passively observe these developments. This would be an absolutely irresponsible thing to do for us.

Any further expansion of the North Atlantic alliance’s infrastructure or the ongoing efforts to gain a military foothold of the Ukrainian territory are unacceptable for us. Of course, the question is not about NATO itself. It merely serves as a tool of US foreign policy. The problem is that in territories adjacent to Russia, which I have to note is our historical land, a hostile “anti-Russia” is taking shape. Fully controlled from the outside, it is doing everything to attract NATO armed forces and obtain cutting-edge weapons.

For the United States and its allies, it is a policy of containing Russia, with obvious geopolitical dividends. For our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation. This is not an exaggeration; this is a fact. It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have crossed it.
This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement. For eight years, for eight endless years we have been doing everything possible to settle the situation by peaceful political means. Everything was in vain.

As I said in my previous address, you cannot look without compassion at what is happening there. It became impossible to tolerate it. We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us. It is their aspirations, the feelings and pain of these people that were the main motivating force behind our decision to recognise the independence of the Donbass people’s republics.
I would like to additionally emphasise the following. Focused on their own goals, the leading NATO countries are supporting the far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine, those who will never forgive the people of Crimea and Sevastopol for freely making a choice to reunite with Russia.

They will undoubtedly try to bring war to Crimea just as they have done in Donbass, to kill innocent people just as members of the punitive units of Ukrainian nationalists and Hitler’s accomplices did during the Great Patriotic War. They have also openly laid claim to several other Russian regions.
If we look at the sequence of events and the incoming reports, the showdown between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment. Moreover, they went as far as aspire to acquire nuclear weapons. We will not let this happen.

I have already said that Russia accepted the new geopolitical reality after the dissolution of the USSR. We have been treating all new post-Soviet states with respect and will continue to act this way. We respect and will respect their sovereignty, as proven by the assistance we provided to Kazakhstan when it faced tragic events and a challenge in terms of its statehood and integrity. However, Russia cannot feel safe, develop, and exist while facing a permanent threat from the territory of today’s Ukraine.

Let me remind you that in 2000–2005 we used our military to push back against terrorists in the Caucasus and stood up for the integrity of our state. We preserved Russia. In 2014, we supported the people of Crimea and Sevastopol. In 2015, we used our Armed Forces to create a reliable shield that prevented terrorists from Syria from penetrating Russia. This was a matter of defending ourselves. We had no other choice.

The same is happening today. They did not leave us any other option for defending Russia and our people, other than the one we are forced to use today. In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action. The people’s republics of Donbass have asked Russia for help.

In this context, in accordance with Article 51 (Chapter VII) of the UN Charter, with permission of Russia’s Federation Council, and in execution of the treaties of friendship and mutual assistance with the Donetsk People’s Republic and the Lugansk People’s Republic, ratified by the Federal Assembly on February 22, I made a decision to carry out a special military operation.

The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kiev regime. To this end, we will seek to demilitarise and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.

It is not our plan to occupy the Ukrainian territory. We do not intend to impose anything on anyone by force. At the same time, we have been hearing an increasing number of statements coming from the West that there is no need any more to abide by the documents setting forth the outcomes of World War II, as signed by the totalitarian Soviet regime. How can we respond to that?

The outcomes of World War II and the sacrifices our people had to make to defeat Nazism are sacred. This does not contradict the high values of human rights and freedoms in the reality that emerged over the post-war decades. This does not mean that nations cannot enjoy the right to self-determination, which is enshrined in Article 1 of the UN Charter.

Let me remind you that the people living in territories which are part of today’s Ukraine were not asked how they want to build their lives when the USSR was created or after World War II. Freedom guides our policy, the freedom to choose independently our future and the future of our children. We believe that all the peoples living in today’s Ukraine, anyone who want to do this, must be able to enjoy this right to make a free choice.

In this context I would like to address the citizens of Ukraine. In 2014, Russia was obliged to protect the people of Crimea and Sevastopol from those who you yourself call “nats.” The people of Crimea and Sevastopol made their choice in favour of being with their historical homeland, Russia, and we supported their choice. As I said, we could not act otherwise.

The current events have nothing to do with a desire to infringe on the interests of Ukraine and the Ukrainian people. They are connected with the defending Russia from those who have taken Ukraine hostage and are trying to use it against our country and our people.

I reiterate: we are acting to defend ourselves from the threats created for us and from a worse peril than what is happening now. I am asking you, however hard this may be, to understand this and to work together with us so as to turn this tragic page as soon as possible and to move forward together, without allowing anyone to interfere in our affairs and our relations but developing them independently, so as to create favourable conditions for overcoming all these problems and to strengthen us from within as a single whole, despite the existence of state borders. I believe in this, in our common future.

I would also like to address the military personnel of the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Comrade officers,

Your fathers, grandfathers and great-grandfathers did not fight the Nazi occupiers and did not defend our common Motherland to allow today’s neo-Nazis to seize power in Ukraine. You swore the oath of allegiance to the Ukrainian people and not to the junta, the people’s adversary which is plundering Ukraine and humiliating the Ukrainian people.

I urge you to refuse to carry out their criminal orders. I urge you to immediately lay down arms and go home. I will explain what this means: the military personnel of the Ukrainian army who do this will be able to freely leave the zone of hostilities and return to their families.
I want to emphasise again that all responsibility for the possible bloodshed will lie fully and wholly with the ruling Ukrainian regime.

To be continued.

The version:

By Max Fisher
Feb. 24, 2022

When Vladimir V. Putin announced Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in a televised address on Thursday, he articulated aims far beyond those of Russia’s prior assaults on its Ukrainian neighbor.

In a sweeping and angry address, Mr. Putin portrayed the conflict as one waged against the West as a whole. In a falsehood-filled narrative too detailed to be dismissed as mere nationalist fervor, Mr. Putin argued that the West aimed to use Ukraine as a springboard to invade and destroy Russia.
Unlike his speech earlier in the week, Mr. Putin spent relatively little time rehashing false stories of Ukrainian atrocities against the country’s Russian-speaking minority. Those claims had served as justification for his decision to recognize Russian-backed separatist forces, which have held parts of eastern Ukraine since 2014, as independent states that he was intervening to protect.

Rather, he portrayed the war as a pre-emptive strike against Western aggression and a decisive battle to protect Russia’s rightful imperial hold over Europe’s east.

What follows is a concise annotation of several key passages from his address.

The Case for War

It is a fact that over the past 30 years we have been patiently trying to come to an agreement with the leading NATO countries regarding the principles of equal and indivisible security in Europe. In response to our proposals, we invariably faced either cynical deception and lies or attempts at pressure and blackmail, while the North Atlantic alliance continued to expand despite our protests and concerns.

Mr. Putin framed his decision to invade Ukraine as a last-ditch effort to halt the West’s hostile expansion ever closer to Russia’s borders.
Since the end of the Cold War, a number of countries in Eastern Europe have chosen to join NATO, making them military allies of Moscow’s former adversaries in the West. In 2008, Washington pushed NATO to announce that it might one day consider membership for Ukraine, though Western leaders have insisted ever since that they see little prospect of this coming about any time soon.

Especially in recent weeks, Mr. Putin has called NATO’s expansion a plot to destroy Russia.

He has portrayed the flurry of diplomacy that began after Russia started massing troops on Ukraine’s border late last year as his effort to secure a stable European balance short of war. In reality, Russian diplomats have issued demands so extreme that they are widely seen as poison-pill provisions meant to derail talks. Western intelligence agencies say Mr. Putin appears to have decided on the invasion weeks or months ago.

We cannot stay idle and passively observe these developments. This would be an absolutely irresponsible thing to do for us.
For We our country, it is a matter of life and death, a matter of our historical future as a nation. … It is not only a very real threat to our interests but to the very existence of our state and to its sovereignty. It is the red line which we have spoken about on numerous occasions. They have
crossed it.

Mr. Putin asserts that, with diplomacy having failed, he has no choice but to save Russia by resolving through violence an existential conflict with the West that has been building since the Cold War’s end.

He draws on a nationalist narrative of lost imperial glory, a mostly false historical account of a duplicitous West forcing its will on Eastern Europe, and a long-mounting paranoia that Russia scholars consider to very possibly be sincere.

The collapse of the Soviet Union led to a redivision of the world. … This array includes promises not to expand NATO eastward even by an inch. To reiterate: They have deceived us, or, to put it simply, they have played us.

Mr. Putin spends a substantial portion of his speech retelling the past 30 years as a history of false Western promises to divide Europe in a stable balance between American and Russian spheres of influence. He implies that this proves that the West is implacably bent on encircling and destroying Russia, and so can only be turned back with force.

Yet contrary to Mr. Putin’s claims, Europe’s security order has been continually negotiated between Moscow and Washington, including in formal agreements over diplomatic and military arrangements.

Mr. Putin’s assertion of a Russian right to dictate those countries’ alliances amounts to a demand that the world jettison principles of international law and sovereignty in favor of old-style imperial spheres of influence.

His claim to this Russian right is new, despite his implication that Washington had in fact agreed to such an arrangement, the betrayal of which is, in his telling, just one of many Western acts of aggression.

There are many examples of this. First a bloody military operation was waged against Belgrade, without the U.N. Security Council’s sanction but with combat aircraft and missiles used in the heart of Europe.

Mr. Putin begins his long recitation of Western aggression with an episode that has obsessed Moscow ever since it occurred: NATO’s 1999 intervention in Serbia, where Serbian forces were accused of massacring civilians in the breakaway region of Kosovo. Washington later supported Kosovo’s independence.
Moscow has long seen that 1999 war as a shocking assault on the fellow Slavic peoples of Serbia and an implied threat to dismember Russia as well.

Mr. Putin also cited the American-led invasion of Iraq and Western interventions in Libya and Syria as proof of the West’s aggression.

This is how it was in the 1990s and the early 2000s, when the so-called collective West was actively supporting separatism and gangs of mercenaries in southern Russia. What victims, what losses we had to sustain and what trials we had to go through at that time before we broke the back of international terrorism in the Caucasus! We remember this and will never forget.

Mr. Putin is referring to a series of bitter internal wars fought in Russia’s North Caucasus region, particularly in Chechnya. Separatists in those regions had sought independence after the Soviet Union’s fall.

His claim that the West sponsored these conflicts to weaken Russia is fiction. But it is a concerning one, given fears that Mr. Putin may see Russia’s wars there as a possible scenario for Ukraine. The wars in Chechnya, which included a years long military occupation, saw much of the region obliterated and ended with Moscow installing a brutal dictator there.

They sought to destroy our traditional values and force on us their false values that would erode us, our people from within, the attitudes they have been aggressively imposing on their countries, attitudes that are directly leading to degradation and degeneration, because they are contrary to human nature. This is not going to happen.

Mr. Putin is referring to the extension of legal rights and cultural acceptance to L.G.B.T. peoples in Western countries. He has long portrayed this as evidence of Western cultural decadence and an assault on right-thinking Christian values of which he is, in his telling, the defender.

What next, what are we to expect? If history is any guide, we know that in 1940 and early 1941 the Soviet Union went to great lengths to prevent war or at least delay its outbreak. … The attempt to appease the aggressor ahead of the Great Patriotic War proved to be a mistake which came at a high cost for our people. … We will not make this mistake the second time. We have no right to do so.

The Kremlin has increasingly emphasized a Russian identity centered on World War II. This appears aimed at justifying Mr. Putin’s authoritarian rule and Russia’s stagnating economy as wartime necessities, while rallying citizens around another glorious national struggle.

Live Updates: Russia-Ukraine War
March 3, 2022, 4:04 p.m. ET
• BBC revives shortwave radio dispatches in Ukraine, and draws ire of Russia.
• Ikea and the owner of T.J. Maxx are the latest retailers to halt Russia operations.
• U.S. imposes new sanctions on Russian oligarchs and elites.

Still, Mr. Putin is unusually explicit in portraying the West as the next Nazi Germany, arguing that Moscow must learn from World War II, when the Nazi occupation of Soviet lands brought years of suffering, and strike first in Ukraine.

‘Genocide’ in eastern Ukraine

This brings me to the situation in Donbass. We can see that the forces that staged the coup in Ukraine in 2014 have seized power, are keeping it with the help of ornamental election procedures and have abandoned the path of a peaceful conflict settlement.

We had to stop that atrocity, that genocide of the millions of people who live there and who pinned their hopes on Russia, on all of us.

Unlike in his speech on Monday, which centered on mostly fictitious Ukrainian crimes against its Russian-speaking minority, Ukraine itself is almost an afterthought in Mr. Putin’s latest address. Mr. Putin recites his earlier justification for recognizing as independent states Russian-backed separatist forces, which have controlled parts of eastern Ukraine since 2014. That was the year that Ukrainians revolted to topple their pro-Moscow president.
The Kremlin has claimed ever since that the 2014 uprising was in fact a coup and that the government in Kyiv has sought to outright exterminate the country’s Russian-speaking minority, whom Mr. Putin portrays as crying out for Russian liberation.

In reality, Ukraine’s current government was democratically elected, the separatist forces in Ukraine’s east rule it through violence, and Ukrainians, including those who natively speak Russian, express overwhelming distrust of Russia. The leading NATO countries are supporting the far-right nationalists and neo-Nazis in Ukraine, those who will never forgive the people of Crimea and Sevastopol for freely making a choice to reunite with Russia.
Mr. Putin has long painted Ukraine’s government as neo-Nazis, in another attempt to portray Russia’s aggression toward the country as defensive, akin to its battle against Germany in World War II.

They will undoubtedly try to bring war to Crimea just as they have done in Donbass, to kill innocent people just as members of the punitive units of Ukrainian nationalists and Hitler’s accomplices did during the Great Patriotic War. They have also openly laid claim to several other Russian regions.

Mr. Putin’s repeated claims of genocidal Ukrainian persecution against Russian-speaking civilians in Donbass, the region in Ukraine’s east, are false.
In reality, Russian-backed separatists seized those territories by force, setting off a now eight-year war that has claimed thousands of lives. Mr. Putin has falsely claimed ever since that the separatists are merely defending local civilians from the threat of extermination.

If we look at the sequence of events and the incoming reports, the showdown between Russia and these forces cannot be avoided. It is only a matter of time. They are getting ready and waiting for the right moment. Moreover, they went as far as aspire to acquire nuclear weapons.
They did not leave us any other option for defending Russia and our people, other than the one we are forced to use today. In these circumstances, we have to take bold and immediate action.

This is the culmination of Mr. Putin’s up-is-down narrative portraying Ukraine, the country that his forces have repeatedly carved up through occupations and annexations, as a terrifying threat to Russia.

Ukraine, he argues, was not only plotting to attack Russia, but seeking nuclear weapons to do so. There is no evidence for either claim.

The Aims of the War

The purpose of this operation is to protect people who, for eight years now, have been facing humiliation and genocide perpetrated by the Kyiv regime.

Despite Mr. Putin’s long case for war as necessary to turn back encroaching Western influence by reimposing Russian influence in Ukraine, he ultimately declares his intentions to be more modest: protecting civilians in eastern Ukraine who have supposedly cried out for his help.
There is little reason to see this as an accurate description of Mr. Putin’s aims, given that he himself, in this same speech, emphasized far more sweeping goals — and that Russian forces are already launching attacks across Ukraine, far beyond the country’s separatist-held east.
Rather, this narrow goal may be intended to serve as an official casus belli, giving Russian diplomats something to cite, however implausible, particularly at the United Nations.

To this end, we will seek to demilitarize and denazify Ukraine, as well as bring to trial those who perpetrated numerous bloody crimes against civilians, including against citizens of the Russian Federation.

This may be the most important line of Mr. Putin’s speech, as a seeming statement of war aims far beyond his superficial claim of humanitarian intervention. His reference to “demilitarize” is being widely read as a threat to subjugate the Ukrainian state as a whole, neutering its ability to defend itself and therefore its sovereign autonomy. Russian forces have already struck at Ukrainian military installations across the country.

And Mr. Putin’s use of “denazify,” in context with his false claim that Ukraine’s democratic government is a neo-Nazi dictatorship, is seen as a threat to topple that government outright. Western intelligence agencies have warned for weeks that Moscow may be plotting to install a pliant dictatorship in Kyiv. Still, it is possible that these references are bluster, meant to intimidate Ukraine into accepting some accommodation short of full Russian subjugation.

Girding for Conflict

I urge you to immediately lay down arms and go home. I will explain what this means: The military personnel of the Ukrainian army who do this will be able to freely leave the zone of hostilities and return to their families. … I want to emphasize again that all responsibility for the possible bloodshed will lie fully and wholly with the ruling Ukrainian regime.

Mr. Putin’s offer of amnesty to Ukrainian soldiers who leave the battlefield is most likely intended to encourage desertion.
But it may also serve as a warning that Russian forces will accept heavy bloodshed in their invasion, which is already reaching into civilian areas, on the grounds that responsibility for loss of life ultimately rests on Ukrainian forces for not immediately surrendering.

I would now like to say something very important for those who may be tempted to interfere in these developments from the outside. No matter who tries to stand in our way or all the more so create threats for our country and our people, they must know that Russia will respond immediately, and the consequences will be such as you have never seen in your entire history.

This statement is widely seen as a threat of nuclear strikes against any Western country that might militarily intervene against Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Russian threats of using nuclear weaponry to retaliate against an attack on Russia itself are nothing new. But Mr. Putin, in extending this nuclear umbrella to cover his invasion forces in Ukraine, has issued a major and potentially destabilizing threat. Russian forces have carried out nuclear exercises in recent days, likely intended as a signal of his sincerity.

Citizens of Russia … It is our strength and our readiness to fight that are the bedrock of independence and sovereignty and provide the necessary foundation for building a reliable future for your home, your family, and your Motherland.

Mr. Putin ends by appealing directly to Russian citizens to support his war in Ukraine as a necessary national struggle. But there is every indication, including in opinion polls, that Russian citizens, as well as members of the country’s all-important elite, do not want a war with Ukraine and are deeply skeptical of Mr. Putin’s aggression. If Mr. Putin hopes to stave off public or political backlash as the war’s already-mounting political and economic toll on Russia rise, appeals to national struggle, such as this one, have so far proven severely insufficient.

Based on the information gathered over the last few years, my character measuring meter favors Putin 90/10. If he mentioned an oligarch, any oligarch, his score would have improved. leaked conversation

Smell the Sulfur

The umbrage resulting from Trudeau’s recent declaration of martial law throughout Canada provided further evidence a broader understanding of how modern crimes against humanity are hatched is needed and why the results of such crimes, having a lasting deleterious effect on our civilization must be recognized and acknowledged.

UNfortunately for the world there is no lack of examples; the one highlighted here started in the Seventies. It is an excellent model of the energy of evil; its incessant drive to power, the hidden, manipulative skill used to hold our freedom in check while at the same time arrest our moral progress with what they call progressivism.

Keep in mind; this is about a modern, particularly devastating crime against the People of the United States. The start of the evil that branched from the coven that spawned it goes back to the early 19th century and shares responsibility for much of the world wide devastation we are being guilted into accepting the bill for that ends up in their coffers and finances the whores who are the faces of the changes designed by higher echelon evil who you shall soon recognize as the one’s calling the shots in your life.

March 27, 1972

To the President and Congress of the United States:

I have the honor to transmit for your consideration the Final Report, containing the findings and recommendations, of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future, pursuant to Sec. 8, PL 91-213.

After two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the Nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the Nation’s ability to solve its problems. We have looked for, and have not found, any convincing economic argument for continued population growth. The health of our country does not depend on it, nor does the vitality of business nor the welfare of the average person.

The recommendations offered by this Commission are directed towards increasing public knowledge of the causes and consequences of population change, facilitating and guiding the processes of population movement, maximizing information about human reproduction and its consequences for the family, and enabling individuals to avoid unwanted fertility.

To these ends we offer this report in the hope that our findings and recommendations will stimulate serious consideration of an issue that is of great consequence to present and future generations.

Respectfully submitted for the Commission,

John D. Rockefeller 3rd

President Nixon’s response

Statement About the Report of the Commission on Population Growth and the American Future

May 05, 1972

THE Commission on Population Growth and the American Future has formally presented its report to me today, thus completing its 2 years of work.
The men and women on this panel have performed a valuable public service in identifying and examining a wide range of problems related to population, and have contributed to an emerging debate of great significance to the future of our Nation.

I wish to thank the able and energetic Chairman of the Commission, Mr. John D. Rockefeller 3d, for his tireless efforts, not only on this Commission but in other capacities, to focus the Nation’s attention on these important issues.

The extensive public discussion already generated by this report clearly indicates the need to continue research in areas touching on population growth and distribution.

While I do not plan to comment extensively on the contents and recommendations of the report, I do feel that it is important that the public know my views on some of the issues raised.

In particular, I want to reaffirm and reemphasize that I do not support unrestricted abortion policies. As I stated on April 3, 1971, when I revised abortion policies in military hospitals, I consider abortion an unacceptable form of population control. In my judgment, unrestricted abortion policies would demean human life. I also want to make it clear that I do not support the unrestricted distribution of family planning services and devices to minors. Such measures would do nothing to preserve and strengthen close family relationships.

I have a basic faith that the American people themselves will make sound judgments regarding family size and frequency of births, judgments that are conducive both to the public interest and to personal family goals–and I believe in the right of married couples to make these judgments for themselves.
While disagreeing with the general thrust of some of the Commission’s recommendations, I wish to extend my thanks to the members of the Commission for their work and for having assembled much valuable information.

The findings and conclusions of the Commission should be of great value in assisting governments at all levels to formulate policy. At the Federal level, through our recent reorganization of the Executive Office of the President, we have the means through the Domestic Council and the Office of Management and Budget to follow up on the Commission’s report. The recommendations of the Commission will be taken into account as we formulate our national growth and population research policies, and our agency budgets through these processes for the years ahead.

Many of the questions raised by the report cannot be answered purely on the basis of fact, but rather involve moral judgments about which reasonable men will disagree. I hope that the discussions ahead will be informed ones, so that we all will be better able to face these questions relating to population in full knowledge of the consequences of our decisions.

Twenty seven months after Nixon’s response he was encouraged out of office and succeeded by Gerald Ford. One hundred twenty three days later the National Security Study Memorandum 200 otherwise recognized as the Kissinger Report was released, though not for public consumption; it was classified and shared only with those who had a need to know.

Seven days later Nelson Rockefeller assumed the role of Vice President.

If you are going to read that USAID pdf, and you should if you want to get an idea of what awaits was laid out between the lines, I suggest you start on the last page and work back.

Forty years later the Rockefellers were still celebrating.

The report’s summary was unequivocal. John D. Rockefeller III, the commission’s chairman, wrote in a submission letter on March 27, 1972, that “after two years of concentrated effort, we have concluded that, in the long run, no substantial benefits will result from further growth of the nation’s population, rather that the gradual stabilization of our population through voluntary means would contribute significantly to the nation’s ability to solve its problems.”

But shortly after receiving the report, Nixon rejected it. Nixon, concerned about his re-election, according to Rockefeller, bowed to political pressures, in particular vocal religious and conservative groups, and disavowed the report’s key recommendations.

Rockefeller’s letter also noted that the commission had looked for but did not find any convincing economic argument for continued population growth. It called for an early end to further population increases, appealing to Americans to abandon their “ideological addiction to growth” and the outdated pro-natalist biases rooted in their social institutions. Even businesspeople on the commission supported the central, near heretical finding: “The health of our country does not depend on population growth, nor does the vitality of business, nor the welfare of the average person.”

The commission also said that population growth is a major factor affecting domestic demand for resources and the deterioration of the environment. Slower population growth would reduce pressures on the environment and the depletion of resources as well as gain time to find solutions to the nation’s problems.

The commission confronted other explosive issues. It recommended decriminalizing abortion, removing legal barriers to obtaining contraceptives, providing sex education in schools, freezing legal immigration to no more than 400,000 a year, stopping illegal immigration, approving the Equal Rights Amendment and ensuring freedom from discrimination based on sex.

The group dismissed charges that it would have the government tell citizens how many children they could have. Its aim was freedom of choice, under which “it would be equally honorable to marry or not, to be childless or not, to have one child or two, or more. Our goal is less regimentation of reproductive behavior, not more.”
Although the report and its recommendations were rejected, some of the suggestions came to fruition later. In 1973, Roe v. Wade decriminalized abortion. Most states dismantled laws restricting contraceptives and expanded sex education in schools. And much progress has been made on banning sex discrimination.

Notable demographic changes, of course, have occurred in the country since the 1972 report. America’s population has expanded by more than 100 million, to 313 million. Average fertility has declined close to the replacement level of about two children for each family, and teenage pregnancy is at its lowest level in 40 years. Legal immigration has increased nearly threefold, to about 1.1 million a year, and the number of people living illegally in the US is more than 11 million.

Yet the US still has no population policy. Given the November presidential election and the political climate in Washington, it seems doubtful that Congress will address population issues, especially immigration reform, soon.

When the government does begin to debate population policy again, it will be useful to consider demographic realities, future population projections and likely environmental costs. Even with replacement fertility, the US population is projected to exceed 400 million by midcentury. Most of the growth is a result of immigration by migrants and their descendants.

Embracing the traditional pro-growth ethic that “more is better” is as unacceptable now as it was decades ago.

Congress, the president and the public should give serious consideration to the Rockefeller Commission’s recommendation that no major benefits will result from more population growth and that gradual stabilizing of the US population through voluntary means would help significantly to solving American problems.


Lost In Draft

since October. had an interesting article today.

Today news of Merck’s Molnupiravir is dominating the narrative. In dramatic fashion they are stopping the trial recruitment and plan to file an EUA

They’re excited because..

 Molnupiravir…  will flatten the curve and it may very well do that in the unvaccinated people that are altered early, with at least one underlying condition, that don’t want to have sex. Please raise your hand if you fit in that demographic and compare that to just about anyone at risk of Covid-19 (vaccinated, unvaccinated, multiple underlying conditions, or healthy)…

…While many people in America are hoping that the vaccines will help restore normalcy, the brutal reality is that vaccines are failing.  A breakthrough infection is a failure of the vaccine, plain and simple.  The pivot that it prevents symptoms and death is quickly turning into a myth.  So how does the government reconcile these misleading expectations while maintaining control of the situation? Doubling down or tripling down with failed policies through spin master Fauci seems to be the modus operandi.  To be clear, these vaccines do offer a level of protection, but people are getting breakthroughs in record numbers because the government hasn’t done a good job educating the public on the true limitations of the vaccines.  Unvaccinated people can spread disease the same way vaccinated people can.  The divisive talking point that this is a “pandemic of the unvaccinated” is just not completely true…

I wanna dedicate a song…


Covid Doesn’t Respect the Vaxx

why should you?


For one thing, the most commonly cited number to prove “vaccine efficacy”—“90 percent of covid deaths are among the unvaccinated”—is fundamentally flawed because it goes back to the earliest days of the injections when almost no one had gotten them. Obviously, nearly all who died of (or with) covid in January and February of 2021 were “unvaccinated.”

Moreover, our health officials have been engaged for over a year in a kind of statistical sleight of hand, categorizing people who have taken the injections as “unvaccinated” up until 14 days after their second shot, which means at least five or six weeks have passed since their first shot. In doing so, they ignore evidence that the shots actually make people more susceptible to the virus in the short term. So if you contract covid after getting both shots, but prior to the closing of the 14-day window, and then die, you are considered an “unvaccinated” death. (They’re playing this same trick with the booster shots, too.)

This method also does not account for those who die as a result of immediate adverse reactions to the shots. Such deaths are generally numbered among the “unvaccinated,” even though it was the “vaccine” that killed them…

Wait. There’s more. A Professor Emeritus of Pediatrics, Pathology, and Decision Science has recently decided covid was a scam.


When three eminent clinicians produced an accurate science-based approach to COVID that was counter to the Biden/Fauci anti-science tyrannical narrative, the Washington establishment went nuclear. NIH Director Francis Collins wrote to NIAID Director Fauci the following.  “This proposal from the three fringe epidemiologists who met with the Secretary seems to be getting a lot of attention – and even a co-signature from Nobel Prize winner Mike Leavitt at Stanford. There needs to be a quick and devastating published take down of its premises. I don’t see anything like that on line yet – is it underway?”  The proposal was the Great Barrington Declaration and the “fringe epidemiologists” are faculty from Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford.

The Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) is supposed to track harmful complications after vaccination. When Jessica Rose, PhD, found that VAERS was under-counting and Washington was under-reporting adverse even fatal complications from mRNA vaccination, she assumed others would be interested. She submitted her findings as a research paper to an academic medical journal. The publisher, not peer reviewers, “declined to publish” her work with no explanation. Censorship keeps clinical physicians in the dark.

In addition to suppressing dialogue among researchers, Washington stifles communication between bio-scientists and the public. When physicians tried to publicize natural immunity acquired after COVID infection, Washington censored reports that would counter the official narrative.

When physicians started to use ivermectin, Washington feared this would detract from people’s willingness to comply with the vaccine mandate. A campaign was launched to suppress drugs like ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, and monoclonal antibodies as treatments…

I’d say better late than never but for those who submitted to the government lies and employer bullying, late is too late.

Are They Serious? For the Sake of the Economy?

Do they think citizens around the world will not remember how their household economy was  affected by the globalist manipulation of medical data the government leaders claimed as the basis for stay at home orders? And how the world wide economical flame was grounded down to a spark in the ashes of the normalcy the elite so hated?

Time to remove trucks? Was that your message? All I saw and heard was

It looks like you’re about to learn what the meaning of ‘resolve’ is in the world outside your political circus where parasitic groveling is the norm.


Is Biden Crime Family Behind This Emerging Niche Market?

It’s not like we haven’t seen the Biden family version of business acumen at work in the past but with Hunter’s valuable experience in the field and the U.S. Treasury in Pop’s Executive branch…  opportunity doesn’t have to be recognized, they can create it!

That Hunter picture sure does bring Pop to mind, don’t you think?

Now, the latest from Not Just In News…

This late edition news break comes with a ‘You Can’t Handle the Truth’ warning, one observation and some questions from me.

What you’re about to witness is not new. While the depravations have grown increasingly and proportionally more repulsive over the years it has been for the most part ignored by the major news sources making it easy for duhmerica, to our shame, to disregard all warnings  of what we are being transformed into, which has allowed the measure of evil to increase and spread, with the help and guidance of the democrat party, until we are now being shown the glimpses of hell they have purposely shielded US from for many decades.

Why now? Why are they sharing this evidence of the rot being forced on US now ? Are they going to stop there or will they shine a light on the Other Than Mexican invaders also? Or is that story being saved for another time?