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Deja Vu Predux

It was curiosity that led me to the the other day and it reminded me immediately of something that took a few days to find.

From four years ago… contains a link to and that has pictures of what is claimed to be the found former site of Sodom and Gemorrah.

This is the picture from Sodom and Gomorrah I was reminded of

when I saw this picture of the Rockefeller Museum.


I am not being a wise guy but if you need a reminder to repent, you can find it in Genesis 19.

Truth Will Shout

February 25, 2022 

In the early hours Thursday, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale military assault on Ukraine, inciting a wave of international backlash and sanctions against Russia.

“Putin is the aggressor. Putin chose this war. And now he and his country will bear the consequences,” President Joe Biden said.

Some on social media claimed the United States may have more at stake than it lets on.

A post shared to Facebook on Thursday shows a map of Ukraine pinpointing what the poster asserts are “exclusive U.S. biolabs in Ukraine” that are funded by the U.S. Department of Defense. 

“By now I think most everybody knows about Ukraine/WW3,” reads the post, which amassed more than 400 interactions in a day. “So what do we know about this??”

March 2022


Why would the  U.S. fund labs working with deadly pathogens which could be used for biological warfare so close to the Russian border?

Why indeed? From

In 1978, he became the president of Rockefeller University, until he stepped down in 1990…

During a 1986 fact finding mission of the 1979 Soviet Union epidemic of anthrax bacteria… Lederberg sided with Soviets that the anthrax outbreak was from animal to human transmission stating, Wild rumors do spread around every epidemic.” After the fall of the Soviet Union… subsequent US investigations in the early 1990’s a team of scientists confirmed the outbreak was caused by a release of an aerosol of anthrax pathogen from a nearby military facility

March 2022

In recent weeks, the Russian Defence Ministry has peeled back layers of information about 30+ Pentagon-funded biolabs feared to be engaged in dangerous and illegal research into deadly pathogens in Ukraine. US officials and media initially denied that the labs existed, but a senior Biden administration official later confirmed their presence.

June 10 2022

…Task Force’s predictions of “bio-tagging” the US population for biosurveillance tracking through a program called MAVNI would be captured in my two books “Awan Minutes To Midnight” and “Under Lockdown”. Since the UK’s Porton Down bioagent facility was actively involved in this program, I have given the book “Under Lockdown” the same middle position as the British Gold Beach landing in the infographic…

…By late 2019, we were already predicting a lockdown with some sort of new, novel virus, to be delivered from Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi Azov Batallion in China for spread across the globe. These initial speculations were later confirmed in a March 2020 gathering of citizen journalists near Washington, DC. This research about Ukrainian Billionaire Igor Kolomoisky’s Azov Batallion potentially super spreading the new, novel virus is depicted in my book, “Somewhere Under the Rainbow”...

How about it? Have you noticed that you are dusting your abode and your vehicle’s interior more frequently when the democrats  are holding the reins?  Not that the spineless republicans would not play the sneaky mean big brother when their turn comes.

Bioresearch labs are not needed to eradicate diseases that can be controlled by improving sanitary measures at a fraction of the cost associated with bioweapon production.

Bioweapons are the Grim Reapers scythe approaching the global population.

From the Moody Blues Days of Future Passed

Did Someone Say “Spray It”?

From two months ago

In 2020, according to the Houston Field Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, 33 handguns modified with Glock switches were seized. In 2021, that number rose to 145.

Federal authorities in Arkansas say the influx of conversion devices and converted weapons hasn’t reached anywhere near the level of Houston, or other larger metropolitan areas, but since 2020 such devices have been on the rise…

Although the growth in cases is modest, there is evidence to suggest that local law enforcement has only begun to scratch the surface of the problem. During a recent sentencing hearing for Louis Rockefeller, who pleaded guilty earlier this year to one count of transfer of a machine gun, testimony in that hearing suggested that police are running across fully automatic weapons with increasing frequency…

I appreciate the work ATF does; no ifs, ands or buts. I believe they’re after the criminals and there are plenty out there on all levels. Here’s an example.

There is plenty of evidence the democrat faction of the globalist ‘eating the free club’ is geared up for another assault on the Second Amendment based on another questionable attack on a school. 

Mysteries abound still on those past shootings… suspects not yet tried leading the list or they are unfit to stand trial…

They will be coming hard for the Second Amendment. Don’t be fooled.

WHO Secretariat News


We may have won the battle this week at the World Health Organization in Geneva, but not the war. Tedros got only two of his crowns – his first crown was his “re-election” for another five years. His second crowning was the immediate use of new, assumed emergency powers to declare a “public health emergency of international concern” in Ukraine. The third crowning – international emergency powers for Tedros for all 194 WHO Member nations did not happen. That was the battle that was won…

Fingerprints Part II


Our research group’s brand of journalism went to all the key locations in the US, the UK, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, and back to Western Europe again to unravel the CoronaVirus puzzle. Along the way, we confirmed all that our research group had reported in March 2020 with many key additional findings coming to the fore along the way. We turned out to be right on a lot of critical components of the CoronaVirus story…

I wrote about the ferrets testing the infectivity of various strains of Gain of Function Influenza in my book, “Spray It In Dutch”. Not many saw the connection between the Erasmus Lab and CoronaVirus when I wrote the book, but now the evidence is coming in MV1-Lu cells being genetically fingerprinted as the great parent of SARS-COV-2, just like the Erasmus Labs fingerprints on the preceding SARS and MERS viruses…


Memorial Day 2022



If you don’t know the story behind the picture read it here.

It is a record of a memorable event that may be both the shortest in measures of time and boundless in measure of devotion to duty in our Nation’s history. You should know about these two remarkably normal Americans; about how they dug in their heels, leaned forward into a no-doubt-about-it-deadly-threat, showing no concern for their lives as others around them, sane men as one Afghani policeman described them, broke and ran to safety.

As Cpl. Jonathon Yale and Lance Cpl. Jordan Haerter fulfilled their orders moments after being posted on guard when they willingly and with attitude that is recognizable in that picture sacrificed their lives for those it was their duty to protect.

It is those two Marines I think of on Memorial Day since I learned of their story. It was seven years before I heard their story and only now have I dug out their story as told by General John Kelly in the speech he made twelve years ago.

In that speech, Kelly made some observations that bear repeating:

As we sit here right now we must not lose sight of the fact that America is at risk in a way it has never been before. Our enemy fights for an ideology based on an irrational hatred of who we are… We did not start this fight. It came to us motivated by a visceral loathing of everything we are, and it will not end until the extremists understand that we as a people will never lose our faith or our courage…

The Nation he was describing then was already slipping through our fingers; and even as we the people pretend we haven’t lost our grip on liberty when we chant the corporate sounding USA!USA!USA! we are ignoring two important facts:

We ignore our One True God Who alone blessed US with freedom and the Constitution that defines our Nation’s heritage through the work of our Founding Fathers and

We ignore the open violence our most dangerous enemies perpetrate on our lives.

Of the two, ignoring God will be the root cause of our demise as a Nation.

The only connection we have to our heritage these days are the UNcompromising cuffs of slime that bind our empty hands to the owners of the new world order, cuffs coated with the veneer of slime their political whores folded on our Constitutional Republic as they did the bidding of their pimp/benefactors, the architects of that same global obscurity that seeks first our enslavement and then our demise.

We are forsaking the control of our destiny God blessed US with and the Constitution defined for US almost 250 years ago. That strand of political slime  is now being connected to the impatient new world order; coated with the slime their political apparatchiks layered on our Republic for so long many are unable to recognize we’ve all been conditioned to slavery for more than a hundred years.

General Kelly does a fine job explaining the enemy’s characteristics at

…Our enemy is savage, offers absolutely no quarter, and has a single focus and that is to kill everyone of us here at home, or enslave us with a sick form of extremism that serves no God or purpose that decent men and women could ever grasp…

I don’t think the General had our real enemy in mind when he said that, although he did a grand job of describing them.

He just doesn’t look low enough in all the high places to recognize and identify them.

Pay attention to Davos and Geneva to get a clearer sense of WHO our true enemies are and have been for the last hundred years and then some.




It’s likely, even at this late stage of the covid scam, most everyone seriously resisting the covid inoculation is aware of the name of Dr. Frederico A. Nazar except me.

I just heard of him this morning so in case his name is not familiar to you here is his take on the scam.

It’s unlikely fifty thousand doctors can be wrong (unless they are getting paid off by Biden’s controller) but I don’t remember the following story so I’ve included it to refresh all our memories.

Hereby treatments were presented at the
Italian Senate, Sep 2021: the Rome declaration against the genocidal denial of effective treatment was signed by 50 thousand doctors.

Also, ICS France 2022:

Other facts you may find significant are Dr. Nazar is learned in Social and Behavioral Sciences and you can get a taste of how applying social and behavioral science in an occult manner to this subject has been accomplished here:

Also, Wikipedia has an interesting if coincidental entry at

Machine 04122 Continued

It looks like Machine 04122 was derailed last week; what was presented was only patches of the story. It appears some key content was lost.

In an effort to square that away I’ll start with

If you don’t yet understand where all our changes are coming from scroll down through and get it right from the horse’s mouth.

If you seriously want to balance your socio-political mind or get to the root of your uncle’s confusion help is found at you won’t be disappointed. Well, you might be if you lean left to any degree and haven’t learned much about the history of your personal beliefs.

Maybe you’ll see some of what was spelled out at the site about the New School here No? What do you think that global elite family was doing? Hiding or lying? I believe they’re doing both; or rather, they were doing both. That master closet door is about ready to open and if you’re still wondering “what went wrong with U.S.?” when it swings wide you better be ready to duck.

Old habits die hard

Study Abroad in Havana, Cuba

Launched in the fall 2006, the Harvard College Program in Cuba allows students to enroll directly in University of Havana courses that are regularly offered to students in Cuba and provides Harvard students with a thoughtfully integrated semester of coursework that will introduce students to significant issues in Cuban Studies and U.S.-Cuba relations, while also providing a Harvard University organized orientation, dorm stay, and other special activities. Harvard students will be attending classes along-side Cuban students in the Spring 2007 semester and will also be paired with former DRCLAS Cuban visiting scholars for mentoring and guidance.
For questions, please contact Yadira Rivera or visit the Office of International Programs.

…The first three John D. Rockefellers were engaged with China from the time of the American Civil War to Deng Xiaoping’s reform era. Across the 20th century, their philanthropic investment in China’s science,medicine, and higher education far outpaced any other American source – upwards of a billion dollars. The Rockefeller interests in China’s commerce, religion, science, and art epitomize the multi-dimensional, non-governmental forces that continue to shape U.S.-China relations today…

The former RF chairman, the mouthpiece for the Rockefeller Vision, Bill Dietel
believes that the services that we provide today are more important than ever. At a time when government, at all levels, is increasingly sclerotic, nonprofits have a unique opportunity to provide creative leadership. But, to realize the full potential of that leadership, the sector needs philanthropic financial support

Sclerotic. As if they had nothing to do with that.

You are likely aware that RF philanthropic support has a strong tendency to turn into taxpayer support. It’s the Rockefeller Way and down the road, as I see it, Dietel’s words read like a plan to replace the ‘sclerotic’ government with like minded associates and transform We the People (who at this time are actively experiencing ‘freedom in flux’) back to serfs as the opportunistic creative leadership naturally assume the roles of lords of their various manors.

Here’s more recent half a$$ed protest from the power cabal’s controlled opposition, one Archbishop Carlo Vigano bloviating on the expected WHO takeover coming soon. You know it is a BS concern for him when he fails to mention both Jesus Christ, the reason Vigano has a job in the first place, and the Rockefeller Foundation without which, WHO wouldn’t exist and the pope probably wouldn’t have a job.

Isn’t that just like the Church to ignore the preliminary bouts leading to the Main Event? Do they even acknowledge the approaching Main Event anymore?

From Ilana Lowy and Patrick Zylberman, “Internationalising Public Health and Biomedicine”

…After 1945, the RF had to adapt itself to a transformed world. As a consequence, the IHD was dissolved in 1951, its principal tasks having been taken over by the newly founded World Health Organisation (many leading IHD officers later became WHO officials)…

With respect to Lowy and Zylberman, the RF doesn’t adapt to anything. They do the transformations, pass the cost on to the taxpayers and continue to maintain positions of influence as what is left of humanity’s freedoms continue to be stolen, lost at an ever increasing inverse ratio to Totalitaria’s power gained.

Beyond the RF’s stated intention of good health to mankind, there was the less fully presented underlying, science based program of change intended, as Lowy and Zylberman put it, ‘with the explicit goal of improving control over the different aspects of human behaviour’.

Download “Internationalising Public Health and Biomedicine”, it is loaded with food for thought.

You ever wonder why the attack on the Second Amendment is so UNrelenting? The target of scientific research is the control of humanity by liberating mankind from the burden of disease and occasional self-destructive behavior. Glory be, peace on earth through the rational control of ‘nature and society’ under the guise of their (then) soon to be introduced Social Sciences.

William Isaac Thomas was one such connected sociologist.

Here’s his publicized rap sheet and history and he’s just one of the tools the usurpers of our Founding Fathers used. It is presented here so readers can contemplate and compare the vices and virtues of each side; I think we’ll be required to make a choice soon. I’d like to believe we’re all basing it on facts.

Related to the Machine 04122



The Russian Ministry of Defense rocked the world again in mid-May of 2022 by asserting no less than TWELVE NATO countries were contributing to the bioagents development in Ukraine…

Very interesting information there. I postponed my trip to the  country for awhile after I got off my butt and looked further into the geopolitical location of Sverdlovsk, Russia now named Yakaterinberg,[17] which does not exist according to Wikipedia if you click on that Yakaterinberg link; or the one at the Joshua Lederberg Wikipedia page.  It’s all very confusing.

Them Rockefellers sure do know how to cover their tracks.

Oh, yeah.  Geopolitical location of Sverdlovsk is Ukraine.

Communists were hooked up with the oligarch crime syndicate and put their bioagent labs in Ukraine.

Compared to Biden and friends Putin looks like the anti-Rock.

Now I’m going to have to post the Rockefeller-China connections.

Boo Rockefeller, Yay Putin

Machine 04122 Addendum it’s a post-Westphalian world

This Blog Makes Frequent Trips to the Border