It looks like Machine 04122 was derailed last week; what was presented was only patches of the story. It appears some key content was lost.
In an effort to square that away I’ll start with
If you don’t yet understand where all our changes are coming from scroll down through and get it right from the horse’s mouth.
If you seriously want to balance your socio-political mind or get to the root of your uncle’s confusion help is found at you won’t be disappointed. Well, you might be if you lean left to any degree and haven’t learned much about the history of your personal beliefs.
Maybe you’ll see some of what was spelled out at the site about the New School here No? What do you think that global elite family was doing? Hiding or lying? I believe they’re doing both; or rather, they were doing both. That master closet door is about ready to open and if you’re still wondering “what went wrong with U.S.?” when it swings wide you better be ready to duck.
Old habits die hard
Study Abroad in Havana, Cuba
Launched in the fall 2006, the Harvard College Program in Cuba allows students to enroll directly in University of Havana courses that are regularly offered to students in Cuba and provides Harvard students with a thoughtfully integrated semester of coursework that will introduce students to significant issues in Cuban Studies and U.S.-Cuba relations, while also providing a Harvard University organized orientation, dorm stay, and other special activities. Harvard students will be attending classes along-side Cuban students in the Spring 2007 semester and will also be paired with former DRCLAS Cuban visiting scholars for mentoring and guidance.
For questions, please contact Yadira Rivera or visit the Office of International Programs.
…The first three John D. Rockefellers were engaged with China from the time of the American Civil War to Deng Xiaoping’s reform era. Across the 20th century, their philanthropic investment in China’s science,medicine, and higher education far outpaced any other American source – upwards of a billion dollars. The Rockefeller interests in China’s commerce, religion, science, and art epitomize the multi-dimensional, non-governmental forces that continue to shape U.S.-China relations today…
The former RF chairman, the mouthpiece for the Rockefeller Vision, Bill Dietel
…believes that the services that we provide today are more important than ever. At a time when government, at all levels, is increasingly sclerotic, nonprofits have a unique opportunity to provide creative leadership. But, to realize the full potential of that leadership, the sector needs philanthropic financial support…
Sclerotic. As if they had nothing to do with that.
You are likely aware that RF philanthropic support has a strong tendency to turn into taxpayer support. It’s the Rockefeller Way and down the road, as I see it, Dietel’s words read like a plan to replace the ‘sclerotic’ government with like minded associates and transform We the People (who at this time are actively experiencing ‘freedom in flux’) back to serfs as the opportunistic creative leadership naturally assume the roles of lords of their various manors.
Here’s more recent half a$$ed protest from the power cabal’s controlled opposition, one Archbishop Carlo Vigano bloviating on the expected WHO takeover coming soon. You know it is a BS concern for him when he fails to mention both Jesus Christ, the reason Vigano has a job in the first place, and the Rockefeller Foundation without which, WHO wouldn’t exist and the pope probably wouldn’t have a job.
Isn’t that just like the Church to ignore the preliminary bouts leading to the Main Event? Do they even acknowledge the approaching Main Event anymore?
From Ilana Lowy and Patrick Zylberman, “Internationalising Public Health and Biomedicine”
…After 1945, the RF had to adapt itself to a transformed world. As a consequence, the IHD was dissolved in 1951, its principal tasks having been taken over by the newly founded World Health Organisation (many leading IHD officers later became WHO officials)…
With respect to Lowy and Zylberman, the RF doesn’t adapt to anything. They do the transformations, pass the cost on to the taxpayers and continue to maintain positions of influence as what is left of humanity’s freedoms continue to be stolen, lost at an ever increasing inverse ratio to Totalitaria’s power gained.
Beyond the RF’s stated intention of good health to mankind, there was the less fully presented underlying, science based program of change intended, as Lowy and Zylberman put it, ‘with the explicit goal of improving control over the different aspects of human behaviour’.
Download “Internationalising Public Health and Biomedicine”, it is loaded with food for thought.
You ever wonder why the attack on the Second Amendment is so UNrelenting? The target of scientific research is the control of humanity by liberating mankind from the burden of disease and occasional self-destructive behavior. Glory be, peace on earth through the rational control of ‘nature and society’ under the guise of their (then) soon to be introduced Social Sciences.
William Isaac Thomas was one such connected sociologist.
Here’s his publicized rap sheet and history and he’s just one of the tools the usurpers of our Founding Fathers used. It is presented here so readers can contemplate and compare the vices and virtues of each side; I think we’ll be required to make a choice soon. I’d like to believe we’re all basing it on facts.