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Iranian Women

Seems they’ve had enough

Iran’s morality police arrested Mahsa Amini, a Kurdish-Iranian woman, on Sept. 14 near a train station while visiting the capital with her family. No explanation was offered, but witnesses said that the police accused Amini of failing to properly wear her hijab (headscarf)… 

They’re struggling with morality police; female morality police.

It’s the New World Order way.

First the morality police kill someone, or many, then after the fact, their sympathy, their compassion, whatever they think needs to be expressed no matter how strangely alien it appears will take place in a special investigation with concurrent amends to procedure put in place while the protesters are rounded up and disappear.

Did they take off Mahsa Amini’s nose?


If you don’t yet have an idea of what’s to come, you’ll understand soon enough when the democrat’s velour glove comes off. Oh wait, democrats are way ahead of that, aren’t they?

And that’s from three months ago. Have you heard of any good or you might regard it as different news about the January 6 prisoners lately?

Dem Bones

Cancellous Bones, the Rib and Creation

…Cancellous bone makes up about 20 percent of the human skeleton, providing structural support and flexibility without the weight of compact bone. It is found in most areas of bone that are not subject to great mechanical stress. It makes up much of the enlarged ends (epiphyses) of the long bones and is the major component of the ribs, the shoulder blades, the flat bones of the skull, and a variety of short, flat bones elsewhere in the skeleton.

Cancellous bone is usually surrounded by a shell of compact bone, which provides greater strength and rigidity. The open structure of cancellous bone enables it to dampen sudden stresses, as in load transmission through the joints. Varying proportions of space to bone are found in different bones according to the need for strength or flexibility. Cancellous bone also has a relatively high level of metabolic activity.

“And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall on Adam, and he slept; and He took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh in its place. Then the rib which the Lord God had taken from man He made into a woman, and He brought her to the man. And Adam said: ‘This is now bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh; she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man’” (Genesis 2:21–23).


…Cancellous bone is a spongy type of bone and is responsible for producing stem cells and blood cells. Because of these incredible properties, cancellous bone is typically used for bone grafts due to its concentration of osteoprogenitor cells and therefore a greater ability to form new bone as compared to cortical bone…

 Erythropoiesis: The cancellous bone is the main site of Erythropoiesis. The red blood cells are produced in the red bone marrow at a rate of about two million per second and all this process is done inside the spongy bone or the cancellous bone. The high vascularized nature of the spongy bone is the only reason that is allowing for the rapid production of red blood cells. The elements that are required to make the red blood cells such as the amino acids, lipids, and glucose are delivered by the spongy bone. The old and damaged red blood cells return to the bone marrow when they are ready to die. In the bone marrow, the red blood cells are phagocytized by macrophages. The same process also occurs in the spleen and the liver.

In biological terms, metabolism is a chain of biochemical reactions, and it involves all the biochemical reactions that help in the survival of the organisms. Metabolism is also needed by organisms to grow, reproduce, and maintain different living conditions to sustain…

…The Son of God “did not consider being like God something to be seized.” The clause alludes to the story of the “serpent” tempting Adam – “For God knows that in the day you eat thereof your eyes will be opened and you will become LIKE GOD, knowing good and evil” – (Genesis 3:5).

Adam chose disobedience. The Greek noun rendered “seize” means “plunder, booty” – something that is seized by force…

Scientists are no match for God. They’re not even close. Stay strong in your faith.

For all their fancy equipment in their fancy laboratories with all their whirling test tubes and spinning doodads…

For all their laws, for all their lies, for all the participation they forced that ended in deaths…

For all the aborted infants they slaughtered and then experimented with the dissected parts …

They will never have the power they crave, the power they need, the power they think will enable them to replace God.

For all the billions of dollars spent pursuing that dream, their failings continue; all they’re left with are words like promise, hope and soon and a trail of bodies.

Do you think their bosses like to be reminded all God used was Adam’s rib to create Woman? And he did it in His garden!

Something to keep in mind.

The Delta Rhythm Boys are to sing along with.

There Are Scammers

John Fetterman’s Radical Marxist Wife Is the REAL Play They’re Making for the Senate

This just in…

and then there are SCAMMERS

Anticipating Convergence Science in the 21st Century


The convergence of neuroscience with such burgeoning fields as bioengineering, nanoscience, and computer science, as well as mathematics and theoretical and experimental physics, will accelerate in the coming decades. The question naturally arises: How will Rockefeller University be able to thrive as 21st century science increasingly combines the physical sciences, technology, and neuroscience? How can a small institution, with a strong focus on the life sciences, succeed in comparison to a large academic institution with schools and departments of engineering, nanoscience, computer science, and the other physical sciences? How will Rockefeller adapt to this trend?

By doing what they do best; sliding the tab across the table to the taxpayers as reported below.

…The new agency will support a broad range of programs aimed at preventing, detecting, and treating a variety of diseases, including cancer, according to the White House’s statement. However, rather than focusing on early research, STAT reports that ARPA-H will investigate higher-level solutions such as commercializing technology. Modeled on DARPA, the new agency is intended to speed the development of treatment and cures for diseases.

Earlier this year, ARPA-H received $1 billion in congressional funding to fulfill these objectives, and US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Xavier Becerra decided it would be part of the National Institutes of Health. As director of ARPA-H, Wegryzn will report directly to Becerra…

A Funny Thing Happened

on the way to the forum.

An old Gallup poll was the subject on the forum I was visiting  and ‘American public opinion was 90% opposed to entering World War 2!’ was the introductory line.

Now something like that will always get my attention what with my awareness of the activity of the National Security League prior to our entry into the earlier world war so I did a cut and paste of  a part of intending to share the WW I example of the same public attitude I reported in that piece…


Helke Rausch (University of Freiburg) focuses on a particular group of public elite actors during the neutrality period: philanthropists in the fledgling Rockefeller Foundation.

The foundation’s officers, Rausch demonstrates, disregarded American neutrality and from the outbreak of the war in 1914 pleaded for entering into direct commitments in the European war zone. With the entry of the United States into war in early April 1917, Rockefeller officials and collaborators then became “combat” philanthropists,
assisting the U.S. military by providing moral education and running campaigns to Americans in World War I – World War I in America 601

Rausch concludes that World War I served as
the Rockefeller Foundation’s period of incubation, transforming it into a hallmark of the American twentieth century. Taken together, the contributions by Piller, Jansen, and Rausch suggest that while some types of American engagement in the war indeed spanned the 1917-divide, American entry into the war reframed (and transformed) its rationale and meaning.

While their work helps expand the agenda of historical investigation,
therefore, it also insists on the relevance of political decisions. They remind us that non-state activities have political significance

This is an excerpt from the Congressional hearing to back up Helke Rausch’s conclusion


Content excerpted from pages 24-27

Mr. Harrison. Do you recall offhand what is the largest contributions you have received?
Mr. Lydecker. The largest? I may say that I personally, haven’t had charge of any of the solicitation or requests for contributions but I know, as president of the league, of the largest contribution that has been made, which was made by the Carnegie Foundation. $100,000. It is in two payments of $50,000 each.
Mr. Harrison. What was that?
Mr. Lydecker. In two payments of $50,000 each.
Mr. Harrison. That was in the beginning of the organization?
Mr. Lydecker. No: the $50,000 last paid has been spent by present incumbency.
Mr. Harrison. Well, what is the next largest contribution; do you recall?
Mr. Lydecker. I have personal knowledge of no other contribution. but I have indirect knowledge of the payment of $25,000 by the Rockefeller– by John D Rockefeller.
Mr. Harrison. Personnally?
Mr. Lydecker. Personnally, I think it was.
Mr. Harrison. What is the Carnegie Foundation?
Mr. Lydecker. I believe that that is a corporation of which Mr. Pritchett is the president– Henry Pritchett. I must correct my statement. Take out the word “Foundation” and call it the Carnegie Corporation.
Mr. Harrison. They are interested in steel production, aren’t they?
Mr. Lydecker. I don’t think so.
Mr. Harrison. What do you think they are interested in?
Mr Lydecker. I understand that that is a purely philanthropic fund for educational purposes.
Mr. Harrison The Carnegie Corporation?
Mr. Lydecker: I think so.

Content excerpted from pages 248-251

Mr. Lydecker. Having covered the ground in respect of those institutions, the subject of the Americanization of adults is carried on through the dissemination of propaganda in the nature of the pamphlets which are here, a list of which I ask leave to file for the information of the committee– a list of pamphlets issued during the past two years and up to the present time.
Then I wish to add that the remaining part of the work of propaganda, in respect to the adults, is the dissemination of the work of the committee on the Constitution of the United States and the celebration, in due form, of the ratification of that Constitution on the 17th day of September, 1919…

I don’t understand the significance of the 17th day of September, 1919 in that last sentence anymore than I understand the pulling of an interesting thread with the excuse ‘fake headline’ when the poll taken Sept. 1-6, 1939 clearly answered the question

Should we send our Army and Navy abroad to fight against Germany? 16 84


with a loud no.

Who knows what changed their mind a few days later. September 11 has a very UNsettling  history with  US.

Just thought I’d share.


A Reminder From 2008


Brave New World: Neurowarfare and the Limits of International Humanitarian Law

Stephen E. White t

Introduction …………………………………………….. 177

  1. DARPA’s Brain-Machine Interfaces and Human Assisted

Neural Assistance Programs ………………………… 179

  1. The Use of Brain-Machine Interfaces in the Context of

International Criminal Law ………….. 186

III. Novel Issues of Law That Brain-Machine Interfaces Raise

in the Context of International Criminal Law …………. 192

  1. An Argument for Enlarging the Scope of Command

Responsibility …………………………………….. 205

Conclusion ……………………………………………… 210

Ya’ll might want to review the above information and research the direction it’s headed since 2008; at least before the democrats make their next run for office.

After all,

Under international law, the use of brain-machine interface weapons must also comply with the customary law of war. Many treaties, including treaties that the United States has ratified, explicitly recognize the role that customary law plays in circumscribing the range of permissible weapons.

88 For example, paragraph 8 of the preamble to the 1907 Hague Convention IV, known as the “Martens Clause,”89 requires state parties to ensure that “the inhabitants and belligerents remain under the protection and governance of the principles of the law of nations, derived from the usages established among civilized peoples, from the laws of humanity, and from the dictates of public conscience.” 90

Since the seventeenth century, the general customary law has been that states may employ only those weapons that military necessity justifies during war. 91

And these days who knows how much the laws of humanity have changed?

In the meantime, that Part2 of the Best Deceptions posted 9/2 will show up soon.

End of Summer Celebration


Somebody took it upon themselves recently to package seventy-five selected posts, put this identifier at the top of the page…

All posts by

and give it its own address.

It was all done in the backroom without me involved so I’m thinking I’ll just publicize it as  75 Slams Against Tyranny.

I am not suggesting you click on the link.

Hey, we’re in the middle of  a Rockford Files marathon; I might be thinking   like Angel.

The Best Deceptions


show most of it openly


A few months back, passing through downtown Battle Creek, I caught sight of, to my eyes, the most uncomely piece of metallic sculpture I’ve ever seen. I’ll admit on my 0 to 10 scale of things to appreciate, even classical sculpture might not get all the way to 8, so I might be missing something about the whole concept of modern sculpture as art but I’m going on record here that after I saw that montage of monitory metal and was ruminating over it later, it came to mind that if all those children, bless their hearts, who were allowed to destroy statues that linked US to any segment of our past because said statuary allegedly offended their sensibilities, youth of such sensibilities should avoid the intersection of Capital and Michigan Ave in Battle Creek.

Then a few weeks later, I was reading my KJV Archeological Study Bible, Mathew chapter 8, when the subject of the Cultural and Historical notes on page 1337, Demons and the Bible, presented itself. There was a lot of information about demons on that one page; demons in the New Testament, demons in the Old Testament and demons in Nonbiblical Jewish literature; but the one that grabbed my attention was demons in the Ancient Near East because in that category there was described one of the feared demons of Neo-Assyrian times, the lion-headed female figure Lamash-tu, who was thought especially to attack pregnant women and babies.

A lion-headed female figure, huh? You mean like this?

Was Terminal, not included in the original origami lineup and sticking out like a sore thumb amongst the traditional origami pieces that it isn’t, a last minute message of defiance in this rising tide of violence against God’s Word?

Is Battle Creek, under the cover of origami, participating openly in a hidden deception, still paying homage to an ancient religion by travelling the broken road that leads straight to perdition?

Isn’t it fitting that the sculpture is catty corner to the Kellogg Foundation building ?

Mathew 24:24 records Jesus warning, “For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.”

While saved Christians draw much comfort from our relationship with Christ, we cannot allow ourselves to continue doing only the same things or thinking the same way we did as children trusting in Christ. We are not supposed to be ignorant of Satan’s devices or his plans that are made more obvious every day.

Most of us believe we grew up in simpler times. The devil’s snares were well known to all. I now think of those simpler times as the calm before the storm because it was during those times of the everyman’s relatively simple view of life that Satan was advancing progressive influences in science, government and the Church.

Examples would include the Second Vatican Council, convened in an effort to modernize the Catholic Church, instead lead to the formation of dissident organizations. They used the council’s broad conclusions to promote numerous social agendas, including open borders that eventually led to the corruption of the current RC organization and chaos wherever its influence was felt throughout the world.

The spillover effect of the Second Vatican Council reverberated through every level of the Christian community.

The peak Progressive era required velvet gloves to cover the iron fists guiding the approaching days of darkness…

National governments began adjusting their post-WWII institutionalized mindset within the U N based on the groundwork put in place during the decade that many people had more pressing war related matters on their minds; in the meantime, the intent to maintain the ruling class power was made as clear as necessary in Rule 33, the UN’s official implementation of the ‘Some Animals Are More Equal than Others’ rule:

The General Assembly resolves that: (a) the following sentence shall be added at the end of rule 33: “…it shall not, however, decide any political question.” ( b) a new rule 33A shall be included after this rule,· ·” follows: “A Member of the General Assembly which has no representative on the General Committee, and which has requested the inclusion of an additional item in the agenda, shall be entitled to attend any meeting of the General Committee at which its request is discussed, and may participate, without vote, in the discussion of that item.”

Apparently, the lesser members of the UN saw the wisdom in Act 33 and mostly bided their time until other greater, meaningful measures were in place and sowing the seeds of our destruction.

Changes in the field of science include, as a recent issue of makes plain, a pathway to the denigration of the standards of science research.

The integrity of the grant application process is important to the success of the entire research enterprise and as the follow up article in points out,

The study didn’t examine potential motives for increasing hype, but the team writes that the NIH’s emphasis on impact, significance, and innovation likely puts pressure on scientists to play up those aspects of their work given the competition they face for funding and its importance in garnering academic appointments and tenure. “Under these circumstances, applicants may feel compelled to echo certain terms from agency guidance,” they write…

Reliance on such accepted hype could or would be reason for the controllers to create a nuanced explanation to share the workings of modern, changing science especially for the emerging ‘woke’ as they graduated from their university with an acquired sense of righteousness but little skill for the critical thinking required to help gain a basic understanding of something practical say, the immune system.


While there is a growing recognition of the value and urgency of inclusive approaches, there is little documented knowledge about the potential catalysts and barriers for this work. Without documentation, synthesis, and critical reflection, the movement cannot proceed as quickly as is warranted…

…What are the key traits of inclusive science communication?

Inclusive science communication is fundamentally characterized by three key traits that must exist concurrently. While each trait is essential, any one of them alone is insufficient, and they are all linked by a common focus on equitable relationships.


  1. Intentionality (e.g., regarding the audience, how “science” is defined, and how marginalized identities are, and have been, represented and supported)


  1. Reciprocity (e.g., interactions between science communicators and audiences address past and present inequities through equal partnerships marked by co-creation and recognition of assets and varied forms of expertise)


  1. Reflexivity (e.g., a continuous, critical, and systematic reflection on the communicators’ and audiences’ personal identities, practices, and outcomes, followed by adaptation as needed to redress inequitable interactions)


To be continued

Around 50,000 people in a rally to save Serbia

Vučić and NATO media are speechless!


The great litany for the salvation of Serbia, against the gay parade, the betrayal of Kosmet and the occupation of the West ended a little after 20 pm in Belgrade in front of the Saint Sava Temple.

Despite the media darkness, one of the biggest protests in Serbia was held in the last few years, and the people made it clear that the gay parade and betrayal of Kosmet was out of the question.

The people also carried Russian flags, pictures of Vladimir Putin… The disgraceful Vučićs and NATO “independent media” were practically silent in the blockaded Belgrade.

Great to read that kind of news. Beats reading this kind of muck from the Clinton Mind World where the globalist criminals wired us into the  Rockefeller nightmare where we’re called…

Partners… with people  they’ve been sneaking in our back door by the millions from…

Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Chad, Chile, Cote d’Ivoire, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, El Salvador, Ethiopia, European Union-European Commission, Finland, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam, Zambia.

and guess who ain’t on the list.

Seventy-six Years Ago…

…it was only business.

Agreement between the United Nations and the Carnegie Foundation concerning the use of the premises of the Peace Palace at The Hague, and concerning the repayment of loans .

Six years ago…

Trust the plan


UHC2030 provides a multi-stakeholder platform that promotes collaborative working at global and country levels on health systems strengthening (HSS). We advocate increased political commitment to UHC and facilitate accountability and knowledge sharing. In countries receiving external assistance, we continue to promote adherence to effective development cooperation principles as the most important way to ensure coordination around HSS. In 2016, the International Health Partnership + (IHP+) transformed into UHC2030 to respond to the health-related Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG3, and expanded its scope to include health systems strengthening to achieve universal health coverage.



UHC2030 Steering Committee:
The Steering Committee is the decision making body for UHC2030, and as such, is responsible for setting overall strategic directions and oversight. The Steering Committee’s role and responsibilities reflect the mandate of UHC2030, including mobilising political support for the aims, objectives and activities of the partnership, and leading by example by adherence to the commitments of the Global Compact at global and country levels. 
The Steering Committee has a maximum of 20 members who represent the different constituencies in UHC2030, to facilitate communication and interaction of members. Ad hoc observers can be selected by invitation. 


Afghanistan, Australia, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Cape Verde, Chad, Chile, Cote d’Ivoire, Comoros, Democratic Republic of Congo, Denmark, Djibouti, El Salvador, Ethiopia, European Union-European Commission, Finland, France, Gambia, Germany, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, Haiti, Indonesia, Iran, Italy, Japan, Kenya, Liberia, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Mozambique, Myanmar, Nepal, Netherlands, Niger, Nigeria, Norway, Pakistan, Portugal, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Sudan, Thailand, Togo, Uganda, United Kingdom, United States, Vietnam, Zambia.

Multi-lateral organisations and global health initiatives:
African Development Bank, Gavi the Vaccine Alliance, Global Fund to

Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria, International Labour Organization, International Organization for Migration, OECD, UNAIDS, UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, WHO, World Bank.

Philanthropic organisations:
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, United Nations Foundation

This Blog Makes Frequent Trips to the Border