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Same Attitude, Different Hearts

In the middle of the holidays I saw a couple of video’s out of my old hometown that fits in the ‘We told you so’ category but it was the holidays and I figured the stories could wait a couple days.

I wouldn’t have posted about them at all but the stories modeled how two opposing hearts can use the same attitude when communicating their feelings. One attitude fits most situations in Philadelphia even when the citizens are laughing at the city’s slow motion obliteration.

That’s if the couple were Philadelphians. They did look like actors portraying upscale tourists.

I’ll start with the Philadelphia City Council March 12, 2014 video to establish the validity of it being in the ‘we told you so’ category. We numbered about eight.

If you have the time to watch the fifteen minute video you’ll see the future mayor pontificating to us not much differently than he does in this video to the news guy nine years later.

Scroll past PPD screen for news report

UPDATE: Looks like they edited the tourists and the mayor out of the story. I guess the mayor’s Laissez faire attitude didn’t play well.

Didn’t like his attitude nine years ago and still don’t.

I lost track of Broad and Liberty until a week or so ago when I saw this I liked her attitude and before I knew it I was reminiscing about long ago days in Philadelphia.

Funny how a person’s heart affects their attitude.

One person’s cold heart with attitude gets him elected to office and nine years later another person, same attitude different heart is puking at the results of the elected’s administration.

And the elected still doesn’t have the balls to openly express his heart’s depth of darkness by saying, with attitude, ‘hey, chit happens’ when he dances around the subject of city hall being openly dismantled by one of his people and the closest he can come to bragging about it has him sounding like a used up democrat.

Shanghai Practice

I was pursuing the origins of the modern political transparency concept yesterday and eventually landed at the un where a couple of searches there led to…

…which raised my eyebrows. If you spend a few minutes there after reading the following passage from The Last Kings of Shanghai yours might too. The pertinent part is hi-lited in bold below.

By 1895, Shanghai had a modern tram system and gas works that rivaled London’s. By the 1930’s, led by taipan Victor Sassoon, it had skyscrapers and a skyline that rivaled Chicago’s. It was the fourth largest city in the world. While the rest of the world sank into the Great Depression, Chiang Kai-sheck’s government worked with the Sassoons to stabilize the currency and create an export boom. Shanghai became China’s New York, the capital of finance, commerce and industry. It also became China’s Los Angeles, the capital of popular culture. In the 1920’s and 1930’s, Shanghai’s publishing houses produced more than 10,000 pamphlets, newspapers and magazines. It’s film studios churned out hundreds of films, many of them set in the westernized city. Colleges flourished.So did politics. The International Concession of Shanghai was governed like a republic of business. A seven-member council made up of businessmen, independent representatives of the Sassoons, ran the city independent of Chinese law. Paradoxically, that meant a relatively liberal political atmosphere – protecting Chinese activists, reformers, and radicals from heavy handed Nationalist-Chinese-government restrictions on free speech, communism and protests. What would become Mao Zedong’s Communist Party held its first meeting in Shanghai, just a few miles from the business headquarters and mansions of the Sassoons Kadoories…

I don’t believe in coincidences anymore; let’s just call Shanghai practice for things they plan to happen.

More Science Questions

What I thought would be an easy answer to a covid related question was anything but and it trailed debris behind it. What does the m in mRNA mean? My mouth was getting engaged but a senior moment interrupted, words failed me and I did a search. Messenger; we knew that but then the question became a two parter.

What exactly does mRNA do?

I don’t know exactly but does, they just don’t sound very scientific when they get to the part in their explanation about synthetic mRNA. For instance,

When in vitro transcribed mRNA is introduced into a cell, it is ‘read’ by the cell’s protein production machinery in a similar manner to how natural mRNA functions. In principle, the process can be used to generate synthetic mRNA that codes for any protein of interest.

Similar manner? Does that mean now they can tell each other in the lab, ‘close enough for scientific work’?

And what’s up with ‘In principle’? How about works exactly like? or identical to the real thing? It’s not like they’re working with a strong rate of success behind them, ya know? They ought to at least try to sound more believable, right?

And that protein of interest remark… that don’t sound like the people’s interest they’re talking about.

Then I seen this:

Remember He? He’s out of jail now and looking for work and he’s already got a company slogan. Make people better.

Make people better??? Where’d He get that? The Rockefeller Foundation? Build back better, make people better! Sounds like a chant we’ll soon be learning to tighten up our social something score with in the Community Park before they ladle out the fish head soup.

No, it’s even weirder. Nobel Prize-winning geneticist James Watson gave it to him.

Now we enter the macabre.

One of the recent posts here was that included a list of issues that Plato laid out more than two thousand years ago and are still plagueing humanity including abortion, abolishing families and

You have any idea where this would fit in our dystopia?

Doesn’t take much imagination after being subjected to the round of 21st Century presidents we’ve had for it to sound like a cover for transhumanist transition getting into high gear.

You got a better, more healthier idea?

Wondered About That Myself


“Here’s the thing. While I’m watching this, and I’m going ‘What happens if this World Cup game goes past 1:00 PM?’,” Cataldi said.

Here’s another thing.

FOX has got both the World Cup and the NFL,” Catladi said. “Secondly, they paid a ton of money for both. Third, the World Cup is getting the best numbers they’ve ever got in their history in America. The NFL is their bread and butter. What do you do at 1:00 PM? They don’t know how long the penalty kicks are going to take. It could be 20 kicks, who knows?”

When told they could have moved the penalty kicks of the World Cup to FS1, Cataldi scoffed at the idea.

“Big mistake. FS1 has about a third of the people. It is not widely distributed. You’re gonna take two-thirds of an audience that watched the greatest World Cup game ever and send them somewhere else where they may not be able to go to see the end of that event?”

Hughes then asked if they would send the NFL to FS1.

“No, not a chance,” countered Cataldi. “Then I started to wonder about the world. This was a big thought. The truth is, if you missed the first five plays of the Eagles game, would the Eagle fans have gone bezerk if FOX said ‘we’re just gonna get through the penalty kicks and see who wins’? They would have went nuts, right? So you’re gonna lose no matter what! They made it by minutes!”

Co-host Al Morganti told Cataldi that it was eight minutes between the end of the World Cup Final and the beginning of the 1:00 PM window…

If you ever heard Rush Limbaugh talk about the NFL being targetted for extinction and you wondered like I did, how would they ever do that and concluded ‘no way could that happen’…

With implied statistics???


I’m no soccer afficianado but that last shot on goal that won it for Argentina was beautiful. They couldn’t have staged it any better.


What News Looks Like In A Free State

Well, freerer than we’ve been served up lately

and from the same page, something to make all the contributors to Ukrainian well being think twice in the future…  

I’m thinking the picture was taken from behind Bill Gates mirror.

Just before I moved on I saw the picture of Audrey Azoulay, Director General, UNESCO at

Roddy Piper came to mind 



Sound Familiar? it does kinda, don’t it ol’ buddy?

Excerpt from Plato The Laws Chapter 9 The Foundation of the New State: The selection of the citizens. (pg 202)

But before all that, here are some further points to notice. Anyone who takes charge of a herd of animals – a shepherd or cattle-man or breeder of horses or what have you –  will never get down to looking after them without first performing the purge appropriate to his particular animal-community: that is, he will weed out the unhealthy and inferior stock and send it off to other herds, and keep only the thoroughbreds and the healthy animals to look after.

He knows that otherwise he would have to waste endless effort on sickly and refractory beasts, degenerate by nature and ruined by incompetent breeding, and that unless he purges the existing stock these faults will spread in any herd to the animals that are still physically and temperamentally healthy and unspoilt.

This is not too serious in the case of the lower animals, and we need mention it only by way of illustration, but with human beings it is vitally important for the legislator to ascertain and explain the appropriate measures in each case, not only as regards a purge, but in general.

To purge a whole state, for instance, several methods may be employed, some mild, some drastic; and if a legislator were a dictator too he’d be able to purge the state drastically, which is the best way.

But if he has to establish a new society and new laws without dictatorial powers, and succeeds in administrating no more than the mildest purge, he’ll be well content even with this limited achievement.

Like drastic medicines, the best purge is a painful business: it involves chastisement by a combination of ‘Judgement’ and ‘punishment’, and takes the latter to the point of death or exile. That usually gets rid of the major criminals who are incurable and do the state enormous harm.

The milder purge we could adopt is this. When there is a shortage of food, and the underprivileged show themselves ready to follow their leaders in an attack on the property of the privileged, they are to be regarded as a disease that has developed in the body politic, and in the friendliest possible way they should be (as it will tactfully be put) ‘transferred to a colony’. Somehow or other everyone who legislates must do this in good time; but our position at the moment is even more unusual. There’s no need for us here and now to have resort to a colony or arrange to make a selection of people by a purge. No: it’s as though we have a number of streams from several sources, some from springs, some from mountain torrents all flowing down to unite in one lake.

We have to apply ourselves to seeing that the water, as it mingles, is as pure as possible, partly by draining some of it off, partly by diverting it into different channels. Even so, however you organize a society, it looks as if there will always be trouble and risk.

True enough: but seeing that we are operating at the moment on a theoretical rather than a practical level, let’s suppose we’ve recruited our citizens and their purity meets with our approval. After all, when we have screened the bad candidates over a suitable period and given them every chance to be converted, we can refuse their application to enter and become citizens of the state; but we should greet the good ones with all possible courtesy and kindness.

 Plato: The Laws the Penguin Classics translated by Trevor J Saunders published in 1970.

The Way of the World

A recent question raised during a brief look into antiquity triggered a mind tripping, synapse snapping awareness of a possibility I never before considered. While freely acknowledging I sometimes spend as much time in the ‘to be resharpened’ drawer as most others and might have missed any such discussion in the past, it was new to me when I saw the question, ‘was Socrates real or was he a character developed by Plato?  I’ve read similar articles targeting the reality of Jesus; Socrates news was never on my BOLO list.

The Penguin Classics version of Plato The Republic I use was translated by H.D.P. Lee and although the copy was purchased in 1972 I’ve never made a serious attempt to read it in the fifty years it’s been sitting on one shelf or another and to be honest, it never made that much sense to me anyway until recently.

Reading through certain sections of The Republic I have wondered about those who have read it, how many have recognized what it was laying out and how many had an understanding of the correlating events that were  presented throughout the disintegrative stages of our Republic but did not draw attention to it clearly nor with any great force.

The answers to the correlates are clearly explained in the Translator’s Introduction to  The Republic.

I also learned Socrates never wrote anything. Some have even suggested Socrates was invented by Plato. That’s when it occurred to me that maybe  Plato developed himself into the role of Devil’s advocate.  From that point on I was travelling a rickety bridge to another level of understanding on this multi -faceted gem we call Life.

What goes around, comes around does appear to be the form and style of Arena Earth and education designs the controls that deliver the means that sketches the plan the architects draw and the  surveyor develops that lays the trail that determines the form of resets used throughout history that blaze the predestined path of civilization for humanity to travel. Predestined? Here’s some evidence.

Wouldn’t you agree the major undermining issues of human society identified by Plato and targeted as  the causal factors listed below of misery and abject poverty comprise the meat of the human condition?

  1. Abolish families              PART SIX [BOOK FIVE] Women and the                                                           family pg 212
  2. Deception and lies                PART SIX [BOOK FIVE] Women and                                                           the family pg 214
  3. Women’s equality              PART SIX [BOOK FIVE] Women and the                                                       family pg 209
  4. Have no possessions        PART SIX [BOOK FIVE] Women and  the                                                      family pg 221
  5. Slavery                                     PART SIX [BOOK FIVE] Women and the                                                        family pg 220
  6. Civil strife and war           PART SIX [BOOK FIVE] Women and the                                                        family pg 229
  7. Abortion and eugenics PART SIX [BOOK FIVE] Women and the                                                          family pg 215
  8. Children are State Property PART SIX [BOOK FIVE] Women and                                                     the family pg 201

Those issues were discussed by Plato in The Republic  and The Republic, as described by H.D.P. Lee, (pg 16) is a statement of the aims of the Academy he founded in Athens in 386 B.C. and purposed to train a new type of politician, a class of  ‘philosophic statesmen’. Somewhere along the line the student body must have been re-directed.

But what do those issues have to do with predestination?

Only one thing for Christians; God our Creator has blessed humanity with a conscience and the ability to distinguish between right and wrong.

The concept of predestination implies a nullification of discernment when we are faced with a difficult choice; it provides an excuse to bail.

Lee pointed out it was unlikely Plato expected immediate results but who would have thought   more than two thousand years later the same issues…

  1. Abolish families *
  2. Deception and lies **
  3. Women’s equality ***
  4. No possessions ****     
  5. Slavery *****
  6. Civil strife and war ******
  7. Abortion and eugenics *******
  8. Children are State property ********

…would still be the issues manipulated by politicians? That’s quite a stretch even for modern thinkers under the influence of propaganda to believe; political power so continuous it would enable politicians to shape a world that survived powerful resets for almost two millennia and still have the same core problems that stretched back to ancient Greece?

Looking back 2,000 years I’d say Plato’s Academy was either semi-successful, a perfectly performed misdirection play or its intentions had been completely hijacked by that entity that comes to mind when we consider whose single focused end purpose is reportedly hell bent on subverting Gods’ creations.

Do you think politicians, proven believers of the church of the here and now, based on only one precept,’ what’s in it for me?’, and having Mephistopheles as their choir director, control the reins of human development? Politicians are the reins and reins respond to whoever is holding them. Look again, it ain’t US.

Something is being ignored and it’s about time the danger that ignorance is denying is recognized.


*  02/2022

* 2017

* 2017

*  4/13

** pgs 24-25








**** The Ten Planks of Karl Marx’s Communist Manifesto (and How Statists Implement Them)



*****  Global governance, international health law and WHO









********  02/2022

******** 2017

******** 2017

********  4/13



Penguin Classics

Plato: The Republic



Equality of political opportunity and freedom for the individual to do as he likes are, for Plato and Aristotle, the salient characteristics of democracy. Plato is writing, of course, about democracy in the ancient city-state, and has Athens particularly in mind. (cf. Introduction, p. 22f); but translation into terms of modern experience is not difficult.

‘Our next subject, I suppose, is democracy. When we know how it originates, and what it is like, we can again identify and pass judgement on the corresponding individual.’

‘That would be consistent with the procedure we’ve been following.’

‘Then doesn’t oligarchy change into democracy because of lack of restraint in the pursuit of its objective of getting as rich as possible?’

‘How does that happen?’

‘Because the Rulers, owing their power to wealth as they do, are unwilling to curtail by law the extravagance of the young, and prevent them squandering their money and ruining themselves; for it is by loans to such spendthrifts or by buying up their property that they hope to increase their own wealth and influence.’

‘That’s just what they want.’

‘It should then be clear that love of money and adequate self-discipline in its citizens are two things that can’t co-exist in any society; one or the other must be neglected.’

‘That’s pretty clear.’

‘This failure to curb extravagance in an oligarchy often reduces to poverty men born for better things.’

‘Yes, often.’

‘Some of them are in debt, some are disenfranchised, some both, and they settle down, armed with their strings, and with hatred in their hearts, to plot against those who have deprived them of their property and against the rest of society, and to long for revolution.’

‘Yes, they do.’

‘Meanwhile, the money-makers, bent on their business, don’t appear to notice them, but continue to inject their poisoned loans wherever they can, and to demand their high rates of interest, with the result the drones and beggars multiply.’

‘A result that’s bound to follow.’

‘Yet, even when the evil becomes flagrant they will do nothing to quench it, either by preventing men by disposing of their property as they like, or by other suitable legislation.’

‘What Legislation?’

‘It’s only a second best, but it does compel some respect for decent behavior. If contracts for a loan were, in general, made at the lender’s risk, there would be a good deal less shameless money-making and a good deal less of the evils I have been describing.’

‘Much less.’

‘But as it is the oligarchs oppress their subjects as we have said, while as for themselves and their dependents – their young men live in luxury and idleness, physical and mental, and lose all their energy and and ability to resist pain or pleasure; and they themselves care for nothing but making money, and have no higher moral standards than the poor.’


‘Such being the state of rulers and ruled, what will happen when they come up against each other in the streets or in the course of business, at a festival or on a campaign, serving in the navy or army? When they see each other in moments of danger, the rich man will no longer be able to despise the poor man; the poor man will be lean and sunburnt, and find himself fighting next to some rich man whose sheltered life and superfluous flesh make him puff and blow and quite unable to cope. Won’t he conclude that people like this are rich because their subjects are cowards, and won’t he say to his fellows, when he meets them in private, ”This lot are no good; they’ve had it”?’

‘I’m quite sure he will.’

‘When a person’s unhealthy, it takes very little to upset him and make him ill; there may even be an internal cause for dis-order. The same is true of an unhealthy society. It will fall into sickness and dissension at the slightest external provocation, when one party or the other calls in help from a neighboring oligarchy or democracy; while sometimes faction fights will start without any external stimulus at all.’

‘Very true.’

‘Then democracy originates when the poor win, kill or exile their opponents, and give the rest equal rights and opportunities of office, appointment to office being as a rule by lot.’

‘Yes,’ he agreed, ‘that is how a democracy is established, whether it’s done by force of arms or by frightening its opponents into retreat.’

‘What sort of a society will it be?’ I asked, ‘and how will it be run? The answer, obviously, will show us the character of the democratic man.’


‘Would you agree, first, that people will be free? There is liberty and freedom of speech in plenty, and every individual is free to do as he likes.’

‘That’s what they say.’

‘That being so, won’t everyone arrange his life as pleases him best?’


‘And so there will be the greatest variety of individual character?’

‘There’s bound to be’

‘I dare say that a democracy is the most attractive of all societies’, I said, ‘The diversity of its characters, like the different colors in a patterned dress,make it look very attractive. Indeed,’ I added, ‘perhaps most people would, for this reason, judge it to be the best form of society, like women and children who judge by appearances.’

‘Very likely.’

‘And, you know, it’s just the place to go constitution-hunting. It contains every possible type, because of the wide freedom it allows, and anyone engaged in founding a state, as we are doing, should perhaps be made to pay a visit to a democracy and make his choice from the variety of models it displays, before he proceeds to make his own foundation.’

‘It’s a shop in which he’d find plenty of models on show.’

‘Then in democracy,’ I went on, ‘there’s no compulsion either to exercise authority if you are capable of it, or to submit to authority if you don’t want to; you needn’t fight if there’s a war, or you can wage a private war in peacetime if you don’t like peace; and if there’s any law that debars you from political or judicial office, you will none the less take either if they come your way. It’s a wonderfully pleasant way of carrying on in the short run, isn’t it?’

‘In the short run, perhaps’

‘And isn’t there something rather charming about the good temper of those who’ve been sentenced in court? You must have noticed that in a democracy men sentenced to death or exile continue, none the less, to go about among their fellows, who take no more notice of them than if they were invisible spirits.’

‘I’ve often seen that.’

‘Then they’re very considerate in applying the high principles we laid down when founding our state; so far from interpreting them strictly, they really look down on them. We said that no one who had not exceptional gifts could grow into a good man unless he were brought up from childhood in a good environment and given a good training; democracy with a grandiose gesture sweeps all this away and doesn’t mind what the habits and background of its politicians are, provided they profess themselves the people’s friends.’

‘All very splendid.’

‘These, then, and similar characteristics are those of democracy. It’s an agreeable, anarchic form of society, with plenty of variety, which treats all men as equal, whether they are equal or not.’

‘The picture is easy to recognize.’


Ben Franklins quote is something to think about this Thanksgiving…

A Republic, madam, if you can keep it.

Apparently, we failed.

Since  Plato’s model of  democracy captured it’s workings so well more than 2300 years ago I thought the character of a democrat would be a fitting accompaniment to it. His description of their wants and needs so  exquisitely captures the reasons for their behavioral decisions it deserves to be mentioned twice.

And as Plato points out, they’re proud of that.

Versatile but lacking in principle


Versatile but lacking in principle


‘Then let us look at the democratic individual. And first we should look at his origin, as we did with the society. It is this. Our mean oligarchic character may have a son, whom he will bring up in his own ways.’

‘So far, so good.’

‘He will forcibly restrain himself from those pleasures that lead to expense rather than profit, the “unnecessary” pleasures as they have been called.”

‘Yes, obviously.’

‘Then do you think that, if we are to avoid arguing in the dark, we had better define the differences between necessary and unnecessary desires?’

‘Yes, I think so.’

‘Desires we can’t afford, or whose satisfaction benefits us, can fairly be called necessary, I think. We are bound by our very nature to want to satisfy both, and so may surely with justice use the term “necessary” to describe them.’


‘But we can describe as unnecessary all desires which can be got rid of with practice, if we start young, and whose presence either does us no good or positive harm. Isn’t that fair enough?’

‘Fair enough.’

‘Shall we give examples of each, to get a general idea of what we mean?’

‘I think we should’

‘Would you say that the desire to eat enough for health and strength, and the desire for the plain food requisite for the purpose, was necessary?’

‘Yes, I think so.’

‘And of this plain food some is necessary for mere survival as well as for good health, some for good health only.’


‘But the desire for a more varied and luxurious diet is one which, with discipline training from an early age, can normally be got rid of, and which is physically harmful and damaging to the intelligence and self-control. May it not therefore rightly be called unnecessary?’


‘The first kind of desire we could also call economical, because of its practical usefulness, the second kind wasteful.’


‘And does not the same hold good of sex and the other desires?’


‘Then what we called the drone type must be swayed by a mass of unnecessary pleasures and desires, the mean oligarchic type by necessary ones.’


‘Let’s go back to the question how the democratic man originates from the oligarchic. This generally happens when a young man, brought up in the narrow economical way we have described, gets a taste of the drones’ honey and gets into wild and dangerous company, where he can be provided with every variety and refinement of pleasure, with the result that his internal oligarchy starts turning into a democracy.’

‘That’s bound to happen.’

‘In society the change took place when one party brought in sympathizers from outside to help it. Will the change in our young men be brought about when one or other type of desire in him gets assistance from similar passions outside him?’

‘Yes, certainly.’

‘Thus, if the oligarchic element in him gets support and assistance from the remonstrances and criticisms of his father and other members of his family, the result is a conflict of factions and a self divided against itself. And sometimes the democratic element gives way to the oligarchic, and some of his desires are destroyed and some driven out; and a certain sense of decency is produced in the young man’s mind and internal order restored.’


‘Alternatively the exiled desires are succeeded by others like them, produced by his father’s ignorance of how to bring him up properly; and these grow in number and strength, lead him back to his old associates, and breed and multiply in secret.’

‘That often happens.’

‘In the end they capture the seat of government, having discovered that the young man’s mind is devoid of knowledge, principle and truth, the most effective safeguards the mind of man can be blessed with.’

‘Far the most effective’

‘The vacant place is filled instead by an invasion of pretentious fallacies, and back he goes to live with the Lotus-eaters. If his family send help to the economical element in him, the pretentious invaders shut the gates of the citadel, and will not admit it; nor will they listen to the individual representations of old and trusted friends. They make themselves masters by force, they call shame silliness and drive it into disgrace and exile; they call self-control cowardice and expel it with abuse; and they call on a lot of useless desires to help them banish economy and moderation, which they regard as provincial parsimony.’

‘All very true.’

‘They expel the lot and leave the soul of their victim swept and garnished, ready for the great initiation which follows, when they lead in a triumphal torchlight procession of insolence, licence, extravagance, and shamelessness. They praise them all extravagantly and call insolence good breeding, licence liberty, extravagance generosity, and shamelessness courage. Do you agree that that’s how a young man brought up in the necessary desires comes to throw off all inhibitions and indulge desires that are unnecessary and useless?’

‘A very clear description.’

‘For the rest of his life he spends as much money, time and trouble on the unnecessary desires as on the necessary. If he’s lucky and doesn’t get carried to extremes, the tumult will subside as he gets older, some of the exiles will return, and the invaders won’t have it all their own way. He’ll establish a kind of equality of pleasures, and will give the pleasure of the moment complete control till it is satisfied, and then move on to another, so that all have their fair share and none is underprivileged.’

‘That’s true.’

‘If anyone tells him that some pleasures, because they spring from good desires, are to be encouraged and approved, and others, springing from evil desires, to be disciplined and controlled, he won’t listen or open his doors to the truth, but shakes his head and says all pleasures are equal and should have equal rights.’

‘Yes that’s just what he does.’

‘In fact, I said, ‘he lives for the pleasure of the moment. One day it’s wine, women, and song, the next bread and water; one day it’s hard physical training, the next indolence and ease, and then a period of philosophic study. Next he takes to politics and is always on his feet saying or doing whatever comes into his head. Sometimes all his ambitions are military, sometimes they are all directed to success in business. There’s no order or restraint in his life, and he reckons his way of living is pleasant, free and happy.’

‘A very good description of one who believes in liberty and equality,’ he commented.

‘Yes,’ I said, ‘and I think that the versatility of the individual, and the attractiveness of his combination of diverse characteristics, match the variety of the democratic society. It’s a life which many men and women would envy, it has so many possibilities.’

‘it has indeed.’

‘This, then, is the individual corresponding to the democratic society, and we can fairly call him the democratic man.’
