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No kidding?

The People’s Republic of China’s leadership maintains an antagonistic stance towards the U.S. just as their role has been dictated to them by the elite and democrat Biden’s script has him dealing with them as if he is concerned about our First Amendment.

If that were so why no press secretary NYT headline announcement about this story when he had the opportunity?

How the CIA Is Acting Outside the Law to Spy on Americans

Saul Loeb/Getty

While the information in that  story is somewhat dated and likely not a surprise to anybody, it does serve as a record of  the effort that the U.S government, regardless of which party is in ‘power’, makes on behalf of the globalist criminals to  identify the citizens thoughts and beliefs.

This cybernews story is not that much more recent than the Brennan Center report but it does provide a clearer picture of the Power’s reach…

The white house plants these Tik-Tok type stories like they use conspiracy theory accusations; as long as it’s their conspiracy story it’s not a problem and as long as their goombahs are doing the spying for them, what’s the big deal? Ignore the inquiries, they’ll go away is how they deal with them. Unless it’s a ‘balloon’ taking pictures or something similar then they blibber-blabber about it until they use the biggest hammer in their tent to show how serious they take their clown role.

If you haven’t yet, start seriously considering this as a probability:

They’re one big family and their daddy gots horns and a tail.

The Something For Everyone Gambit

News from the White House

The Biden administration gave formal approval Monday for a huge oil drilling project in Alaska known as Willow, despite widespread opposition because of its likely environmental and climate impacts.
The president is also expected to announce sweeping restrictions on offshore oil leasing in the Arctic Ocean and across Alaska’s North Slope in an apparent effort to temper criticism over the Willow decision and, as one administration official put it, to form a “firewall” to limit future oil leases in the region. The Interior Department said it would issue new rules to block oil and gas leases on more than 13 million of the 23 million acres that form the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska…

News from an Interested Party

News from the Chamber of Commerce

Infrastructure has been a priority for the government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (AMLO) since taking office in December 2018. The announcement of the Construction and Modernization Program (CMP) 2018-2024 included four priority projects worth over USD 20 billion:
A re-envisioned airport system for the greater Mexico City metropolitan area and surrounding states
Development of a multi-modal cargo corridor across the Isthmus of Tehuantepec
A passenger and cargo “Maya Train” on the Yucatán Peninsula
The construction of a new refinery in Dos Bocas, Tabasco

UNstated reassurance to forestall any surprising concerns

…Man Wah, one of China’s largest furniture companies, was eager to make its products on the North American side of the Pacific.

“Our main market is the United States,” said Mr. Chan, chief executive of Man Wah’s Mexico subsidiary. “We don’t want to lose that market.”

That same objective explains why scores of major Chinese companies are investing aggressively in Mexico, taking advantage of an expansive North American trade deal. Tracing a path forged by Japanese and South Korean companies, Chinese firms are establishing factories that allow them to label their goods “Made in Mexico,” then trucking their products into the United States duty-free…

A closer look suggests something completely different…

…Graciela Márquez, the head of the Secretariat of Economy, stressed that the Mexican government is interested in the relocation of production plants from China, as well as from other parts of the world.

“We are not only interested in China, we are interested in the rest of Asia and we are also interested in attracting FDI from Europe; to say that we are only interested solely in China could even result in a serious diplomatic problem, and it is not the issue, the issue that the realignment of the global supply chains is a present and real economic trend,” she said…

To me, it looks like Catholic Mexico is positioning to reject playing second fiddle to the phony democrat missionaries from hell with their non-stop spewing of empty vanities that dumbed down, debased, diminished and debauched the Constitutional rule of law based on Protestant Christian beliefs and which appears to be the democrat’s primary mission, while Mexico has got their sights on emerging as the leader of the NAU once the NAU gets it feet on the ground.

Meanwhile, recent news from the owners indicates one or more parties (including the owners) is/are barking up a wrong tree.


Today at #COP27, The Rockefeller Foundation, Climate Envoy John Kerry & Bezos Earth Fund announced plans to design an Energy Transition Accelerator to channel billions of dollars in much needed private sector investment to phase out fossil fuels and accelerate renewable energy.

Our Ask

Collaboration is what drives us. Please share the announcement of the launch by posting on your social networks.

Below are a few post suggestions, but feel free to edit and make them specific to your organization’s voice…

The link wasn’t cooperating but since the page exists I copied and pasted to help anyone interested in collaborating.

Then again, maybe that drilling and shilling story is another redirection deflection to keep US off target as they empty the banks.

I mean, the Alaskan drilling is a democrat announcement and Biden did say, about the bank, and I quote the NYT…

This is an important point: No losses will be borne by the taxpayers,” Mr. Biden said in his statement on Monday morning. “Let me repeat that: No losses will be borne by the taxpayers.

But he said that “investors in the banks will not be protected.”

“They knowingly took a risk, and when the risk didn’t pay off, investors lose their money,” the president said. “That’s how capitalism works.”

That’s how capitalism works.

This could get interesting. I wonder if he knows anything about the insurance bidness.



15 Minute Cities: Yer Not Going To Believe the Synchronicity


The 15-minute concept of the city, the idea of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, is becoming a reality in the United States, and the city of Cleveland, Ohio, signs on the scheme and promises to implement Klaus Shawab’s vision.

I used to read the Russia/Ukraine war news at until somebody blocked the translator out; this is the first I heard of the Fifteen Minute Cities and the Fifteen Minute Conspiracy Theory which triggered the synchronicity mention in the title.

You see, I haven’t been posting because I’ve fallen victim to the medical profession even though one of their gulags is right up the street. No, I’ve been busy researching “Conspiracy Theories” da da dummmmm. I’ve decided, since I’m getting a little long in the tooth, the few I have left anyway which makes it teeth but I always heard it was long in the tooth so I’m sticking with that, I’ve decided to put an end to this exercise and whatever excess energy I have left will be devoted to Revell models.

You can consider this subject a prelude. Yeah, that’s what is yer honor, a prelude.

Back to the srbin story.

Critics of the 15-minute city concept claim that the elite are building open-air prisons in which the residents will be built, figuratively and literally. And as we will see in a minute, there is a lot of evidence, including the recognition of a city official, that forced closures of the future of Zodka1> are at the head of the 15-minute city elite program.

Mayor and Democrat Jastin Bib says he is determined to make Cleveland Ohio the first 15-minute city in North America, presenting the concept to locals and the media during their speech on the state of the city in April last year.

Let’s work on being the first city in North America to implement a 15-minute city planning framework, where people are not developers, but people at the center of urban revitalization, because no matter where you live, you have access to a good grocery store, lively parks and a job you can get to Prove1>, Bib said in a speech.

Residents of eastern Palestine in Ohio, which is an hour and a half away from Cleveland, reported encouraging them to move to Cleveland.

Why are elites trying to force everyone into this zone?

We know that the globalist elite agreed to Agenda 21 of the UN, which calls for the creation of -wild countries of Opači1> and the concentration of the population in certain areas. And we know that Klaus Shwab is pushing the concept of a city of 15 minutes.

When other cities around the world presented 15-minute proposals for cities, they faced protests, and residents are worried that elites plan to plant them and create conditions for forced imprisonment.

Which makes a lot of sense when you consider the story of Oxford in England, which also moves in line with the dictates of ⁇ and becomes a city of 15 minutes. So what does the elite really plan when it comes to new city designs?

A city official in Oxford, England, released a cat from a bag when he stated that the <11>climatic blockade had arrived and that they were there to stay it was played by people or not because it is Oxford announced that Oxford residents must apply for a government permit to move around the city.

Oxfordshire residents will now need a special permit to move from one zone Podi1> city to another. However, even residents who have been granted a permit will be allowed to travel from one zone to another only <2 1> a maximum of 100 days per year <2 1>.

The Oxfordshir County Council yesterday approved plans to lock residents into one of six zones in order to rescue the planet from global warming. The latest phase in the program 15-minute city is the installation of electronic gates on key roads in and out of town, limiting residents to their neighborhoods.

According to the new plan, if the residents want to leave their zone, they will need the permission of the Council, which decides who is worthy of freedom and who is not. Under the new scheme, residents will be allowed to leave their zone for a maximum of 100 days a year, but in order to gain it at all, each resident will have to register data about their car in the council which will then track their movement through smart cameras throughout the city.

Will the residents of Oxfordshire really come to terms with this?

Bil Gates is caught admitting that the climate change plan is a huge scam for the New World Order in a recently released video praising that the term <21> is pure energy <71> zeno minds of people <1>.

If we accept the concept of climate blockades, we settle for fraud.

I never thought we would really see climate blockades being applied in the free world, but here we are.

Of course, there are a few people who are loudly opposed to this new plan, but Dankan EnRjt, a member of the Oxford District Cabinet for a travel and development strategy, promises that controversial plan will move on, like it people or not .

Global elites have stopped pretending to believe in democracy.

This should come as no surprise, given the nature of the rhetoric that has been coming out of the World Economic Forum lately. They now consider themselves gods with divn powers nadnja avnostišeće švodi. As for God, he’s dead . And Jesus is false news.

The ⁇ program is pure poison and the consequences in the real world are taking place before our eyes. In the Netherlands, the government actually forcibly closes up to 3,000 farms to meet the requirements of Klaus Shwab and reduced its nitrogen pollution by Podjin1> …

Farmers have been warned that they have to accept the government’s offer for their farm, regardless of whether they want to sell or not.

There is no better offer to Zodnja 1>, said Christian van der Val, Minister of Nitrogen, to the Dutch parliament on Friday.

These are gangster tactics. And yes, the Dutch government infiltrated into VEF now has a ministra for nitrogen Podki1>.

We are fighting an unprecedented global food crisis, and the Dutch government has decided that now is the time to violently close thousands of farms? This is literally suicidal.

Speaking of suicide, Canada has found a way to get people to stop emitting carbon at all when their korist ends. Assisted suicide has become quite popular among liberal Canadians, and the number of people choosing that option is growing year by year . According to the report ⁇ kodjeki:

Last year, more than 10,000 people in Canada which is astonishing, that’s more than three percent of all deaths there ended their lives through euthanasia, which is an increase of one third compared to the previous year. And it will probably continue to grow: next year, Canada will allow people to die solely for mental health reasons.

If you feel depressed, Canada Klaus Shwab has a solution to that.

And if you are physically disabled, Canada has a solution for that as well.

It was only last week that a startling story emerged about how, five years in a fierce struggle to get a staircase for his home, a veteran of the Canadian army and Paralympic Kristin Gotha, an extraordinary alternative was offered.

A Canadian official told her in 2019 that the government would help her kill herself, if her life was so hard and if it was so desperate Podjenko 1>. I have a letter stating that if you are so desperate, ma’am, we can offer you help, medical help in dying Zodnja 1>, the former military corporal of the Canadian deputies testified.

Medical assistance in dying sounds so clinical, but after all, it is the biggest blockade of all.

Because once you stop breathing, you will no longer be able to do climatic sins . ⁇ infiltrates governments around the Western world and authoritarianism is growing at a pace that is absolutely breathtaking.

If they can violently close farms and build 15-minute cities that are seriously restricting travel today, what kind of tyranny will we see in the future?

Sounds alarming, doesn’t it? Not to Maria Elena Scott who wrote this conspiracy theory explanation to her readers…

Actually, I’m glad she wrote that. I’ve grown accustomed to seeing those types of mocking the truth articles and I’m telling you ‘they’ do have a formulaic response. Her’s fits right in with them. Like this one in my upcoming Final Curtain.

…The following small sampling of experts of opinion is included to establish a base understanding of how their control is reinforced by conspiracy theories they prefer we supported proving once again they have nothing against conspiracy theories as long as it’s their conspiracy theory.

First expert is from Forbes, the family that goes back so far in our history they sold dope to the Chinese they purchased ( the dope not the Chinese ) from a Sephardic Jew who some claim traced his family back to their start in

I thought Sassoons story was pretty fluid in some parts as it’s told in “The Last Kings of Shanghai” by Jonathan Kaufman but it did provide a basis for looking closer to the cause of our Civil War which will be addressed further on.

Right now it’s all about Helen and her advice on how we, the flock, should decipher their reality.

This is Helen’s pedigree…

This is Helen’s reality…

Well, it is until this reality catches up with her.

I found that on the second page of which also provided in those first two pages a coterie of scum sucking nay sayers who, if Maria Elena Scott does not develop a greater sense of discretion, may someday find herself in such company.

Which isn’t, for certain, a good thing.

The More Things Change Groundhog Day 2023 Version

It seems every eight years isn’t enough. I should repeat this message every year as a reminder that the power of the shadow lies in ignorance.

The show we’re part of is a rerun and the old message I left in includes diatribes against Islamic terrorists. I have left them in since our borders are so porous thanks to the globalist minded commie democrats and the mission of jihad has not changed; however, I am trying to remember not all muslims have the hate in their hearts that our declared enemies have promised to bring with them to US and for them nothing in my heart has changed.

Our enemies are controlled by Satan and we all should remember and focus on that truth.

Following is an edited copy of something I wrote in 2007. While you’ve been spared most of the tedium, I left the first paragraph in because I think in eight short years there is no longer an easy answer; the second paragraph stayed because the war goes on but now a Leftist backed unproven American is in charge and the pressure to withdraw has disappeared.

“The battle, sir, is not to the strong alone; it is to the vigilant, the active, the brave.” – Patrick Henry

The vigilant, the active and the brave. Who among us have not considered those qualities as residing permanently somewhere within simply because we are Americans? Have we not responded in war and peace in manners consistent with Patrick Henry’s observation? Can we not all claim connection to those Colonial patriots who presented us with our freedom and liberty because we have always proved willing to go in harm’s way in defense of that freedom?

Why that is will be examined here, for we are being tested once more by our political leaders. This time against an abstract they call Terror. And because this war is having a profound impact on the freedom Colonial Americans fought for and presented to posterity, it is time to look closely to see if that freedom, the freedom our political leaders tell us we are defending, is still a reality today; for during the last six decades, the National characteristic of vigilance has been increasingly unable to shift into “the active, the brave” as American Ideals come under incessant attack. When did the will of the People, the power behind the concept of checks and balances, get neutralized?

Unlike most of our modern leaders, those who birthed our Nation held sacred their belief in the rights of the individual; including the right of the individual to be armed and organized. With twenty seven words our National muscle was defined and our future ability to maintain it, challenged.

A well-regulated Militia, as the Second Amendment demands, makes it clear that the militia was not to be a rabble. It was to be well, regulated. Systematic. Part of a system that back then was on a short leash and closely watched.

being necessary to the security of a free State, a State created with a purpose consistent with the well-being of Its sovereign Citizens and watchful of tyrants. The sovereign Citizens were the State. If the militia was to be put under the control of a State it must be remembered that State was not intended to exist without the cooperation and will of the People. Sovereign Citizens are involved citizens.

the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. If, in any ensuing confrontations with a tyrannical force, foreign or domestic, the Citizens are not to be denied a means to defend themselves.

Our Founder’s crowning works, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, have inspired people worldwide for more than two centuries. Those two documents translated and set forever the discontent of decades into a prevailing belief in the sovereignty of the individual and fueled the colonial citizens determination to realize their ambition of gaining a greater freedom and an unlimited opportunity to succeed. The bloody trail that marked their passage to Valley Forge that winter of 1777 was their signature commitment to the lofty ideals defined by their leaders.

That spirit of young America jumped from paper to harsh reality because of the men and women of the militia. Individuals who put their belief in Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness to work.

In 1776, when equality was proclaimed a birthright and maintaining firm control over government a duty, the citizens were attentive. They set the standard for future generations to live up to.

Now, it appears we sat too long smugly believing those sacrifices and achievements of the brave men and women of our Revolution were some kind of permanent security blanket protecting us forever from tyranny; for in our self-satisfaction we failed to recognize and take seriously our ruthless enemy’s boundless and unceasing efforts to destroy the freedom from earthly kings we as sovereign citizens enjoyed.

So just what does being a sovereign citizen mean? According to Webster’s New World Dictionary, sovereign is an adjective defined as 1. above or superior to all others; chief; greatest; supreme 2. supreme in power, rank, or authority 3. of or holding the position of ruler; royal; reigning 4. independent of all others ( a sovereign state) 5. excellent; outstanding 6. as a cure or remedy.

According to Webster’s dictionary, the politicians have it bass-ackwards.

And according to the Constitution, those bass-ackward public servants have no authority to limit our freedom, nor our sovereignty. No human does. And yet, since that fateful September Eleventh, our public servants have been mounting attack after attack on our Sovereignty. And they’re not just going to give US back anything with a smile and a wink. We have to take it back.

We must protect our Constitution and the Bill of Rights. We, not the Statist forces, are the keepers of our freedom. And We, the People, are tasked with safeguarding it. If we continue to surrender our power piecemeal to would-be tyrants, if we continue to act like subjects instead of Sovereigns, if we continue to accept their attacks on our future, we are lost. We won’t even have our triumphant memories to lean on.

“A Republic, Madam, if you can keep it.” – Benjamin Franklin leaving the Constitutional Convention 1787.

Is Benjamin Franklin’s Eighteenth Century challenge even relevant for Twenty-first Century America?

First, he identified our Nation upon its founding as a Republic born a Nation of Laws.

Then, he implied it’s not easy being free.

Quite prescient of Mr. Franklin since during most of our previous century events unfolded in such a way that today:

We are called a Democracy

Our Laws are a matter of convenience and

Our freedom appears to be transforming into Statist defined rights.

And, as Mr. Franklin suggested, it’s all happening with little effort on our part.

Over the last three decades, interest in the militia movement has waxed and waned. Repeated media identification of the KKK, skinheads and the catch-all ‘domestic terrorist’ as militia has projected a strong negative perception that is designed to subvert and weaken the sovereign status of the American people.

That negative perception is a lie.

Guided by misinformation about the American militia, provided (or not) by official information sources, some confused citizens still trust that the two political parties will do what is best for our Country even after our role is reduced from sovereign to entitled.

It is time we openly acknowledge that also is a lie.

The following is based on ARMED CITIZENS, CITIZEN ARMIES: TOWARD A JURISPRUDENCE OF THE SECOND AMENDMENT by David T. Hardy found at* You are heartily encouraged to read the entire work there.

The roots of the American militia can be traced back to the Fyrd, the early militia of Saxon England, circa 690 A.D.

Long before the Norman conquest of Britain, Saxon law required every free man to keep the weapons of an infantryman handy and to serve in the local militia to be called up upon threat of invasion, thus establishing the militia’s defensive nature. The flaw in the Saxon’s Fyrd was the military duty was owed to the person who granted the land to the armed freeman, not to the Sovereign who governed.

The Normans fixed that problem. In 1086, William the Conqueror made every landowner swear fealty to him.

Over the next couple of centuries, in direct opposition to what we’ve come to expect from our modern government, more laws were presented that required not only free men but serfs, too, to be armed. In the Fourteenth century Richard II banned the game of horseshoes so that more time could be spent shooting arrows. The price of bows was even controlled so everyone could afford one.

Meanwhile, on the Continent of Europe, the rulers maintained tight control of their weapons, not allowing the peasant’s even a glimpse of the tools of freedom.

The English, on the other hand, came to believe a well armed Englishman was the model of a free man. The Militia provided them a fair measure of liberty that Royalty respected.

During the Seventeenth century, the winds of favor shifted dramatically against the commoners.

Increasing Papist pressure and the resulting need of the Royalist’s for higher taxes sharpened the differences between the empire building minded Monarchists and the authority absorbing Parliament.

The commoners were less inclined to give a rat’s patoot about how their leaders viewed the big picture as long as they, the commoners, weren’t harassed severely.

Sound familiar?

Monarchist and Parliament toads continued to lurch onward, beyond the bounds of power struggle, until their differences escalated into a Civil War.

The king, Charles I, was forced from London early on because of fears for his families safety and well-being, but remained king.

As one might imagine, the populace was split over who they supported. More commoners sided with Parliament against the Royalists favored by Rome. In an effort to prevent those commoners who disagreed with his royal point of view from taking action against him, Charles tried to confiscate their weapons. He was not successful. In the end, Parliament prevailed and Charles I was put to death.

Then, Parliament, too, started having second thoughts about their position. A society that had so many armed citizens started to make them, and their gentry benefactors, nervous. Intent on gaining control of the Militia and downsizing the standing army, Parliament passed the Militia Ordinance.

Shortly afterwards, government was taken over by the military and a new Parliament, a Rump Parliament, was installed.

They promptly rescinded the Militia Ordinance.

Modern politicians must share the same DNA as those Parliamentarians. Equally likely is the same evil forces are following the same evil plan.

Much like our political leaders who refuse to yield to the American people on illegal immigration issues, the Parliament tried again to enact a similar bill to the Militia Ordinance in 1654.

That resulted in their dissolution.

In 1654, Oliver Cromwell emerged as the Lord Protector of England. He dissolved, then resurrected Parliament, then dissolved it again in order to turn England into military districts, each under the control of an Army general who instituted political surveillance and censorship.

The Rump Parliament, or rather what was left of it, was recalled in 1659, after Cromwell’s death.

Shortly thereafter they ordered an accounting from London householders that required them to report to the government how many, and the names of, persons staying in their homes. If weapons were kept, to list them and the ammunition. They also empowered government officials to confiscate those weapons and ammunition.

These tumultuous times in England had a direct bearing on how and why our Founders set the foundation for our political freedom.

Within a week of ordering the list of people and weapons in and around London to be drawn up, the officials administering that statute were given the power to

…search for and seize all arms, in the custody and possession of any popish recusant, or other person that hath been in arms against the Parliament, or that have adhered to the enemies thereof, or any other person whom the Commissioners shall judge dangerous to the peace of this Commonwealth…

From that statute, came the fear of maintaining a standing army the American colonists inherited. The army they knew was used, not in the defense of the Realm, but to force the citizenry into submission.

That Rump Parliament didn’t last much longer after that attack on the Subjects. A segment of the army, led by one of the generals, went to London, dissolved it again and called for a new Parliament. That Parliament called for the return of Royalist rule by inviting Charles II to sit on the throne. They also maintained a pro-papist position.

The vultures conspiracy to protect their interests and enslave the common people was then put into action.

Upon the return of a king, the new Parliament started enacting laws that broadened the definition of treason and censored the press. They continued to enact laws that targeted those who aligned themselves with the anti-Rome activists. Parliament proved to be favorable to the Royalists but were mostly concerned with protecting their own and the landed gentry’s power.

The king and Parliament, however, had a huge problem. All the weapons the people had been encouraged to gather in the past were still out there beyond London and it’s suburbs.

Meanwhile, the king’s army of 60,000 had less than 5,000 guns between them. The king had to fix that if he was to have the control London hungered for.

Of his own volition, Charles created a force answerable only to him in an attempt to disarm the people. His instructions were for the militia leaders to call up the troops, seek volunteers willing to work in small groups to watch and prevent restless citizens from gathering and to seize their weapons. There was then, as now, no lack of people with flawed character willing to advance their position in life at the expense of the innocent.

Charles got the volunteers needed and then some.

A few months later a militia bill he endorsed was introduced into the House of Commons but it’s heavy-handed demands gave way too much leeway to his organized militia gun searches. It created such resistance it was dropped.

Almost two years passed before Charles got his version of the Dream Act. He might have had to concoct a few plots against the government here and there and put many of his father’s friends in positions to help him, but hey, it was all out in the open court yards.

This Militia Act of 1662, spelled out who was eligible for the militia. It also provided a substitution clause they could use to get out of militia duty if they felt it too burdensome. If a substitute was hired for an eligible, the original eligible was required to swear to not take arms against the king.

The Militia Act of 1662 also gave Lieutenants of the militia the power to confiscate the weapons of any person they judged to be a danger to the kingdom.

It also required gunsmiths to keep and provide records of weapons manufactured retroactive to six months and a list of purchasers and to file weekly sales reports.

Commoners were also forbidden to carry without a royal license and commerce was interrupted by import limits placed on firearms.

Only an Immortal could appreciate how quickly these 350 year cycles come back around.

Most of us still think every day is another chance for a new beginning.

The skid to general disarmament was greased in 1671 when the non-landowning citizens were targeted. The appropriately named Hunting Acts limited hunting to the elite, the creme de la creme of the landowners and other wealthy gentry.

It also expanded the prohibition that forbade the use of traps, set by various poaching laws, to include guns and bows.

Meanwhile, opponents of the burgeoning police state coalesced as the Whig party. They called for another dissolution of Parliament.

James II, the out of the closet Catholic leader of the Anglican church, followed his brother Charles, to the throne. Because of his Catholic connections, rebellion soon followed his ascendancy to the crown.

When the local militia proved incapable of ending the insurgency the regular army was called out.

The king’s officers went from house to house searching for and seizing the arms they found.

James created further dissension by using his royal ‘dispensing powers’ to allow Catholic officers into his expanding army, doing an end run around the Test Acts that prohibited non-Anglicans from holding government positions.

Rumors flew that James would impose his religion by military force.

With anti-royalist Whigs most often the targets of these searches, it soon became apparent that disarming the people was the means for destroying the Whigs resistance.

While James’ tyrannical acts were causing tremendous distress, anger and concern among the targeted, his order to include Ireland in his plan to enslave the people proved enlightening to we who can look back. The local Irish authorities set about to enforce James edict of forced disarmament with enthusiasm.

They disarmed the English colonists in Ireland in short order.

A month after receiving the king’s order, the Military Commandant of Ireland saw fit to report a marked increase of bandit activity against the recently disarmed English colonists. These bandits, known as Tories back on the Auld Sod, provided early documentable proof that when guns are outlawed, outlaws get very active. A natural law that liberals refuse to accept.

James’ religious policies and his heavy handed behavior finally alienated the Anglican Parliament who joined forces with the Whigs. This led to the Glorious Revolution and his replacement by his son-in-law and daughter, William of Orange and Mary.

James fled to his papist friends on the Continent and his abandonment led to major questions. The Tories, the political party of the elite, not the Irish bandits, were in a philosophical twist over their belief in the Divine right of kings. That it had turned into an endless source of jokes for the Commoners didn’t help. The Whigs, meanwhile, were looking to find a way to protect the kingdom from future despots.

The answers were found at the convention called by Parliament. The English government was in a state of suspension pending the convention’s outcome so the agreement had to be accomplished quickly.

That agreement they reached declared James’ flight from England was a violation of Divine Right and he had, therefore, abdicated his kingship. That soothed the Tories torment.

The Whig’s were pleased that the rights of the royal subjects were defined in the newly proclaimed Declaration of Rights. Before William and Mary acceded to the throne they agreed to abide by the Declaration.

William and Mary then called Parliament together and the Declaration of Rights was enacted as the Bill of Rights. A notably meaningful inclusion to their Bill of Rights was the recognition of the individuals right to bear arms, which is the intended point of all the history laid out in the preceding lines. The governmental recognition of the natural right for citizens to bear arms goes back to the Seventeenth century. And that legal precedent did not come easy.

Charles and his brother James had left such bitterness behind, complaints against James’ attempts to subvert the laws and liberties of the kingdom by disarming the Protestants and arming the Catholics were included in the Declaration.

This Bill of Rights was not introducing any new concepts to the English. It was looked upon as formalizing the existing rights of Parliament (first) and then, the outraged subjects. It would be the basis of our Constitution. The priorities would be reversed, though, and with God’s blessing will remain that way.

The Whig leadership was insistent that the basis of political freedom was the individual ownership of arms, formation of a citizen army and the limitation of standing armies.

In Maxims of State, Sir Walter Raleigh observed that “barbarous tyrants would plan to unarm the people of weapons, money and all means whereby they may resist his power”.

In Political Disquisitions, written before our Revolution escalated to a shooting war, William Burgh, an English Whig politician wrote:

The confidence which a standing army gives a minister, puts him upon carrying things with a higher hand than he would attempt to do if the people were armed and the court [royal officials] unarmed, that is, if there were no land force in the nation, but a militia. Had we at this time no standing army, we should not think of forcing money out of the pockets of three millions of our subjects. We should not think of punishing with military execution, unconvicted and unheard, our brave American children, our surest friends and best customers…. We should not–but there is no end to observations on the difference between the measures likely to be pursued by a minister backed by a standing army, and those of a court awed by the fear of an armed people.

For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another. For all the law is fulfilled in one word, even in this: Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself (Gal 5:13-14)

Today, as a Nation, we have wandered far from the wisdom that guided our first leaders. Lead from the path they lighted, we are being conditioned to exist in a grey area being readied by traitors. This grey area leaves many of us scratching our heads wondering just what is going on. It also precedes our perdition.

Any further acceptance on our part of their laws of intrusion and restriction, long favored by the Democrat and Republican Parties, will be all the approval the globalist minded traitors need to lock us down in a police state.

Barack Obama’s ledger of abuses has been noted elsewhere on this website. They are only a continuation of Executive actions that have made fundamental change a political cycling event. During the three previous presidential administrations we have been:

Formally introduced to the New World Order and NAFTA by President George Herbert Bush;

dragged into the World Trade Organization by the cooperation of a lame duck Congress led by Senator Bob Dole, Congressman Newt Gingrich ( both Republicans ) and Democrat President Clinton even though US citizens overwhelmingly opposed it and;

told by President George Walker Bush there was nothing we could do to stop the illegal invasion. In the meantime, a North American Union was being pursued clandestinely by agents of his administration funded unwittingly by American taxpayers.

Those are just a few of the actions taken by our political leaders that are in direct opposition to their oaths of office, our Constitution and our Nation’s best interests.

And now through the imagined authority of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, that globalist hallucination brought to life in a behind the scenes maneuver shielded by President George W Bush’s reassurances that it doesn’t exist, the UN has been empowered to send troops into our Country when the Avian flu hits.

It is bad enough our borders are violated every day by thousands of people and our leadership assumes a helpless, there is nothing we can do (except pass the costs of that invasion onto US citizens) attitude. But to invite foreign troops into our Country? Will we be willing to submit to another officially sanctioned invasion?

Those of us who are just now awakening to the disconnect from what we believed we once were, and who are beginning to realize that tyranny is breathing down our necks, are faced with a choice.

Are we to continue rolling over for the Statist political machine? Or will we start acting like the Americans we claim to be and take the action necessary to ensure our freedom and the freedom of our future generations?

And what action is ours to take?

Right now, there are still only two. Peaceful and preparatory. They co-exist very well but peace is soon lost when someone isn’t prepared.

Our Founding Terrorists gave us the means of peaceful revolution via free elections. But, peaceful revolutions require a commitment to participation, to vigilance.

Political vigilance means acquiring as true and as thorough an understanding of candidates and their agendas as we can determine. It means we have to look past the sound bytes and photo ops managed by the evening news. We have to cut through the fog of lies surrounding their strategy of misdirecting doublespeak. Political vigilance means we have to fight the influence of those in-place agents of change who activate the recommendations of their One World manipulators.

And yet, even as the dismantlement of the US and its Constitution proceeds openly, Americans continue to pay homage to the monster that devours our young and mocks the survivors.

Remembering the days of my youth the political chicanery of the times was often explained away with the excuse, ‘they must know something we don’t’. I’ve just begun to see the truth in that. Treasonous politicians know that the majority of US citizens refuse to believe the Democrat and Republican parties are as complicit in the destruction of our Sovereignty as the political traitors appear to be.

The late Senator Arlen Specter, once publicly admitted and accused another Senator of not being a defender of the Constitution as they swore they would be before entering office. In a shouting match that took place in public, Senator Specter blustered at Sen. Russ Feingold:

“I don’t need to be lectured by you. You are no more a protector of the Constitution than am I,” Judiciary Committee Chairman Arlen Specter, R-Pa., shouted after Sen. Russ Feingold declared his opposition to the amendment, his affinity for the Constitution and his intention to leave the meeting.

The senators were, at the time, working to determine additional specific ‘rights’ regarding full marriage equality that we as a redefined Republic-Democratic society seem to require.

Rights designed to ensure, for those who may not consider themselves equal to others in today’s society, a feel good empowerment to act out their self-importance in the emerging totalitarian waste land we are being driven to.

What’s to be more alarmed about? That the senator freely and openly admits his betrayal of his Oath of Office? Or that the senators think they have to redefine the phrase ‘all men are created equal’?

What part of ‘Enemies foreign and domestic’ don’t you understand?

In the good old days of the Twentieth Century, paying your taxes, going to war and voting for carefully presented candidates was the level of citizen participation encouraged by the prejudiced few and accepted by the proud many.

In return, we teeming masses came to expect a high degree of control over our borders, food we can eat safely, schools that educate our children smartly, work places protected from our domestic enemies and an air defense system that protects us from the foreign enemies our politicians cultivate.

Reasonable expectations from a reasonable, optimistic, mostly law abiding people.

Evidence is mounting, however, that suggests ‘reasonable’ is a character trait only the shrinking American middle class must bear. Especially when faced with yet another burden mandated by the Federal government.

While we are being reasonable…

Border control is relaxed and the working stiff middle class foots the bill;
food shopping requires a fatalistic attitude;
our children, compared to the children of thirty other nations, rank seventeenth in reading, math and sciences;
jobs are being sent overseas or Americans are being replaced here in our own Country by frenetic corporate coyotes
and our promised security consists of searching Americans thoroughly before they board a plane.

Yet, we still pay taxes, still go off to fight the wars globalists start and our politicians champion and we still vote for carefully presented candidates. Instead of reasonable, an argument might be made that we are collectively insane.

Are we nuts? Maybe. Albert Einstein is alleged to have said it this way. “Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.”

What if we aren’t insane, though? What if we, instead, are being led to believe our National backbone no longer exists and we are better off without it?

You might think that’s a crazy statement what with our over-extended military fully engaged in the Middle East and present in countries around the world. What Country could have a better backbone?
A.) A Country that holds true to it’s Constitution.
B.) A Country whose elected officials act on behalf of the citizens not a hidden power.
C.)A Country whose destiny is not determined by a shadow government.
D.) All of the above.

The correct answer is D. But, a shadow government? What shadow government? And what’s that got to do with our Country?

While our determined elected public servants and their bureaucratic legions are busy morphing into untouchables, whiffs of the stench their treasonous actions generate are churning into clouds of obnoxia for an increasing number of Americans.

Even as we’re unable to plumb the depth and breadth of their treason, they continue on arranging the behind-the-scene serotinous collapse of our nation. The Democrat and Republican parties, the 19th Century lubricant of change for the 21st Century speed-of-light capable elite, can no longer deny their abandonment of the American Way.

The Democrat-Republican coalition running our Nation has, in recent years, passed a wide assortment of laws that are changing our fundamental rights. Our more recent presidents have been writing increasingly dangerous Executive Orders and bureaucrats are working feverishly with foundations to slide US into a Parliamentary governed North American Union.

The Democrat-Republican coalition did not listen when 80% of US told them NO to World Trade Organization involvement. Instead, Republicans Bob Dole and Newt Gingrich helped Democrat Bill Clinton get the WTO agreement approved by a lame duck congress.

The Democrat-Republican coalition directly subverted the will of the citizens of California trying to deal with the illegal invasion. A Federal judge blocked the implementation of voter approved Proposition 187 and Democrat Governor Gray Davis (later recalled from Office), did not appeal the ruling, thus rendering the judgment final.

The Democrat-Republican coalition is now choking on the American citizen’s resolve to prevent amnesty for illegal invaders ever again. That does not mean the coalition is not continuing its work to once more subvert the will of the people. Republicans and Democrats have no problem supporting a Heinrich Himmler maneuver to avoid choking on the Sovereign citizen’s will.

Our choices are clear. We can be Sovereigns or suckers.

We can work to vote all incumbents who have proved themselves failures at serving their constituents and the Constitution out of office.

And that means at every level. Local, State and Federal. If you are concerned that those who replace them are inexperienced, (and hopefully you will avoid replacing them with anyone connected to the Democrat-Republican warbird), consider the Senator from Illinois.

He is being seriously touted as a candidate for the presidency by the globalist forces and he is still wet behind the ears as a senator.

The shadow government doesn’t seem to mind inexperience.

The other Democrat candidate claims she is the more experienced candidate. In what? Exploiting tax payers? She, too, has the backing of globalists.

Taking back control may seem to be a most formidable task. But consider the alternative of existing in a world where our Sovereignty has been transformed into subjugation and our grandchildren are raised as mindless slaves by the State.

Public educators have been dumbing down North American children for decades now, everybody knows that. Which is why there is such a strong home-school movement and a growing anti-home school movement launched against them.

We all should be aware by now that change is best accomplished and accepted when it is done incrementally. Dumbing down America started decades ago. Disarming America started decades ago. Enslaving America started decades ago. We have much ground to recapture.

If we cannot win this battle with the entrenched enemies of our Constitution politically, we better get cracking on the preparatory part. There is too much history that current events and existing laws can be identified with to suggest these political piranha’s are going to remain benevolent.

In the Declaration of Independence, our Founders stated that Man is endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.

Today, our leaders are unquestionably more in touch with the United Nation’s belief that the State exists to dispense rights to humanity.

It is imperative we remember that if their version of State power can giveth, their version of State power can certainly taketh away.

That is the highly redacted writing from 2007 I titled Militia Rescue. The American people have risen to the political challenge time and again since that was written but as you probably noticed some issues just won’t go away.

Our children’s minds are still being targetted, the invasion is still being supported by the elitist through the Obama administration and we still aren’t supposed to call Islamic terrorists terorists.

Like I said, the more things change…

What the Hell, If You Live Long Enough

Looking through the past here today and one of the last posts I read was from February 8, 2014, Speaking of Fences.

It was from when East Germans still had a chance to flee into the West; the early days of the Berlin Wall.

In case you missed the message I added a week later, here’s the video I couldn’t find.; The communist reality video.

The embedded video is after the commie control has crushed the life out of everything not communist approved.

It wasn’t the cheeriest of videos but after reading this, the video seemed like the Stephen King entertainment accompinament to the closing of the casket on our Country.

It wasn’t the subject matter of the bills detail, it was the tone of the message. Like it was written by dead, hateful and soulless characters found in a Stephen King horror; characters like the women, if you remember, who showed up at Trumps Address to Congress, who sat in the back and were all of them dressed in white.

WHO Can’t Handle the Truth?

Everyone by now should be aware of the world wide governmental efforts to stop the spread of medical misinformation the roots of which started with the skepticism that developed from the bilateral political controllers actions based on an UNproven virus, that’s right virus, that put US under martial law where we remain today governed more by controllers of the questionably elected than the will of the People.

Yesterday, I had a long conversation with a visiting gentleman who, during our conversation, brought up the fact he had been tormented for years by a skin condition that included fiber like protrusions on his face he used to spend hours shaving off. He stopped going to doctors because they didn’t try to help him nor did they even try to identify the cause of the torment. He claimed he still didn’t know the name for the condition but said he has encountered numerous people in Michigan with the same condition.

I had heard similar complaints during or around 2005 from people in the Southwest with the same skin problem and while I couldn’t recall the name connected with it I remembered the growths being described as fibrous so I did a search at duckduckgo using ‘ fibers growing out of skin’ as the search term and very quickly came up with Morgellons. In fact, the duckduckgo images page opened and I called him over to see if the pictures were similar to what he experienced and his face reflected shock. That’s when he said he never knew it had a name until that minute.

Anyway, this morning I decided I’d look a little further and share what I found.

The first information was dated 2012 and from

Its opening statement reads like this…

Mogellons [sic] disease only exists in sufferers’ minds, according to a new study by the Center of Disease Control.

What the heck, here’s the rest of it just so nobody accuses me of cherry picking.

People with the disease often complain of crawling sensations on their skin, oozing sores and red, blue or black fibers that grow out of their skin. It was named in 2002 from a 1674 medical paper describing similar symptoms.

The number of people with these symptoms was so high that in 2008, federal health officials began a nearly $600,000 study into the disease. The results, released Wednesday, concluded that Morgellons is a psychological condition.

“We found no infections cause,” Center for Disease Control and Prevention official Mark Eberhard said.

The study looked at more than 3 million people in Northern California that were insured under Kaiser. The 15-man team found that 115 patients had the symptoms of Morgellons. At least 100 agreed to answer survey questions and roughly 40 agreed to undergo physical and psychological evaluations.

Researchers found no fungus or bacteria that could cause the symptoms, and the fibers were mainly cotton and nylon. They concluded that skin lesions were caused by the patient scratching their skin.

The majority of sufferers are middle-aged white women but there are no common environmental factors and they did not live in nearby areas.

Many doctors believe that the condition is a form of delusional parasitosis, which is a psychological disorder where people believe they’re infected with parasites. However, the participants showed no indication of having a delusional disorder.

The sufferers did not have an unusual history of psychiatric problems and did well on the psychological exams. The study did find that they were more depressed than the general public and more obsessed about physical illness.

This corresponds to a Mayo Clinic study published last May (2011) that concluded that the 108 Morgellons patients they studied were not suffering from any physical ailment, and that the sores were caused by their own scratching and picking at their skin.

The second website I visited was dated two years later. It started off with…

The Medical Advisory Board of the Morgellons Research Foundation (MRF) developed a Case Definition, the most recent revision of which is currently nearing completion. Until this more rigorous definition has been submitted for review, the much earlier case characterization (seen at bottom) will remain in place…


The Following Signs or Symptoms are The Basis of Morgellons Disease as defined by patients that fit within a consistent boundary that is also outside the boundary of other “known” diseases. The initial three characteristics parallel a much more entrenched illness, Delusions of Parasitosis (DP) named decades before today’s laboratory technology and infection/immunity knowledge, driven by HIV, developed. The more recent findings listed below provide a far broader and more consistent evidence base, strongly supporting the likelihood that DP is a prematurely assigned label to an organic, rather than purely psychiatric disease.

1. “Filaments” are reported in and on skin lesions and at times extruding from intact-appearing skin. White, blue, red, and black are common among described fiber colors. Size is near microscopic, and good clinical visualization requires 10-30 X. Patients frequently describe ultraviolet light generated fluorescence. They also report black or white granules, similar in size and shape to sand grains, on or in their skin or on clothing. Most clinicians willing to invest in a simple hand held commercial microscope have thus far been able to consistently document the filaments.

2. Movement sensations, both beneath and on the skin surface. Sensations are often described by the patient as intermittently moving, stinging or biting. Involved areas can include any skin region (such as over limbs or trunk), but may be limited to the scalp, nasal passages, ear canals, or face…and curiously, legs below the knees.

3. Skin lesions, both (a) spontaneously appearing and (b) self-generated, often with pain or intense itching. The former (a) may initially appear as “hive-like”, or as “pimple-like” with or without a white center. The latter (b) appear as linear or “picking” excoriations. Even when not self-generated (as in unreachable regions of babies’ skin), lesions often progress to open wounds that heal incompletely (e.g., heal very slowly with discolored epidermis or seal over with a thick gelatinous outer layer.). Evidence of lesions persists visually for years.

4. Musculoskeletal Effects and Pain is usually present, manifest in several ways. Pain distribution is broad, and can include joint(s), muscles, tendons and connective tissue. Both vascular and “pressure” headaches and vertebral pain are particularly common, the latter usually with premature (e.g., age 20) signs of degeneration of both discs and vertebrae.

5. Aerobic limitation is universal and significant enough to interfere with the activities of daily living. Most patients meet the Fukuda Criteria for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome as well (Fukuda, Ann. Int. Med., 1994). Cardiology data and consistently elevated heart rates suggest a persistent myocarditis creating lowered cardiac output that has been partially compensated for by Starling’s Law.

6. Cognitive dysfunction, includes frontal lobe processing signs interfering with logical thinking as well as short-term memory and attention deficit. All are measurable by Standard Psychometric Test batteries.

7. Emotional effects are present in most patients. Character typically includes loss or limitation of boundary control (as in bipolar illness) and intermittent obsessional state. Degree varies greatly from virtually absent to seriously life altering.


1. Shifting visual acuity. Unexplained frequent need to change glasses prescription, perceived changes in visual field, and scattered and changing level of perceived light intensity.

2. Numerous neurological symptoms and clinical findings. A variety of neurological symptoms and signs have been reported. Common physical findings include abnormal Romberg, peripheral neuropathy in ALL (feet, and in some cases fingers), abnormal reflexes, verifiable, probably neuropathic pain and recurrent brain control abnormalities affecting motor function, circadian rhythm, body temperature and respiratory rate.

3. Gastrointestinal symptoms, often including dyspepsia, gastroesophageal reflux, swallowing difficulty, and changes in bowel habits (Similar to IBS or Crohn’s disease)

4. Acute changes in skin texture and pigment. The skin is variously thickened and thinned, with irregular texture and hyper- OR hypo-pigmentation pattern. Overgrowth or hypergrowth phenomena are common (nevi, skin tags, microangioma, lipomas, callus formation).

5. Arthralgias. Frequently reported, although arthritis is not. Common joints are in fingers, shoulders, knees and vertebrae.


Elevated cytokines: TNF-alpha, IL-6, TGF-beta; elevated inflammation markers: C-reactive protein and TNF-alpha; Immunodeficiency markers: low CD 56 or CD 57 number, low C1Q, low IgG subclasses 1 and 3; hematological abnormalities: low hemoglobin and hematocrit with abnormal RBC indices; and biochemical abnormalities: elevated blood glucose, insulin, calcium, and serum Homocysteine, and low serum potassium and magnesium.

The consistent finding of numerous unexpected biologic agents at atypically high levels (some thought to be non-pathogens, others definitely pathogenic) strongly supports that an immune deficiency state exists in Morgellons patients. Agents identified serologically include many zoonoses (intermittently and in low numbers) such as Borrelia (at least five species) and Babesia, a single recently found gram negative bacterium, most herpes viruses, some strongly activated such as VZV and HHV-6, several mycology species (esp. Tineas), and particularly in those we have labeled Morgellons patients, parasites (species will be elaborated following PCR sequencing).

Much more scientific sounding, don’t you think? The kind of methodology one would expect from medical scientists.

Finally, there is dated almost eight months ago on June 3, 2022. It’s a fine mix of facts in a field of explored rabbit holes. Dr. Schierling is a chiropractor and more interested in scientific explanations than the CDC. One more thing, Schierling provides a link to information about Dr. Rife. You really ought to familiarize yourself with Dr. Rife.

Back to misinformation, the subject of this post.

Here’s the search term I used to verify the government’s interest in controlling the truth… ‘U.S. government actions to prevent misinformation’ using another duckduckgo search.

These are just a few of the results. State Department

All I have left to say on the subject is, if the government and big pharma are allowed to ignore or deny facts, as pointed out in the Morgellon information reported above where do they get the right to decide what is misinformation or that the public has no right to make up our own minds based on information garnered from sites we deem reliable, even government sites like this next one?

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results

Data current as of 01/20/2023

Dataset Documentation Other Data Access Help for Results Printing Tips Help with Exports
Quick OptionsMore Options TopNotesCitationQuery Criteria

Vaccine Type

Click to restore original by-variable sort order
Move this column one place to the right Events Reported Click to sort by Events Reported ascending Results sorted by Events Reported descending
Move this column one place to the left Percent (of 1,463,990) Click to sort by Percent (of 1,463,990) ascending

Click to sort by Percent (of 1,463,990) descending

Total 1,886,173 128.84%

COVID19 VACCINE (COVID19) 812,168 55.48%








The Point of All This

is meant to be another reminder that reality is a lie. Reality has been a lie for so long and with a fair amount of built in comfort accompanying it, it became easy to believe in. Now that an Awakening (some call it a reset… it depends on what side of the fence you’re positioned) is under way, soon people will not be able to say they didn’t know their past behaviour must be accounted for. Plausible deniability will be a term not applicable anymore. Think about that for more than a moment.

Here’s a message from Pastor Mike Hoggard that might help

This was the sole (no pun) intended subject of this post I wanted to share but the preceding inspiration turned out to be the more important one.

Victory Boyd

More than a year later but her message is timeless.

Play it again, Uncle Sam

123,785 views Sep 9, 2021

After being canceled for the NFL to perform the Anthem at the season opening game because of my vaccination status, I decided to sing anyways. Except this time not for the theatrics of a football game.. this time I sang for America. To remind her who she is… the land of the free and the home of the brave.

This is dedicated to anyone that has taken a stand for freedom. I stand with you. ❤️🙏🏾🇺🇸