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So There I Was Deep In My Least Favorite Issue

reading how which is part of my tilting at windmills campaign I been doing for a number of years but, I gotta tell you, the guy who wrote that article (7 years ago) nailed it so well I was tempted into early retirement (again).

However, the latest example of the globalists hateful attempt to re-enslave the world is taking place on so many levels I was pulled back in when I saw this headline:

Amongst the many links included in the article the one behind the word authorities leads you to where I pulled the address from and checked out the neighborhood at and learned the white homeowner, 84-year-old Andrew Lester lived in a zipcode that is only 2% safer than U.S. cities.(100 is safest).

It’s been said, data is the new oil and we have to learn how to access it, understand it and apply it.

Copout question used by enablers of the globalists: who has the time to recognize the reality of one person’s vision when the oligarch’s agents are using every opportunity to deny US our Rights?

Open your eyes, apply your mind and accept your responsibility to counter every opportunity the evil ones create.

Countering Misinformation

Recently, meaning in the last few days, maybe yesterday, I received an email from the U.S. Right To Know organization.

U.S. Right to Know can exclusively report that last Thursday, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic began transcribed interviews about the history behind “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.” The enormously influential article, the most impactful scientific article of 2020, dismissed the lab leak theory as a conspiracy theory.

RE:New evidence released by the Select Subcommittee today suggests that Dr. Fauci “prompted” the drafting of a publication that would “disprove” the lab leak theory, the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar went uncredited despite significant involvement.


The first page of the memo opens with this…

On February 1, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and at least eleven other
scientists convened a conference call to discuss COVID-19.1

It was on this conference call that Drs. Fauci and Collins were first warned that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab in Wuhan,
China and, further, may have been intentionally genetically manipulated.

Only three days later, on February 4, 2020, four participants of the conference call
authored a paper entitled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” (Proximal Origin) and sent a
draft to Drs. Fauci and Collins.

Prior to final publication in Nature Medicine, the paper was sent
to Dr. Fauci for editing and approval.

On April 16, 2020, slightly more than two months after the original conference call, Dr.
Collins emailed Dr. Fauci expressing dismay that Proximal Origin—which they saw prior to
publication and were given the opportunity to edit—did not squash the lab leak hypothesis and
asks if the NIH can do more to “put down” the lab leak hypothesis.

The next day—after Dr.Collins explicitly asked for more public pressure—Dr. Fauci cited Proximal Origin from the
White House podium when asked if COVID-19 leaked from a lab.

A weird connection to this is the day before I received the email from USRTK, I was looking through old saved files, and saw this The Mysterious Case of the COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory… Did the virus spring from nature or from human error? By Carolyn Kormann October 12, 2021

I thought I’d use it in a No Trust post I’m working on.

If you didn’t read it a year and a half ago give it a shot now. That oversight committee memo could have been lifted from the article.

Don’t think I’m trying to raise some hope in this mental dungeon the democrats are still building; I’m not.

I found this in the files, too…

Here’s one that goes back even further…


…In 1978, he became the president of Rockefeller University, until he stepped down in 1990…

*During a 1986 fact finding mission of the 1979 Soviet Union epidemic of anthrax bacteria… Lederberg sided with Soviets that the anthrax outbreak was from animal to human transmission stating, “Wild rumors do spread around every epidemic.” After the fall of the Soviet Union… subsequent US investigations in the early 1990’s a team of scientists confirmed the outbreak was caused by a release of an aerosol of anthrax pathogen from a nearby military facility…

Go figure.

Oh, the bio-lab was in Russia at that time. It was before Russia returned the Ukraine back to the people inhabiting it; after a couple of hundred years of Ukraine being identified as part of Russia.


(1) the cession of Crimea was a “noble act on the part of the Russian people” to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the “reunification of Ukraine with Russia” (a reference to the Treaty of Pereyaslav signed in 1654 by representatives of the Ukrainian Cossack Hetmanate and Tsar Aleksei I of Muscovy) and to “evince the boundless trust and love the Russian people feel toward the Ukrainian people”;

*Update 04/13/23

Lederberg’s report

“Wild rumors” indeed

I mistakenly believed Sverdlovsk Ukraine was the location of the bio-lab Lederberg visited mentioned above. It wasn’t explicitly stated in the posts but I apologize if any reader was confused by references here and at or about Sverdlovsk’s geographical location.

Hey, They’re Democrats… They Don’t Get Investigated

they can steal from everybody.


Sen. Cruz and Rep. McMorris Rodgers wrote:

“On February 24, 2023, Standard General’s plans to acquire TEGNA’s 61 full-power TV stations and two full-power radio stations were thwarted when the FCC’s Media Bureau, purportedly acting under Commission-delegated authority, issued a Hearing Designation Order (“HDO”) that referred the transaction to an Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) hearing. In the past 30 years, no broadcast license transfer has gone through the hearing process in less than 358 days (the average time is 799 days). With the deadline for financing of the Standard General-TEGNA deal expiring on May 22, 2023, the Media Bureau’s action effectively kills the transaction.

Anybody who wants to buy a communication network has to jump through government hoops. Certainly, Standard General knows that and probably thought they had everything in order with the Commerce Department’s Media Bureau. Until they didn’t.

“The Media Bureau’s decision to send the transaction to an ALJ hearing violates Commission rules and precedents in several ways. First, to keep the Commission accountable to Congress and the public, a full Commission vote is required for certain matters, particularly those involving novel issues and/or significant legal or policy consequences. Designating a multi-billion-dollar transaction such as the Standard General-TEGNA transaction for an ALJ hearing is precisely the type of serious decision for which commissioners must take responsibility. The last time the FCC referred a major transaction to an ALJ, the decision was made at the Commission level, and the FCC should not have departed from that precedent. Second, the Media Bureau’s HDO relied on novel interpretations of the Commission’s public interest standard and appeared to ignore—if not contradict—the Commission’s precedent that ‘an increase in retransmission consent rates, by itself’ does not constitute a public interest harm. Third, under Commission precedent, the Media Bureau should have provided the full Commission 48 hours’ notice before issuing the HDO on February 24, 2023. It did not.”

influential Democrats are behind this rapscallion conspiracy? Say it ain’t so!

According to numerous public reports, outside interests pushed Commission officials to block this transaction in order to pave the way for an alternative buyer, namely Byron Allen. For example, the Wall Street Journal reported that Mr. Allen’s Allen Media Group had previously tried, unsuccessfully, to acquire TEGNA in the fall of 2021. Coincidentally, Mr. Allen is a major Democratic donor. In 2021, he donated $2,900 to Nancy Pelosi’s campaign fund, $5,000 to PAC to the Future, $44,000 to the Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund, and $255,500 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, among others. After the Standard General-TEGNA transaction was announced in 2022, he donated $250,000 to the House Majority PAC and $100,000 to the Senate Majority PAC. Some have observed that the well-connected Mr. Allen is ‘the most likely beneficiary if the Standard General deal falls through.’”

That Byron Allen, he sure knows how to play the democrat game.

As one familiar with the term eeoc compliance, I might even call the representative to inquire how this situation could happen in the land of the free.

Update April 9 2023 Easter Sunday Celebrating Christ’s Triumph


Tegna and Cox Media Group

On February 22, 2022, Tegna Inc. announced that it had agreed to be taken private by a group led by Standard General and Apollo Global Management for $24 per-share, valuing the company at $5.4 billion.[29] The company, which will retain the Tegna name, will be controlled by an affiliate of Standard General, with Standard Media CEO Deb McDermott (who previously led Young Broadcasting and Media General) becoming CEO. Affiliates of AGM, as well as Cox Media Group (which is principally owned by AGM, with Cox Enterprises as a minority shareholder) and other investors, will hold non-voting shares in the company. Tegna’s digital advertising subsidiary Premion will be held as a standalone business between Standard and CMG. The sale includes a clause that will slowly increase the value that Standard and Apollo will pay per-share if the sale takes longer than nine months to close.[29][30][31]

The sale will also result in the realignment of station holdings presently associated with both companies: Standard Media’s four stations WDKA, WLNE-TV, KBSI, and KLKN will be sold to Cox Media Group, which will then divest its Boston station WFXT to Tegna and Standard General, and acquire WFAA/KMPX, KHOU/KTBU, and KVUE, from Tegna.[29][30][31]

On March 30, 2022, Cox Media Group announced that it would sell 18 stations, namely KLAX in Alexandria, WICZ in Binghamton, KIEM and KVIQ-LD in Eureka, WABG, WNBD and WXVT in Greenwood, KPVI in Idaho Falls, KMVU and KFBI-LD in Medford, WHBQ in Memphis, KAYU in Spokane, WSYT in Syracuse, KOKI and KMYT in Tulsa, KCYU-LD and KFFX in Yakima and KYMA in Yuma to Imagicomm Communications—a shell company affiliated with the cable network INSP—for an undisclosed amount.[32][33][34][35] The sale was completed on August 1.[36]

The sale was approved by Standard General and Apollo Global Management on May 17, 2022.[37] It still awaits FCC approval.

In October 2022, Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Frank Pallone and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi issued a letter to the FCC expressing concerns for the transaction, arguing that it “would violate the FCC’s mandate by restricting access to local news coverage, cutting jobs at local television stations, and raising prices on consumers.” They specifically cited statements by Standard General regarding plans for a Washington, D.C. bureau to produce content for local newscasts, and arguing that Tegna’s stations had “too many employees”. Standard General responded to the letter, denying that they planned to cut jobs or hub content, and promoting that Tegna would become the largest female-run and minority-owned broadcaster in the United States. They also responded to objections by NewsGuild-CWA describing Standard General as “backed by anonymous investors located in the Cayman Islands”, stating that the entirety of its board is represented by U.S. interests.[38]

In February 2023, it was confirmed that the deal would be given a hearing before an administrative law judge, which the FCC Commissioner’s Board voted to remand the merger review toward on May 22.[39]

This guy is betting with the house.


Standard General’s latest legal maneuvers are “highly unlikely” to succeed in rescuing Standard General’s proposed acquisition of Tegna, which is close to being killed by a long regulatory review, according to former FCC chief of staff Blair Levin.

Levin doesn’t believe in miracles?

Yeah That’s Right Senator


Ukrainian officials say they don’t want to hand the evidence to FBI agents working in Ukraine because they believe the bureau has a close relationship with the NABU and the U.S. Embassy. “It is no secret in Ukrainian political circles that the NABU was created with American help and tried to exert influence during the U.S. presidential election,” Kulyk told me.

Kulyk’s boss, Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko, told me he has enough evidence — particularly involving Biden, his family and money spirited out of Ukraine — to warrant a meeting with U.S. Attorney General William Barr. “I’m looking forward to meeting with the attorney general of the United States in order to start and facilitate our joint investigation regarding the appropriation of another $7 billion in U.S. dollars with Ukrainian legal origin,” Lutsenko said…

...Since then, Lutsenko and others have talked with other American lawyers about helping to file U.S. legal action to recover money they believe was wrongly taken from their country…

…the family had a lotta buffers


WASHINGTON — Former Ukrainian prosecutor Yuriy Lutsenko said Friday that he was not aware of “any possible violation of Ukrainian law by (Joe) Biden and by (Hunter Biden).”

A Passion Week Contemplation

You might have sensed, when the sudden emphasis on ‘transsexuality’ emerged, the accompanying insistence of this forced embrace of the UNnatural also signified there is a missing, or perhaps invisible is a more precise description, section of the lie’s infrastructure useful to the conspirators in their efforts to keep US off balance. It could be risky for them.

What I mean is, if the real reason for their umbrage is made known too early, their efforts could be for nought. Timing is every thing but it appears they are not privy to the game clock God in Heaven controls.

What prompted this post were the notes I kept in my Bible about the Shekinah  concept of God the pharisees allegedly picked up during the Babylonian captivity.

There are two versions of the Shekinah story mainstream believers could be familiar with: the Jewish Shekinah story and the Islamic Sakinah concept.

Of the two, I favor Sakinah version. It sounds more like the one the pastor of the Baptist church I used to go to used in his sermons on occasion.

There is a third Shekinah concept and is connected with  Kabballah

The Kabbalah and Shekinah

The Kabbalists taught that it was essential to bring the male and female cosmic principles together once more. It could possibly be achieved through sexual magic, signifying the union of the sun (man) and the moon (woman). It was graphically expressed by the hexagram…

We’ve just reached the starting point of gaining an understanding of the  life we have been subjected to because willing followers of Satan have gained the lead with lies and having temporary control, rule with larger lies and planned deceptions following.

Let us start with understanding covenants.

The author of this article is one of the most important post-Holocaust theologians. His interpretation of the Holocaust has led him to the conclusion that the God of traditional Judaism is dead…

God is not dead. The consequences of breaking the covenant and choosing the wrong side are being played out.

Biblical tradition held that the role of the priesthood was entrusted to Levitical descendants of Aaron from the time the Israelites were caught worshipping a golden calf by Moses.

The golden calf incident was allegedly the Israelites first attempt at syncretism or mixing pagan beliefs with their assigned beliefs as the chosen people of the one, true God.

That the chosen people chose to exchange their relationship with the incomparable God for the image of a golden calf has been deemed understandable and accepted by modern experts as the result of their exposure to Egyptian culture, namely, Egyptian worship of images of bulls, the representation dedicated to Horus, their god of heaven.

The one true God deemed it strike one with consequences pending  with cult worship of bulls spreading far and wide.

Canaanites, too, worshipped them as representative of their many gods with the oft mentioned in the old testament, Baal the storm god, being among them. The Jews of the exodus had incorporated the cultural influences of their captors with their own and as they would soon discover were in violation of the First Commandment: Thou shalt not have strange gods before me.

The chosen people as a whole, could never shake their doubt; it lead to many consequences.


Another puzzlement is why the Pharisaical Jews hate Christians so deeply. After all, the first Christians were Jews and right up until tonight I attributed the haters hate to the Pharisaical connection to Satan Jesus pointed out to them directly.

Back to biblical tradition and the Levitical descendants of Aaron controlling the priesthood.

The Levites, under the leadership of the Zadok family had a long run, almost 700 years from the time of the Exodus; but then things turned rather quickly when  Antiochus IV and Jason entered the picture.


  • 1. High priest from 174 to 171 B.C.; brother of the high priest Onias III. During the absence of Onias, who had been summoned to Antioch to meet charges brought against him by the Hellenists, Jason joined hands with his brother’s enemies. Through the payment of large sums he obtained from Antiochus the transfer of the high-priesthood, permission to erect at Jerusalem a gymnasium and an ephebeum, and the grant to the inhabitants of Jerusalem of the privileges and title of citizens of Antioch; for the latter favor alone he paid 150 talents.During the three years of Jason’s administration the influences of Hellenism in Judea reached their climax. In his desire to pass for a Hellene Jason went so far as to send representatives to a duplication of the Olympian games celebrated in the presence of Antiochus at Tyre, and presented 300 drachmasfor a sacrifice to Hercules, to whom the games were dedicated. But notwithstanding his zeal Jason was deposed at the end of the third year, having been outbid by Menelaus, supported by the Tobiads. Jason, however, did not consider himself defeated; profiting by the absence of Antiochus Epiphanes, then engaged in a war with Egypt, and backed by the majority of the inhabitants, he rendered himself master of the city, and compelled his adversary to seek refuge in the fortress. Jason’s triumph was short-lived. Antiochus, forced by the Romans to abandon his campaign against Egypt, seized the opportunity afforded by Jason’s uprising to march against Jerusalem. When the city was taken Jason fled to the Ammonites, among whom he remained until his death.

Within twenty years, after the Seleucid dynasty was dislodged, the Hasmonean family emerged as priest-kings or king-priests despite having no connection to the Zadok family nor the royal line of David. That was irksome to the pharisees who likely still had keen interest in the high priesthood. It was the Romans who reeled in the Hasmonean influence in Judea.

It’s plain to see it was a steady slide down and deeper, too,  for the chosen people after the covenant was broken and withdrawn. The crucifixion and death of their Last Offer opened their door to an   influencer they could finally embrace…



God’s Appeal

Never before or after in the history of mankind has God appealed for the corporate heart of any nation like He did, firstly, during the 3½ years of Christ’s personal ministry on earth and, secondly, during the 2 to 4 years after He died when He sent the Holy Spirit with power, but only to the Jews.

The end of the covenant

Since the gospel went TO JEWS ONLY during the first few years after the Cross, God’s covenant with Israel did not come to an end when Jesus died. After He died, Israel, as a nation, still had one final opportunity to repent.

Since God, after Stephen’s death and after the persecution of the Christians (Acts 7; 8:1), suddenly redirected the gospel away from the Jews to all people, two to four years after the Cross, that must have been the end of the covenant. At that time, “the kingdom of God” was taken away from the Jews (Matt 21:43). For a further discussion, see, Who is Israel in Revelation?

By killing God’s Spirit-filled disciples, Judaism rejected the Holy Spirit (cf. Acts 6:8-13). It seems appropriate that Israel would terminate the covenant with the rejection of the Holy Spirit, just as they killed Jesus a few years earlier…

…with Stephen’s stoning, that influencer was invited in.


The last Hasmonean priest was murdered by a Herod the Great assassin after Judea was gifted to Herod as a client kingdom by Caesar Augustus.

From the start of Herod’s reign until the destruction of the temple in 70 A.D. the office of high priest was a political appointment thus tainting for the viewing public any public display of piety with varying degrees of hypocrisy.


Rabbi Judah the Prince marks the end of a period known as the era of the Tannaim, which lasted approximately until 200 CE. A Tanna (pl. Tannaim) is one who mastered, taught and engaged in the study of the Mishnah and its attendant works. The ensuing period — from 200 CE until about 550 CE — is called in Jewish history the Era of the Amoraim. The Amoraim were the ones who elaborated upon the Mishnah and whose discussions fill the pages of the Talmud. One could say that the Talmud is a transcription of lectures, conversations, discussions and stories that occurred in the academies during those 350 years.


The midrash, classical Jewish exegesis, adds that the [first human] being formed in G-d’s likeness, was an androgynous, an inter-sexed, person . . . Hence, our tradition teaches that all bodies and genders are created in G-d’s image, whether we identify as men, women, inter-sex, or something else.

(Rabbi Elliot Kukla, Reform Devises Sex-Change Blessings)


God is not dead. The Pharisaical sects connection with Him is. The talmud is the covenant with their new boss that is in no way like the Old Boss.

Isaiah 28:14-18



What Goes Around…

is usually engineered by globalists.

Such engineered social impact events come around often enough and if you’re the kind of person who pays attention you should recognize the pattern. If, however, you’re satisfied believing life is ruled by chance and coincidence, lucky you!

Soon, though, if you watch the videos chances are you’ll be refining your belief in coincidence.

When the conversation gets down to the nitty-gritty, around the 5th or 6th video, the focus turns to…

A few more angles of interest…

Some insight on Indira Singh…

If you’ve visited bucksafa11 even occasionally in the past, you’ll know this connection isn’t a surprise…

..This ‘big tent’ approach to understanding the many facets related to venture philanthropy is the right one because it reflects the inherent strengths of the philanthropic sector itself. The varying approaches and experimentation with new methodologies; and the rich variety of capacities, ideologies, networks, and resources make philanthropy a robust system, one that may appear messy when viewed as a whole, but that derives its innovative capacities from that diversity…

Everything Remembered Develops a Version Eventually

because eventually the worm turns.

From 2017-07-18

It’s incredible that, almost 30 years after the presidential election of 1988, many “Priistas” (or members of the ruling Revolutionary Institutional Party, or PRI) in Mexico still won’t acknowledge the electoral fraud that occurred that year.

Actually, the PRI refuses to recognize that fraud has occurred in every presidential election from 1929 to 1994 — the era of the hand-picked successor, in which the current president essentially designated the next one.

But the 1988 election has resurfaced, thanks to some confusing and fanciful statements that Manuel Bartlett, the former secretary of the interior, has given in recent interviews. Apparently, Bartlett doesn’t seem to recall what happened in Mexico back in 1988, so let me try and refresh his memory.

That Bartlett guy sounds familiar.

The initial vote tally from the July 6, 1988 election gave a clear lead to Cuauhtemoc Cardenas, the candidate from the Party of the Democratic Revolution. But the vote count was suddenly halted — officials later would blame a “system crash” — and days later, when the final tally was tabulated, the winner just happened to be Carlos Salinas de Gortari, from the PRI.

I’ve talked with Salinas de Gortari about this issue twice. The first time was in October 2000, in Mexico City.

“Would it be safe to say that an electoral fraud put you in the presidency?” I asked him.

Of course not,” Salinas de Gortari told me. “There was no fraud.”

“The system crashed,” I responded. “It took six days to release the final results. In 1,762 polling stations, the PRI got 100% of the vote — very Soviet-style … then in 1992 all the ballots were destroyed. Yet there was no fraud?”

“There wasn’t enough documentation,” Salinas de Gortari said.

“Cuauhtemoc Cardenas keeps saying there was fraud,” I told him. “And many Mexicans reckon there was fraud.”

“Well, why wouldn’t they, if that idea has been pushed all these years with a misinformation campaign?” Salinas de Gortari said…

From February 23rd, 2023

…Another chapter is dedicated to AMLO’s admiration for Bartlett, a conclusion he reaches as a result of his research between the ideological positions, political thinking and speeches of both.

“A vision of a totalitarian state, an absolute vision that controls all economic, political and social activity, can be seen in both of them. Leaving a minimum or a margin to the private director. Both are united by that ideological vision of the totalitarian state, of hating the PAN, the right wing, the businessmen,” the author also told Infobae.

Finally, Moreno-Durán suggests that Bartlett, 85 years old, aspires to go down in history as the great energy reformer of Mexico, “selling the populist and demagogic discourse: ‘We need the electricity industry for the benefit of the population.'”

“In reality, however, this is not the case, we are today in an interconnected world with data and it has been proven that private intervention in the generation of electric energy results in lower tariffs, accessible to millions of Mexicans,” concludes the author.

Time out. Somebody has purchased a kool-aid stand and may or may not be aware that the worm that is turning is always the same worm.

Or a relative. And when that worm turns it’s normal people that get crushed.

That this group is getting a push …

… should make it easy to recognize the 21st Century political crime lords roles are those of characters in an  IMAX version of …




Does O-T-C Narcan Sales Indicate the War On Drugs Is Over?


or has the Biden Administration positioned themselves as Big Players in their newly created niche market? 

It’s more likely the niche market thing. The way I see it, they’ll be keeping the cartels on the path to legitimacy in order to partner up with them when the use of hallucinogenics is approved as a medical treatment for various psychoses and who ain’t got them if the medical mafia says you do? the- counter.html?

Narcan, a prescription nasal spray that reverses opioid overdoses, can now be sold over the counter, the Food and Drug Administration said on Wednesday, authorizing a move long-sought by public health officials and treatment experts, who hope wider availability of the medicine will reduce the nation’s alarmingly high drug fatality rates.

By late summer, over-the-counter Narcan is expected to be for sale in big-box chains, vending machines, supermarkets, convenience stores, gas stations and online retailers.

The commissioner of the F.D.A., Dr. Robert M. Califf, said in a statement that the over-the-counter authorization was meant to address a “dire public health need.” <cough cough>

..Narcan is a nasal spray version of naloxone, a drug that blocks an opioid’s effect on the brain. As the overdose crisis has worsened, with more than 100,000 drug-related deaths in the United States for each of the last two years, millions of doses have been administered by outreach workers, health care providers and emergency responders.

But for people who use drugs, as well as for their friends and relatives, ready access to the prescription medication has been elusive…

Hold on a second. The overdose deaths in the US have increased to more than 200,000 over the last two years and all Biden’s democrat controlled government ( with additional Republican support when called for ) comes up with as a solution is a greater availability of Narcan ? Can’t wait to hear those commercials on the car radio.

But why can’t gun violence be controlled like that? Duplicate the Narcan  fantasy solution by providing bullet proof vests for everyone so the number of victims of gun violence is reduced.  Joe can replace Kevlar with that wonder of the compounded material world, graphene .

Look at what they’re doing at

Hey, Biden’s spent billions of dollars and sent just about all our military equipment over to that clown in the Ukraine what’s the big deal spending 1 or 2 billion  American dollars on the terrified segment of America that believes only the government can protect them even though it is documented that dialing 911 could be the last call you make.

Heck, graphene’s ability to withstand a .44 Magnum has been known for years so he might get those protective vest a lot cheaper now with the Democrat inflation. Oh, wait. Never mind.

Aside from no longer having a need to collect everyone’s weapon which would cause a sizable portion of the  American population to heave a huge sigh of relief, another positive effect to be gained from a publicized national graphene vest program, especially for the survivors of this acknowledged covid mistake and most especially for those who might have had a friend or loved one who didn’t survive that government sponsored mistake, a good graphene event might help them forget about this…

..Graphene Oxide (GO) is an oxide of graphene, and after oxidation, oxygen-containing functional groups on the graphene oxide are increased, so that the graphene oxide is more active than graphene. For example, hydroxyl groups and epoxy groups are randomly distributed on a graphene oxide monolith, while carboxyl groups and carbonyl groups are introduced at the edge of the monolith. Common commercial products of graphene oxide are in the form of powder, flakes and solutions, and are brown-yellow in color….

…the coronavirus vaccine disclosed by the invention is obtained by combining carnosine, CpG and a novel coronavirus RBD on activated graphene oxide.
The dosage of GO in the coronavirus vaccine provided by the invention is used as a framework base, the dosage is usually excessive, and the dosage of carnosine can be about twice of that of GO. CpG and new coronavirus RBD are used as biological macromolecules, and the dosage of the CpG and the new coronavirus RBD is less, and is usually one ten thousandth of that of GO in mass ratio. And RBD is used in an amount more than 2 times that of CpG, such as CpG: RBD = 1: 2-10, preferably, the dosage of RBD is 3-6 times of that of CpG.
In another aspect, the present invention provides a method for preparing the coronavirus vaccine, the method comprising the steps of:
obtaining CpG, RBD recombinant protein and carnosine;
adding freeze-dried GO powder into a phosphate buffer solution, and carrying out ultrasonic treatment;


Yeah. Mistake.




Yeah, I Was Wrong

That’s a quote from the former Director of National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases during his interview on PBS

I think of this as his early farewell in Baltimore .

It warmed my heart when what looked like his last hurrah fell flat.    “it took twenty years of science invested in this approach… ” said Fauci tacitly and he still got an argument that, as you will see down the page apiece, the man on the porch was right; they didn’t test it long enough.

Fauci was wrong again.


Years before the COVID-19 pandemic began, experts at the NIH Vaccine Research Center (VRC) were studying coronaviruses to find out how to protect against them. The scientists chose to focus on one “prototype” coronavirus and create a vaccine for it. That vaccine could then be customized to fight different coronaviruses… 

Using their prototype coronavirus, the researchers studied the spike protein, which appears on the surface of coronaviruses. These spikes let the coronavirus latch onto cells in our body. When the body’s immune system sees the spike protein, it makes antibodies to try to protect the body from infection. This makes it a good vaccine target.

Traditionally, researchers would try putting the spike protein in the vaccine. When injected, the vaccine would stimulate a person’s immune system to protect them from a particular coronavirus. But the team knew that during a pandemic, it would take too long to make large amounts of a specific spike protein.

So, they studied a faster way to get a spike protein into the body. This new approach is to inject mRNA instructions for the spike protein into a person’s muscle. The muscle cells then make the spike protein. And then the body’s immune system makes the needed antibodies to protect itself.

Having this prototype approach, along with coronavirus research from labs around the world, made it possible for scientists to spring into action when the pandemic hit. Many vaccines take 10 to 15 years to reach the public. But the timeline for the COVID-19 vaccine was very different…

…The VRC worked with a company called Moderna to use this information to quickly customize their prototype approach to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. By early February, a COVID-19 vaccine candidate had been designed and manufactured. This vaccine is called mRNA-1273. By March 16, 2020, this vaccine had entered the first phase of clinical trials. Other vaccines, including a similar one from Pfizer and BioNTech SE, entered clinical trials not long after.

On December 18, 2020, after demonstrating 94 percent efficacy, the NIH-Moderna vaccine was authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for emergency use. Just days earlier, the similar Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine had become the first COVID-19 vaccine to be authorized for use in the United States…

And again… 

…LNP-incorporated mRNA comprises an enormous technological success that goes beyond vaccines, opening new avenues for developing “smart” therapeutics that can be delivered with pinpoint precision to specific subcellular structures [13]. The development of such therapeutics is anticipated to redefine clinical pathways, including for non-communicable diseases. However, are these therapies ready for worldwide application in their present molecular form?

The question has been asked before, often in relation to the potential toxicity of lipid formulations used in the past, especially as part of the delivering cancer therapeutics [14,15]. However, in the following sections, we take a closer look at a novel perspective, namely the mRNA vaccines’ structure and composition and at their unintended biological consequences derived from pathological cell-cell fusion…

As mRNA vaccines are based on pre-fusion epitopes, the fusion pathology may be undeterred, allowing viral infection by syncytia formation to continue unabated [3,16]. This is significant, as it could account for the reoccurrence of COVID-19 symptoms in fully vaccinated individuals [3,21,22]. In addition, this may explain the rare post-vaccination events associated with cell-cell fusion, including giant cell myocarditis, giant cell arthritis, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease, recorded in Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database (please see section “Vaccine core: The synthetic mRNA”) [2327].

..PEG was added to the LNP to stabilize and prolong the mRNA duration of action (Figure 1). The extensive utilization of PEG over the past few decades, suggests that preexisting antibodies could trigger hypersensitivity to vaccines containing this molecule [54,55]. Aside from allergy, PEG is also an established chemical fusogen that can generate pathology by promoting polynucleation, aneuploidy, and genomic instability [5659]. In addition, PEG up regulates intracellular Ca2+, activating the transmembrane protein 16F (TMEM16F), a lipid scramblase that flips PS on the cell surface, triggering fusion, premature cellular senescence, and immunosuppression [6063]. As these phenotypes are virus-friendly, PEG-induced cell-cell fusion may inadvertently facilitate not only SARS-CoV-2 but also other viral infections [60,6466]. Furthermore, ePS-activated ADAM 10 and 17 promote syncytia formation via metalloprotease pathway [40,42,43]…

…The mRNA vaccines were approved on an emergency basis to combat COVID-19 pandemic. These vaccines also represent the first administration of LNPs at large scale. Taken together, they constitute milestones in the development of a novel and much promising therapeutics delivery field. Having said that, at the time of the emergency approval, the S2 viral antigen was insufficiently studied, and the FCS-mediated fusion pathology was mostly unknown. These aspects are now starting to attract attention, in an effort to best understand the underlying cellular mechanisms, pathways and potential unintended consequences.


And again…

The coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19) pandemic caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) stimulated the development of highly effective vaccines that were produced with unprecedented speed with the use of diverse technologies. No major safety warnings, other than rare cases of anaphylaxis, were reported in the initial trials, which involved tens of thousands of adults, and the risk of serious adverse effects has remained remarkably low after vaccination of more than 400 million people worldwide to date.1

The New England Journal of Medicine must think 83,200 reported (03/10/23) adverse events resulting from a wrong decision and resulting in life changing damage is an acceptable investment for the billions of dollars the medical cabal collected during the scam.

The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) Results

Data current as of 03/10/2023 (copy & paste from the CDC website

Total 83,200 100.00%

Michigan 11,277 13.55%

California 6,019 7.23%

Florida 5,757 6.92%

Minnesota 4,753 5.71%

Texas 4,153 4.99%

Cash was spread far and wide once the mistake was approved by science. 

The company posted net profit of nearly 3.2 billion euros ($3.6 billion) for the final three months of 2021, up from 367 million euros in the same period the previous year. Earnings per share rose to 12.18 euros from 1.43 euros a year ago.

Revenues of $3.5bn and operating profit of $2.4bn were impressive for a $37bn market cap company

But you ain’t seen tight lipped ’til you seen Pfizer…

with impressive gains coming from a government pushed mistake

You think they’re worried about being charged with anything serious?

They can handle whatever fine they accept for hiding the evidence against them.

And don’t be fooled… the scams aren’t over ’til the gangster’s in the can

…this new reality will likely require annual COVID-19 shots to be tailored around the most threatening strains of the virus, the officials wrote.

See what I mean?

Coupling A Couple of Things

that are being used against US…

First, before we revisit  there was an article I set aside for future use that  uses an important and powerful word; so powerful, I think the word tactically should be included in its definition.

It’s importance is conveyed in the article by it being used twice in the same sentence, the second sentence in the article, in fact, and that word is tacitly.

I’m including its definition, I wouldn’t want any reader to misunderstand it’s definition and fail to recognize the significance of it’s use.

From the 1979 Oxford American Dictionary:

tacit (adj) implied or understood without being put into words tac’it ly (adv) tac’it ness (noun)

From a Feb 2001 Western Journal of Medicine article published at  

“Medicine in industrialised countries is scientific medicine,” write Glymour and Stalker. The claim tacitly made by US or European physicians and tacitly relied on by their patients is that their palliatives and procedures have been shown by science to be effective. Although physicians’ medical practice is not itself science, it is based on science and on training that is supposed to teach physicians to apply scientific knowledge to people in a rational way. This distinction between understanding nature and power over nature, between pure and applied science, was first made by Francis Bacon in his Novum Organum of 1620.(p28) Medicine as practiced today is applied science. Thomas Huxley pointed out in his address at the opening of Mason’s College in Birmingham, England, in 1880 that applied science is nothing but the application of pure science to particular classes of problems. No one can safely make these deductions unless he or she has a firm grasp of the principles. Yet, the idea of the practice of clinical medicine as an art persists. What is this? Does it amount to anything more than romantic rhetoric—a nod in the direction of humanitarianism? Is this what the author of a guide to the membership examination of the Royal College of Physicians referred to as late as 1975 when a guide stated that its membership examination “remains partly a test of culture, although knowledge of Latin, Greek, French, and German is no longer required”?

Like many large textbooks, Cecil Textbook of Medicine begins with a discourse on medicine as an art. Its focus is the patient, defined as a fellow human seeking help because of a problem relating to his or her health. From this emerges the comment that for medicine as an art, its chief and characteristic instrument must be human faculty. What aspects of the faculty matter? We are offered the ability to listen, to empathize, to inform, to maintain solidarity—for the physician, in fact, to be part of the treatment. No one would want to dispute the desirability of these properties, but they describe, first, moral dimensions to care—we listen because of respect for persons and so on—and second, skills. Interpersonal skills may be frequently lacking, just as technical skills may be. But they can, at least in principle, be observed, taught, tested, and their value assessed, just like any practical technical skill…


Keep in mind, you might consider the principles high lighted above from  that article timeless but the whorin’ medical profession and the  criminal politicians have hitched their medicine wagon to the lightening fall from heaven and moved on only to have been met with  rejection and doubt.

As for Fauci’s claim in that second video of “…it took twenty years invested in this approach… ” but he never mentioned the lack of success. Here’s a taste…

With every passing day, more of the truth of what they seek leaks out and exposes their level of evil to people who once could not believe it but now cringe at what they see being done to our Country.

They have killed many throughout history but they always have had a hunger for more and last week, in Michigan, they showed their starving, covetous need once again.


A breakdown of the legislation by the NRA’s Institute for Legislative Action: 

Senate Bills 7677, and 78 further criminalize private transfers of firearms by expanding Michigan’s handgun permit-to-purchase system to all firearms. This adds rifle and shotgun transfers to the state registry. It also removes the pistol permit-to-purchase exemption for transfers conducted by licensed firearm dealers who conduct instant federal background checks, meaning prospective handgun purchasers must apply for, and receive, a permit prior to being able to go to a gun store to take possession of a handgun.

Senate Bills 798081, and 82 impose a mandatory storage scheme for firearm owners, not taking into account an individual’s particular situation. Those not storing firearms in compliance face prison time of up to 15 years and fines of up to $7,500, for unauthorized access by minors. In District of Columbia v. Heller, the U.S. Supreme Court held that storage provisions that prevent a law-abiding American from having ready access to a firearm for self-defense are unconstitutional.

Senate Bills 838485, and 86 allow the seizure of an individual’s firearms on baseless accusations, without a hearing or other opportunity for the evidence to be heard in court. They permit the government to seize firearms based on weak and nebulous standards of evidence.

A person subject to a suspension of a Constitutional right should be entitled to high evidentiary standards, an opportunity to be heard, and the right to face his or her accusers. Civil liberties advocates from across the political spectrum have expressed concerns about these “red flag” bills and how the procedure might lead to abuses because of insufficient due process protections in the bills.

If you think these leapords are going to change their spots after they get their way with the Second Amendment, don’t let them know; that will encourage them to come up with another required vaccine announcement.

Maybe for lead poisoning.