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Purchased Deference

It is the way of the world; wait until you read what it’s referring to.

First, I want to point out what it brought. Think of it as a secret shopper’s installment plan. You’ll understand in a few minutes.

When I looked closer at the Inter-American Dialogue mentioned in the previous post, I had one of those forehead slapping moments when it dawned on me this was another act in the longest running magic show in history. The framework of this high class hustle they continue to run was planned and designed long, long ago. It’s successful construction rely’s on the nuts and bolts of chainge being tightened as the nuts and bolts of our Constitutional framework are being loosened and removed. The managers and directors of that chainge know the importance of exactness when setting the stage.


Through successive Republican and Democratic administrations and many changes of leadership elsewhere in the hemisphere, the Dialogue has helped shape the agenda of issues and choices in inter-American relations.


Next, an introduction to one Santiago Canton. He was made the new Director of the Rule of Law Program in 2021.

And here I thought our U.S. Constitutuion was the rule of law. Who could possibly have other ideas?

Santiago’s background:

An international human rights attorney with extensive leadership experience, Canton will build on and expand the Rule of Law Program’s work to strengthen democracy, human rights, accountability, and press freedom in the Americas. He takes on the position at a crucial moment, with worrying signs of democratic backsliding and acute challenges to the rule of law across the hemisphere. In many countries, high levels of corruption and polarization pose an increasing risk to democratic governance.

Canton was the executive secretary of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights of the Organization of American States for eleven years, after serving as the first special rapporteur for freedom of expression. He has held a number of key leadership positions, including director of RFK Partners for Human Rights at the Robert F. Kennedy Center for Justice & Human Rights, director for Latin America and the Caribbean at the National Democratic Institute (NDI), and, more recently, secretary of human rights for the province of Buenos Aires, Argentina. He also served as a political advisor to President Carter in democratic development programs in Latin America.

Next up, from Lehigh University

Dr. Eduardo J. Gómez is a Professor and Director of the Institute of Health Policy and Politics. A political scientist by training, his research focuses on the politics of global health policy, with a focus on emerging middle-income countries. He is the author of several books, with the latest titled Junk Food Politics: How Beverage and Fast Food Industries are Reshaping Emerging Economies (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2023). Professor Gómez has published his research in a myriad of peer-reviewed journal articles, policy journals, and major news outlets. In 2022, Professor Gómez led The Lancet’s first series on political science and global health and has led other major journal series. He is currently working on several research projects focused on the international and domestic politics of the commercial determinants of health, as well as the complex politics of climate change, food security, and malnutrition. Professor Gómez was a Commissioner for the Rockefeller Foundation and Boston University Commission on the Social Determinants of Health and served as a National Task Force Member on Equity and Covid-19 for the Satcher Health Leadership Institute at Morehouse College. His research has received external funding support from the Rockefeller Foundation, Oxfam, George Soros, and Tinker Foundations.

Prior to his arrival at Lehigh, Professor Gómez was an Associate Professor (UK Senior Lecturer) at King’s College London, Assistant Professor at Rutgers University, and a pre-doctoral visiting scientist at the Harvard School of Public Health. He has also previously worked for the RAND Corporation, the World Bank, and the Inter-American Dialogue. Professor Gómez is a veteran of the United States Air Force and is a former Term Member of the Council on Foreign Relations. He received his PhD in political science from Brown University, MA in International Relations from the University of Chicago, and BA in Foreign Affairs from the University of Virginia.

Last one…

David de Ferranti founded Results for Development Institute (R4D) in 2008 and was its first president and chief executive officer through August 2016. He is currently a senior advisor and also serves as chair of the board of directors.

Before R4D, Dr. de Ferranti spent 25 years at the World Bank. As a senior manager there, he served as the Bank’s regional vice president for Latin America and the Caribbean at the World Bank, overseeing its work in that region, with responsibility for a $25 billion loan portfolio and a staff of 700 in 16 locations. Earlier, he headed the Bank’s work in the social sectors (nutrition, health, education, population, and social safety net and protection programs), overseeing research, policy work, and financial operations to countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe…

Dr. de Ferranti serves on the boards of numerous organizations, including the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities and Nutrition International (where he is chair),  Synergos and the Inter-American Dialogue.  He spent ten years on the board of the Rockefeller Foundation, where he chaired the oversight of how its $4 billion endowment is invested…

Those few links are a mere fraction of the accounts reflecting the 180 degree change in direction we’ve been heading in since the end of WW II. While they share the same elitist pathway, it is essential that pathway is not recognized by earth’s multitudes lest a premature pandemonium erupts and spoils their party.

The Inter-American Dialogue version is traced back to Nelson Rockefeller’s ideas he pursued in the 1930’s and transformed in 1945 into bases for President Truman’s Point IV post war world recovery plan to deploy American aid to the war torn world.

Depending on one’s degree of cynicism, a person might, by now, see the American ‘uniqueness’ reputation was, in large part, gained from it’s ability to transform itself into a munificent provider of all things necessary to support a world war, and then a recovery from that war, before our current managed deconstruction phase, with the democrat party as always the de facto sub-contractor, in order to balance the transformation of the world into a one world medical peonage.

Pardon my wandering.

Back in the 1930’s, Nelson Rockefeller had already experienced what could be called an UNdiagnosed anamorphosis vision that he identified as “creative capitalism”. He came to recognize his vision as an answer to Truman’s call; but somehow, somewhere between 1945 and Fidel the globalists used his anamorphosis vision to their ends.

An example of the magical effects of anamorphosis vision from ancient times can be found at
where this story of Phidias and Alcamenes is printed:

…It is related that Phidias and Alcamenes were ordered by the Athenians to execute each a statue of Minerva to be placed upon columns. “When the statues were finished, that of Alcamenes was the most admired; but after they were raised upon their columns it was found that Phidias had best anticipated the effect when placed in the elevated position for which they were intended, and the final decision was in his favor…

A well written and recent account of the little known beginnings of the transformation of North America into the North American Union segment of the New World Order can be read at Ignore it at your peril.

I don’t know how many American’s are aware of the force of the tide we’re swimming against or if they have any idea of where it’s power comes from or even if they care; but all that written above is public knowledge, available to all once they waketf up and start gathering and sharing actionable information in an effort to prevent the transfer of our Constitution based Republic to a Parliamentarian run medical gulag.

Why Do

magazines such as indulge their occasional objurgation itch using ten thousand words or more to build hollow story lines using phrases like “…enabled by an underfunded and antiquated system that Congress — paralyzed by mutual animosity — has failed to address…” but never, never look past that congressional chitcho to get to the who, the intrinsic, the UNquestionable, the true, sure and certain party of responsibility for the invasion because they completely and constantly ignore the work of lying under a gossamer spread of purchased deference that is running the show.

From that 1985 Annual Report…

Following the pattern of recent years, a particular region was singled out
in 1985 for concerted attention. Grants were made for capacity building
in Latin America, while others sought to facilitate communication between
U.S. and Latin American international relations specialists, and to
broaden domestic U.S. participation in the debate over U.S. policy toward
that region…

At a higher level, $250,000 was appropriated for the Inter-American Dialogue
so that influential Latins and North Americans could jointly consider vital
hemispheric political and economic problems. And within the United
States, a three-year grant of $160,000 was made to the League of United
Latin American Citizens Foundation for a program to educate Hispanic
Americans in the United States about the economic and political problems
of Latin America and to encourage them to contribute more fully and positively
to improving inter-American communication and understanding

U.S.-Mexican relations were given special consideration through a cluster
of three appropriations. A three-year commitment to Stanford University
will enable U.S. scholars and professionals to participate in a series of
binational workshops and conferences primarily to explore the interaction
of U.S. and Mexican macroeconomic policy…

A second grant, which is also available over three years, has been provided
to the Center for U.S.-Mexican Studies at the University of California at
San Diego to enable it to organize binational projects on the results and
broader implications of the 1985 elections in Mexico, an assessment on the
shifting balance of power in Mexico between the public and private sectors,
public policy options available to Mexico over the next decade in the areas
of rural development, urban food supply systems, employment, and
export-oriented industrialization, and a project on the consequences for the
United States of development in Mexico, including high inflation, rapid
labor force expansion, and U.S. national security interests.

A third grant assists an interdisciplinary group of Mexican scholars, in
Mexico City, to analyze how changing domestic forces in the United States
and Mexico influence key foreign policy decisions affecting their bilateral
relations. As a first step, the project will produce Mexico’s first casebook of
U.S. foreign policy decision-making on issues of interest to Mexico, which
will be followed by a monograph series analyzing how domestic
considerations confronting the U.S. and Mexican governments affect their
policies toward the Central American crisis, trade policy issues, debt
management, the international traffic of drugs, international energy policy,
and immigration.


Serbs the Word

Good evening Mr and Mrs America and all the ships at sea…


March 08, 2023

FACT SHEET: United States Bans Imports of Russian Oil, Liquefied Natural Gas, and Coal…

Today, President Biden will sign an Executive Order (E.O.) to ban the import of Russian oil, liquefied natural gas, and coal to the United States – a significant action with widespread bipartisan support that will further deprive President Putin of the economic resources he uses to continue his needless war of choice.

The United States is able to take this step because of our strong domestic energy infrastructure and we recognize that not all of our Allies and partners are currently in a position to join us. But we are united with our Allies and partners in working together to reduce our collective dependence on Russian energy and keep the pressure mounting on Putin, while at the same taking active steps to limit impacts on global energy markets and protect our own economies…

Good morning Mr and Mrs America and all the ships at sea…


May, 30, 2023

The Saudis are buying up Russian diesel — and selling more of the stuff they produce themselves

What the Saudis are doing is pretty simple, according to Matt Smith of the data and analytics firm Kpler.

“They’re not doing it just from the goodness of their own heart,” he said. “They were able to take this cheap material, consume it domestically, and then export their own at a market price, which will be much higher.”

Unconfirmed intercepted messages from Neom, Saudi Arabia allegedly included this terse one liner, ‘Dear Joe, it’s just business’.

Neom, depending on interpretive abilities, translates to English as ‘new future’; as a visionary message it can be interpreted as ‘a line in the sand’.

More recent news from reports:

Unexpected counter-offensive results shocked Ukrainians

The beginning of the announced offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine VSU for the Kiev regime turned into a real information catastrophe.

The Ukrainian media simply ignore the events that are taking place on the front line, because attempts to break through the defense of the Armed Forces of Russia on several directions have led to serious losses for the VSU.

Yuri Podoljak’s famous military journalist reported on that. He wrote in detail on his author’s Telegram channel about the unexpected silence of the Ukrainian media and explained why the first results of the VSU counterattack were a complete surprise for the Ukrainians.

Yuri The Podok reminded that only a few days ago, the Kiev regime started the previously announced VSU offensive. The Ukrainian army, starting with active fighting, faced fierce resistance from Russia’s Armed Forces. All attempts to break through the defense completely failed, and the fighters suffered great losses in human and military technique. The Russian army is successfully destroying Ukrainian tanks, infantry vehicles and other military techniques.

According to journalists, the first results of the counterattack were a real surprise for Ukrainians. That is why the local media completely ignore the situation that takes place on the front line and do not inform the local population about what is happening on the front lines.

<.divnije1>They did not expect this: Kiev CIPSA Central Information and Propaganda Information and Propaganda Service and Ukrainians are completely shocked by the first results <71>. Well, just a complete ignore. There is no contranapada in the information space of Ukraine. That is the best proof of the complete shock of information experts on their part. This is the only case in the last year and a half when their army has been trying to attack for three days, and that is not accompanied by absolutely any information support. And that is significant to Podjek, Podoka concluded.


The West has a history of arming and supporting various groups in conflict to advance its agenda. The recent conflict in Syria is an example of that.

However, this time the West does not arm or support another shabby organization such as Free Syrian Army A Dvodi1>. It arm and supports the second largest army in Europe after Russia, or which was the second largest army in Europe.

Until Russia launched its special military operation , the Ukrainian armed forces were larger than those in France and Germany combined. With about 700,000, most of them were volunteers who trained and equipped other NATO members.

Since then, the war has drastically reduced those numbers by more than 150,000, if not more.

Until the Russian special military operation Zodna 1>, the continuous military strengthening of Ukraine with the help of the West, only heightened Moscow’s concern that Kiev would join NATO. So, along with persistent reports of the persecution of Russian-speaking people in eastern Ukraine, Moscow felt justified in taking action. Hence the Russian special military operation Odačni1> in Ukraine.

However, Moscow did not fully understand the full scope of Western plans for Ukraine. Because just as they used the Free Syrian army against President Assad, the West intended to use Ukrainian forces as representatives against Russia.

That is why Russia, when it launched its special military operation in February 2022, did so with an insufficient number of people. She did not expect a long war to be fought, because Putin was counting on a quick solution in the form of a limited military operation.

In fact, by April 2022, his plans seemed to be actually working, after the President Greens signaled that he was ready to negotiate with Russia.

After Boris Johnson, a surprisingly unannounced visit to Kiev, there was no more talk of an amicable solution with Moscow. We can only assume that the then British Prime Minister Johnson warned the Greens, not to enter into any peace agreement.

Only then did Russia realize what it was actually facing, and only then did it start mobilizing enough people.


Smoke and Mirrors

You heard this old saw, right? If I didn’t see it in the New York Times, it didn’t happen.

Wouldn’t want anyone to miss this move…

Wildfire Smoke Darkens Skies and Triggers Air Alerts Across Northern U.S.

Something stinkin’ this way cometh

In the third-century B.C. Greek epic poem the Argonautica, the sorceress Medea wields fragrance as a magical weapon: In order to steal the coveted Golden Fleece, which is guarded by a dragon, she lulls the creature to sleep with a scented potion, escaping unscathed.

From a State of the Nation compendium


It’s one thing to be neck deep in biopharmocological industries creating products to counter every laboratory escapee that results in complications including death for hundreds of thousands of people tracked by the CDC but it’s another thing to be invested in an industry that’s been in the spotlight for causing the societal burden it is accused of being responsible for since the 1960’s. Being identified as a player in both ends of multiple deadly games can impact one’s popularity.

Bear with me.


Though tobacco has devastating consequences on public health and agriculture around the world, a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) cites that nearly 10 million acres of land are under tobacco cultivation globally. On May 31, 2023, which is World No Tobacco Day, WHO launched a global campaign titled “We need food, not tobacco,” the calling upon governments to end subsidies for tobacco growing and use savings for crop production.

Surveillance is essential to understanding tobacco economics, including consumer tobacco use and motivations, to allow for strategic implementation of alternative crop programs. As a partner in the Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco Use, the CDC Foundation builds public-private partnerships to promote opportunities for global tobacco control surveillance and monitoring. The CDC Foundation works in collaboration with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), WHO and other international partners to implement components of the Global Tobacco Surveillance System (GTSS), comprised of the Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), the Global Youth Tobacco Survey (GYTS), Tobacco Questions for Surveys (TQS) and Tobacco Questions for Surveys of Youth (TQS-Youth).

Putting an end to smoking will not happen. GTSS GATS are just more scams. LS/MFT rules. How do I know that?

Page 126 at towards the bottom of the page you”l find BAT CAPITAL CORP and

You don’t think the Rockefeller investors are going to break up a money maker on both ends do you?

People have been dying from the efforts of the Rockefeller Foundation for nearly a hundred years and it’s been accepted as what? God’s will? Here’s one account of the RF attempt to control hookworm

..In 1926 a grieving father’s letter prodded both the Rockefeller Foundation and the IHB to confront the issue of their responsibility in these deaths. The Quintero file circulated slowly from the top to the bottom of Foundation headquarters at 61 Broadway, and up and down the IHB chain of command from New York and New Orleans to Bogotá and Bucamaranga, growing with every stop. The president of the Rockefeller Foundation, George E Vincent, while insisting that the case was “legally and logically” not one of liability, noted that there were questions of “good will and international feeling” involved. He prefaced his submission of the matter to the Foundation’s lawyer, Thomas Debevoise, with the comments: “It is a rather distressing case. If we begin to grant indemnities for accidents of this kind it would be a precedent which would give trouble. On the other hand, to refuse to do anything has certain unfortunate implications.” 57 A concatenation of questions, then, would dictate the consideration of the petition: from legalistic issues of malfeasance, liability and precedent, to the vagaries of international “good will” and unspecified negative consequences, all wrapped around a case of undeniable human suffering…

…By the time Juan de la Rosa Quintero Parra received the money that surreptitiously compensated him for the responsibility of the Rockefeller Foundation for the death of his son, José Vicente, the IHB had mostly given up hookworm campaigning, with the exception of a limited number of programmes in parts of Asia, especially Ceylon, and indeed in Colombia, that carried on until 1934, claiming the lives of nine more poor young souls along the way. For his part, Quintero Parra had no illusions about the nature of the compensation he had received, or its value in the political and moral economy of international health. A month after cashing the cheque, he mailed another letter to New York City, this time directed to “Frederick Russell, MD, The Rockefeller Foundation”:

The object of these lines is to give sincere and loyal expression to my deep gratitude for the manner in which you received my humble petition concerning the death of my never-to-be-forgotten son. I bought a cow with the hundred pesos received; it provides us with milk, and every day we think or give utterance to the worthless but eloquent phrase of the beggar: “God will reward you.” Please accept my respectful salutations and best wishes for your health and happiness.

Very truly yours,

Juan de la R Quintero Parra76

I can’t help but wonder if all the vaccine kings and queens of these modern times are dreaming of the day their victim’s families will write letters like the father of José Vicente Quintero did; judging how the world is embracing the installation of the ‘woke mind’ with such fervor enforced obeisance cannot be far behind.

Same Day News…

Playing games with American minds long before 9/11 and we’re still getting away with it!

Catastrophic “Loss of Control” Data Breach in NY Elections

Oath Keepers Leader Is Sentenced to 18 Years in Jan. 6 Sedition Case

Days before the riot, Rudy Giuliani told Hutchinson “we’re going to the Capitol” on Jan. 6

More context: It was previously known that Trump wanted to go to the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021, but Hutchinson’s testimony establishes for the first time that people around Trump had advance knowledge of this plan.

Hutchinson also said during her testimony that she told her boss, White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, about Giuliani’s comments, shortly after he made them on Jan. 2, 2021. According to Hutchinson, Meadows “didn’t look up from his phone” during their conversation, but did tell her something to the effect of, “there’s a lot going on… but things might get real, real bad on January 6.”

She testified that these conversations made her feel “scared” about what was going to happen.

Hutchinson’s testimony Tuesday undermines Meadows’ recent book. He wrote that Trump ad-libbed his lines during his speech that “we’re going to walk down Pennsylvania Avenue… and we’re going to the Capitol,” and that this set off a scramble in the moment to figure out if Trump could feasibly make it to the Capitol.

So There I Was Deep In My Least Favorite Issue

reading how which is part of my tilting at windmills campaign I been doing for a number of years but, I gotta tell you, the guy who wrote that article (7 years ago) nailed it so well I was tempted into early retirement (again).

However, the latest example of the globalists hateful attempt to re-enslave the world is taking place on so many levels I was pulled back in when I saw this headline:

Amongst the many links included in the article the one behind the word authorities leads you to where I pulled the address from and checked out the neighborhood at and learned the white homeowner, 84-year-old Andrew Lester lived in a zipcode that is only 2% safer than U.S. cities.(100 is safest).

It’s been said, data is the new oil and we have to learn how to access it, understand it and apply it.

Copout question used by enablers of the globalists: who has the time to recognize the reality of one person’s vision when the oligarch’s agents are using every opportunity to deny US our Rights?

Open your eyes, apply your mind and accept your responsibility to counter every opportunity the evil ones create.

Countering Misinformation

Recently, meaning in the last few days, maybe yesterday, I received an email from the U.S. Right To Know organization.

U.S. Right to Know can exclusively report that last Thursday, the Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic began transcribed interviews about the history behind “The proximal origin of SARS-CoV-2.” The enormously influential article, the most impactful scientific article of 2020, dismissed the lab leak theory as a conspiracy theory.

RE:New evidence released by the Select Subcommittee today suggests that Dr. Fauci “prompted” the drafting of a publication that would “disprove” the lab leak theory, the authors of this paper skewed available evidence to achieve that goal, and Dr. Jeremy Farrar went uncredited despite significant involvement.


The first page of the memo opens with this…

On February 1, 2020, Dr. Anthony Fauci, Dr. Francis Collins, and at least eleven other
scientists convened a conference call to discuss COVID-19.1

It was on this conference call that Drs. Fauci and Collins were first warned that COVID-19 may have leaked from a lab in Wuhan,
China and, further, may have been intentionally genetically manipulated.

Only three days later, on February 4, 2020, four participants of the conference call
authored a paper entitled “The Proximal Origin of SARS-CoV-2” (Proximal Origin) and sent a
draft to Drs. Fauci and Collins.

Prior to final publication in Nature Medicine, the paper was sent
to Dr. Fauci for editing and approval.

On April 16, 2020, slightly more than two months after the original conference call, Dr.
Collins emailed Dr. Fauci expressing dismay that Proximal Origin—which they saw prior to
publication and were given the opportunity to edit—did not squash the lab leak hypothesis and
asks if the NIH can do more to “put down” the lab leak hypothesis.

The next day—after Dr.Collins explicitly asked for more public pressure—Dr. Fauci cited Proximal Origin from the
White House podium when asked if COVID-19 leaked from a lab.

A weird connection to this is the day before I received the email from USRTK, I was looking through old saved files, and saw this The Mysterious Case of the COVID-19 Lab-Leak Theory… Did the virus spring from nature or from human error? By Carolyn Kormann October 12, 2021

I thought I’d use it in a No Trust post I’m working on.

If you didn’t read it a year and a half ago give it a shot now. That oversight committee memo could have been lifted from the article.

Don’t think I’m trying to raise some hope in this mental dungeon the democrats are still building; I’m not.

I found this in the files, too…

Here’s one that goes back even further…


…In 1978, he became the president of Rockefeller University, until he stepped down in 1990…

*During a 1986 fact finding mission of the 1979 Soviet Union epidemic of anthrax bacteria… Lederberg sided with Soviets that the anthrax outbreak was from animal to human transmission stating, “Wild rumors do spread around every epidemic.” After the fall of the Soviet Union… subsequent US investigations in the early 1990’s a team of scientists confirmed the outbreak was caused by a release of an aerosol of anthrax pathogen from a nearby military facility…

Go figure.

Oh, the bio-lab was in Russia at that time. It was before Russia returned the Ukraine back to the people inhabiting it; after a couple of hundred years of Ukraine being identified as part of Russia.


(1) the cession of Crimea was a “noble act on the part of the Russian people” to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the “reunification of Ukraine with Russia” (a reference to the Treaty of Pereyaslav signed in 1654 by representatives of the Ukrainian Cossack Hetmanate and Tsar Aleksei I of Muscovy) and to “evince the boundless trust and love the Russian people feel toward the Ukrainian people”;

*Update 04/13/23

Lederberg’s report

“Wild rumors” indeed

I mistakenly believed Sverdlovsk Ukraine was the location of the bio-lab Lederberg visited mentioned above. It wasn’t explicitly stated in the posts but I apologize if any reader was confused by references here and at or about Sverdlovsk’s geographical location.

Hey, They’re Democrats… They Don’t Get Investigated

they can steal from everybody.


Sen. Cruz and Rep. McMorris Rodgers wrote:

“On February 24, 2023, Standard General’s plans to acquire TEGNA’s 61 full-power TV stations and two full-power radio stations were thwarted when the FCC’s Media Bureau, purportedly acting under Commission-delegated authority, issued a Hearing Designation Order (“HDO”) that referred the transaction to an Administrative Law Judge (“ALJ”) hearing. In the past 30 years, no broadcast license transfer has gone through the hearing process in less than 358 days (the average time is 799 days). With the deadline for financing of the Standard General-TEGNA deal expiring on May 22, 2023, the Media Bureau’s action effectively kills the transaction.

Anybody who wants to buy a communication network has to jump through government hoops. Certainly, Standard General knows that and probably thought they had everything in order with the Commerce Department’s Media Bureau. Until they didn’t.

“The Media Bureau’s decision to send the transaction to an ALJ hearing violates Commission rules and precedents in several ways. First, to keep the Commission accountable to Congress and the public, a full Commission vote is required for certain matters, particularly those involving novel issues and/or significant legal or policy consequences. Designating a multi-billion-dollar transaction such as the Standard General-TEGNA transaction for an ALJ hearing is precisely the type of serious decision for which commissioners must take responsibility. The last time the FCC referred a major transaction to an ALJ, the decision was made at the Commission level, and the FCC should not have departed from that precedent. Second, the Media Bureau’s HDO relied on novel interpretations of the Commission’s public interest standard and appeared to ignore—if not contradict—the Commission’s precedent that ‘an increase in retransmission consent rates, by itself’ does not constitute a public interest harm. Third, under Commission precedent, the Media Bureau should have provided the full Commission 48 hours’ notice before issuing the HDO on February 24, 2023. It did not.”

influential Democrats are behind this rapscallion conspiracy? Say it ain’t so!

According to numerous public reports, outside interests pushed Commission officials to block this transaction in order to pave the way for an alternative buyer, namely Byron Allen. For example, the Wall Street Journal reported that Mr. Allen’s Allen Media Group had previously tried, unsuccessfully, to acquire TEGNA in the fall of 2021. Coincidentally, Mr. Allen is a major Democratic donor. In 2021, he donated $2,900 to Nancy Pelosi’s campaign fund, $5,000 to PAC to the Future, $44,000 to the Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund, and $255,500 to the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, among others. After the Standard General-TEGNA transaction was announced in 2022, he donated $250,000 to the House Majority PAC and $100,000 to the Senate Majority PAC. Some have observed that the well-connected Mr. Allen is ‘the most likely beneficiary if the Standard General deal falls through.’”

That Byron Allen, he sure knows how to play the democrat game.

As one familiar with the term eeoc compliance, I might even call the representative to inquire how this situation could happen in the land of the free.

Update April 9 2023 Easter Sunday Celebrating Christ’s Triumph


Tegna and Cox Media Group

On February 22, 2022, Tegna Inc. announced that it had agreed to be taken private by a group led by Standard General and Apollo Global Management for $24 per-share, valuing the company at $5.4 billion.[29] The company, which will retain the Tegna name, will be controlled by an affiliate of Standard General, with Standard Media CEO Deb McDermott (who previously led Young Broadcasting and Media General) becoming CEO. Affiliates of AGM, as well as Cox Media Group (which is principally owned by AGM, with Cox Enterprises as a minority shareholder) and other investors, will hold non-voting shares in the company. Tegna’s digital advertising subsidiary Premion will be held as a standalone business between Standard and CMG. The sale includes a clause that will slowly increase the value that Standard and Apollo will pay per-share if the sale takes longer than nine months to close.[29][30][31]

The sale will also result in the realignment of station holdings presently associated with both companies: Standard Media’s four stations WDKA, WLNE-TV, KBSI, and KLKN will be sold to Cox Media Group, which will then divest its Boston station WFXT to Tegna and Standard General, and acquire WFAA/KMPX, KHOU/KTBU, and KVUE, from Tegna.[29][30][31]

On March 30, 2022, Cox Media Group announced that it would sell 18 stations, namely KLAX in Alexandria, WICZ in Binghamton, KIEM and KVIQ-LD in Eureka, WABG, WNBD and WXVT in Greenwood, KPVI in Idaho Falls, KMVU and KFBI-LD in Medford, WHBQ in Memphis, KAYU in Spokane, WSYT in Syracuse, KOKI and KMYT in Tulsa, KCYU-LD and KFFX in Yakima and KYMA in Yuma to Imagicomm Communications—a shell company affiliated with the cable network INSP—for an undisclosed amount.[32][33][34][35] The sale was completed on August 1.[36]

The sale was approved by Standard General and Apollo Global Management on May 17, 2022.[37] It still awaits FCC approval.

In October 2022, Chair of the House Energy and Commerce Committee Frank Pallone and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi issued a letter to the FCC expressing concerns for the transaction, arguing that it “would violate the FCC’s mandate by restricting access to local news coverage, cutting jobs at local television stations, and raising prices on consumers.” They specifically cited statements by Standard General regarding plans for a Washington, D.C. bureau to produce content for local newscasts, and arguing that Tegna’s stations had “too many employees”. Standard General responded to the letter, denying that they planned to cut jobs or hub content, and promoting that Tegna would become the largest female-run and minority-owned broadcaster in the United States. They also responded to objections by NewsGuild-CWA describing Standard General as “backed by anonymous investors located in the Cayman Islands”, stating that the entirety of its board is represented by U.S. interests.[38]

In February 2023, it was confirmed that the deal would be given a hearing before an administrative law judge, which the FCC Commissioner’s Board voted to remand the merger review toward on May 22.[39]

This guy is betting with the house.


Standard General’s latest legal maneuvers are “highly unlikely” to succeed in rescuing Standard General’s proposed acquisition of Tegna, which is close to being killed by a long regulatory review, according to former FCC chief of staff Blair Levin.

Levin doesn’t believe in miracles?