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Still Sucking Down the Swill At the Global Warming Trough?

Looking through past messages this morning I came across a few from September 2022 including this one that led to this current news

I thought the world might appreciate access to a consideration that might help reacquaint them to the backstage of life; to regain a sense of balance mostly regarding science, if you will.

Then I thought, as I went from one September 2022 message to another, there were a couple of messages worth a repeat so what the heck, consider it a magazine.


And I Thought They Were Going To Surrender

From the Washington Post…
President Biden and Ukraine’s leader will address the U.N. General Assembly today.

Their goal: To reignite flagging global support for aid to Ukraine. Volodymyr Zelensky will then travel to Washington to push for a $24 billion assistance package.

It appears the popular phrase from two hundred and twenty five years ago, has been morphed by the usurpers into Trillions for crime but Constitutional security gets not one dime!

Let’s test that representative government concept once more, whadduyousay? Call, write, text you know the drill.

Sunday morning review

on Monday… Tuesday… Wednesday…Thursday

I came across a couple of stories about doctors being persecuted for their science based concern for their patients that I thought required some context.

What started this surge of interest was a link to a story about a Florida doctor at I didn’t read the epoch times account because I usually don’t want to give up my email address just to read a story I can find elsewhere.

Guess what. The only other place that made mention of that story (and using the epoch times as their reference) was and they included this warning:

Read with caution – this story is only being covered by one news source that has a ‘low factuality’ rating, which means the outlet has a history of poor reporting practices. Learn more about factuality ratings here.

Factuality ratings? I got yer factuality ratings right here; and they want us to believe we live free? We live in a democracy is where we live and democracies aren’t free. Our Republic was but we, without being notified, were shifted into a slave state democracy and until that’s recognized we’re doomed; and recognition won’t happen until the blinders are removed from peoples eyes and Jesus is the only one who can remove them. The thing is, you have to seriously ask him to do that and it appears most folks are quite comfortable wearing those blinders.

Another story was weaved into the search returns; it’s about a Dr.Sherri Tenpenny, DO. You’re likely familiar with her predicament After reading the account of the Ohio medical establishments regimented attack on the 1st Amendment protection afforded all Americans I read through the comments where I was shocked by the ignorance freely admitted by the commenters, some openly displaying their connections to ‘science’.

Which only provided me the entre to shed some light on that which we are allegedly soon to be forbidden to do… ask questions. Oh no, the scientists cry…another conspiracy theory!

OK, I’ll interrupt the covid story with this recent news that changes the conspiracy theory concept to straight up conspiracy: which, UNless you are a UN lackey you will understand little of and misunderstand everything else.

That’s why I’m including what they’re gobbledy-gooking about at page 4, PP23; page 9 GLOBAL GOVERNANCE; page 10, OP27. Encourage fair, equitable and timely sharing of benefits of pathogens with pandemic potential..

WhateverTF that means, it ain’t civilized.

If you haven’t yet recognized they are acting like the U.S. no longer exists, you won’t be able to deny it after you read their Political Declaration, their wannabe new book of rules our traitors will be pushing in a couple of weeks.

But right now, it’s back to the ‘scientists’ commenting on MedpageToday cracking wise like sixth grade nerds.

Whether they were in the sixth grade or not, they all found it ridiculous that magnets could pass through a needle (guffaw). I was looking for a real scientist to point out the fact that magnetized graphene could easily pass through a needle.

Alas, alack; it didn’t happen even though it had been known for eight years when the wisecrackin’ commentators were mocking the facts.

There was a more recent announcement about graphene’s magnetic ability…

In 2022 Brown university put a spin on the magic angle they discovered that transformed graphene into a powerful ferromagnet

PROVIDENCE, R.I. [Brown University] — When two sheets of the carbon nanomaterial graphene are stacked together at a particular angle with respect to each other, it gives rise to some fascinating physics. For instance, when this so-called “magic-angle graphene” is cooled to near absolute zero, it suddenly becomes a superconductor, meaning it conducts electricity with zero resistance.

Hmm. Wasn’t keeping the ‘vaccine’ frozen an issue back in the early days of vaxx when people were sticking spoons to their arms? Still wondering.

But Brown was not breaking new ground in 2022.

In 2015 published the magnetic angle five days after this paper was published.

While the 9/27/20 patent application for Nano Coronavirus Recombinant Vaccine Taking Graphene Oxide As Carrier did not mention the magnetized capabilities of graphene.(about a third of the way down… under the Disclosure of Invention heading) it did list the patents intent:

The invention aims to provide a coronavirus recombinant vaccine.

Another purpose of the invention is to provide a preparation method of the virus recombinant vaccine.

It is still another object of the present invention to provide the use of the recombinant vaccine of the virus.

So that the reader understands the nature and meaning of the word recombinant, according to it is:

recombinant DNA, molecules of DNA from two different species that are inserted into a host organism to produce new genetic combinations that are of value to science, medicine, agriculture, and industry. Since the focus of all genetics is the gene, the fundamental goal of laboratory geneticists is to isolate, characterize, and manipulate genes.

Did you notice that humanity is not on the list of WHO gains the value of the new genetic combinations of recombinant DNA? Take that seriously because that is the basis of these modern replies that remove the technocrats from liability…

Please do not take britannica’s definition as the only one. Look it up yourself. There are many ways to say the same thing but I’ll bet most of you never heard that one on the evening news. I know I didn’t. It sounds too much like the original arguments against the mRNA vaccines, doesn’t it? Mustn’t have that.

One more suggestion. I’d start at the conclusion of that frontiersin site; and count the number of ‘mays’ used. It could make a person question the meaning of settled science.

Moving on.

While it is extremely unlikely that neither Shanghai National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology Co Ltd., the applicant for the patent, nor their acknowledged partner, were UNaware of the graphene’s magnetic ability discovered five years prior to the patent application, no mention of it’s magnetic abilities were mentioned in that application.

Meanwhile, in the matter of graphene misinformation, Pfizer answers the question…

Is there graphene oxide in the COVID-19 vaccine?

No. Graphene oxide is not an ingredient in the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. In a document submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) titled “Structural and Biophysical Characterization of SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein (P2 S) as a Vaccine Antigen,” Pfizer indicated the use of graphene oxide during development phases to help determine the structure of the COVID-19 vaccine. However, graphene oxide it is not listed as nor has it been used as an ingredient in the vaccine itself.

Now, this is where misinformation, which our controllers use better than those of us trying to get to the truth of the matter, this is where the controller’s version of information, gets a little confusing. Currently, we are supposed to accept what all authority says as truthful despite the messages their actions and their history tell us.

Messages like this:

The first Covid19 diagnostic test was developed back in January 2020 reported that: “no quantified virus isolates are currently available.”


Background: The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as virus isolates are unavailable while there is growing evidence that the outbreak is more widespread than initially thought, and international spread through travelers does already occur.

Aim: We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.

Methods: Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.

Do you remember when close only counted in horseshoes and hand grenades?

The FDA Performance Analysis from July 2020 further documents “No Virus Isolate Available” on p.40

The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV are currently available, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen….

Examples of other grey areas: Everything and I mean everything about medical patents and GO was not specifically mentioned AFAICS Shanghai National Engineering Research Center for Nanotechnology Co., Ltd. in 2016 China and U.S. were goombah deep MSNBC Brian Williams looks at covid conspiracy theories

Here’s four examples of a rather large chunk of confusing misinformation from from Oxford University Press Copyright © 2023 China Science Publishing & Media Ltd. (Science Press)


1)…Within weeks after the first published report of COVID-19, the full sequence of the SARS-CoV-2 genome had been determined, and it was shared globally, informing the development of vaccines and medicines… 

From pg 41

The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019-
nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no
quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed
and this study conducted, assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with
characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA
(N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of
known titer (RNA copies/µL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and
viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen. Samples were extracted using the QIAGEN EZ1
Advanced XL instrument and EZ1 DSP Virus Kit (Cat# 62724) and manually with the QIAGEN DSP Viral
RNA Mini Kit (Cat# 61904). Real-Time RT-PCR assays were performed using the Thermo Fisher Scientific
TaqPath™ 1-Step RT-qPCR Master Mix, CG (Cat# A15299) on the Applied Biosystems™ 7500 Fast Dx RealTime PCR Instrument according to the CDC 2019-nCoV Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel instructions for use.

Nanoparticle-based techniques for detection of SARS-CoV-2

2)…A range of nanoparticles, including colloidal gold nanoparticles, quantum dots (QDs), rare earth nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes and hybrid nanoparticles such as QD-doped mesoporous silica nanoparticles, can be used in immunoassays to detect various targets (Fig. 1a) [10,11]. The tests can be used with nasal swabs, throat swabs, sputum samples, saliva samples or serum. There are 49 US FDA-approved antigen diagnostic devices for COVID-19, as of 28 May 2022, under emergency-use authorizations. Most of these diagnostic devices are LFA that use colloidal gold nanoparticles or QDs…


Was the early presentation of the graphene-causes-metal-to-stick-to-my-body argument made to position the strong denial of graphene being mixed in the vaccine as the blanket acceptance that would shut down questions of possible graphene applications elsewhere, allowing the use of graphene to be sheltered in the don’t ask don’t tell zone while it is being used on the trusting guileless being tested?


3)… nanoparticles can also be used as adjuvants, to boost the overall efficiency of the immune response generated by vaccines. Adjuvants also reduce the required antigen dose [39]. Of the various COVID-19 vaccines in development, 10 candidate vaccines have used protein subunits in combination with a nanoparticle adjuvant (6 at preclinical and 4 at clinical testing stage)…


The grey area we’re supposed to take the controllers word on looks to have gotten somewhat darker in the vagueness of those few sentences. Are we supposed to look forward to graphene adjuvants or are they being used already?

Nanomaterials with direct anti-SARS-CoV-2 activity

4)Although SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted readily by droplets and aerosols, contact transmission is an important additional route, via contaminated inanimate surfaces and poor hand hygiene [50].The virus SARS-CoV-2 remains active on a range of surfaces, including glass, metal, wood and plastic, for up to several days [51]. As a result, there is interest in using antiviral nanomaterials [52,53] and nanoparticles that can carry antiviral agents [54]. Antiviral activity against SARS-CoV-2 has been shown for a number of nanoparticles, including silver [55], zinc oxide [56], cuprous oxide [57], silica, gold [58] and graphene oxide grafted with metal nanoparticles [59]. When used to coat personal protective equipment, the combination of graphene oxide with silver, iron, zinc and copper nanoparticles improves antiviral activity against both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses [59].


That sounds more like a warning intended to condition their subjects into an acceptance of a treatment for a virus(?) that has no natural isolate.

So far, 10 vaccines have been granted emergency use listing (EUL) by the WHO (16 May 2022).

WHO didn’t give US orders when we were a Republic. We should remember that… and never forget this…

Camel meet straw

Lab Experiments Gone Wild



Here’s an interesting video. Excitement picks up about the 6 minute mark and lasts until the end.


The six second mark in the following video reminded me of the action that starts at six minute mark in the above show

Many people aren’t aware of the role FERC plays in controlling vegetation around transmission lines. (defined in first three minutes)



Full Committee Markup of 20 Pieces of Legislation (3.9.23)

Control In Jeopardy… UNfriendlies In The Wire pg 20


The fate of democracy, whatever it may be, is also the fate of our institutions of learning. While these institutions in earlier years helped to release the intellectual ferment out of which our modern democracy developed, they are today based upon the intellectual and spiritual foundations which democracy itself has laid. They can exist only so long as democracy exists* Regimented ideas and universities cannot live side by side. A university in exile is an indictment of a civilization. The search for truth and the weighing of values cannot be maintained in a world from which freedom has been banished…

When a progressive, even a long dead progressive, in this case, Raymond Fosdick, refers to our republic as a democracy, it has to be challenged.


Distinguishing between a Democracy and a Republic. The United States is not a democracy, and the Founders used strong words to make clear that their nation should never become one.

Consider the following statements:

 Benjamin Rush: “A simple democracy … is one of the greatest of evils” (1789).

 James Madison: “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security, or the rights of property; and have, in general, been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths” (1787).

 John Adams: “Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide” (1814).

 Thomas Jefferson: “An elective despotism was not the government we fought for…” (1782)

 Edmund Randolph: “…that in tracing these evils to their origin every man had found it in the turbulence and follies of democracy.” (1787)

 John Marshall: “Between a balanced republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.” The simple fact is that the United States is a republic (and a constitutional republic at that), not a democracy, by purposeful design

Meanwhile, let’s ask our own question; if a university in exile is an indictment of civilization, how broad is the indictment when our God and our Constitution are nudged into exile? When the supporting framework of our belief in both God and Country, our churches and our Constitution are being diminished into skeletal fabrications by political edicts designed to reshape society at the same time it denies all evidence it is leading US to perdition and denouncing any criticism of their crimes?

Now about those churches…501c3 is not forced on them. Yeah, but says there are prohibited political activities. I’ll guess abortion was probably the first one they had to ignore.

One has to wonder why a church lawyer would tell churches they are prohibited from participating in some political activities when the IRS writes on the first line

Every organization exempt from federal income tax under Internal Revenue Code section 501(a) must file an annual information return except:
1. A church, an interchurch organization of local units of a church, a convention or association of churches.

To be perfectly clear:


Executive orders are directions to employees of the executive branch, and are not binding on anyone else. They must be in accordance with the Constitution and laws of the United States, and anyone who believes themselves to be injured by an executive order can sue in federal court and ask that the order be overturned.

There have been many times that federal courts have overturned executive orders of Presidents of both major parties.

If an executive order does not violate current law, but Congress doesn’t like it, they can pass a bill overturning such an executive order. However, if the President vetoes the bill, the veto can be overridden only by a vote of 2/3 of each house of Congress

Why DEW They DEW What They DEW?

That Dr. Strangelove type opening is included for perchance one or two of the millions of survivors of the vaxx, who willingly succumbed to that world-wide fear based misdirection play, encounter this post, or a similar version of this post and remember it as a reminder to look before they leap again; to think about who is directing you and even to consider what they have done in the past for you, before you put your life on the line, again.

You should remember to compare what was done for you to what was done to you in the past.

Even during ongoing attempts to clarify the conflicting information about 5g don’t you think such efforts would be in the range of political duties? To provide citizens, their constituents, with an understandable explanation of frequency bands and their usage? Do you recall ever receiving any information about that from your local Congressional representative even as they drew up laws to govern the usage of such?

In fact, all you have to to do is consider how often your political representatives have kept you up to date on the government’s ability to modify weather and their planned use of directed energy.

Have you ever gotten an election message from him/her/them/whatever that explained their position on Directed Energy that included anything of substance?

Such as how far the globalist controllers are willing to go to sell climate change by having US sacrifice our health and comfort before they acknowledge they have the ability to control weather and fire?


This document was authored by the Office of the U.S. Air Force’s Chief Scientist for Directed Energy, Air Force Research Laboratory, for the Office of the U.S. Secretary of Defense’s Directed Energy Community of Interest. We are grateful for contributions from the U.S. Naval Research Lab, Office of Naval Research, U.S. Army Space and Missile Defense Command, Joint Intermediate Force Capabilities Office, other components of the Department of Defense, Los Alamos, Sandia and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, collaborators from industry, academia, and international partners affiliated with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).

Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. Public Affairs release approval # AFRL-2021-1152

Chapter two has very interesting topics. From there we learn…

…Although DE is most certainly not a cure-all, there are other technologies on the horizon that make use of the power of light in perhaps surprising ways. For example quantum-information can be encoded on pulses of laser light, enabling higher security communications. In another example, there are projects underway in the U.S. (U.S.A.F. 2019, Mosher 2018) and in China (Rosenbaum 2019) that use DE to transport or “beam” power to remote and disadvantages locations…

At range DE can be used to destroy or degrade material through absorption, which includes effects such as damaging sensors or the human eye, an offensive technique used by non-state actors today in operations, such as intermediate force actions that deny people access to point locations (see Sec. 2.4). Laser weapons can also cause damage by igniting fires.

All together Directed Energy Weapons cause all 5 of the well-known “D’s”— destroy, damage, degrade, deny, and deception — in addition to other strategic effects identified in the U.S. Joint Chiefs’ of Staff DoD Dictionary. In the rest of this section we will focus on the blunt effects of physical damage and destruction as a means to project military power at range.

The power of DE to burn holes in material by heating it to temperatures at which it melts or otherwise structurally breaks, is a power that is
uniquely suited for lasers. For a few every day examples of high energy lasers that melt metal, consider welders and laser etchers. Both high-energy laser devices are common place equipment in industrial applications today. These laser devices are proliferated around the world. Lasers have found use in these applications because the physics of heating a hard material, such as metal to its melting point favors frequencies at which the material most effectively absorbs light. Those frequencies are typically in theUV, optical, and infrared parts of the spectrum, all of which, are suited to laser production. Laser light can be focused very tightly as well, literally focusing destructive energy on a potential target. And it has other unique characteristics, such as potential long-range characteristics that we will explain further throughout this document…

2.2. Directed Energy Scalability and Flexibility in Application of
Power within Phases of Conflict

In addition to destructive effects described in Sec. 2.1, DE provides options for what many refer to as dialable or scalable effects. Associated with dialable effects is flexibility in application of power across the leading phases of conflict, from shaping of the battlespace, deterring aggression, and domination of the electromagnetic spectrum (U.S. Joint Chiefs’ of Staff 2018). DEWs provide these options by causing effects in militarily relevant scenarios. Low levels of laser light, millimeter waves, microwaves, radio frequencies, and particle beams can all be absorbed in materials through processes fundamentally
different from hole burning described in Sec. 2.1, but with known and potentially devastating effects.

These effects include:

Causing destructive fires (even children know that one can fry an ant with a
magnifying glass.)

• Counter informational and specifically, counter ISR missions such as jamming , dazzling,
infrared and radar counter measures that degrade, disrupt, and deceive sensors and
electronic systems that are highly susceptible to specific frequencies of light
Denial by non-lethal repelling, long-distance hailing, and ground base defense missions
(Office 2020)

Which leaves a thinking American pondering this: Why aren’t a couple of DEWs down on the border?

Meanwhile, the U.S. is by far the biggest user of Directed Energy, but is not the only player., an Indian based company, lists the top ten DE players. If you scroll down that page you’ll see on the map that Australia also has the ability to play with Quantum Fire. It’s all so very interesting.

The views expressed in this document are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defence, the Royal Australian Air Force, or the Government of Australia. This document is approved for public release; distribution unlimited. Portions of this document may be quoted or reproduced without permission, provided a standard source credit is included.

This document was written for use as an academic text to promote the thinking and discussion on the philosophies and concepts for the Australian employment of air power, in a public domain. The works of APDC are produced for academic purposes and are not intended to be used as technical analyses of foreign military systems. APDC uses information sources and products that are available in the public domain as open sources.

About the Air Power Development Centre

The Air Power Development Centre (APDC) was established by the Royal Australian Air Force in 1989. The APDC provides practical and effective
analysis and advice on the strategic development of air and space power to the Chief of Air Force, the Royal Australian Air Force, and its partners.

The APDC mission is to support strategic decision-making about the future of air and space power for Air Force and its partners.

Air and space power is a cornerstone of Australia’s security, and Australia’s unique strategic geography means that will always be so. As the principal provider of Australia’s air and space power, the RAAF is tasked with the conduct of air and space operations in pursuit of the nation’s security and defence. As exponents of air and space power, all members of the RAAF have an inherent responsibility to be knowledgeable regarding the theory and doctrine of air and space power.

How long will you be content with the role of global village idiot, a servant of the Progressive’s progress?

Speaking of Sanctuary Sissies

The Healey administration has released a list of the 28 cities and towns where it is spending millions on hotels and motels for thousands of handout-demanding illegals arriving from the Third World.

Oddly, however, almost all the ultra-affluent suburban communities most loudly committed to celebrating diversity have thus far been unable to provide suitable free housing for the new non-working classes.

The illegals are not being sent to, among other millionaire destinations, Cambridge, Brookline, Newton, Martha’s Vineyard, Nantucket, Chatham, Swampscott, Newburyport, Wellesley, Dover, Sherborn, Amherst….

Do you begin to get the picture?

These melanin-impaired preserves of the Beautiful People all have Hate Has No Home Here signs festooned on every lawn. Yet oddly they somehow remain unaffected by the Democrats’ ongoing “fundamental transformation” of America into a Third World flophouse.

Another UNConstitutional action against the American People…

Section 4 Republican Form of Government
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

…by another Progressive

Maura Healey is pushing back on attempts to label her a “moderate,” saying instead that she’s a “proud progressive” in the running to be the next governor.

“I am a proud progressive and I am incredibly proud of my record,” said Healey, speaking on WBUR’s “Radio Boston” on Thursday. “I was the one that challenged and successfully defeated the Defense of Marriage Act. I brought cases against big banks — first of its kind civil rights claims for their discriminatory practices back in the day of the mortgage meltdown in 2008.”

“I’m very, very proud of my progressive record,” Healey continued…

Healey underscored her record as attorney general, going after Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family for their role in perpetuating the opioid epidemic, Exxon Mobil and the National Rifle Association. She said she would take that experience working for people “who needed protection” into the role as governor.

“I see this tremendous opportunity to grow and build in ways that we have not yet even imagined. We have incredible potential here in this state,” Healey said.

Progressives…living up to their promises in ways that leave sane people in shock.

If waking up one morning and finding you’re living in a third world crap hole at the whim and direction of a progressive politician (and this Howie Carr piece shows how easily that can happen ) is not something you’d like to see from your kitchen window, ya’ll better start paying attention to what’s going on under Democrat cover and Republican support.

Some Progs start slow with decriminalizing what they consider minor infractions. What they are doing is loosening foundational structures of civilized society. Lately, their second term activity turns into a progressive chit storm that ends up affecting surrounding areas like this report from the Philadelphia suburbs and for whatever reason, budgetary concerns, progressive judges, wildfires or hot, hot, hot Hollywood gossip, or the weather, the screw tightening is forgotten but the Chainge, will roll on, no citizen help required. Our control is being taken from us.

Them progressives are some smooth operators.

Maybe He Just Realized

his dance card was empty and all his future appearances will be in the newspaper’s comic section.

It’s not like we didn’t warn him

and it’s not like he didn’t insist on being wrong

His nature, his history; Ya know?

Michigan Wax

The recent Gateway Pundit story about the Michigan Attorney General reaching deep into the long abandoned molehill of political integrity to invert it into a mountain of righteous progressive outrage itself appears as if GP is looking to work it’s own molehill magic.

It’s been quite some time now that Michigan voting machines reputation was of them being of the free ranging variety. You probably remember Harri Hursti? …bought about 200 used voting machines without incident, but the one he purchased on eBay last month is now the subject of a state investigation, with Michigan officials determined to find out how the device ended up for sale online? Here’s the rest of the story…

BTW, NPR never says that Hursti purchased 200 Michigan voting machines but they didn’t say they weren’t all from Michigan, either. That’s the first thing a person has to remember when reading or listening to progressives; what they don’t say is often where the truth of the matter lies.

…The U.S. Election Assistance Commission says voting machines should be meticulously inventoried and kept under lock and key “in a tamper-proof location, preferably within the election office.”

Even the State’s star witness finagled a bunch of them out of their ‘tamper-proof location’ as he proudly related back in 2018

‘I hacked an election. So can the Russians.’

(I apologize for the interruption but…the Russians again? The (progressives really ought to move on from Hillary’s Russia, Russia, Russia anger, ya know? Yeah, it was said when the wounds were still raw but didn’t they drag out the lies about Russia the entire time they weren’t in control? Maybe now they’re worried about losing it again.JR)

by Nicole Casal Moore

April 9, 2018

Professor Alex Halderman and the New York Times staged a mock election to demonstrate voting machine vulnerability. | Short Read

A row of voting machines purchased on eBay lined Tishman Hall one winter morning. These were archetypes of the very same equipment used today in many states—Georgia, and parts of Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Mississippi, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Florida and Pennsylvania.

Students cast ballots for the “greatest university”—the University of Michigan or Ohio State.

Unbeknownst to the voters, the machines had been hacked by a likely culprit: J. Alex Halderman, professor of computer science and engineering who routinely uses hacking to demonstrate how vulnerable electronic voting actually is. He has turned a voting machine into a PacMan game and famously hacked a mock election in DC several years ago, changing votes to famous robots.

Halderman worked with the New York Times editorial department to produce the video: I hacked an election. So can the Russians. In it, he explains how he did it.

“After the chaos of the 2000 election, we were promised a modern and dependable way to vote,” Halderman says in the video. “I’m here to tell you that the electronic voting machines Americans got to solve the problem of voting integrity, they turned out to be an awful idea. That’s because people like me can hack them all too easily.

“Our highly computerized election infrastructure is vulnerable to sabotage and even to cyberattacks that could change votes.”

Halderman has testified before Congress on the issue. He says that while it’s promising that the Senate Intelligence Committee has recently shown some understanding of the problem, states must act too.

advocates for back-up paper ballots that could make true audits possible. It’s a system that President Trump also supports.

“In a real election an official could quickly scan these paper ballots and shortly after have a human verify the results,” Halderman says in the video.

The State’s witness, Halderman, did make a list of suggestions mysteriously similar to The U.S. Election Assistance Commission’s

One might think with all the patronage jobs available that politicians would already have a reliable somebody to hold the keys to the electoral vault able to explain the rules they (the politicians) need to know and enforce.

Analysis of the Antrim County, Michigan November 2020 Election Incident

On the basis of my investigation, I offer the following recommendations to improve the administration of future elections:

1. Michigan and other states should expand the use of risk-limiting audits (RLAs) so that they occur in all major contests. RLAs provide a last line of defense against error and fraud and provide an added basis for voter confidence

2. The Bureau of Elections should require counties to perform end-to-end preelection testing, in which memory cards from L&A testing are loaded into the EMS and the results report is check for accuracy. Such testing would have detected the mismatched election definitions in Antrim County.

3. The Bureau of Elections should revise L&A testing procedures to ensure that testing is repeated after any change to election definitions or ballot designs.

4. The Bureau of Elections should revise county canvassing procedures and training to ensure that reported results in all contests are accurately compared to the results on scanner poll tapes and any discrepancies fully explained.

5. States that do not require canvassers to compare results to poll tapes, as Michigan does, should introduce this form of validation, which provides an important safeguard against reporting errors.

6. The Bureau of Elections should revise procedures and training to clarify what steps must be taken if absentee voters return ballots that use outdated designs.

7. The Bureau of Elections should revise training materials to include discussion of lessons from the Antrim County incident, including the importance of reviewing results for obvious errors or omissions before making them public.

8. Antrim County should provide additional training for county and township staff concerning the correct operation of the Dominion voting system, including proper procedures for operating the EMS and polling place equipment.

9. Dominion should revise its documentation to more prominently warn that mismatched election definitions could lead to erroneous results.

10. Other voting system vendors should review their equipment to determine whether reporting errors could potentially occur under similar circumstances.

11. Dominion should enhance D-Suite to verify that the election definition on a memory card being loaded is compatible with the one used by the EMS.

12. Dominion should revise documentation and training to emphasize that routine EMS tasks should not be performed from privileged user accounts.

13. Dominion should ensure that customers receive and are instructed to apply all appropriate security updates affecting EMS software components.

14. Dominion should advise customers to enable disk encryption on EMS systems and to increase the retention period of the Windows security event log.

15. The Bureau of Elections should audit the physical security of county EMSes.

16. The Bureau of Elections should require election technology, including EMSes, to promptly receive all appropriate security updates. 49

17. Counties that transmit scanner results over the Internet or using wireless modems should discontinue these practices, as recommended by the Michigan Election Security Advisory Commission [25].

18. Jurisdictions should consider enabling the capability of their scanners to save ballot images. These could help resolve questions about the accuracy of results in future incidents, especially if the integrity of the paper trail is questioned.

19. Jurisdictions should retain electronic election records, such as memory cards and EMS data, for as long as physical records. These provide important evidence for investigating (or disproving) problems later discovered or alleged.

20. When future election incidents occur, even if they receive less public attention than the events in Antrim County, states should consider performing investigations like this one, to ensure that the problems are well understood and that any lessons are disseminated to help other jurisdictions avoid similar issues.

Related to #5:

At I used their search box to learn about Michigans poll tape and this is what I got back…

(0 found)

Search Criteria: Full Text = “poll” AND “tape”; Object Name = mcl-Act-116-of-1954

When 20 out of 20 recommendations from the State’s expert witness’ include the word ‘should’ I would think the Democrat party would tread lightly with their accusations regarding electoral security when it appears it’s the politicians in office who are assigned the control of election security.

The progressives have been in control going on two years now and Michigan citizens might have believed that any problems connected to the election process would have been considered a priority among priorities and the Democrats in control would be publicizing the corrective actions being put in place to ensure the most basic right in a Constitutional Republic; an honest, trusted and sober election.

One more story about purchasing voting machines on eBay in 2016 this time…

It’s so interesting I’m including it:

IN 2016, I bought two voting machines online for less than $100 apiece. I didn’t even have to search the dark web. I found them on eBay.

Surely, I thought, these machines would have strict guidelines for lifecycle control like other sensitive equipment, like medical devices. I was wrong. I was able to purchase a pair of direct-recording electronic voting machines and have them delivered to my home in just a few days. I did this again just a few months ago. Alarmingly, they are still available to buy online.

Brian Varner is a Symantec special projects researcher on the Cyber Security Services team, leading the company’s CyberWar Games and emerging technologies development. He previously worked at the National Security Agency as a tactical analyst.

If getting voting machines delivered to my door was shockingly easy, getting inside them proved to be simpler still. The tamper-proof screws didn’t work, all the computing equipment was still intact, and the hard drives had not been wiped. The information I found on the drives, including candidates, precincts, and the number of votes cast on the machine, were not encrypted. Worse, the “Property Of” government labels were still attached, meaning someone had sold government property filled with voter information and location data online, at a low cost, with no consequences. It would be the equivalent of buying a surplus police car with the logos still on it.

My aim in purchasing voting machines was not to undermine our democracy. I’m a security researcher at Symantec who started buying the machines as part of an ongoing effort to identify their vulnerabilities and strengthen election security. In 2016, I was conducting preliminary research for our annual CyberWar Games, a company-wide competition where I design simulations for our employees to hack into. Since it was an election year, I decided to create a scenario incorporating the components of a modern election system. But if I were a malicious actor seeking to disrupt an election, this would be akin to a bank selling its old vault to an aspiring burglar.

I reverse-engineered the machines to understand how they could be manipulated. After removing the internal hard drive, I was able to access the file structure and operating system. Since the machines were not wiped after they were used in the 2012 presidential election, I got a great deal of insight into how the machines store the votes that were cast on them. Within hours, I was able to change the candidates’ names to be that of anyone I wanted. When the machine printed out the official record for the votes that were cast, it showed that the candidate’s name I invented had received the most votes on that particular machine.

This year, I bought two more machines to see if security had improved. To my dismay, I discovered that the newer model machines—those that were used in the 2016 election—are running Windows CE and have USB ports, along with other components, that make them even easier to exploit than the older ones. Our voting machines, billed as “next generation,” and still in use today, are worse than they were before—dispersed, disorganized, and susceptible to manipulation.

To be fair, there has been some progress since the last Presidential election, including the development of internal policies for inspecting the machines for evidence of tampering. But while state and local election systems have been conducting risk assessments, we’ve also seen an 11-year-old successfully hacking a simulated voting website at DefCon, for fun.

A recent in-depth report on voting machine vulnerabilities concluded that a perpetrator would need physical access to the voting machine to exploit it. I concur with that assessment. When I reverse-engineered voting machines in 2016, I noticed that they were using a smart card as a means of authenticating a user and allowing them to vote. There are many documented liabilities in certain types of smart cards that are used, from Satellite receiver cards to bank chip cards. By using a $15 palm-sized device, my team was able to exploit a smart chip card, allowing us to vote multiple times.

In most parts of the public and private sector, it would be unthinkable that such a sensitive process would be so insecure. Try to imagine a major bank leaving ATMs with known vulnerabilities in service nationwide, or a healthcare provider identifying a problem in how it stores patient data, then leaving it unpatched after public outcry. It just doesn’t fit with our understanding of cyber security in 2018.

Those industries are governed by regulations that outline how sensitive information and equipment must be handled. The same common-sense regulations don’t exist for election systems. PCI and HIPAA are great successes that have gone a long way in protecting personally identifiable information and patient health conditions. Somehow, there is no corollary for the security of voters, their information and, most importantly, the votes they cast.

Since these machines are for sale online, individuals, precincts, or adversaries could buy them, modify them, and put them back online for sale. Envision a scenario in which foreign actors purchased these voting machines. By reverse engineering the machine like I did to exploit its weaknesses, they could compromise a small number of ballot boxes in a particular precinct. That’s the greatest fear of election security researchers: not wholesale flipping of millions of votes, which would be easy to detect, but a small, public breach of security that would sow massive distrust throughout the entire election ecosystem. If anyone can prove that the electoral process can be subverted, even in a small way, repairing the public’s trust will be far costlier than implementing security measures.

I recognize that states are fiercely protective of their rights. But there’s an opportunity here to develop nationwide policies and security protocols that would govern how voting machines are secured. This could be accomplished with input from multiple sectors, in a process similar to the development of the NIST framework—now widely recognized as one of the most comprehensive cybersecurity frameworks in use.

Many of the rules we believe should be put into place are uncomplicated and inexpensive. For starters, we can institute lifecycle management of the components that make up the election system. By simply regulating and monitoring the sale of used voting machines more closely, we would create a huge barrier to bad actors.

The fact that information is stored unencrypted on hard drives simply makes no sense in the current threat environment. That they can be left on devices, unencrypted, that are then sold on the open market is malpractice.

Finally, we must educate our poll workers and voters to be aware of suspicious behavior. One vulnerability we uncovered in voting machines is the chip card used in electronic voting machines. This inexpensive card can be purchased for $15 and programmed with simple code that allows the user to vote multiple times. This is something that we believe could be avoided with well-trained, alert poll workers.

Time and effort are our main obstacles to better policies. When it comes to securing our elections, that’s a low bar. We must do better; the alternative is too scary to consider in our current environment. Through increased training, public policy, and a little common sense, we can greatly enhance the security and integrity of our electoral process.

WIRED Opinion publishes pieces written by outside contributors and represents a wide range of viewpoints. Read more opinions here.

At least the elected are getting around to fixing the roads and bridges after twenty or so years of campaigning on infrastructure promises.

You might be interested in this news…

That means more change is a comin’ it just isn’t clear what it is. I thought you might see something pertinent I missed.

By the Bye, it’s buy Michigan week. Everything’s for sale.

The free range nature of the machines is becoming so widely recognized they are being referred to now as ‘tabulating devices’ by the press. You’ll might even hear the terms ‘tabulating devices’ or ‘tabulating machines’ frequently during the Trump show trial.

Here’s the Gateway Pundit story in case you missed it.

Far left Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel on Tuesday charged her former Republican foe Attorney Matthew DePerno for daring to look at a Dominion voting machine following the 2020 presidential election.

This is now against the law in Democrat-run Michigan.

Nessel previously appointed a special counsel to investigate her Republican opponent Deperno just weeks before the general election

Nessel has made threats against Matthew DePerno since last year before the midterm elections.

The Record-Eagle delivers the story chapter and verse.

Regardless, between both the GP and the Record-Eagle you still haven’t heard anything of significance that informs you of how our Constitution is constantly targeted by progressives. If you understood how insidious the progressive devotees are, you would wonder why Trump’s
attorney Alina Habba would choose that particular color to adorn herself with on the day of her clients arraignment.

Stand by; school is about to open.