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Is Yer Head Still Up Yer Butt ?

Is that what’s bothering you, Bunkie?


Several Israeli and Jewish schools are reportedly urging parents to delete social media apps like Instagram, TikTok and X, formerly known as Twitter, from their children’s smartphones to prevent them from seeing violent images and videos related to the Israel-Hamas conflict.

One Tel Aviv school’s parents’ association warned of the possibility that Hamas fighters may release graphic videos of hostages “begging for their lives,” CNN reported on Tuesday.

“We cannot allow our kids to watch this stuff. It is also difficult, furthermore — impossible — to contain all this content on social media,” the message said. “Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.”

Several Jewish schools in the U.S. have also issued similar warnings, reported the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, which added that “It was not clear where the information about forthcoming hostage videos was coming from.”

The principal of The Frisch School in Paramus, New Jersey, reportedly sent an email to parents urging them to tell their kids to delete Instagram and TikTok “immediately.”

Could you honestly believe the zionist fear, based on their children possibly seeing “graphic videos of hostages begging for their lives”, a story the JTA acknowledges could be made up, is the reason the zionists want to turn off Instagram, TikTok and X?

Or do you think maybe it is because they fear the children could see zionist Jews in Israel kicking and punching religious Jews that disagree with them?

The original videos shown here were taken down and replaced with, what I suspect is a zionist supporting actor. He has been replaced with a video of a violent zionists attack on orthodox Jews. is an Orthodox Jew explaining the Zionist behavior for what it isn’t.

And what’s with the long reach to Paramus, N.J.? Is that part of the control Sharon bragged about 22 years ago and still available to read and included in the ?

What do you think really scares them?

How about that?

Maybe the Rebublicans Should Try the Constitutional Argument


G.O.P. lawmakers and candidates regularly invoke record-high border crossings to address a range of issues, including crime and jobs.

Crime in American cities. The national opioid crisis. Election integrity. And now a terror attack considered the deadliest day for Jews in Israel’s 75-year history.

Not long after Hamas terrorists killed and kidnapped hundreds of Israelis this month, a wave of Republicans — on the presidential campaign trail, in state and congressional races and in the far-right corners of conservative media — reached for a familiar playbook: tying the issue to the nation’s southern border.

“What happened to Israel could happen to America because our country has been invaded by millions of people from over 160 different countries,” Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia said on Fox News more than 24 hours after the attack

“We know that there’s an open border, and I know that the biggest national security threat is if those terrorists come into America, and we have another 9/11,” Nikki Haley, a former United Nations ambassador under former President Donald J. Trump, told reporters last week in Concord, N.H.

“You cannot forget that the same people that attacked Israel are right now pouring at levels that nobody can believe into our beautiful U.S.A. through our totally open border,” Mr. Trump said on Monday, a baseless claim that was met with applause at a campaign event in Clive, Iowa, a Des Moines suburb…

The Constitutional argument is, of course, Article IV, Section 4:
The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence.

Unless the Constitution is no longer applicable and we were never clearly informed that that event ever took place.

You’d think they’d have told US by now, though.

It does make a person wonder why that Constitutional provision has not been pointed out yet by Marjorie Taylor Greene, Nikki Haley or Donald Trump. Maybe that new speaker of the house Rep. Johnson will mention it. After he states his concern for Israel’s well-being and his willingness to support by sending more money, guns and military; if it comes to that, of course.

So Little Time, So Much Rehashed News

Hunter Biden laptop ‘coordinated’ cover-up sparks FEC complaint against DNC

by Kaelan Deese, Supreme Court Reporter
October 24, 2023 03:46 PM

Suppression of the Hunter Biden laptop story in the days before the 2020 election was part of a “coordinated” effort between President Joe Biden’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee, according to a conservative legal group’s new complaint.

First Legal, the group headed by former President Donald Trump’s senior adviser Stephen Miller, filed the complaint at the Federal Election Commission on Tuesday against campaign committees — Joe Biden For President, the Biden Victory Fund, the Biden Action Fund — and the DNC over their alleged attempts to downplay the heavily censored New York Post report on Oct. 14, 2020.

“The Federal Election Commission’s charge includes election integrity. Americans have the right to know who is coordinating with federal candidates. But this right is only as effective as the agency that enforces it,” Reed D. Rubinstein, senior counselor and director of oversight and investigations at AFL, said in a statement to the Washington Examiner.

AFL accuses the pro-Biden entities of “failing to disclose the campaign’s role” in coordinating a “Letter of 51” former intelligence officials to dispel evidence of political corruption and influence peddling found on the first son’s personal laptop that was dropped off at a Delaware-based computer repair shop by the younger Biden.

The complaint alleges that then-senior Biden campaign adviser and now-Secretary of State Antony Blinken emailed former CIA acting Director Michael Morell twice on Oct. 17, 2020, to discuss the laptop story, according to Morell’s March 23 testimony before the House Judiciary and Intelligence Committees in Congress.

Morell, who was acting CIA director under President Barack Obama, said that before his contact with Blinken, he had no intention to write the Oct. 19 laptop letter asserting the information detailed in the New York Post’s reporting was likely a Russian disinformation campaign.

Morell also testified that one of the two reasons he helped put the letter together was to help Biden and defeat Trump.

“There are reasons to believe that the public statement by 51 former intelligence officials was a coordinated political operation to help elect Vice President Biden in the 2020 presidential election, as set forth below,” according to the AFL complaint.

Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, and Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH), chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, sent a letter to Blinken earlier this year pressing him for answers on his role in the inception of the intelligence letter downplaying the laptop story. They noted that “the very bottom of the email you [Blinken] sent to Morell included the signature block of Andrew Bates, then-director of rapid response for the Biden campaign.”

Bates is now a deputy press secretary in the Biden White House and deferred a request for a response from the Washington Examiner to the Biden campaign and the DNC.

On July 20, the House Judiciary Committee and Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government conducted a transcribed interview of Laura Dehmlow, the section chief of the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force. During her interview, Dehmlow testified that the same FBI personnel who warned social media companies about the possible Russian operation in the lead-up to the 2020 election were aware that the laptop belonged to Hunter Biden.

“The FEC must act here,” Rubinstein said.


The Washington Examiner contacted a representative for the DNC and Biden’s campaign for a response.

Read the complaint in full…

Ball Four

Whatever it takes to get on base…

On November 2, 1917, British Foreign Secretary Lord Arthur James Balfour wrote a letter to Lord Walter Rothschild. The contents of this letter became known as the Balfour Declaration:

His Majesty’s Government views with favor the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavors to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country.

But I really like this team… and the force they ride in on.

Like The Man Asked

What is Truth?


The WHO Technical Advisory Group on COVID-19 Vaccine Composition (TAG-CO-VAC) continues to meet regularly to assess the implications of SARS-CoV-2 evolution for COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition and advise WHO on whether changes are needed to the antigen composition of future COVID-19 vaccines.

In April 2023, the TAG-CO-VAC indicated that the advisory group would convene at least twice in 2023: once in May 2023 and again, approximately 6 months later. At each meeting, recommendations to either maintain current vaccine composition or to consider updates will be issued. This frequency of evidence review by the TAG-CO-VAC is based on the kinetics of vaccine-derived immunity and the need for continued monitoring of the evolution of SARS-CoV-2, and will be adjusted if and as necessary. The TAG-CO-VAC met on 11-12 May 2023 to review the genetic and antigenic evolution of SARS-CoV-2, the performance of currently approved vaccines against circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants and the implications for COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition.
As previously stated by the TAG-CO-VAC, the objective of an update to COVID-19 vaccine antigen composition is to enhance vaccine-induced immune responses to circulating SARS-CoV-2 variants. This statement and the recommendation for change is intended for all vaccine manufacturers and is intended to inform future formulations of COVID-19 vaccines.

The TAG-CO-VAC recognizes and reiterates that currently approved COVID-19 vaccines, including those based on the index virus, continue to provide substantial protection against severe disease and death, which is the primary objective for COVID-19 vaccination. Currently approved COVID-19 vaccines should continue to be used in accordance with the current WHO SAGE Roadmap, published in April 2023. Notwithstanding the protection against severe disease, protection against symptomatic disease is limited and less durable. New formulations of COVID-19 vaccines are needed to improve protection against symptomatic disease.

On the other hand, the MSU admin based attack on Michigan State University’s Professor Mark Skidmore’s credibility quietly slipped into RETREAT mode after a seven month investigation of his published results that made public the fact that hundreds of thousands of American deaths in 2021 were likely connected to the administered experimental treatment of the experimental corona mystery tour…

…“Our survey showed that there’s a good chance that 290,000 Americans (and maybe as many as 344,000) may have lost their lives due to taking the COVID vaccine and that’s in 2021 alone! That’s a lot of people and it’s a lot more than the US government claims. And for the record, this isn’t the only survey that found this. For example, the Rasmussen survey found a similar number of people were killed by the vaccine and the virus. So did other firms. So how come there isn’t an investigation to determine conclusively who is telling people the truth here? What’s wrong with you people? Instead of trying to censor the data, maybe it is high time we started talking about it so we can finally determine who is telling the truth and who is lying to you.”

For further reading:

graphene (about a third of the way down… under the Disclosure of Invention heading) can be magnetized and included in a soluble solution. Or a frozen slush; that wasn’t really made clear. Thats the record of the Senate Commerce Committee hearing 7/14/2011 allegedly being introduced to nanotechnology. NB the Chief and file it under ‘when they want something, they make dam sure they get it’. Like space aliens

I Got One Request

regarding this Isreali-Hamas war. Until Biden or Blinken or whoever get verifiable proof that the majority of the American people are supportive of Israel or Ukraine for that matter…


Blinken meets with Israeli official for second time in a week

U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken has renewed pledges of American support for Israel in its war against Hamas as he returned to the country for the second time in less than a week…

…the democratic stooges clearly state, in any pledges they make, the support is not from “America” but from the American government.

For, America is a much greater force than the democratic party controlled government who denies God and ignores our Constitution.

One More Example Of Science As Power’s Tool

For  years they deny scientific expert evidence that supports scientific based facts…

And twenty years later, they force their ‘scientific conclusions‘ on US that resulted in at least twelve thousand deaths across the nation and WHO knows how many life changing events related to covid vaccine according to  Vaers access to the CDC Wonder database.

Some random examples:

Patient received second dose of Pfizer vaccine on March 17, 2020 while at work. March 18, 2020 her 5 month old breastfed infant developed a rash and within 24 hours was inconsolable, refusing to eat, and developed a fever. Patient brought baby to local ER where assessments were performed, blood analysis revealed elevated liver enzymes. Infant was hospitalized but continued to decline and passed away. Diagnosis of TTP. No known allergies. No new exposures aside from the mother’s vaccination the previous day.

Heart Complications; dealing with some adverse symptoms; a rapid heartbeat out of proportion to age and level of exertion; fever; Went for their flu shot but instead got the Pfizer Covid vaccine; Went for their flu shot but instead got the Pfizer Covid vaccine; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable consumer (parent) and a Pfizer-sponsored program. A 5-year-old patient of an unspecified gender received BNT162B2 (COMIRNATY; Solution for injection; Lot number: Unknown), via an unspecified route of administration as DOSE 1, SINGLE on 04Oct2021 at afternoon time (at the age of 5-year-old) for COVID-19 immunisation at pharmacy. Patient’s medical History (including any illness at time of vaccination) included had patient tachycardia. There were no concomitant medications. No history of all previous immunization with the Pfizer vaccine considered as suspect. Caller was a 35-year-old male and wife (29 years old) with 2 children (4 years old male and 5 years old). Caller called because him, his wife, his 4-year-old, and his 5-year-old child all went to get the flu vaccine but were given doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine instead on 04Oct2021. Their two children were mistakenly given the COVID-19 vaccine instead of a flu shot a week ago at their local pharmacy and they are now dealing with some adverse symptoms. a rapid heartbeat out of proportion to age and level of exertion. The children have been taken to a paediatric cardiologist, and the family was told both are showing signs of heart issues, since last week, the family now says the patient had developed a fever. Seriousness criteria was assessed as hospitalization for Heart Complications. The caller and his wife had already received both doses last Apr2021 of the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine before. Both children, were given full adult doses of the Pfizer COVID-19 Vaccine. Caller declined to provide initials, date of birth, sex, height, weight, or ethnicity of the patient and HCP information. Caller states his wife was better at keeping up with that information than he was. Stated that he just wanted to provide information on the other child due to the other child’s symptoms. Caller stated that he has been trying to get the Lot number from the pharmacy. The patient underwent lab tests and procedures which included Heart rate increased as rapid heartbeat out of proportion to age and level of exertion. Caller denied any other medications, medical conditions, labs, testing, or treatments relevant to report for this child. The outcome of events was reported as unknown. The lot number for (BNT162B2), was not provided and will be requested during follow-up. Follow-up (12Oct2021, 14Oct2021,18Oct2021): New information received from a contactable consumer. This consumer (Father) reported for a 5-year-old male patient that: Clinical course updated. New event fever was added. Medical history updated (tachycardia). lab tests added.

developed a severe rash diagnosed as serum sickness; My 22 month old daughter, whom I am breastfeeding; This is a spontaneous report from a contactable healthcare professional (patient’s mother). This healthcare professional reported information for both mother and baby. This is the baby report. Only this case is serious. A 22-month-old female patient received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EW0186), transmammary on 01Oct2021 at 11:00 (at the age of 22-months-old) at dose 2, single for COVID-19 immunisation. The patient’s medical history was not reported. Concomitant medications were reported as none. The patient previously received BNT162B2 (PFIZER-BIONTECH COVID-19 VACCINE, lot number: EW0186), transmammary on 10Sep2021 at 11:00 at dose 1, single for COVID-19 immunisation. She was breastfed at that time. Facility where the most recent COVID-19 vaccine was administered was reported as school or student health clinic. The patient, who was breastfed, developed a severe rash on 12Oct2021 at 07:00 (also reported as 10 days after the second vaccine dose) diagnosed as serum sickness which was reported to be life-threatening. Serum sickness is an allergic reaction to a serum protein. She had not been sick or received any vaccines or medications during this time period. The event required emergency room/department or urgent care and doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit. She was treated with antihistamines, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory. The outcome of the event was recovering.; Sender’s Comments: Based on known drug safety profile, there is reasonable possibility of causal association between the event Serum sickness and BNT162B2. The impact of this report on the benefit/risk profile of the Pfizer product is evaluated as part of Pfizer procedures for safety evaluation, including the review and analysis of aggregate data for adverse events. Any safety concern identified as part of this review, as well as any appropriate action in response, will be ly notified to regulatory authorities, Ethics Committees, and Investigators, as appropriate. ,Linked Report(s) : US-PFIZER INC-202101383919 maternal case

“Seizure outbreak of 15 seizures within a week of the vaccine; This is a spontaneous report received from a contactable reporter(s) (Consumer or other non HCP). A 5 year-old female patient (not pregnant) received bnt162b2 (BNT162B2), administered in arm right, administration date 03Dec2021 16:30 (Lot number: Fk5127) at the age of 5 years as dose 1, single for covid-19 immunisation. Relevant medical history included: “”Epilepsy”” (unspecified if ongoing); “”Adhd”” (unspecified if ongoing). Concomitant medication(s) included: ONFI; INTUNIV; LACTOSE. The following information was reported: SEIZURE (medically significant, life threatening) with onset 05Dec2021 22:00, outcome “”not recovered””, described as “”Seizure outbreak of 15 seizures within a week of the vaccine””. The event “”seizure outbreak of 15 seizures within a week of the vaccine”” was evaluated at the physician office visit. Therapeutic measures were taken as a result of seizure. Additional information: Seizure was life-threatening and medically significant. It did not result to death, no hospitalization, not disabling/incapacitating, not congenital anomaly/birth defect. No other vaccine in four weeks. The patient was not diagnosed with COVID-19 prior to vaccination. Since the vaccination, the patient has not been tested for COVID-19. No known allergies. AE treatment: Increase in seizure medication and reduce meds. AE resulted in: Doctor or other healthcare professional office/clinic visit. Life threatening illness (immediate risk of death from the event). No follow-up attempts are possible. No further information is expected.”

What I find amazing about the covid yield is, despite the accompanying whiff of implication that made that story smell like what it smelled like when it was time to lower the level of the barrels in a four seater in the RVN back in the sixties, there was overwhelming cooperation from the populace.

Yet, unlike what that young lady of business said to me yesterday with a smile, “Well, time passes, you know”, as if Time is responsible for the degradation of this nation; as if Time shook the Third World and said ‘Wake up and invade the United States’ or ‘wake up Time, you have to energize the Progressive driven political/medical coalition to provide a new cash stream to support their controlling apparatus’; Time has nothing to do with chainge.

It was during the covid ploy that I learned how much more effective modern coercion had become; the passage of time has little to do with it. Gregg Alan? He was a player.

Pretty soon our way of life as we know it could be out of time. What then can the young folk blame or embrace? Having been successfully conditioned to accept an enslaved mind, they might feel like a celebration would be in order.

At least, I daresay, until the new Timekeeper is capable of and ready to function as designed.






Ten Reasons To Keep These Stories In Mind…

when they start selling their bullchit aid to Israel stories

Once Upon A Time In Links 2012 2013 2015 2015 2016
FEBRUARY 6, 2017, 8:00 AM
The news looked grim: On Jan. 12, the New York State Labor Department issued a statutory warning that the Clinton Global Initiative would be laying off 22 employees within the next three months. Media coverage, especially in right-wing outlets, greeted this routine bureaucratic announcement as proof that Bill Clinton had been forced to shut down his signature philanthropic project in the aftermath of Hillary Clinton’s electoral defeat because — as one website put it — “nobody pays bribes to people unable to deliver favors.”
Expanded commitment announced as part of Clinton Global Initiative Action Network 2021 2021 2022 Jan 2023  Feb 2023  Feb 2023
Women are disproportionately impacted by climate change and extreme heat.

Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton named Arsht-Rock Global Ambassador for Heat, Health, and Gender Rep. Virginia Foxx (R NC) rises to oppose using taxpayer funds to pay for State Department employees travel to Clinton Global Initiative events.

Doesn’t it sound like she too, could use some deprogramming??? magic magic maaagic

In other news,

President Biden interviewed over handling of classified files


A Notice

Got this in a morning email and while I take Mercola with about a tablespoon of salt, I was glad I continued on to the bioethics part of the story that introduced Parker Crutchfield.

Crutchfield is quite the model of the tyrannical controllers of the planned future; a future that has been, until recently in this Country, rooted deeply in darkness and is only now breaking into view.

What follows, in the order they appeared as the results of Crutchfield searches, is one ugly word picture pulling on its ten league boots.


…The scenario in which the government forces an immunity booster upon everyone is plausible. And the military has been forcing enhancements like vaccines or “uppers” upon soldiers for a long time. The scenario in which the government forces a morality booster upon everyone is far-fetched. But a strategy like this one could be a way out of this pandemic, a future outbreak or the suffering associated with climate change. That’s why we should be thinking of it now.

The who of

We are a nonprofit, independent news organization dedicated to unlocking the knowledge of experts for the public good. We publish trustworthy and informative articles written by academic experts for the general public and edited by our team of journalists.


Without the support of Founding Partners The Conversation would not have started. So it’s hats off to Binghamton University, State University of New York, Boston University, Michigan State University, Penn State, Rutgers University – Newark , Texas A&M University , The Ohio State University, Tufts University , UMass Amherst, University of Florida, University of Michigan, University of South Florida, and Vanderbilt University who saw the value of helping us develop a new independent information channel that would also showcase the talent and knowledge of the university and research sector.

Don’t skip over the strategic partners and donors. You’ll miss the major point.


Our mission is “to promote truthful information and strengthen journalism by unlocking the rich diversity of academic research for audiences across America.”

…Our articles are free to read and free to republish on a Creative Commons license – anybody can republish our articles and we actively promote their republication. We publish ~8 articles per day and through publication and republication have 6-7 million reads per month.

We are regularly republished in large national outlets such as The Washington Post, Time, Newsweek, CNN, Scientific American and many more. Through our partnerships with The Associated Press and Community Newspaper Holdings, Inc. our articles are picked up in local newspapers – providing analysis in communities that would not otherwise been able to hear from these academics. By writing, academics can reach audiences in publications locally, nationally and internationally.

Sounds like a model of coercion to me. I wrote about that at Our world was changed when war was declared on covid. They might have since declared a semi-ceasefire but there was no clearly stated announcement. With every war comes change, that’s what war is for; and those changes never change. You ever notice that? More importantly, are you good with that?

The how

We will:
Inform public debate with knowledge-based journalism that is responsible, ethical and supported by evidence.
Unlock the knowledge of researchers and academics to provide the public with clarity and insight into society’s biggest problems.
Provide a platform where experts around the world can share knowledge, discuss problems and identify sustainable solutions.
And much, much more

From This man seemingly has no basis in ethics or morality. To suggest that the public should be held responsible for the pandemic and be made to take psychoactive medication to curb their “disobedience” is extremely disturbing.

A petition for Crutchfields removal from the Board of Bio Ethics is included. Don’t roll your eyes; you’re not halfway done, yet.
The publications are interesting


Following graduate school, he was assistant professor of ethics and the inaugural director of research at the Missouri School of Dentistry and Oral Health at A.T. Still University, a school which he helped found.
Deception/magic appears to be in his realm of interest in his own words…
Whatever pathology is responsible for delusion formation, restoring it to its proper function resolves the epistemic condition, an effect which motivates proper functionalism.

And who would determine the proper functionalism? Him or WHO?

…designed to enable qualified dentists educated outside the United States to earn a Doctor of Dental Medicine (D.M.D.) degree following successful completion of a five-semester-long (28.5 months) didactic and clinical program.


Prior research suggests a reliable method of discovering adverse events of dentistry, but its methods are not suited for dentistry typically performed in community health centers. The present study sought to test a method of triggering and discovering the adverse events from which patients at community health centers suffer.

Sounded to me too much like “for the good of Mankind” so I searched their website for ‘triggering adverse events’ annd…

How about that? Not one mention of root canal. page 20

Another sign of the movement’s momentum is TCE’s ten-year Building Healthy Communities strategic direction to support the development of communities where kids and youth are healthy, safe, and ready to learn. National philanthropies—Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Rockefeller Foundation—recently announced awards or plans for city-based investments that are testimony to the leverage point that cities offer for improved population health…

Consider that just one more introduction to the rule makers and life takers making their play for global conquest on behalf of their Prince of Darkness.
This website is archived for historical purposes and is no longer being maintained or updated.

I guess it served it’s purpose which was laid out in the next link…

The index page has a couple of lists of cities you have to scroll down to see; if you want to know where some portion of your tax money is going, copy any of the organizations listed, paste migrant support at the end after you paste it into your favorite search engine.

For example:

San Francisco Department of Public Health migrant support…

…and it should soon dawn on you that bringing order to our borders is not going to happen. In fact, what is designed to happen is the change into the North American Union so many of our politicians have facilitated by signing treaties with the UN, WHO, IMF.
Look at this you honestly think, with all the Rockephiles populating the foundations who obviously wrested control of our Country from the government, do you really believe our Republic exists as an entity? It has been referred to as a Democracy since Wilson; today, even the Republicans refuse to reference the Republic as a Republic.

This isn’t an obituary I’m writing. It’s a notice. When the politicians declared war on covid, it was the People they were targeting. It’s a notice to wake up and start questioning everything they say and everything they do. One thing is for sure, they are not our friends and they sure as hell do not work for US.